Allgemeines Abkürzungsverzeichnis L. Schick AAC Automatic Amplitude Control ACDI Asynchronous Communications AAD Analog Alignment Diskette Device Interface AAI Average Amount of Inspection ACE Asynchronous Communication AAM Application Activity Modul Element AAP Advanced Analog Products ACE Advanced Computing Environment AAP Application Access Point ACE → ASIC Club Europe AAS Atom-Absorptions-Spektrometer ACE Advanced Coding Effi ciency AASP → ASCII Asynchronous Support ACE Adverse Channel Enhancements Package ACE Automatic Computing Engine AAT Average Access Time ACEA Europäischer Automobilher- ABC Asynchronous Bus Communication stellerverband ABC Automatic Brightness Control ACF Advanced Communication Function ABC Active Body Control ACF Access Control Field ABCB Association of British Certifi cation ACGC Advanced Colour Graphic Com- Bodies puter ABD Automatic Baudrate Detection ACH Automated Clearing House ABD Automatisches Brems-Differenzial ACI Automatic Calibration Interface ABE Agent Building Environment ACIA Asynchronous Communications ABEL Advanced Boolean Expression Lan- Interface Adapter guage ACIAS Automated Calibration Internal ABI Application Binary Interface Analysis System ABM Analog Boundary Module ACIS Association for Computing and In- ABR Available Bit Rate formation Sciences ABS Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol ACL Advanced → CMOS Logic ABS Antiblockiersystem ACL Access Control Lists ABT Advanced → BICMOS Technology ACM Automatic Copy Milling ABUS Automobile Bit-serielle Universal- ACMS Application Control Management Schnittstelle System AG Alternating Current ACP Ancillary Control Program, Auxillary AC Automatic/Adaptive Control/Com- Control Process puter ACPI Advanced Confi guration and Pow- AC Advanced → CMOS er Interface ACC Analog Current Control ACPR Adjacent Channel Power Rejection ACC Adaptive Cruising Control ACRMS Alternating Current Root Mean ACCESS Automatic Computer Controlled Square Electronic Scanning System ACROSS Automated Cargo Release and ACCO Active Control Connection Object Operatings Service System ACD Automatic Call Distribution ACS Automatic Class Selection ACD Advanced Custom Design ACS Access Control System/Set z-AbkuŴrz.indd 557 10.08.2005 11:24:08 Uhr 558 Allgemeines Abkürzungsverzeichnis ACS Asynchronous Communication ADSI Active Directory Services Interface Server ADSL Asynchronous Digital Subcriber ACSE Associaton Control Service Element Line ACT Advanced → CMOS Technology ADT Application Design Tool ACT Advanced Contactless Technology ADT Advanced → DRAM Technology ACT → AMBA Compliance Testbench ADT Application Data Types ACTS Advanced Communication Tech- ADU Automatic Dialing Unit nologies and Services ADU Analog Digital Umsetzer, → ADC ACTT Advanced Communication and ADX Automatic Data Exchange Time-keeping Technology AEB Analog Expansion Bus ACU Access/Arithmetic Control Unit AED → ALGOL Extended Design ACU Automted Calling Unit AES Atom-Emissions-Spektrometer ADA Automatic Data Acquisitions AES Advanced Encryption Standard ADA Atmosphärische Druck-Abhängig- AFB Application Function Block keit AFC Advanced Function of Communi- ADA Auto Directional Antenna cation ADAR Achsmodulare digitale Antriebs- AFC Anti-Ferromagnetically Couplet regelung AFC Automatic Frequency Control ADC Analog Digital Converter, → ADU AFC Application Foundation Classes ADC Advanced Data Compression AFC Automatic Font Change ADC Add with Carry AFD Automatic File Distribution ADCCP Advanced Data Communications AFE Analog Font End Control Procedure AFG Arbitrary Function Generator ADD Automatic Document Detection AFM Atomic Force Microscope ADDPCM Adaptive Differential Delta- AFP Automatic Floating Point Puls-Code-Modulation AFTP Anonymous File Transfer Protocol ADF Automatic Document Feed AGC Automatic Gain Control ADI AutoCad Device Interface AGIS Apex Global Information Services ADIF Analog Data Interchange Format AGP Accelerated/Advanced Graphics ADIS Automatic Data Interchange System Port ADLAT Adaptive Lattice Filter AGQS Arbeits-Gemeinschaft Qualitäts- ADM Add Drop Multiplexer Sicherung ADMA Advanced Direct Memory Access AGR Abgas-Rückführung, → ARF ADMD Administration Management AGT Ausschuß Gebrauchs-Tauglichkeit Domains AGV Automated Guided Vehicle ADO Active Data Objects AGVS Automated Guided Vehicle Systems ADP Advanced Data Path AHB → AMBA High Performance Syn- ADP Automated Data Processing thesizable Bus ADPCM Adaptive Delta/Differential Pulse AHDL Analog Hardware Description Code Modulation Language ADPM Automatic Data Processing System AHP Accelerator Heel Point ADR Advanced Digital Recording AI Artifi cial Intelligence ADR Automatische Disatnzregelung AI Application Interface ADS Advanced/Analog Design System AIA Application Integration Architecture ADS Allgemeine Daten-Schnittstelle AIA Automated Imaging Association ADS Active Directory Services