tl-io' -GIÜEOIJS IìÜTFÈIJSIVE R.OCKS OF TI;IE PE.ã,KE .ã.¡ÜED DEDÜTSO¡Ü FI.ãNGES T'i'ITIT-¡Ü 1FI:[E .â'EDEI,.â'IDE GEOSYIÜCI,IìÜE \/OLL[&fE I f = Figrures, Plates, Captions, Irfaps, Tabl.es and Appendicies. By: Robert Sinclair Irlorrison B.Sc. (Acadia, L98L) B.Sc. Hons. (Adelaide, 1982) The Department of Geology and Geophysics The University of Adelaide South Australia. This thesis is submitted as fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in GeologY at The University of Adelaide South Australia. February 298à, l-988. Resubmitted March 3L-t, 1989. n¡ q: t c! Jr '"f.' .''ì r ll,r.-¡. lci- I\ \, \ , .' ì T.ã.BI,E OF COIÜTEIÜTS Chapter One: Symopsis of tlre Adelaide Geoslmcline. Figure 1.1: General Geology of Èhe Adelaide Geosynclj-ne. Figure L.2= Structural Geology of the Adelaide Geosybcline. Figure l-.3: Stratigraphic Nomenclature for the Adelaide Geosyncline. Figure L.5.4: Cross-Section of Adelaidean Evaporite Deformation. Plate 1.1-: Diapiric Breccia. Plate L.2z Diapiric Breccia and Contacts. Table L.3.1: RepresentaÈive Geochemistry of Callanna Group Volcanics in the Adelaide Geosyncline. Table 1.3.2: Representative Geochemistry of Burra Group Volcanics in the Adelaide Geosyncline. Table 1.3.3: Representative Geochernistry of the Umberatana Group Volcanic Equivalents. Table l-. 3.5: Representative Geochemistry of Moralana Supergroup Volcanics in the Adelaide Geosyncline. Chapter thtos Igmeous Intn¡sions of the Adelaide Geoslmcline: A Revies. Figure 2.Lz lgneous Rocks of the Adelaide Geosyncline and Kanmantoo Trough. Figure 2.7.1-'. Geology of a Northern Section in the willouran Ranges. Figure 2.8: Geology of the Margaret Inlier in the Peake and Denison Ranges. Table 2.Iz Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks in the Adel-aide Geosyncline. TabTe 2.3. 2z Geochemistry of the Anabama Granite. TabIe 2.52 Geochemistry of Early Adelaidean Volcanics in Diapirs. Table 2.7.2¿ Geochemistry of the Intrusive lgneous Rocks of the Arkaroola Region (aft,er Tea1e & Lottermoser, 1987). Table 2.82 GeochemisÈry of the Intrusive lgneous Rocks of the lrlillouran Ranges. Chapter Tlrree: Field ceol.ogr1r and Petrography of tbe Intnrsives of the Pealce and Denison Ranges. Figure 3.2.L'. Classification of the Bungadillina Suite. PIate 3 .1_: Igneous Intrusives of the Peake and Denison Ranges. PIate 3.22 Contact Relations of the Bungadillina Suite. Plate 3.3: Xenoliths within Èhe Bungadillina Suite. PIate 3.4: Dykes and Sills of the Bungadillina Suite. PIate 3.5: Cumulate and Assorted Features of the Bungadillina Suite. Location Maps for the Peake and Denison Ranges and Specific Map Areas wíthin the Peake and Denison Ranges. Map A: Northern Sector of the Northwestern Zone. Map A': Southern Sector for the Northwestern Zone. Map B: Northern Sector for the Northern Zone. Map B': Southern Sector for the Northern Zone. Map C: Central Zone. Map D: Central-East Zone. Map E: Southeastern Zone. Map F: South-CenÈra1 Zone (!{est). Map F': South-Central Zone (East). Map G: Southern Zone. Map H: Northeastern Zone. Map I: Southeastern Zone. Table 3.22 Percentage Modal Mineralogies of Representative Intrusives in the Peake and Deni son Ranges. Chapter For¡r: lf,ineralogy of the Intnrsives of tlre Peake and Denison Ranges. PLate 4.Lz Mineralogy and Petrography - Textures. Plate 4.22 Mineralogy and PeÈrography - LiÈhologies. P]ate 4.32 Mineralogy and Petrography - Minerals. Plate 4.42 Mineralogy and Petrography - AlteraÈion. Figure 4.3: !