RP759 IVOL. 1 IiISI)£SKAL,1lE:MOCRA'I'IC REI'IIH1,IC 01' ETHIOPIA ETHlOPIAN ROADS AUTHORITY I Public Disclosure Authorized I Consultancy Sewices for I 1 Review of Feasibility Study, Review of Environmental Impact Assessment, Preparation of Resettlement Action Plan, Review of Detailed Engineering Design and Tender Documents ,.* % G, . -. \ ;-ki-z*; r7n;,lc:ge$44;b:ib:g 2,e,~<r~-~BJir~:p!f:- e .a*, .: Revised Final Resettlement Action Plan (March 2009) Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized SPAN CONSU~TANTSPR~VATE L~M~TE~, New Delhi in Association with Public Disclosure Authorized Beza Consulting Engineers, Ethiopia Consultancy Services for Review of Feasibility Study and Environmental lmpact Assessment, - Preparation of RAP & Review of Detailed Engineering Design and Tender Document for Mekenajo - Dembidolo Road Upgrading Project Final RAP Manual (Revised) TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 1 Introduction 1.1 Objectives and Scope of the RAP 1.2 Methodology 1.3 The RAP Guideline Structure 1.4 Team composition for the preparation of RAP 2 Socio-economic condition of the Project Area 2.1 Location and Population 2.2 Land use and Livelihood 2.3 Social Services 3 Legal, Policy and Administrative Framework 3.1 The Constitution 3.2 Proclamation Number 45512005 3.3 Land Tenure and the Right of Way 3.4 Oromia Regional State land use and administration proclamation 3.5 The Environmental Policy of Ethiopia 3.6 Ethiopian Roads Authority (Policy Framework) 3.7 The World Bank Operational Policies (OP4.12) 3.8 Institutional Framework 3.8.1 The Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) 3.8.2 Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) 3.8.3 General Remarks on Legal, Policy and lnstitutional Issues 4 Potential Socio-economic Impacts of the Project 4.1 Description of the Project Area Socio-economic environment 4.1.1 Demographic Profile of the Project Affected Persons 4.1.2 Livelihood of the Project Affected Person 4.1.3 Educational Background of the Project Affected Person 4.1.4 Historical, Cultural and Religious Resources 4.1.5 Social Acceptability of the Project Road 4.2 Socio-economic Impacts of the Project 4.2.1 Social impacts in Urban and Rural Areas lmpact of the project on houses and other structures lmpact of the Project on Farmlands lmpact of the project on Roadside Trees and Perennial Crops 4.3 Disruption to Services 4.4 lmpacts Associated with Ancillary Works 4.5 Impacts of the road on realigned sections 4.6 Assistance to Vulnerable groups and HIV/AIDS Pandemic 5 Eligibility Criteria 5.1 Groups 5.2 Criteria 5.3 Process 6 Methods of Valuing compensation for loss of houses and business 6.1 Principles for Compensation Span Consultants ~nAssociation with I Beza Consulting Engineers Consultancv Services for Review of Feasibilitv Studv and Environmental lmoact Assessment. ~reparatio'of RAP & Review of Detailed ~ngineerin~Design and Tender document for Mekenajo - Dembidolo Road Upgrading P~oject Final RAP Manual (Revised) 6.1.1 Compensation for loss of Houses 5 3 6.1.2 Compensation for Business 6.2 Methods of Valuing Compensation for Loss of Farmlands 6.2.1 Compensation for Permanent Loss of Farmlands 6.2.2 Compensation for Temporary Loss of Farmlands 6.3 Compensation for Trees and Perennial Crops 6.4 Compensation for Affected Services 7 Organizational Procedures for Delivery of Entitlements 7.1 Compensation Committee 7.2 Proposed Implementation Schedule for the Compensation Process 7.3 Budget Requirement for Compensation Committee 8 Grievance Redress Mechanism 8.1 Arbitration Process 8.2 Grievance Process 8.3 General Process 9 RAP Implementation Cost 10 Monitoring and Evaluation 10.1 Responsible Authority 10.2 Objectives 10.3 Performance Monitoring of the RAP 10.4 Impact Monitoring of the RAP 11 Consultation with PAPS 12 The RAP Disclosure -lSpan Consultants in Association with 11 Beza Consulting Engtneers Consultancy Services for Review of Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Assessment. Preparation of RAP 8 Review of Detailed Engineering Design and Tender Document for Mekenajo - Dembidolo Road Upgrading Project Final RAP Manual (Revised) LIST OF TABLES Table I: Key Data of the RAP Table 2: Occupational Stratifications of Project affected household heads Table 3: Number of Affected Houses by Category and Wereda Table 4: Entitlement Matrix for rural population Table 5: Entitlement matrix for urban population Table 6: Resettlement /Rehabilitation Budget Table 2.1 population of Wereda's connected by the road up grading Project Table 2.2 Population of Major Towns along the Road Table 2.3 Land Use Pattern by Wereda (2003-04) Table 2.4 Small scale Industries by Wereda (2003-04) Table 2.5 Schools by Wereda (2003-04) Table 2.6: Health lnstitutions by Wereda (2003-04) Table 2.7: Potable Water Supply coverage by Wereda (2003-04) Table 2.8: Road Network by Wereda (2003-04) Table 3-1: Comparison of WB Procedures and Ethiopian Legislations Table 4.1: Percentage of Affected Households Table 4.2: Ethnicity of PAPS Table 4.3: Religious Affiliation of PAPS Table 4.4: Number of households that will be