AIC Application Interpreted Construct ADS Application Development Solution/ AID Automatic Industrial Drilling System AIDS Automatic Integrated Debugging ADS Automatic Distribution System System z-AbkuŴrz.indd 558 10.08.2005 11:24:09 Uhr Allgemeines Abkürzungsverzeichnis 559 AIF Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industrieller AMA Arbeitsgemeinschaft Messwert- Forschungsvereinigungen Aufnehmer AIG Application Instruction Set AMAA Advanced Microsystems for Auto- AIIM Association for Information and motive Applications Image Management AMANDA Automated Messaging and AIK Analog Interface Kit Directory Assistance AIM Application Interpreted Modul AMBA Advanced Microprocessor Bus AIME Air Interface Monitoring and Em- Architecture ulation AMBOSS Allgemeines modulares bild- AIN Advanced Intelligent Network schirm-orientiertes Software-System AIRR Active Integrated Rectifi er Regu- AMD Advanced Matrix Display lator AME Automated Manufacturing Elec- AISB Association for Imaging Service tronics Bureaus AME Advanced Metal Evaporated AISP Association of Information Systems AMEL Active Matrix Electro-Lumi- Professionals neszenz AIT Advanced Intelligent Tape AMEV Arbeitskreis Maschinen- und Elek- AIT Advanced Information Technology in trotechnik staatlicher und kommunaler Design and Manufacturing Verwaltungen AIX Advanced Interactive Executive AMF Analog Multi-Frequency AJM Abrasive-Water-Jet-Machining AMI Alternate Mark Inversion AKIT Arbeits-Kreis Informations-Technik AMI Advanced Memory International AKM Apogee Kick Motor AMICE Architecture Manufacturing Inte- AKPRZ Arbeits-Kreis Prüfung und Zerti- grated Computer European fi zierung AML A Manufacturing Language AKQ Arbeits-Kreis Qualitätsmanagement AML Assembly Micro Library AKQSS Arbeits-Kreis Qualitäts- AMLCD Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Dis- Sicherungs-Systeme play AL Application Layer, Assembly AMMA Advanced Memory Management Language Architecture ALB Automatisch lastabhängige Brems- AMNIP Adaptive Man-Machine Non-ar- kraftregelung ithmetical Information Processing ALC Arithmetic and Logic Circuits AMP Associative Memory Processor ALC Automatic Level Control AMP Automated Manufacturing Planning ALD Atomic Layer Deposition AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone System/ ALDC Adaptive Lossless Data Compres- Service sion AMR Anisotrop Magneto-Resistive ALDG Automatic Logic Design Generator AMR Architecture Modeling and Reuse ALE Application Link Enabeling AMR Adaptive Multi Rate ALGOL Algorithmic Language AMRR Annual Research Review Meeting ALI Application Layer Interface AMS Autonome Mobile Systeme ALP Application Layer Protocol von AMS Analog- and Mixed-Signal Ethernet AMS Access Method Services ALS Advanced Low Power Schottky AMT Advanced Manufacturing Technol- ALS Automatic Level Sensing ogies ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit AMT Available Machine Time AM Amplituden-Modulation AMTC Advanced Mask Technology AM Asynchron-Motor Center AM Arbitration Message AMX → ATM-Multiplexer z-AbkuŴrz.indd 559 10.08.2005 11:24:09 Uhr 560 Allgemeines Abkürzungsverzeichnis ANA Automatic Number Announcement APS Acoustic Parking System (AUDI-Ein- ANCOVA Analysis of Covariance parkhilfe) ANI Automtic Number Identifi cation APT Automatically Programmed Tools ANOVA Analysis Of Variance APT Automatic Picture Transmission ANSI American National Standards APT Automatical Parameter Test Institute APT Address Pass Through ANTC Advanced Networking Test Center APTS Automatic Program Testing AOD Advanced Optical Disc APU Arithmetic Processing Unit AOE Application Operating Environment APX Application Processor Extension AOI Automatic Optical Inspection AQAP Allied Quality Assurance Publica- AOQ Average Outgoing Quality tion AOS Automotive Occupancy Sensing AQL Acceptable Quality Level AP Application Protocol/Processor AQS Ausschuß Qualitätssicherung und AP Adjunct Processor angewandte Statistik APA Adaptive Packet Assembly AR Autonome Roboter APA All Points Addressable AR Augmented Reality APA Arithmetic Processing Accelerator ARB Arbitrary Waveform Generator APAR Authorized Program Analysis ARC Advanced → RISC Computing Report ARC Attached Resource Computer APAREN Address Parity Enable ARC Anti Refl ecting Coating APC Automatic Pallet Changer ARCA Advanced → RISC Computing APC Automatic/Advanced Process Con- Architecture trol ARCADE Advanced Realism → CAD APCUG Association of → PC User Environment Groups ARCNET Attached Resource Computer APD Avalanche Photo Diode Network APEX Advanced Processor Extension ARF Abgas-Rück-Führung, → AGR APF All Plastic Fibre ARI Automobile Rundfunk Information API Application Programming Interface ARL Adjusted Ring Length APIC Advanced Programmable Interrupt ARLL Advanced Run Length Limited Controller ARM Advanced → RISC Machine APL A
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