{hole-Rock Geochernistry for the Bungadillina Suite. Figure 4.42 Mineral Chemistry for Garnets of the Bungadillina Suite. Figure 4.5.L¿ Pyroxene Classification for the Bungadillina Suite. Fígure 4.5.2r Pyroxene Zoning (core to rim) Chemical Variations. Figure 4.5.3: Sodium Contents of Pyroxenes of the Bungadillina SuiÈe. Figure 4.5.42 Detailed Classification and Chemical Zoning in Pyroxenes of the Bungadillina suite. Figure 4.5.5: Comparison of Who1e-Rock and Pyroxene Mg Numbers. Ficrure 4.5.62 Pvroxene Chemical Variations: 41, Mn and Fê¡c.oc.¡. Fifure 4.6.L2 AirphiboLe Classification for the' BungadilLina Suite. Figure 4.6.22 Àrnphibole Chemistry Variations for the Bungadillina Suite. Figure 4.6.3? Arnphibole Chemistry Variatj.ons for the Bungadillina Suite. Figure 4.6.42 Comparison of Àmphibole and Whole-Rock Mg Numbers. Figure 4.6.5: Arnphibole Chemistry Variations Between Different Plutonic Groups in the Bungadillina Suite. Figure 4.7 Biotite Chemistries and Classification. Figure 4.7 .22 Comparison of Biotite and lfho1e-Rock Mg Numbers. Figure 4.8 Plagioclase Variations in Zoned Crystals. Fígure 4.8 .22 AIkaIi Feldspar Variations in Zoned Crystals. Figure 4.8 âo Feldspar Ternary Diagrams. Figure 4.L0.1: Classification of Chlorite from the Bungadillina Suite. Table 4.8.L: Co-existing Feldspar Geothermometry. Chapter Five: Geochenistry of the Intnrsive Rocks of Tlre Peake and Denison Rantgtes. Figure 5.2.r.. CLassification of the Bungadillina Suite. Figure 5.2.2. Classification of the Bungadillina Suite. Figure 5.3.1: hlhole-Rock Geochemistry of the Bungadillina Suite. Figure 5.3.22 hlhole-Rock Geochemistry of Èhe Bungadillina Suite. Figure 5.3. 3: hlhole-Rock Geochemistry of Èhe Bungadillina Suite. Figure 5.3 .4: !{hole-Rock Geochemistry for the Bungadillina Suite. Figure 5.3.5: Vühole-Rock Geochemistry for the Bungadillina Suite. Figure 5. 3 .6: I¡lhole-Rock Geochemistry for the Bungadillina Suite. Figure 5.4.1: Who1e-Rock Geochemistry of the Bungadillina Suite. Figure 5.4.22 Whole-Rock Geochemistry of the Bungadillina Suite. Figure 5.6.1: Rubidiun - Strontium Whole-Rock Isotopes of the BungadíIlina Suite. Figure 5.7 .1-z Comparative Trace-Element Diagrams lilithin the Bungadillina Suite. Figure 5.7 .22 Comparative Trace-Element Diagrams Vf,íthin the Bungadillina Suite, and with Average ttType" Granites from the Lachlan Fold BeIt. Table 5.1: Summary of the Geochemistry of the Intrusives of the Peake and Denison Ranges. Table 5.6.1- Rb-Sr Isotopes for Intrusives of the Peake and Denison Ranges. TabLe 5.6.22 Carbon and Oxygen fsotope Geochemistry for Carbonates of the Peake and Denison Ranges. chapter six: comparative Geochenistrlz of tlre rntn¡sives of tl¡e Pealse anO Denison Ranges with lgmeous Roclss of t.he Adelaide Geoslmcline, Lachlan FoId BeIt and Gasler Craton- Figure 6.2.L2 Comparative Whole-Rock Geoche¡nistry for Igneous Rocks of the Adelaide Geosyncline, Kanmantoo Trough and tttypett Granites. Figure 6.2.22 Comparative Whole-Rock Geochemistry for lgneous Rocks of the Adelaide Geosyncline, Kanmantoo Trough and tttypett Granites. Figure 6.2.32 Comparative l{hole-Rock Geochemistry for lgneous Rocks of the Àdelaide Geosyncline, Kanmantoo Trough and tttypett Granites. Figure 6.3.1: Comparative Whole-Rock Geochemistry for lgneous Rocks of the Adelaide Geosyncline, Kanmantoo Trough and tttypet' Granites. Figure 6.3.22 Comparative !