XLhe Palestine 0a3ette publtebeb bç Hutbority No. 635 THURSDAY, 1ST OCTOBER, 1936 1073 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES Appointment of Hondurean Honorary Consul at Jerusalem - - 1075 Appointments, etc. ----- 1075 ־ ־ Land Valuers' Licences - - ' - 1075 ־ - - ־ - Land Surveyors' Licences 1076 ־ - - ־ Alterations to Railway Time Tables 1076 Adjudication of Contracts - 1076 Citations 1077 Notice of the Haifa Execution Office in respect of Foreclosure of Mortgage - 1077 RETURNS Financial Statement at the 30th June, 1936 - 1078 Statement of Assets and Liabilities at the 30th June, 1936 - - - 1080 1082־ - - - - Sale of Unclaimed Goods Quarantine• and Infectious Diseases Summary - - - 1085 REGISTRATION OP CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES, ETC. - 1086 ־ - ־ ־ - CORRIGENDUM - 1087 SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette:— Tariff for the Storage of Citrus Fruit at Railway Stations, under the Government Railways Ordinance, 1936 - - 1135 Revocation of Certificate of Naturalization under the Palestine Citizenship Order- in-Council, 1925. - - - - - 1136 Notice under the Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925, regarding the Cancellation of a Palestinian Citizenship - - - ' - ... - 1136 Curfew Order in respect of Wadi Tawahin Area in Safad Sub-District, under the Emergency Regulations, 1936 - - - - !137 Notice under the Customs Tariff (Amendment) Ordinance, 1935, determining the Values of certain Commodities for the purpose of Assessment of Duties - - 1137 {Continued) PRICE 30 MILS, CONTENTS {Continued) Page Dangerous Drugs Rules, 1936, under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, 1936 - 1139 Dangerous Drugs (Codeine and Dionin) Rules, 1936, under the Dangerous Drugs ־ - Ordinance, 1936 - - - 1162 Dangerous Drugs (Methyhnorphine find Ethylmorphine) Order No. 58 of 1936, under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, 1936 - - - . - 1162 Animal Quarantine (Amendment) Rules (No. 5), 1936, under the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926 - - - - 1163 Citrus Fruit Transport (Amendment) Rules, 1936, under the Plant Protection Ordi­ nance, 1924 ------ !165 Order No. 59 of 1936, under the Plant Protection Ordinance, ]924, amending the Order of the High Commissioner dated the 4th September, 1933, under the Plant Protection Ordinance, 1924 . _ _ _ H65 Timber Storage (Amendment) Rules. 1936, under the Regulation of Trades and In­ dustries Ordinance, 1927 - - 1166 Appointment of Chairman of the Financial Commission of the Orthodox Patriarchate Ordinances, 1928-1932 - - - - 1167 Notice of Grant of a Permit to publish a Newspaper, under the Press Ordinance, 1933 1167 Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, approving a Town Planning Scheme within the Town Planning Area of Haifa - - H68 Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, provisionally approving a Panella­ tion Scheme within .the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem - - ]168 Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, cancelling the Approval of a Par- cellation Scheme - - - • - i!69 Notices of Posting of Schedules of Rights to Land in certain Villages under the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1935 - - _ !170 SUPPLEMENT No. 3. REGISTRATION OF PATENTS 87 1075 APPOINTMENT OF CONSUL. NOTICE The Higli Commissioner directs it to