Index Page numbers in italics refer to Figures. Page numbers in bold refer to Tables. A Treatise of the Fossil, Vegetable and Animal Substances, Aldrovandi, Ulisse 26, 26, 116, 129, 138, 140, 147 that are made use of in Physic 35, 216 on aetites 222 abdominal disease remedy, ancient Egypt 8 Alexandrinus, Nicolaus Myrepsus 176 Aben-Quiche 46 alexipharmic (poisons antidote) see poison also bezoars Abietityz stone 53, 55 Alfeleiemictanum 90 Abolays 46 Alfonso X el Sabio (The Learned, King of Castillia) 20 abortifacient 227 lapidiary 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 67 Abulcasis (Al-Zahrawi, Abul Qasim Khalaf ibn al-Abbas) Alford Spa (Somerset) 255 14, 70, 172 algae, calcifying 143 early life 65 alkali (alkaline ashes) 66 encyclopaedia 65 alkermes 98, 100, 176, 179 inventions 65 confectio 179, 184 writings on alkyonion stone 67 alkali 66 Allosaurus 436 alkyonion stone 67 aloes 89,93 alum 67 Alston, Charles 165 antimony 68 alum 9, 67–68 Armenian bole 69 aluminous shales 9 arsenic 70 amber 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 28, 88, 91, 102, 139, 146, 166, 175, baked clay 69 182, 206, 209 borax 70, 71 in medical cabinets 221–222, 221 china 70 Amber stone 61 coral 71 ambergris 88, 100 lapis lazuli 72 Ambrosiopoea 189 lime 73 amethyst 24, 139 nacre 72 amiantos 16 orpiment 73–74 ammonites 49 salt 75 in cryptopalaeontology 53 sulphur 75–76 as poison cures 194 tar 76 ammonium, groundwater 263 verdigris 77 Ammon’s Horn stone 49,53 vitriol 77 Ampelites (cannel coal) 224 Academy of the Lynxes (Lincei) 137–138, 144 Ampelitis ge 60 Accademia del Cimento 289, 291 Amphicomos 50 Acetabularia 143, 144 amulets 146–148, 194, 196, 226 Acosta, Cristobal (Cristovao de Costa) 195 amber 221 actinolite 147, 226 anaemia remedy 9, 264 Acufaratiz cabroci (kabroci) stone 51, 53, 55 anaesthetic 16 Adad’s finger 53, 55 Anatomy of the Pregnant Uterus 355–356, 357 Adad’s kidney stone 53 Andromachus Theriac 209 Adadudactylos 55 Andromachus’ treacle 99 Adadunephros 55 Androsaces 143 Adaduophthalamos 55, 56 angelica 94 Addenbrooke, John, medical cabinet 212, 212, 213 angina 403 Aegophthalmos 57 Anglicus, Bartholomaeus 17–18, 22, 115, 141 Aetites (eagle-stone) 16, 24, 26, 145, 145, 222, 222 Anglicus, Gilbertus 164, 177–178 agate 14, 20, 139 Anglo-Saxon England, history of lithotherapeutics 14 Agricola, Georgius (Georg Bauer) 29, 29, 114, 115, 118, 123, Anning, Mary 401, 433 159, 159, 272 annis root 100 Aithrey Spa 264 Ant Stone 47, 48 Al-Biruni, Abu al-Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad (Alberonius) Antarctic 14, 91 Australian expedition 459 al-Marindi, Maswijah see Mesue¨ the Younger Discovery expedition 456, 457 Al-Misri, Abu’l Hasan Ali ibn Ridwan 91 early days of exploration 455 Al-Tasrif (Liber Servitoris) 172 French expeditions 459 Al-Tifachi, Ahmad ibn Yusuf 15, 91 Scotia expedition 456 Al-Zahrawi, Abul Qasim Khalaf ibn al-Abbas see Abulcasis Anthropochrinus 50 alabaster 24 Antidotario Romano Latino e Volgare 184 Albacario, Stefano 119 Antidotarium 85 Albarquid Stone 47 Antidotarium Nicolai 176 Alberonius (Al-Biruni, Abu al-Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad) Antilope cervicapra 142 14, 91 antimicrobials 68 Albertus Magnus 18, 20 antimony 68 Albinus, Bernardhus 