Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1959-05-01 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1959). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2058. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2058 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Xavier Univenity Library I· APR 30~, XAVIER UNIVERSITY NEWS Student lewspaper of the Oldest Catholic College in the lorthwest Territory VOLUME XLI 11 CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1959 NO. 20 Honors Tom Frank. Masquers Open Musical Heads New Convocation Features Council Dr. Blase 'Piccola Pisa' Set For Six Days by Jim Keller by Wayne Fehr Now that the ballot box has On Monday, May 4 at 1;30 p.m., been emptied and the votes the faculty and student body of tabulated, South Hall no longer Xavier University will gather in looks like a surrealist painter's the Fieldhouse for the annual opium dream. Another equally Honors Convocation. Following a important result to the student long tradition of Jesuit educa· council elections is the election tion, Xavier takes this occasion· of next year's council members. every year to single out and The class of '60 chose Tom Frank honor those students who have as council president and Jim distinguished themselves in the Tasto, R. Mallardi, and Mike pursuit of intellectual excellence. Risdon as his senior support. The Honors Day program is Don Abbruzzese was the class characterized by a definite air of of '61 's first choice, Paul Moro­ solemnity and dignity, beginning ney, Ed Schmidt and Tom Don­ with the procession of university ahoe "filling the secondary posi­ officials, wearing a c a d e m i c tions. Tiin Deegan, Dave Guen­ gowns, who enter and take their ther, Frank Luedtke and Gerry places on the stage. Turner were chosen by the '62 The presentation of awards voters. and prizes is preceded by an address by some honored guest. Tom' Eckstein, our Masque'd The speaker this year will be man fighting for law and order Dr. Charles Blase, a graduate of in the early . became the Xavier in the class of 1936, and athletic chairman, and Jerry a member of the Board of Gov­ Martin overcame all oposition to ernors of the Alumni Association. .., .. ······· Humor Pervades The Masque Society's New Musical become the assistant social chair­ Di·. Blase, who practices medicine man. in Cincinnati, is also President For some reason, springtime and musical comedy seem The Masque has a choreogra­ Mr. Frank offered News read­ of the Men of Milford retreat to go hand in hand. Perhaps it's the fresh air that gives pher in the person of Phyllis ers a preview of his tenure. 'He group. people the urge to dance and sing, but whatever the cause, Tolwig who has created a ballet said- that he. .planned to lead Very Rev. Paul L. O'Connor, the members of Xavier's Masque Society have given in to sequence for the show. Rev. John council toward the same general S.J., President of Xavier Univer­ that urge and come up with a top flight musical, PICCOLA H. Reinke is the musical direc· goals as its past two presidents sity, will confer the awards on PISA. tor. but added that he hoped to fur­ the students who are to be hon­ The story centers arouml an The book, lyrics and music for ther student government at Xav­ ored. Membership in Alpha Sig­ Italo-Amerfoan couple who have as the couple and John Lyon and Piccola Pisa were done by a ier by showing that council has ma Nu Honor Society will be made their fortune in America Maureen Strich as the son and Catholic University man, Louis the ability· to take a more re­ conferred on ten new candidates, and decide to visit their native daughter; Jerry Simon as the Botto who was a contemporary sponsible (and more authorita­ and a whole series of medals and city Pisa, not the "Leaning tower Italian lover, Ermino; Josie Gug­ of Mr. Kvapil, the Masque's di· tive) part in university affairs. awards for achievement in vari­ of Pisa, but Piccola (Little) lielmi as Maria; "Mayor" Tom rector, at C.U. Incidentally, Mr. To accomplish this objective, Mr. ous academic fields will be given Pisa. They force their somewhat Eckstein as the mayor; Dixie and Mrs. Kvapil played the roles Frank called on all students to to deserving students. reluctant son and daughter who McBrayer as Fernando; and Terri of the American youths in the make suggestions for improve­ As in the past, the Honors have been educated in the