be notified for general information that the King's Exequatur empowering SENOR ABDALLA ELLAS ANDONIE to act as Hondurean Honorary Consul at Jerusalem received His Majesty's signature on the 22nd July, 1936. By His Excellency's Command, S. MOODY 27th September, 1936. Acting Chief Secretary. (N/14/36) APPOINTMENTS, ETC. MR. JIBRAIL KATUL, Department of Education, 24.9.36—4.11.36 ACTING APPOINTMENTS. The High Commissioner has appointed :— j MR. F. H. YOULTON, Clerk, Grade M, Palestine j Railways, to act as Assistant Chief Ac- ! countant from the 23rd September, 1935, to j NOTICE the 5th February, 1936, and as Assistant ! Accountant from the 10th January to the 22nd September, 1935, from the 6th Febru• The undermentioned gentlemen are licensed ary to the 25th March, 1936, and from the | to practise as land valuers in Palestine under 25th May, 1936, until further order. the Land Valuers Ordinance, 1922: — MR. S. J. HOGBEN, Senior Education Officer, Dr. M. Zagorodsky Grade F, Department of Education, to act Mr. J. Levontin as Deputy Director of Education, with ef- j Mr. N. Epstein feet from the 27th September, 1936, until ! Mr. E. Gelat further order. j Mr. N. Popper I Mr. S. Blader MR. R. W. B. BELT, Assistant Director, Grade I Mr. R. Hughes F, Department of Customs, Excise and Mr. S. Torok Trade, to act as Port Manager, with effect Mr. J. Brunn from the 29th August, 1936, until further Mr. N. Paper order, while continuing to hold his position Mr. B. Lousmann Perelrnann as Assistant Director. Mr. Y. Shiftman Mr. N. Jubran Mr. N. Fiani TERMINATION OF ACTING APPOINTMENT. Mr. B. Chaikin Mr. E. Weissbord Mr. Muhammad Yunis Hussayni The High Commissioner directs it to be noti• Mr. F. Salomon fied for general information that the acting j Mr. A. Schragenheim appointment of MR. H. G. LE RAY, Superin• Mr. L. Redstone tendent of Surveys, Grade H, Department of Mr. E. Weinshall Lands and Surveys, published in Palestine j Mr. S. Margulies Gazette No. 619 of the 6th August, 1936, ceased Miss Lotte Cohn. with effect from the 17th September, 1936. F. J. SALMON Commissioner of Lands LEAVE. and Surveys. 25th September, 1936. (Gaz/17/36) The High Commissioner has approved the leave of the following officers: — MR. B. BINAH, District Administration, Northern District, 20.9.36—19.10.36 1076 NOTICE PALESTINE RAILWAYS. The following is a list of gentlemen licensed NOTICE to practise in Palestine as land surveyors during the year ending the 31st March, 1937: — Alterations to Time-Tible. Licence ATame. Town The public are hereby notified that the under• No. mentioned changes will be made in the time• table with effect as from the 21st September, 361 Samuel Prushansky Tel-Aviv 1936, and until further notice. 362 Yehoshu'a Prushansky Tel-Aviv 363 Paul Frank Sarona HAIFA-KANTARA LINE. 364 Eliahu Penn Tel-Aviv 365 Abram Vilensky Haifa Suppressions. 366 Eli'ezer Levin Tel-Aviv 367 Hanan Ramberg Tel-Aviv 368 Joseph Danon Haifa Haifa depart 0545 to Hadera 369 Emanuel Theiner Rehovot Haifa depart 1400 to Lydda 370 Ya'aqov Shiffman Tel-Aviv 371 Bela Szivos Nazareth Lydda depart 1430 to Gaza 372 Samuel Blader Tel-Aviv 373 Zalman Lifshitz Tel-Aviv Hadera depart 0720 to Haifa 374 Isaac Rabinovitz Haifa 375 Barouch Feldman Tel-Aviv Gaza depart 0830 to Lydda. 376 Shabbatay Schakhnay Tel-Aviv 377 Isaac Doubitzky Tel-Aviv In addition see notes (i) (ii) and (iii) below. 