354, 355 Antioquena 51 Alcaquack Island 47 antioxidant properties 196 Alcyonion 159 antiseptic 76 476 INDEX apoplexy (syncope) treatment 9, 173, 174, 175 Beauvais, Vincent de 18 apothecaries, role of 330 Beetle Stone 47, 48 Apuleius of Madaura, Lucius (Apuleius Platonicus) 22 behen 89,94 Aqua buglossi 90,94 belching treatment 20 Aqua Celestis 96 belemnites 16, 26, 54 Aquae Arnemetiae see Buxton Spa in cryptopalaeontology 53, 55 Aquae Sulis see Bath Spa bell mine 270 aquamarine, ashes of 9 Bellenghem, Thomas van 17 Arabia, history of lithotherapeutics 14–15, 91 Bellovacensis, Vincentius 18 Arabic stone 57 Belon, Pierre 119 Arabicos Lithos 57 Ben Cao Bei Yao 166 aragonite 72 Ben Cao Cong Xin 166 Arctic exploration 457 ben rubei 89 Argilla 211 Benveniste, Gra´cia Nasi 199 Argilla pumex 160 Bermannus 115 Aristotle 22, 318 Berthold, Andreas 224 Armenian bole (bolus armenus; bole armoniac) 68–69, 99, beryl 12, 20, 139 100, 114, 116, 123, 132 see also emerald Arnold of Saxony 18 Berzelius, Jo¨ns Jakob 451 Aromatitis 61 bestiaries 15–16 arsenic 70, 100 Bethlehem, source of clays 123, 124 groundwater 263 bezoar goat 142 poison antidote 193 bezoars 99, 141–143, 198, 199 arsenic sulphide see orpiment artistic significance 198–202 Artemis image 113 decline of 206 Artemisia 98 defined 193 arthritis treatments 9, 264 use in Arabia 194 asafoetida (Ferula assafoetida)68 use in Europe 194–196 Asaphus 388 use in New World 198–199 asbestos dust 271 use in the Orient 196 Asphalt stone 60 Bible, impact on Renaissance society, science and technology Ass stone 51, 52 314, 315, 322 Assyria, history of lithotherapeutics 8–9 Biblical Flood see Deluge asthma cure 26, 144 Bibliotheca Pharmaceutico-Medica 185 astringent 24, 26, 68, 69, 72, 74, 77, 113 bibulus lapis 160 astroites 148 Bigsby, John Jeremiah Aurea Alexandrina 176–177, 179, 184 Boundary Commission survey (1820) 380–385 Aurum Potabile 180–182, 184, 185 Boundary Commission survey (1823) 388–391 Austen, Jane 403 early life 375 Austria, role in early geology first paper for publication 385 medical geoscientists 450–453 geological interests developed 375–376 monarchy 445–446 geological studies School of Mines 448–450 Lake Huron 387–388 universities 446–448 Great Lakes 376–380 Avenzoar 173, 197, 198 Quebec 376 Avicenna (Ibn Sina) 14, 73, 114, 172–173, 188, 284 lakes survey (1821) 385–387 Ayurvedic medical writings 1, 9 return to England 392–393 Azhar al Afkar fe Djawahir al Ahdjar (Best Thoughts on the St Lawrence River survey (1821) 387 Best Stones) 15, 91 Bigsby Medal 393, 393 azurite 26 bimsenstein 160 bimsstein 160 Babylon Bina stone 60 drug recipes 1 Bingen, Hildegard von 17 history of lithotherapeutics 8–9 binnenstein 160 Bagnigge Wells 257 binomial system (Linnean system) of biological classification Baillie, Matthew Hunter 367, 370 313–314, 334, 336 baked clay 69–70 Bird-heart stone 51, 52 Balanites stone 55 birth stones 159 Balanocidaris glandifera spines see Jews’ stones Bituminous stone 60 Banister, John 102 bivalve steinkern 28 Banks, Sir Joseph 399, 401, 404 bivalves 49 Barberini, Francesco 138 in cryptopalaeontology 51–53 barium, spa water 255, 265 black earth 141 Barrough, Philip 102 Black Hairy Tongue (lingua villosa nigna) 163 Bartholin, Rasmus 320 black