Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49824-1 — Terrorism and Literature Edited by Peter C. Herman Index More Information Index 11’ 9’’ 01 September 11 (2002), 295 Alexander, William, Earl of Stirring, 24 (2001–2010, 2014), 4 The Monarchicke Tragedies (1607), 189 9/11, 53, 90, 170, 172, 294, 343, 344, 345, Alexander, Yonah and Dean Alexander, 446 346, 347, 349, 353, 363, 364, 365, 367, Algeria, 161 368, 369, 384, 395, 396, 413, 417, 428, 438, and terrorism, 162 450, 456, 457, 465, 469, 471, 476, 486, Civil War (1991-2003), 166 500, 505 French conquest, 161 and fiction, 340–356 war of independence, 162, 172, 263, 273 and theory, 362 Ali, Wajahat, The Domestic Crusaders 9/11 Commission Report (2004), 351 (2004), 454 Allen, Grant A Time of Favor, dir. Joseph Cedar (2000), “The Dynamiter’s Sweetheart” (1894), 213, 327 223–225 A v. Secretary of State for the Home For Maimie’s Sake: Department, 436 A Tale of Love and Dynamite (1885), 213 Abraham, 506–507, Allende, President Salvador, 291 511, 512 al-Mufti, Shirwan, 440 Abu Ghraib, 402, 482, 509 al-Omari, Abdulaziz, 351 Abu Ghraib prison, 296 Al-Qaeda, 94, 110, 111, 112, 167, 169–170, 172, 397, Abu-Assad, Hany, 4 412, 413, 417, 446, 508, 509 Act of Union (1801), 131 and Hindutva, 114 Adams, Lorraine Al-Qaeda in the Maghrib (AQIM), 166 Harbor (2004), 380 al-Sadat, President, 167 The Room and the Chair (2010), 507 al-Tall, Prime Minister Wasfi, 163 Advani, L. K., 110, 111 Altgeld, Governor John Peter, 98 Afghani jihad, 164 al-Zarqawi, Abu Musa’b, 167 Afghanistan, 111, 113, 124, 160, 165, 167, 369, 408, al-Zawahiri, Ayman, 167 412, 413, 414, 428 Amboise Conspiracy, 43 Soviet invasion of, 110 American Civil War, 71, 72 Ahmed Omar Sayeed Sheikh, 125 Amis, Martin, 346, 432 Ahrar al-Sham, 169 “The Last Days of Muhammad Atta” (2006), Akhtar, Ayad, Disgraced (2013), 455 351–354 al-Askari Mosque, bombing, 168 views on Islam, 352 al-Baghdadi, Abu Bakr, 170 Amu (2005), 123 al-Banna, Hasan, 161 ANA (Afghan National Army), 418 Alberti, Giovanni Francesco, Oloferne (1594)., 190 Anarchism, and Irish Republicanism, 82–83 Alcobia-Murphy, Shane, 307 Ancient Constitution, 47 Alexander II, 38, 230, 231, 232, 233, 235, 238, 246, Andrews, Bob Marshall, 441 252, 263 ANP (Afghan National Police), 418 Alexander III, 241, 246 Antonioni, Michelangelo, L’Avventura Alexander, Alexander, 311 (1960), 405 515 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49824-1 — Terrorism and Literature Edited by Peter C. Herman Index More Information 516 Index Apocrypha, 27 Bigley, Kenneth, 168 Appadurai, Arjun, 446, 469 Billard, Claude, La Mort d’Henry le Grand Appelbaum, Robert, 2, 509 (1611), 187 Appelbaum, Robert and Alexis Paknadel, Billington, Michael, 438 377, 378 Birth of a Nation, 102 Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 448 Black Friday, dir. Anurag Kashyap (2004), 296 Arafat, Yasser, 324 Black September, 163, 324 Araujo, Susana, 459 Black Sunday, dir. John Frankenheimer Arbuckle, Constable Victor, 136 (1977), 289 Armstrong, Isobel, 307 Blaine, James G., 80 Arnold, Matthew, 362 Blair, Prime Minister Tony, 366 Ashes and Diamonds, dir. Andrzej Wajda (1958), 285 and Norton-Taylor, Called to Account (2007), Ashurbanipal, 24 438–442 Aslam, Nadeem, 457 Blake, William, 451 The Blind Man’s Garden (2013), 507 Blanchot, Maurice, 271, 311 The Wasted Vigil (2008), 462, 465 Blessington, Francis, 388 Assam Accord, 123 Boccaccio, 38, 192 Assyria, 23 Boer War, 226 Atta, Mohamed, 351 Boko Haram, 446 Attridge, Derek, 313 Bombay, dir. Mani Ratnam Augustus Caesar, 178 (1995), 292 Auster, Paul, Leviathan (1992), 379 Bombay, terrorist attack (1992), 125 Avanguardia Operaia, 150 Book of Jonah, 25 `Azzam, `Abdallah, 165 Book of Psalms, 28 Borges, Jorge Luis, 500 Babbar Khalsa Bose, Shonali, 123 and terrorism, 123 Boston Tea Party, 49 Baeder-Meinhof Gang, 172 Botero, Giovanni, 47 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 233 Bothmer, Mary, Aut Caesar Aut Nihil (1883), 254 Bakunin, Mikhail, 233, 253, 255 Bourke, Richard, 132 Bandello, Matteo, 43 Bouscal, Guyon Guérin de, La mort de Brute et de Bangladesh, 121 Porcie (1637), 181 Banita, Georgiana, 5 Bouyali, Mustafa, 171 Baraka, Amiri, 450 Boxall, Peter, 397, 401 “Somebody Blew Up America,” 472–473 Brant, George, Grounded (2013), 453 Barthes, Roland, 361 British Mandate, Palestine, 161 Bataclan Theater, 395, 408 Brittain, Victoria and Gillian Slovo, Guantanamo Battle of Algiers (1957), 162 Honour Bound to Defend Freedom (2004), Battle of Algiers, dir. Gillo Pontecorvo (1966), 4, 435–438 283–298, 323 Bromwich, Bryan, 199 Battle of Ridgeway (1866), 91, 92 Brouilette, Sarah, 448 Battleship Potemkin, dir. Sergei Eistenstein Brown, George, 94 (1925), 284 Brown, Terence, 310 Baudrillard, Jean, 223, 322, 367–370 Brown, Thomas N., 84 The Gulf War did not Take Place (1991), 367 Brutu, Marcus, 50 Bayley, John, 487 Brutus, Marcus, 36, 37, 178 Bell, Lenore, 348 Buchanan, George, 47 Belyard, Simon, Le Guysien (1592), 191 Buonavita, Alfredo, 156 Benjamin, Walter, 193, 364 Burbery, Timothy, 487 Berg, Nicholas, 168 Bürger, Gottfried, “Lenore” (trans. 1796), 197 Bethlehem, dir. Yuval Adler (2013), 332 Burke, Edmund, 208, 432 Betrayed, dir. Constantin Costas-Gavras Burke, Ricard O’Sullivan, 71 (1988), 328 Bush, President George W., 344, 399, 401, 456, Beyond the Walls, dir. Uri Babash (1984), 326 471, 508 Bhindranwale, Sant Jarnail Singh, 121 Butler, Judith, 458, 464 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49824-1 — Terrorism and Literature Edited by Peter C. Herman Index More Information Index 517 Cameron, John H., 92 Coco, Francesco, 154 Camus, Albert Coetzee, J. M., Diary of a Bad Year (2007), Les Justes (1949), 264–279 458–459 L’Homme révolté (The Rebel, 1951), 267 Coignard, Gabrielle De, Imitation de la victoire de “Mystified Socialism” (1946), 272 Judith (1595), 190 and “Noon Thought,” 271 Coke, Sir Edward, 2 and Stalinism, 272 Cold War “Sur l’avenir de la tragédie,” 266 and India, 112 Canada Cole, Sarah, 213 Fenian Raids, 90, 92–97 Cole, Teju, Open City (2011), 457 War Measures Act (1970), 289 Coligny, Admiral Gaspard de, 44 Capet, Simon Collateral Damage, dir. Andrew Davis (2002), and controversial production of Handel’s 295 Samson, 492–495 Collettivo Politico Metropolitano, 150 Card, Andrew, 399 Colley, Linda, 197 Cardinal Richelieu, 178, 181 Communist Party (India), 118 Carey, John, 486–488, 491, 492, 494 Communist Party (Italy), 150 Carlyle, Thomas, 199 Concino, Concini the Marquis d’Ancre, 44 Carr, Matthew, 6, 488 Conrad, Joseph, 3 Carson, Ciaran, 306, 309, 310 Heart of