MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY VOLUME 7 a JANUARY 1987 a NUMBER 1 Aaron J. Shatkin, Editor in Chief(1990) Paul S. Sypherd, Editor (1990) N.J. Center for Advanced University of California Biotechnology and Medicine Irvine Piscataway, N.J. Louis Siminovitch, Editor (1990) Mount Sinai Hospital Robert Tjian, Editor (1991) Harvey F. Lodish, Editor (1991) Toronto, Canada University of California Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Berkeley Research Joan A. Steitz, Editor (1990) Cambridge, Mass. Yale University Harold E. Varmus, Editor (1989) New Haven, Conn. University of California David J. L. Luck, Editor (1987) San Francisco Rockefeller University New York, N.Y. EDITORIAL BOARD Frederick W. Alt (1987) Jack F. Greenblatt (1988) Steven McKnight (1989) Matthew P. Scott (1989) Arnold J. Berk (1988) Leonard P. Guarente (1988) Janet E. Mertz (1987) Fred Sherman (1988) Alan Bernstein (1987) Christine Guthrie (1989) Robert L. Metzenberg (1988) Arthur Skoultchi (1988) Barbara K. Birshtein (1987) James E. Haber (1987) Robert K. Mortimer (1988) Barbara Sollner-Webb (1989) J. Michael Bishop (1987) Hidesaburo Hanafusa (1989) Paul Neiman (1989) Frank Solomon (1988) Michael R. Botchan (1987) Ari Helenius (1987) Joseph R. Nevins (1987) Karen Sprague (1989) David Botstein (1987) Ira Herskowitz (1987) Carol Newlon (1988) Pamela Stanley (1988) Bruce P. Brandhorst (1987) James B. flicks (1989) Brad Ozanne (1989) Nat Sternberg (1989) James R. Broach (1988) Alan Hinnebusch (1988) Harvey L. Ozer (1988) Bruce Stillman (1988) Joan Brugge (1988) Michael J. Holland (1987) Mary Lou Pardue (1988) Kevin Struhl (1989) Mario R. Capecchi (1987) Greg Hollis (1987) Carl S. Parker (1987) Bill Sugden (1988) John A. Carbon (1987) Anita K. Hopper (1988) Ira H. Pastan (1988) Lawrence H. Thompson (1988) Marian Carlson (1989) Peter M. Howley (1988) David Patterson (1988) Shirley M. Tilghman (1987) Lawrence A. Chasin (1988) Tony Hunter (1989) Gianni Piperno (1988) Geoffrey Wahl (1989) Nam-Hai Chua (1988) Larry Kedes (1988) John R. Pringle (1988) Jonathan R. Warner (1987) Don W. Cleveland (1987) Robert S. Kerbel (1988) Jean-Paul Revel (1988) Alan M. Weiner (1987) Christopher Coleclough 1987) Daniel Klessig (1989) Daniel B. Rifkin (1988) Harold Weintraub (1988) Terrance G. Cooper (1987) Barbara Knowles (1989) G. S. Roeder (1988) Reed B. Wickner (1988) Elizabeth A. Craig (1988) Marilyn Kozak (1988) Robert G. Roeder (1988) Fred Winston (1988) James E. Dahlberg (1987) Monty Krieger (1989) Naomi E. Rosenberg (1988) Owen Witte (1988) James E. Darnell, Jr. (1988) Susan Lindquist (1987) Norman P. Salzman (1988) Elton T. Young (1987) G. N. Godson (1987) Stuart M. Linn (1989) Paul Schedl (1987) Michael Young (1988) Steve Goff (1989) Paul T. Magee (1988) Randy W. Schekman (1988) Edward Ziff (1988) Michael Green (1988) James Manley (1989) Milton J. Schlesinger (1989) Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman, Publications Board Kirk Jensen, Director of Publications Linda