378 Amnon Kipnis Tel-Aviv 379 Noah Tabachnik Tiberias 380 Mordechai Kiriaty Tel-Aviv 381 Joseph Suleiman Salah Jaffa JAFFA-JERUSALEM LINE. 382 Jacob Krinkin Tel Aviv 383 Dov Kulman Tel-Aviv Jaffa depart 0630 to Jerusalem 384 'Abdallah Yousef Mitri Jaffa 385 Samuel Moscovitch Tel-Aviv Lydda depart 0720 to Jaffa. 386 Nicholas Popper Tel-Aviv 387 Meir Zoback Tel-Aviv In addition see notes (iv) (v) (vi) and (vii). 388 Ernest Stark Tel-Aviv 389 John Suleiman Salah Jaffa ALTERATIONS. 390 Jacob Rosentool Tel-Aviv 391 Heshel Hinovker Tel-Aviv (i) The 0800 hours train Haifa to Kantara 392 Zvi Ivenitzky Petah Tiqva East will leave at 0730; Lydda arrive 1015, 393 Moreno Meyohas Jerusalem 394 Eli'ezer Yellin Jerusalem depart 1045; Kantara East arrive 1655. 395 Maximilien Steinherz Tel-Aviv (ii) The 0001 hours train from Kantara East 396 Bernard Shenburg Haifa 397 Jamal Hashem Jerusalem will leave at 0230; Lydda arrive 0950, depart 398 Moshe Mysh Haifa 1020; Haifa arrive 1310. 399 Eli'ezer Beloch Haifa 400 Nahum Epstein Haifa (iii) The 1115 hours train from Haifa to Lydda 401 Michael Elrai Jerusalem will leave at 1130; Lydda arrive 1415 with 402 David Groner Tel-Aviv connections to Jaffa and Jerusalem. The 1430 403 Elie Cantor Haifa hours train from Lydda to Haifa will leave 404 Rushdi El-Iman El at 1500, Haifa arrive 1745. Husseini Jerusalem 405 Abraham Cohen Haifa (iv) The 1010 hours train from Jaffa to 406 'Abed Khoury Jerusalem Jerusalem will leave at 1345; Lydda arrive 407 Nahum Paper Haifa 1000, depart 1035; Jerusalem arrive 1255. 408 Moshe Sternheim Jerusalem 409 Joseph Breuer Tel-Aviv (v) The 1325 hours train from Jaffa to 410 Samuel Goldman Haifa Jerusalem will leave at 1345; Lydda arrive 411 Solomon Hose Haifa 412 Stephen Torok Jerusalem 1425, depart 1445; Jerusalem arrive 1655. 413 Samuel David Sorsky Haifa (vi) The 0855 hours train from Jerusalem to 414 Karl Ruff Haifa 415 Zion Cornfeld Nathanya Jaffa will leave at 0810; Lydda arrive 1005, 416 Eli'ezer Weinshall Tel-Aviv depart 1035; Jaffa arrive 1115. 417 Moses Y^chnovitzky Tel-Aviv 418 Aharon Minz * Tel-Aviv (vii) The 1200 hours train from Jerusalem to 419 Samuel Rosoff Haifa Jaffa will leave at 1210; Lydda arrive 1416, 420 Benyamin Chaikin Jeiiisaien: depart 1455; Jaffa arrive 1535. 421 Moshe Shapirovsky Haifa 422 Jacob Doobey * Tel-Aviv 423 Alexander Chissin Tel-Aviv HAIFA-SAMAKH LINE. 424 Leon Brown Tel-Aviv 425 Charles Morris Hucklesby \cre The 0445 hours train from Samakh will leave 426 David Blau Tel-Aviv at 0545; Haifa arrive 0835. 427 Alexander Katz Jerusalem 428 Emile Bustani Haifa For further particulars see the new time• table which will be displayed at all stations. F.J. SALMON. Commissioner of Lands and Surveys. G.M. CAMPIGLI. 24tli September, 1936. Acting General Manager. (Gaz/17/36) 16th September, 1936. 1st October, 1936 1077 ADJUDICATION OF CONTRACTS. II• IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HAIFA. 1. The contract for the construction of pile shoes for the Musrara Bridge has been awarded In the matter of the succession of WILHELM, son to MESSRS. K. HOFFMAN AND SONS of Tel of URBAN BECK of Haifa, deceased. Aviv at 890 mils per shoe. Period of contract is 1 month. Let all persons take notice that MARIA BECK (née KRUEGLER) has applied to the District Court of Haifa for an order declaring the suc• cession of WILHELM, son of URBAN BECK of 2.
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