VVVIIINNNTTTAAAGGGEEE JJJAAAPPPAAANNNEEESSSEEE MMMOOOTTTOOORRRCCCYYYCCCLLLEEE CCCLLLUUUBBB OF NORTH AMERICA Founded 1977 Volume 26, Number 5 October 2003 $3.50 VVJJMMCC AATT MMIIDD OOHHIIOO VVIINNTTAAGGEE MMOOTTOORRCCYYCCLLEE DDAAYYSS 22000033 Celebrating over 25 years of vintage motorcycling VINTAGE JAPANESE MOTORCYCLE CLUB MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2003 CONTENTS Calendar of Events . 3 This issue’s web password is: pumpkin Effective October 25th President’s Column. 3 Use lower case Editor’s Column . 5 Vintage Motorcycle Days 2003. 6 Mission Statement The Purpose of this organi- zation is to promote the pres- Back Road Adventure . 8 ervation, restoration and enjoyment of Vintage Japa- nese motorcycles (defined as Getting the Turbo Bike Running . 9 those greater than 15 years old) and to promote the sport of motorcycling and camara- Member Profile: Bill Silver. 10 derie of motorcyclists every- where. The Dreaded Battery Bolt . 12 A Snapshot of Honda Cover design by VJMC in the Early 1960s. 13 member Andre Okazaki. Cover photos by Scott Thanks (In Advance) Van Leuwen and Eric for the National Rally. 15 Yuzon. Newsletter layout by Darin Watson. Tech Tip: Broken Stud and Screw Removal in Aluminum . 18 VJMC Member Needs Your Technical Help . 19 Check out the classifieds section in this issue for Tech Tip: Removing dozens of bikes, parts, and Fuel Tank Rust . 20 miscellaneous items wanted and for sale. Classifieds . 23 2 VINTAGE JAPANESE MOTORCYCLE CLUB MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2003 A look ahead: VJMC calendar of events October nated area for bike parking in the Meet fellow VJMCers at the VJMC Bike Corral area. Members can park booth. The SoCal VJMC has a desig- 11-12 or sell their bikes in this area. nated area for bike parking in the Gotham Motorcycle Show, Intrepid Info.: Bob Billa, SoCal Field Rep at Bike Corral area. Members can park Museum, New York City 949-588-6840 or E-mail: or sell their bikes in this area. VJMC members are invited to bring [email protected] Info.: Bob Billa, SoCal Field Rep at their bikes to the show, whether old 949-588-6840 or E-mail: and new bikes. [email protected] Info.: Steve Sutton, New Jersey November field rep. Home: 908-753-7497. Work: 201-947-0001. 8 December E-mail: [email protected] Vintage Bike Showing, Winter Gar- den (Orlando) FL 7 rd 17-18 Sponsored by Performance Honda 3 Annual Central Florida Ride; Lake Mirror Classic, Lakeland, FL and the Central Florida VJMC group. Clermont, FL Class show and national level event. Events start at 10:00a.m. Food, bev- Enjoy a 50-mile ride and lunch Show is by invitation/ pre-registra- erage, and fun provided. Members through some of most the beautiful tion only. are invited to display their bikes. rolling hills of Florida. Info: www.lakemirrorclassic.com. A “Peoples Choice” trophy may be Info.: Contact Paul Enz at awarded. No formal judging. 321-268-5461 or E-mail: 26 Info.: [email protected] [email protected] Long Beach Show and Swap Meet; Long Beach, CA 23 For an updated list of events, be Meet fellow VJMCers at the VJMC Long Beach Show and Swap Meet, sure to check the web site at booth. The SoCal VJMC has a desig- Long Beach, CA www.vjmc.org From the President: Election season nears by Jim Townsend, VJMC President June magazine I wrote about the du- National Rally ties of members. If your particular Activities area is rather inactive, take the initia- By the time you read this, the third tive to get hold of your Field Rep and VJMC National Rally will be history. see if you can get some activity go- As I write this, it is still to happen. I I must say that I am well pleased ing. Don’t just wait for someone else with the way club events are going have had a preview of the schedule of to do something. After all, the club is events and I am really looking for- this year. Without a doubt, the club you. has been more active, done more ward to it. You will probably read about it in the December VJMC mag- things, and has had a presence at Elections more events than ever before. We azine. In the past we have had some have been to at least three Cycle really good times, and I hope it con- Our nominations have been slow in tinues and grows in the future. World shows, Daytona, Long Beach, coming for the next election. If you Mid-Ohio Vintage Days, White Rose Holding a National Rally is a know someone who you think would long-term project. Work