Law School I !University of Minnesota Bulletin :1985-87 Law School General Information 7 Juris Doctor Program 23 Administration and Faculty 33 CampusMaps 41 Index 45 Introduction Policies formation outside the University while in attendance at the University, students Bulletin Use-The contents ofthis bul­ must notify the records office on their letin and other University bulletins, pub­ campus. lications, or announcements are subject to Students are notified annually oftheir change without notice. University offices right to review their educational records. can provide current information about The regents' policy, including a directory possible changes. ofstudent records, is available for review Equal Opportunity-The University of at the Williamson Hall Information Cen­ Minnesota is committed to the policy that ter, Minneapolis, and at records offices on all persons shall have equal access to its other campuses ofthe University. Ques­ programs, facilities, and employment tions may be directed to the Office ofthe without regard to race, religion, color, sex, Coordinator ofStudent Support Services, national origin, handicap, age, or veteran 260e Williamson Hall (612/373-2106). status. In adhering to this policy, the Uni­ versity abides by the requirements ofTi­ Postal Statement tle IX ofthe Education Amendments of Volume LXXXVIII, Number 18 1972; by Sections 503 and 504 ofthe Reha­ September 27,1985 bilitation Act of1973; by Executive Order 11246, as amended: 38 U.S.C. 2012; by the University ofMinnesota Bulletin Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment As­ (USPS 651-720) sistance Act of 1972, as amended; and by Published by the University ofMinnesota, other applicable statutes and regulations Student Support Services, Publications relating to equality ofopportunity. Center, 150 Williamson Hall, 231 Pills­ Inquiries regarding compliance may bury Drive S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455, be addressed to Patricia A. Mullen, Direc­ once inJanuary, March, and April; twice tor, Office ofEqual Opportunity and in May and July; three times inJune and Affirmative Action, 419 Morrill Hall, September; and five times in August. Sec­ University ofMinnesota, 100 Church ond-class postage paid at Minneapolis, Street S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455 Minnesota. POSTMASTER: Send address (612/373-7969); to the Director ofthe Of­ changes to University ofMinnesota Bul­ fice ofCivil Rights, Department ofEduca­ letin, Student Support Services, 110 tion, Washington, DC 20202; or to the Williamson Hall, 231 Pillsbury Drive Director ofthe Office ofFederal Contract S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455. Compliance Programs, Department of Labor, Washington, DC 20210. Access to Student Educational Records-In accordance with regents' policy on access to student records, infor­ mation about a student generally may not be released to a third party without the student's permission. The policy also per­ mits students to review their educational records and to challenge the contents of those records. Some student information-name, ad­ dress, telephone number, dates ofenroll­ ment and enrollment termination, college and class, major, adviser, academic awards and honors received, and degrees earned-is considered public or directory information. To prevent release ofsuch in- 2 Introduction Message from the Dean The University ofMinnesota Law School is entering an exciting new phase as it ap­ proaches its centennial year in 1988. Long regarded as one ofthe most outstanding law schools in the nation, Minnesota is ea­ gerly anticipating the period ahead. There are several reasons for our enthusiasm about the future. Our new law building has become the standard ofexcellence by which all other new law buildings are measured. We are proud ofthe beauty ofour building, but we are even more pleased with the curricular and pedagogical advances it makes possi­ ble. Our great Law Library collection is a major national resource. The library en­ hances the study oflaw at Minnesota not only by the size but also by the richness and variety ofthe collection. We are pio­ after graduation. Our graduates have en­ neers in the use ofcomputers as instruc­ joyed a successful placement experience tional aids and have a computer nationally and locally. laboratory available to both students and Minnesota offers a dynamic, high­ faculty. quality legal education well suited for the Ofcourse, the basic strength ofthe lawyer oftomorrow. We appreciate your Law School is the faculty. The majority of interest, invite your questions, and en­ our faculty members are entering their courage you to visit our Law School. most productive years ofscholarship and teaching. In addition, our international program with law schools in France, Swe­ den, and China offers our students the op­ portunity for