M. Ihig, Managing Editor, Journals Linda M. Illig, Production Editor Molecular and Cellular Biology (ISSN 0270-7306) is devoted to the advancement and dissemination offundamental knowledge concerning the molecular biology of eucaryotic cells, of both microbial and higher organisms. Instructions to authors are published in the January issue each year; reprints are available from the editors and the Publications Department. The journal is published monthly, one volume per year. The nonmember subscription price is $280 per year; single copies are $25. The member subscription price is $43 (foreign $57 [surface rate]) per year; single copies are $8. 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Copyright C 1987, American Society for Microbiology. i*: -.iaIj L ; I'IJI.41: All Rights Reserved. The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the arti- cle may be made for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center Inc., 21 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970, for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. Author Index Akusjarvi, Goran, 549 Friesen, James D., 225 Lin, Fwu-Lai M., 129 Schaber, Michael D., 121 Ariga, Hiroyoshi, 1 Fujimura, Tsutomu, 420 Schildkraut, C. L., 450 Arrigo, Salvatore, 388 Fukushige, Shin-ichi, 237 Macrae, Madhu, 564 Schnitzler, Paul, 231 Austerberry, Charles F., 435 Manley, James L., 495 Segawa, Kaoru, 556 Gaudet, Arlene, 68 Mann, Sandra K. O., 458 Sehgal, Pravinkumar B., 273 Bailis, Adam M., 167 Gillman, Edwin C., 177 Marshall, Christopher J., 541 Semba, Kentaro, 41, 237 Balaton, Anne M., 266 Gilmour, David S., 141 Martin, G. Steven, 371 Sen, Ganes C., 528 Baldwin, Albert S., Jr., 305 Gimble, Jeffrey M., 15 Martin, Nancy C., 177, 185 Shabat-Brand, Tamar, 470 Bannert, Helmut, 231 Glazer, Peter M., 218 Mathews, Christopher K., 532 Sharp, Phillip A., 305 Beach, D., 504 Goldwasser, Eugene, 365 Matsubara, Ken-ichi, 237 Shiga, Masanobu, 33 Beemon, Karen, 388 Greer, Chris L., 76 Matsumoto, Kunihiro, 244 Shin, Deug-Yong, 244 Beru, Nega, 365 Gurley, William B., 59 Maurer, Bernd, 231 Silverstein, Saul, 111 Bogenhagen, Daniel F., 486 Max, Edward E., 15 Soll, Dieter, 76 Bourdon, Mario A., 33 Habener, Joel F., 560 May, Lester T., 273 Sperle, Karen M., 129 Bram, Richard J., 403 Hall, Alan, 541 McCartan, Kathleen, 97 Stacey, Dennis W., 523 Brown, E. H., 450 Hanahan, Douglas, 192 McConkey, Glenn A., 486 Steensma, H. Yde, 410 $3royles, Steven S., 7 Harrington, Christina A., 314 McCormick, Frank, 541 Stein, M., 504 Bruce, Wesley B., 59 Hatton, K. S., 450 McDonald, Jeffrey, 365 Steinlauf, Rivka, 470 Bruenn, Jeremy, 470 Helland, Dag E., 26 McFadden, Grant, 535 Steitz, Joan A., 281 Buick, Ronald N., 251 Henner, William D., 26 Meisler, M. H., 326 Stemberg, Nat L., 129 Henry, Susan A., 167 Miller, Bruce L., 427 Struhl, Kevin, 104 Calos, Michele P., 379 Hill, David E., 104 Miller, Jeffrey H., 379 Stuart, S., 450 Carman, George M., 167 Hindley, J., 504 Miller, Karen Y., 427 Sukegawa, Jun, 41, 237 Chabot, Benoit, 281 Hopper, Anita