on it has to Swap Meet, and I can’t really count make a good club officer, don’t hesi- the number of other rides and events. start at least nine months or more in tate to tell Chuck Fralick. His contact advance of the event. This year’s Our Field Reps and Officers have put information is in the officer list. As a in many thankless hours. rally is no exception, as work really matter of record, ALL present direc- began within a month of the event last It has been difficult to do the many tors and officers are re-nominated for year. The entire club owes the Ten- things we should or could do, and their current positions, with excep- nessee Chapter of the VJMC a big once in a while I still get the ques- tion of the President. I really need to tion, “What is the club doing in my do other things for a while and give See President, page 4 area?” but not nearly as often. In the someone else a chance. 3 VINTAGE JAPANESE MOTORCYCLE CLUB MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2003 From the President: Your article here Continued from page 3 for the big H-D 100th anniversary you have never written before. We celebration. One thing I have to say have a small writer’s guideline that vote of appreciation for their efforts about it is that those riders do just that can help you immensely in writing an and many thanks to Pete Boody, who they ride! I didn’t see any old ones; article, no matter what kind it is. Just has taken charge of the event. no WD’s, no flathead 74s, and no K ask me for a copy and I can get you Would you like to have a National models, but everything else was one. Rally in your general area? There is there. I hope the VJMC has a follow- no reason why we can’t have two or ing like that someday. more National Rallies, since this is a Membership pretty big area that we cover. I know Publicity Directors that most of the membership (over We still haven’t come very close to 75%, in fact) lives over 500 miles You may have noticed in the list of the 2000 mark in membership. Our from the general area where the ral- officers that we have two publicity number fluctuates from between lies have been held. It would be really directors, Peter Slatcoff and Brad 1400 and 1800, but we still haven’t good if there could be a Western Na- Powell. These are the guys that are in crossed that magic 2000 mark. tional Rally, Northeast National charge of getting publicity for the or- Membership numbers are important. Rally, Northern (Canada maybe!) ganization; that is, getting our name If we print 1500 magazines, our National Rally, and so on. They need out before the riding public. If you fixed costs of printing and set-up and not be huge events. Actually, none of ask around, there are far more people layout are exactly the same as it the ones we have held have been, but that have never heard of the club than would be for 3000 magazines. Our as long as the opportunity exists and you might realize. In fact, sometimes only additional costs are for paper those that go enjoy themselves, that is there are guys just itching to join us and postage. So if we get our num- the important thing. We could have when they hear that there is a club bers up by displaying our bikes at two or more in a single year and make like this in existence. No sales pitch is shows, talking to friends and ac- them all annual events. needed. But getting back to publicity, quaintances, and just telling others If your group would like to plan on a Brad and Peter both have experience about the club, we can cut our costs two-day event in some area where we with getting our club into the Cycle per magazine and put out an even haven’t had a general gathering, (and World and other events. This is a ma- better one. This thing just snowballs, that is everywhere except the South- jor way that we get our name out. too. More members means a better east), contact me or Pete and let’s Thousands of prospective members magazine, which brings in more ad- give it some thought. attend these events and we need to vertisers, which makes the club A good two-day event in the Rocky have displays at them. If you can help more desirable to more people who Mountains somewhere might just be in some way or would like to get in- join us and so on just a big circle. the ticket for a great National Rally. volved in showing your bikes at a ma- The better we get, the better we get.
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