pepper (Piper nigrum)71 Bartholin, Thomas 311, 313, 315, 316–317, 318, 319, 321 bladder stones 141, 226, 464 Bath Spa 243, 245, 246, 247, 248–249, 255, 256, 261 remedies 15, 26, 51 Batrachites 52 Blaeu, Willem Janszoon 310 Bauer, Georg see Agricola bleeding, staunching of 11, 16, 24, 124, 128, 129, 196, 225 Bauhin, Caspar 203–205, 312, 313–314 bloodstone 139 Bavaria-Ingoldstadt, Elisabeth of (Isabeau of Bavaria) 84 bloody flux treatment 14 Beaumont, Jean-Baptiste Elie de 292 blue vitriol see vitriol INDEX 477 Blundeville, Thomas 164 calcium phosphate, as poison antidote 193 body-snatching 357 calculi 141 Boerhaave, Herman 102, 103, 349, 354, 398 calomel 264 boles (earths) 113, 114 Calx 211 bole armoniac 68–69, 114 Camoes, Luis de 195, 196–197 see also terra sigillata Camper, Petrus 356, 356 Bologna stone 145–146, 146 camptine 12 bolus armenus 68–69 Cane stone 50 bone 149 Canis cacharia dissectum caput 290, 291, 296–298 Bones stone 54,57 Canis carcharius 319 Book of Minerals 159 cannel coal 223–224 Boorde, Andrew 98 Canones Universales 85, 175 borage 94, 99 Canterbury Tales 178–179 borax (sodium tetraborate; disodium tetraborate) 70–71 Cantimpratensis, Thomas (Thomas Cantimpre´)17 Borch, Ole (Olaus Borrichius) 104 Capland Spa 255 Botrychitis 50 Capra aegagrus 142 bottled water 265 Caracole stone 49,53 Boulton, Matthew 396 Carcharocles 149 bowel treatment 12, 14 cardamom 89 Bowerbank, James Scott 413 Cardano, Gerolamo (Hieronymus Cardanus) 81 Brabantinus, Thomas 17 cardiac treatments 17 brachiopods 54 carnelian (red chalcedony) 9, 16, 88,91 in cryptopalaeontology 55–56 caryophyllorum 90 Bradley, Richard 35 castracane 149 Brahe, Tycho 310 Catullus, Gaius Valerius 160 Brande, William 283 Caub, Johann Wonnecke von see Cuba, Johannes de Brassalova (Brasavola) of Ferrara, Antonio Musa 182–183, Causae et Cuae (Causes and Cures) 17 18 , 227 caves, symbolism of 236 Breviarium 173 Ceccarelli, Ippolito 184 Brevyard of Health 98 Cegolites lapis 18 Bridge of Allan Spa (Scotland) 243, 247, 253–254, 255, Celtic rites and rocks or stones 236 257, 264 Centaurea behen 89 Bridgewater Treatise 433, 434, 434 Ceraquiz 51 Bright, Timothy 100 Cesi, Federico 137, 139, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 149 Bristol Spa 244 Ceteosaurus humerocristatus 417 British Isles, source of clays 128–129 Chadwick, Edwin 279 British Spa Federation 243 chalk 209 bromine 252 Challenger, Professor 430, 435 Brontea stone 50, 51 chalybeate springs 245, 247, 248, 252, 255, 257, 263, 264, 265, Brontia 321 284–285 Bruce, William Spiers, Antarctic expedition leader 456, 457 Champier, Symphorien 115 Brunetti, Lodovico 471 chancre 71, 72, 73, 77 Brunschwig, Hieronymus 181 Charas, Moyse 34, 214–215, 216 brushite 193 Charcot, Jean-Baptiste 459 bubonic plague 99 Chaucer, Geoffrey 178–179 Bucardia 51, 52 Chauliac, Guy de 162, 162 Buckland, William 335, 343–344, 431, 433, 434, 435 Chelidonius 14 bufonites 18, 320 Chelonitis 56 bugloss water (conserve of bugloss root) 90, 94, 99 Cheltenham Spa 243, 246, 247, 249, 255, 256 Buitrena stone 53, 55 chemical fossils, in cryptopalaeontology 59–62 bullae 203, 203 Chernitis 55–56 Bullein, Willaim 81, 83, 83 chiastolites 148 Bullock-heart stone 51,
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