K., 177, 185 Miller, Susan M., 199, 209 Summers, William C., 218 Chang, Wen, 535 Hsia, Han Chao, 379 Milley, Robert J., 541 Svensson, Catharina, 549 Chick, William L., 560 Hu, Shiu-Lok, 535 Miyajima, Nobuyuki, 41, 237 Chikaraishi, Dona M., 314 Hunter, Tony, 85 Monczak, Yury, 512 Tamm, Igor, 273 Childs, Geoffrey J., 478 Hutchison, Clyde A., III, 258 Moss, Bernard, 7 Tang, Peter, 379 Chisholm, George E., 218 Timberlake, William E., 427 Clark, Robert, 177 Iguchi-Ariga, Sanae M. M., 1 Najarian, Diana, 177, 185 Toney, Jeffrey H., 26 Cleveland, Don W., 552 lida, Hidetoshi, 244 Nemer, Martin, 48 Toyoshima, Kumao, 41, 237 Coffino, Philip, 564 Innis, Michael, 541 Nienhuis, Arthur W., 398 Trahey, Meg, 541 Cole, Georgette E., 541 Iqbal, M. A., 450 Nishizawa, Makoto, 41 Treinin, Millet, 545 Company, Mahshid, 258 Ishikawa, Tatsuo, 244 Nygard, Odd, 549 Trent, Jeffrey M., 251 Cook, Wendy D., 266 Itani, Teru, 1 Okamura, Shoji, 552 Ullman, Buddy, 97 Cortelyou, M. W., 209 Uno, Isao, 244 Cramer, Jane Harris, 121 Jolicoeur, Paul, 512 Osborn, L., 326 Crowley, Joan C., 410 Upton, Chris, 535 Cunningham, Richard P., 26 Kaback, David B., 410 Parent, Annette, 111 Valinsky, J., 450 Curran, Tom, 523 Keller, S. A., 326 Paterson, Hugh, 541 Van der Ploeg, Lex H. T., 357 Kelly, Rosemarie, 199 Patrick, Joseph, 97 Vilcek, Jan, 273 Darai, Gholamreza, 231 Kirsch, Donald R., 199, 209 Pauza, C. David, 342 Villemur, Richard, 512 Datta, Sumana, 149 Knowles, James A., 478 Peery, Tsafrira, 470 DeClue, Jeffrey E., 371 Kohase, Masayoshi, 273 Phear, G., 504 Watson, Thomas, 523 Dihanich, Melitta E., 177, 185 Koltin, Yigal, 470 Philippe, Jacques, 560 Waye, John S., 349 Doetsch, Paul W., 26 Kornberg, Roger D., 403 Pilgrim, David, 294 Whitfield, James F., 444 Drucker, Daniel J., 560 Kozak, Christine, 512 Plagemann, Peter G. W., 160 Wickner, Reed B., 420 DuBridge, Robert B., 379 Kramer, Richard A., 121 Pollak, Michael N., 251 Wilkinson, David G., 48 Durkin, Jon P., 444 Kung, Hsiang-fu, 523 Poole, Margaret A., 167 Willard, Huntington F., 349 Kurtz, Myra B., 199, 209 Pratt, Lisa F., 552 Willis, Ian, 76 Efrat, Shimon, 192 Kusari, Jyotirmoy, 528 Purchio, A. F., 535 Woffendin, Clive, 160 Efstratiadis, Argiris, 111 Woodgett, James R., 85 Elgin, Sarah C. R., 141 Lai, M., 209 Rassart, Eric, 512 England, Sarah B., 349 Lai, Zhi-Chun, 478 Rethwilm, Axel, 231 Yamaguchi, Nobuo, 556 Errede, Beverly, 258 Lamb, Christopher J., 335 Roberti, Kellee A., 427 Yamamoto, Tadashi, 41, 237 Laub, Orgad, 545 Rosenberg, M. P., 326 Yamanashi, Yuji, 41, 237 Filmus, Jorge, 251 Lawton, Michael A., 335 Ruoslahti, Erkki, 33 Yao, Meng-Chao, 435 Firtel, Richard A., 149, 458 Lea, Kristi, 121 Rutherford, Tim, 398 Young, Elton T., 294 Fitzgerald-Hayes, Molly, 68 Lee, Mary Gwo-Shu, 357 Ryner, Lisa C., 495 Yun, Mary, 388 Flugel, Rolf M., 231 Leeds, Janet M., 532 Fouser, Lynette A., 225 Leong, Phaik-Mooi, 379 Sarkar, Saumyen N., 218 Zeitlin, Scott, 111 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY, Jan.
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