further study with internationally renowned scholars over­ seas and at the Law School. Another cause for excitement about the future is the continuing high quality Robert A. Stein ofour students and the varied cultures Dean and backgrounds they represent. Students have the opportunity for intellectual stim­ ulation and growth in a demanding but supportive environment. Our Law School has diverse opportunities for participation in clinical programs, moot court competi­ tions, law journal writing, international exchange programs, and computer tech­ nology. Small study groups, law school governance, interaction with faculty, ath­ letic programs, and social activities foster friendships that will remain strong long 3 Introduction Law School Calendar (Dates subject to change) 1985-86 Fall Semester Monday, August 19 3rd-Year Registration Tuesday, August 20 2nd-Yearffransfer Registration Wednesday, August 21 1st-Year Registration Thursday-Friday, August 22-23 1st-Year Orientation Monday, August 26 First Day ofClasses Monday, September 2 Labor Day Holiday Thursday-Friday, November 28-29 Thanksgiving Holidays Friday, December 6 Last Day ofClasses Saturday-Monday, December 7-9 Reading Period Tuesday, December 10 Final Exam Period Begins Friday, December 20 Final Exam Period Ends Spring Semester Monday, January 6 First Day ofClasses Monday, January 20 Martin Luther King Holiday Monday-Friday, March 24·28 Spring Break Friday, April 25 Last Day ofClasses Saturday-Monday, April 26-28 Reading Period Tuesday, April 29 Final Exam Period Begins Saturday, May 10 Final Exam Period Ends Law School Commencement Summer School Tuesday, June 3-Thursday, July 31 Summer School (for 2nd- and 3rd-year students) 1986-87 Fall Semester Monday, August 18 3rd-Year Registration Tuesday, August 19 2nd-Yearffransfer Registration Wednesday, August 20 1st-Year Registration Thursday-Friday, August 21-22 1st-Year Orientation Monday, August 25 First Day ofClasses Monday, September 1 Labor Day Holiday Thursday-Friday, November 27-28 Thanksgiving Holidays Friday, December 5 Last Day ofClasses Saturday-Monday, December 6-8 Reading Period Tuesday, December 9 Final Exam Period Begins Friday, December 19 Final Exam Period Ends Spring Semester Monday, January 5 First Day ofClasses Monday, January 19 Martin Luther King Holiday Monday-Friday, March 23-27 Spring Break Friday, April 24 Last Day ofClasses Saturday-Monday, April 25-27 Reading Period Tuesday, April 28 Final Exam Period Begins Saturday, May 9 Final Exam Period Ends Saturday, May 9 Law School Commencement Summer School Tuesday, June 2-Thursday, July 30 Summer School (for 2nd- and 3rd-year students) 4 Introduction Entering Class, Fall 1985 Murray State University 1 North Dakota State University 1 Graduates ofMinnesota Institutions Northern Illinois University 2 Augsburg College 3 Northern State College 1 Bemidji State University 2 Northwest Missouri State University 1 Bethel College 1 Northwestern University 6 Carleton College 12 Oberlin College 1 College ofSt. Benedict 3 Purdue University 1 College ofSt. Catherine 1 Rockhurst College 1 College ofSt. Thomas 4 Sam Houston State University 1 Concordia College, Moorhead 7 Smith College 1 Gustavus Adolphus College 4 South Dakota State University 2 Hamline University 1 Stanford University 2 Macalester College 3 Temple University 1 Mankato State University 4 Trinity College 1 Metropolitan State University 1 University of Arizona 1 Moorhead State University 2 University ofCalifornia, Berkeley 1 St. Cloud State University 2 University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles 1 St. John's University 7 University ofCalifornia, San Diego 1 St. Mary's College 3 University ofCalifornia, Santa St. OlafCollege 6 Barbara 1 University of Minnesota, Duluth 3 University ofChicago 2 University ofMinnesota, Morris 2 University of Detroit 1 University ofMinnesota, Twin Cities 57 University ofIowa 2 Winona State University 1 University ofKansas 1 University ofMaryland College Park 1 129 University ofMichigan, Ann Arbor 1 University ofMichigan, Dearborn 1 Graduates ofInstitutions in Other States University of Miami 1 Amherst College 2 University ofMissouri, Columbia 1 Arizona State University 3 University ofMissouri, Kansas City 1 Beloit College 1 University ofNebraska, Lincoln 1 Brigham Young University 2 University of North Dakota 3 California State University at Los University of Notre Dame 3 Angeles I University ofOklahoma 1 Cedarville College 1 University ofPennsylvania 1 Colorado College 2 University ofSouth Dakota 2 Cornell University 4 University ofTexas, Austin 1 Creighton University 2 University ofTexas, El Paso 1 Dartmouth College 1 University ofWashington 1 Drake University 3 University ofWisconsin, Eau Claire 3 Duke University 1 University ofWisconsin, Madison 8 Georgetown University 1 University
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