WEEKLY SEE PAGE 40 SEE PAGE SEE PAGE 26 Candle-lighting/Shabbos ends Friday, January 19: 4:39/5:42 Kew Gardens Hills • Kew Gardens • Forest Hills • Hillcrest • Briarwood • Jamaica Estates • Holliswood • Fresh Meadows Great Neck • Rego Park • West Hempstead • New Hyde Park • Five Towns • Long Beach • Oceanside • Plainview • Catskills Vol. VII No. 3 (#245) January 18, 2018 • 24 Tevet 5778 Free OOldestldest NNewew YYorkork SShulhul IInn BBrothersrothers FFromrom BBayswaterayswater AAssemblymanssemblyman DDanan RRosenthalosenthal OOriginalriginal LLocationocation CCelebrateselebrates TTeameam UUpp TToo HHelpelp SSwornworn IInn AAtt PPomonokomonok 1160th60th AAnniversarynniversary TThehe HHomelessomeless CCeremonyeremony SShmuelhmuel RRussellussell ggivesives a bblanketlanket ttoo hhomelessomeless ppersonerson CCong.ong. AAderethdereth EEl,l, tthenhen aandnd nnowow iinn tthehe ssubwayubway SEE STORY ON P. 32/33 SEE STORY ON P. 25 SEE STORY ON P. 28 Interior Design As I See It For What It’s Worth Rabbi’s Musings Financially Forward Fantastic Wallpapers The DACA Horror Slow But Steady What If... And Where Conundrum In Hempstead to Find Them By Rabbi Dani Staum By Gerald Harris By Cynthia Zalisky By Warren S. Hecht verything is relative. he bull keeps running on By Zisi Naimark Someone forwarded a Wall Street, and skeptics have mixed feelings about the here has been a lot of dis- Ecopy of the memo sent Twho defi ed the trend paid fate of the Deferred Action cussion involving com- home to the parents of the Torah the price, some with their wallets allpaper was once the Ifor Childhood Arrival (DACA) Tments that the president Academy of Boca Raton (Florida) and others with their reputations. punchline of an inte- program. The DACA recipients are allegedly said in the meeting last week, which read: “With pre- But even the greatest bull markets Wrior design joke, akin called Dreamers. President Oba- about Africa, El Salvador, Haiti, dicted temperatures in the 40s eventually come to an end, and to those poor souls who use ma created this program through and Norway, which many say are and 50s tomorrow, we ask you this one will too. And when that fl oor pillows and sponge the executive authority in 2012. Presi- racist. I will not deal with it here, to please be sure to send a coat day arrives, will the market just walls themselves. It was on every dent Trump has ordered an end but will mention an incident that or a jacket tomorrow with your correct and then continue to ad- “don’t” list, every “before” picture, to this program, which shields has not gotten much attention children. Stay warm!” vance? Or will this lead to the sky CONTINUED ON P. 47 CONTINUED ON P. 17 CONTINUED ON P. 19 CONTINUED ON P. 9 CONTINUED ON P. 21 SEE PAGE 36 SEE PAGE 24 Tevet 5778 • Vol. VII No. 3 (#245) QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 1 2 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 3 (#245) • January 18, 2018 24 Tevet 5778 • Vol. VII No. 3 (#245) QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 3 4 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 3 (#245) • January 18, 2018 24 Tevet 5778 • Vol. VII No. 3 (#245) QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 5 PUBLISHED BY Community Queens Jewish Link, LLC Calendar/Mazel Tovs – Rebecca Wittert . .45 Recent Happenings – Sergey Kadinsky, Susie Garber . 24-42 RABBINIC CONSULTANT Snapshots –Yaakov Katz . .29 Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld MANAGING EDITOR Classifieds & Real Estate . 59 Naftali Szrolovits General Interest SENIOR CONSULTANTS Forecast Financially Forward - Gerald Harris . .1 Yaniv Meirov Style & Living Cynthia Zalisky FRI • JAN 19 TUE • JAN 23 Beauty Briefs -Risselle Naimark . .54 Helen Hoffman Dating Today – Goldy Krantz . .49 Rebecca Wittert 40° 45° Foodie Adventures - Bracha Serle . .51 Sergey Kadinsky Interior Design - Zisi Naimark . .1 31° 31° ADVERTISING MANAGER Real-Life Reflections - Sarah Newcomb . .57 Yaakov Serle Style Myths Debunked - Meira E. Schneider-Atik . .53 Sunny Showers COPY EDITORS Light & Fun R’ Yisroel Benedek SAT • JAN 20 WED • JAN 24 Secrets in Disguise – Susie Garber . .58 Rivky Bergstein Snippets of Strange – QJL Staff . 12-16 Emily Cohen 49° 43° The Fun Side – QJL Staff . 