Darkness (1899), 351 “The Irish for No,” 310 “The Informer” (1906), 222 The Irish for No (1987), 309 The Secret Agent (1907), 91, 213, 221–223, and Keats, 311 381, 382 on Heaney’s North, 305 Cook, David, 509 Casanova, Giacomo, 49 Corcoran, Neil, 308 Cast a Giant Shadow, dir. Melville Shavelson Corneille, Pierre (1966), 323 Cinna (1642), 178–181 Castner, Brian, 413 La mort de Pompé (1643), 182 Catesby, Robert, 41 Coulson, Kerhnahan Chaliand, Gérard and Arnaud Bin, 6 Captain Shannon (1897), 218–219 Chaliand, Gérard and Arnauld Bin, 510 Coustos, John, 199 Chapman, George, The Revenge of Bussy d’Ambois Cowen, Tyler, 91 (1611), 188 Crawford, Joseph, 5, 510 Charlemagne, 37 Crenshaw, Martha, 6 Charles IX, 190 Critical Studies on Terrorism, 5 Charles the Good, 37 Critical Terrorism Studies, 3 Charles, Cardinal of Lorraine, 43 Cronin, Patrick Henry, 84 Chaulmer, Charles, La mort de Pompee (1638), 181 Crownshaw, Richard, 450 Che Guevara, 151 Culler, Jonathan, 470, 482 Chénier, Marie-Joseph, 196 Chernyshevsky, Nikolai, 234 Dadaism, 399 What is to Be Done? (1863), 234 Dalvi, Pradeep, 119 Chicago Tribune, 98 d’Amboise, Adrien, Holoferne. Tragedie sacrée Chomsky, Noam, 291 extraite de l’histoire de Judith (1580), 191 Chow, Rey, 395 Damien, Robert-François, 49 CIA, 2, 166 Danner, Mark, 401, 407 Clan na Gael, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76 Danton, Georges, 59 cartoons of, 82 d’Aubigné, Agrippa, Les Tragiques (1616), 187 Clan Na Gael, David, 186 Clark, Tom, 438 Davitt, Michael, 73, 222 Clément, Jacques, 47 Däwes, Birgit, 5, 341, 354 Clerkenwell Jail, 71, 75 de Carolis, Massimo, 153 Cleveland, President Grover, 80 de Chantelouve, François, La Tragedie du feu Clutterbuck, Lindsay, 70, 71 Gaspar de Coligny (1575), 192 Clymer, Jeffory, 5 de la Vigerie, Emmanuel d’Astier, 272 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49824-1 — Terrorism and Literature Edited by Peter C. Herman Index More Information 518 Index Deane, Seamus, 305 Dutt, B. K., 117 Introduction to The Field Day Anthology of Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict, 5 Irish Literature (1991), 307 dynamite, 72, 74, 76 on Friel, Freedom of the City (1973), 307 Dynamite novels, 213 Defenestration, 38 Dynamite Saturday, 78, 80 Defoe, Daniel, Political History of the Devil Dynamite War, Fenian, 74–80 (1726), 199 DeLillo, Don Eagleton, Terry, 362, 433 Falling Man (2007), 340, 346–351, 381, 397, East Belfast Peace Corps, 138 462, 465 East India Company, 114 “In the Ruins of the Future” (2001), 346, 395, Egan, Jennifer, 459 400, 457 Egan, Patrick, 74 Libra (1988), 396 Egypt Mao II (1991), 396 and Great Britain, 161 Players (1977), 396 and Palestinians, 162 Point Omega (2010), 397–408 Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ), 167 Running Dog (1978), 397 Ehud, 2, 45, 46, 50 and terrorism, 395 Elden, Stuart, 413 Underworld (1997), 401 Eliot, George, 432 White Noise (1985), 397 Emancipation of the Serfs (1861), 233 Della Porta, Donatella, 151 Emmet, Robert, 85 DeMille, Nelson, The Lion’s Game (2000), 382 English Civil War, 182 Denning, Michael, 252 Euripides, 432, 433 Department of Defense, United States, 2 Every Bastard a King, dir. Uri Zohar (1968), 326 Derrida, Jacques, 363–367 Exodus, dir.
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