{hole-Rock Geochemistry for lgneous Rocks of the Adelaide Geosyncline, Kanmantoo Trough and t'typett Granites. Figure 6.3.3: Comparative Whole-Rock Geochemistry for Igneous Rocks of the Adelaide Geosyncline, Kanmantoo Trough and tttypett Granites. Figure 6.5: Comparative Geochemistry: Tectonic Discrinínation Diagrams. Figure 6.6.L2 Geochemistry of the Anabama Granite. Figure 6.6.22 Geochemistry of the Anabama Granite. Figure 6.72 Comparative Trace Element Diagrans. Chapter Seven: Petrogenesis of Intnrsives of tlre Peake and Denison Ranges. Figure 7.4.L'. Silica Saturation versus the Differentiation Index (D.r. ). Figure 7.4.22 RL - R2 Tectonic Discri¡nination Diagram. Figure 7 .62 Least-Squares Fractionation Modelling. Figure 7.72 Trace Element Fractionation Modelling. Figure 7.LO: Geochemical and Tectonic Classification of the Bungadillina Suit,e. Figure 7.tL: Schematic Cross-Section of the Mantle and Crust for The Bungadillina Suite. Figure 7.J,2: Schematic Cross-Section for Bungaditlina Suite Emplacement in Adelaidean Strata. Table 7.72 Partition Coefficients for Trace Elenent ModelIing of the Bungadillina Suite. Chapter Eight: Inplications of Igmeous Activíty in the Peake and Denison Ranges witlrin the Adelaide Geoslmcline. Tab1e 8.4: Igneous Activity in the Adelaide Geosyncline. Apoendicies l,Iicrofiche Appendicies: Appendies A-L (inctusive) . Appendix A: Petrographic SummarY - Intrusives of the Peake and Deníson Ranges Appendix B: Major and Trace Element Geochemistry of the Intrusives of the Peake and Denison Ranges. Appendix BL: Trace Element Analyes of 7OO0 Series Intrusives of the Peake and Denison Ranges by Comlab Pty. Ltd- Àppendicies C - L: Electron Microprobe Analyses of the Intrusives of the Peake and Denison Ranges. C: Clinopyroxenes. H: Chlorite. D: Amphiboles. f: Epidote. E: AIkaIi Feldspar. J: Garnet. F: Plagioclase Feldspar. K: Oxides. G: Biotite. L: Sphene. Other Appendici.es: Appendix M: Least-Squares Mass Balance Ca1culations. Appendix N: (Preprint) Morrison R.S. & Foden J.D. , L989: A zoned Middle Cambrian pluton in the Pëake and Denison Ranges, South Australia. In: (J. Jago: ed. ) Brian Daly Memorial Volume. GeoL. Soc. AustraTìa. Äppendix O: (Preprint) Foden J.D., Turner S. & Morrison R.S., L989: Tectonic implications of Delamerian magmatism in South Australia and htestern Victoria. In: (J. Jago: ed.) Brian DaIy Memorial Volume. GeoL. Soc. Australìa. Appendix P: (Copy) Morrison R.S., 1986: Early Pal-aeozoic plutonism in the Peake and Denison Ranges, South Austral-ia. Geo7. Soc Aust. Abst. 15. Figure 1.1. General Geology of the Adelaide Geosyncline. Sinptified map of the Adelaide Geosyncline showing rnajor chronostratigraphið uníts, including zones of diapiric breccia, of Àdelaidean añd óarnbrian age (aft,er Forbes, 1983). The ínliers of the peake and Denison Ranges are depicted in the top left of the maP: Note elongate north-south ãones which correspond to the major Delamerian fold pattern (c.f. Fig. L.2). trr\ TEAAE ANU |DENiSON ßÁâ,GES STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY OF THE s WILLOURAN ADELAIDE GEOSYNCLINE REGION BI DENISOrl F./¡,ì,GEs II{LIER 'à k MT. BABBAGE II{LIER o À a \ M1.
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