60/61 Elissa Epstein Mental Health & Physical Wellness STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER 32° 33° Hooked on Healing – Caroline Schumsky . .23 Shua Katz SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Opinion As I See it - Cynthia Zalisky . .1 Rachel Goldsmith For What it’s Worth – Warren Hecht . .1 SUN • JAN 21 THU • JAN 25 Frontlines – Dr. Joe Frager . .22 47° 43° Torah/Tefilah/Parshah Rabbi’s Musings & Amusings – R’ Dani Staum . .1 35° 28° A Shabbat Thought – R’ David Algaze . .11 [email protected] The Shmuz on the Parshah – R’ Ben Tzion Shafier . .10 718-880-2622 Mostly Sunny Showers Stories of Greatness – R’ Dovid Hoffman . .7 147-25 70th ave. Flushing, NY 11367 Weekly Tefilah Focus . .20 www.QueensJewishLink.com MON • JAN 22 FRI • JAN 26 Special Articles Design by Design2pro.com Bayswater Brothers Team Up To Help The Homeless – Susie Garber . .27 47° 36° Design & Production Assemblyman Dan Rosenthal Sworn in at Pomonok Ceremony - Sergey Kadinsky . .28 MICHAEL KUROV • Art Director 40° 28° Hillcrest Oleh Hillel Fuld Speaks on Israel’s Tech Scene - Sergey Kadinsky . .30 Oldest Shul in New York in Original Location, Distributed by Celebrates 160th Anniversary - Susie Garber . 32/33 Prime Media Distribution Cloudy Mostly Sunny On “Different” Jewish Families, a Children’s Book - Sergey Kadinsky . .34 6 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 3 (#245) • January 18, 2018 SStoriestories Of Greatness R’ Dovid Hoffman The Curious Child he Jewish people are the only people more told him he was presently hosting tience, and told him he must be extremely in history to predicate their survival one of the leading rabbis in all of Israel, and respectful in front of the rabbi. Craig ap- Ton education. The most sacred duty he was welcome to come over to meet the peared to be duly chastened. of parents is to teach their children. Judaism Torah giant. “Bring your wife and children But it was not long before the little trou- is a religion whose heroes are teachers and as well,” he was told, so they all can receive blemaker was up to a new antic. At a lull whose passion is study. The Egyptians built blessings from the rabbi. And why not? The between visitors, young Craig ran up to R’ pyramids. The Romans built the Coliseum. home was constantly fi lled with people – Scheinberg once more, and without the “My name is Chaim Pinchas,” he said Jews built schools. That is why we alone, of men, women, and children – coming in and slightest hint of pretension, he introduced softly. “How are you?” And just like that, the all the civilizations of the ancient world, are out all day long, eager to receive a blessing himself. elderly tzadik conducted a down-to-earth still alive and strong, still continuing our an- from R’ Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg. “Hi! My name’s Craig,” he said, congen- conversation with a young boy from a non- cestors’ vocation, our heritage intact and un- religious background as if the two of them diminished. In this parshah, Moshe speaks were longtime friends. of the duty of parents to educate their chil- “The moment he stops asking questions is when you know you The conversation lasted for a few min- dren. We should encourage our children to are in trouble, as he now feels a disconnect with the people utes and Craig returned to his family with ask questions so that the transmission of a huge smile plastered on his face. After his the Jewish heritage would be not a matter of he should trust most.” conversation with their son, the rosh yeshiv- rote learning but of active dialogue between ah turned to the parents and taught them an parents and children. important lesson in parenting. “There is no Once, while traveling on behalf of Yeshi- When the family arrived, the host im- ially. “What’s your name?” such thing as a bad question. If your child vas Torah Ohr, the rosh yeshivah, R’ Chaim mediately escorted them into a side room, Craig’s parents gasped in embarrassment. asks a question, feel blessed that he is ask- Pinchas Scheinberg, zt”l, was lodging at the which led into the dining room where R’ Mortifi ed at their child’s insolence, they ing you questions. That is a sign of a healthy home of a talmid from many years previ- Scheinberg was sitting. Awed by the sight were prepared to grab him away once more child who has a healthy relationship with ously who lived in Baltimore, Maryland. The of the elderly rabbi, the couple stood back when the elderly rosh yeshivah indicated he his parents. He is looking to grow, and that talmid was extremely attentive to the rosh and watched in reverence as he greeted was not at all upset with the boy’s behavior. is a tremendous blessing. The moment he yeshivah’s every need and made him feel as each visitor with a smile and tremendous Just to prove his point, he took the child’s stops asking questions is when you know comfortable as he possibly could. warmth. This young family had never seen hand and pulled the young man closer to you are in trouble, as he now feels a discon- At the time, a former associate of this such a holy-looking man, and they truly him to answer his question. nect with the people he should trust most.” talmid, a man who came late to the life- could not take their eyes off him.
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