better Froehle as Mili the Pisan glam­ original production in Washing­ ments through their r~presenta­ Convocation will close with a eastern schools to make the trip ou1· girl. Others in the cast are: ton. tives so that council can show singing of the . Xavier Alma with them. The plot is woven Joyce Kindt, Berdi Clock, Jolene ' Much hard work has gone into its full .potential. Mater. about these two Americano Leon, Mary Ader, Mary Jo Faust, this show so that Xavier might youths who resist Italian tradi· Mary Helen Cannon, Joan Den­ have the benefit of entertaining tion, Italian customs and Italians neman, Lois Ertel, Ruth Schulte, original musical comedies. I Cleffers Plan Concert, until a Veniese ball causes them Kay Steelman, Carolyn Stark, heartily urge you to give your· to change their minds. It's a Marilyn Marrs, Dom Bernardi, self a springtime treat by stop­ -Elect Officers For '59-'60 story fille1l with song, dance, Bruce and Buz Barton, Alan ping in at South Hall Theatre on by Tom Cahill, young love and laughs. Welch, Jim Newell, Ra Ip h May 1, 2, 3 or 8, 9, 10 to see News Associate Editor Headlining the cast are Jim Schroeder, Bob Theis and "the PICCOLA PISA. You'll be happy Last week the Patron Committee for the Spring Concert Dusablon and Maryanne Martin R. Deveraux. that you did! and Dance, sponsored by the Xavier University Clef Club, sent out f.ive hundred letters to former alumni of the club iIank Rigler and members of the faculty inviting them to the annual Ten Days Left To Enter program on Friday evening, Ma.;..y_15_._________ _ Elected Neiv A few days previous, the men take over the posts vacated Sodality P1·efect Dates In Family Day Contest Ticket Committee handed out by Hugh Farrell and Tim Beile. There are only ten more days. to the winners and the group patron, concert and dance, and Still to be filled are the ap­ Following the tradition of Yes, there are but ten days re· with the larger number of entries concert only tickets to each and pointed offices of assistant busi· spring elections at Xavier, the maining for Xavier University will have a better chance to win. every member ~f the club. These ness manager, publicity director, X.U. Sodality held its election students to enter their dates In The members of the publicity are now available from. the music librarian, and sergeants­ of officers for next year on the Empress of Family Day Con­ committee will act as judges of members and very soon will go at-arms. Monday, April 20. The four test. Last year, the out-of-town this contest. Special care has on sale in South Hall. A patron These newly eiected officers Sodalists voted into office were students were very much the been taken to insure an impar­ ticket entitles the holder to a and their retiring com1·ades have two sophomores and two juniors. winners of this contest to deter· tial decision of the judges. The reserved seat a.t the c~n.cert an.d many arrangements to make and Prefect for next year is junior mine which group, day-hop or names of the girls and the names dance, and, m addit10n, his many obligations to fulfill before Hank Rigler, a most capable and dormie, dates the prettier, more of their dates will not be known name appears on the program as the end of the season. The Chi· popular personality. His assist­ personable girls. This year, from to the judges. Page two of the a special ~riend of th~ Clef Club. cago trip on May 9 and 10 stands ants are sophomore Terry Toep­ all indications, they have a big entry blank will be detached The cost 1s $5.00. A ~icket to the out as one of the most important ker, Vice-Prefect; sophomore head start. from the rest of the form and concert and dance is $3.00 and in the history of the club. Sing­ Jerry Hair, Secretary; and junior The Empress of Family Day filed according to the number on the concert on~y tickets are $1.00. ing a joint concert with the Lou Busemeyer, Treasurer. the top of the page. At this time, The patron drive closes May 5. young ladies of Rosary College The retiring officers are sen­ will be named the night of the 11ance. She and four finalists will the dorm students hold a slight Amid the plans and prepara· begins a new field of endeavor iors :Frank Peterlin, Prefect; edge in the number of forms Ken Schneider, Vice-Prefect; be presented at the Clef Club tlons for this big social event, for the Clef Club.
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