affected both in rural-urban settlements Table 4.5: Number of Affected Houses by Category and Wereda Table 4.6: Summary table for impacted houses purposes a long the project Table 4.7: Temporary Land Requirements Table 4.8: Vulnerable groups members, PAP'S that would prefer assisted resettlement Table 6.1: Entitlement Matrix for urban population Table 6.2: Types of houses that will be affected by the road project Table 6.3: Partial and fully affected houses along the project Table 6.4: Compensation Rates for Affected Houses and Fences Table 6.5: Occupational Stratifications of project affected household heads Table 6.6: Compensation for affected businesses Table 6.7: Entitlement Matrix for rural population Table 6.8: Crop Yield/Ha for Five Years Table 6.9: Weighted Average Market Price of Quintal of Crops Table 6.10: Total Value of Production on Dispossessed Land Table 6.11: Trees and perennial crops to be affected Table 6.12: Net Present Values of Trees to be affected Table 6.13: Value of Compensation for Trees Table 6.14: The compensation estimates for Affected Services Table 7.1: Roles of lnstitutions for the implementation of the RAP (Town) Table 7.2: Role of lnstitutions for the implementation of the RAP (Rural) Table 7.3: Budget Requirement for Compensation Committee Table 9.1: ResettlementlRehabilitation Budget Span Consultants in ~ssociznwith iii w-Beza Consulting Engineers Consultancy Services for Review of Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Assessment, Preparation of RAP & Review of Detailed Engineering Design and Tender Document for Mekenajo - Dembidolo Road Upgrading Project Final RAP Manual (Revised) ANNEXES Annex I: Term of Reference Annex 2: List of Persons/lnstitutions Contacted Annex 3: Socio- Economic Profile of the Project Affected Population Annex 4: Compensation Budget for Residential Houses, Business and Other Structures considering 2om of ROW in urban and 3om ROW in Rural Areas Annex 5: Minutes of Meeting with Local Authorities Annex 6: Structured Questioners Annex 7: List of Reference Materials Annex 8: Responses for the comments Annex g: Project Photos Figures Figure I Location map Figure 7.1 Synchronized Implementation Schedule Figure 7.2 Compositions of the Implementing Committees Figure 8.1 Project Affected Persons Grievance Resolution Channels -- Span Consultants in Associat~onwith iv K/Beza Consulting Engineers Consultancy Services for Review of Feasibility Study and Environmental lmpact Assessment. Preparation of RAP 8 Review of Detailed Engineering Design and Tender Document for Mekenajo - Dembidolo Road Upgrading Project Final RAP Manual (Revised) Abbreviations and Acronyms ADI-I Agricultural Development Led Industrialization CF Cash Flow CIS Corrugated Iron Sheet CS A Central Statistical Authority DBST Double Bituminous Surface Treatment DMOs District Maintenance Offices EEPC Ethiopian Electric and Power Corporation EIA Environmental lmpact Assessment EMB Environmental Monitoring and Safety Branch EPA Environmental Protection Authority ERA Ethiopian Roads Authority ESlA Environmental and Social lmpact Assessment FDRE Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia FHH Female Headed Household GCRC Gross Current Replacement Cost Ha Hectare HCB Hollow Concrete Block H.H.H Household Heads H lV/Al DS Human Immune Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Km Kilometer MoFED - Ministry of Finance and Economic Development M 's Meters NA Not Available NGO Non-Governmental Organization N PV lVet Present Value OD Operational Directives OP Operational Procedures PAPS Project Affected Persons Qt Quintal RAP Resettlement Action Plan ROW Right of Way RSDP Road Sector Development SIA Social lmpact Assessment TOR Term Of Reference WB - World Bank Span Consultants in Association with Beza Consulting Engineers Consultancy Services for Review of Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Assessment, Preparation of RAP 8 Review of Detailed Engineering Design and Tender Document for Mekenajo - Dembidolo Road Upgrading Project Final RAP Manual (Revised) KEY Conce~ts 1 Affected Population 1 Groups of people who likely lose their physical or non physical assets 1 I like residential houses, working- places, productive land resources, 1 religious or cultural sites and social net-works due to the project. I Assessment 'The process of collecting, organizing, analyzing, interpreting and 1 1 I communicatine. data relevant for the ~re~arationof RAP. 1 I Auditing The process through which then provides an opportunity and mechanism to learn from the experience, correcting setbacks or to refrain project design and implementation procedures. 1 Compensation The payment in kind, cash or other assets given in exchange for the taking of land, or loss of other assets, including fixed assets there on in part or whole. Compensation payments incorporate transaction payments or assistances. ,: ,: 1 Compliance 1 To act in accordance with the rules and regulations set for the purpose. Cut-off-Date I The date of commencement of the census of PAPSwithin the .project .
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