THE BEST_98-100_1099_MASTRO The Best in Rome_DX-SX 14/02/12 20.46 Pagina 98 the bestinRome EXPO OPERA From Tuesday 21st at Teatro dell’Opera From Saturday 18th at Fiera di Roma “Big Blue”: a passion Madama Butterfly, a “Japanese tragedy” cclaimed stage director Giorgio for the ocean AFerrara in collaboration with his wide-ranging exhibition Palermo’s Teatro Massimo, brings a Tof marine activities is beautiful new staging of Madama attended by thousands of sea Butterfly to Rome. The story of a lovers every year. From shi- Japanese geisha’s love for an American pyards to food specialties, from naval officer moved Puccini to compose leisure and technical clothing music of rare and sensual beauty, and to seafarers’ equipment and also of heartrending power, as the heroi- accessories, from underwater ne’s tragedy moves towards its devasta- photography to the most upda- ting conclusion. Pinchas Steinberg con- ted technological instruments, ducts this ravishing score, which featu- Big Blue is an important show- res such wonderfully lyrical passages as case for marine professionals Cio-Cio-San’s first entrance, her seduc- tion by Pinkerton, the famous ‘Humming Chorus’ and of course Cio- Cio-San’s aria ‘Un bel dì vedremo’. Star Daniela Dessì soprano Daniela Dessì (alternating with Elena Popovskaya) sings the role of the ill-fated Cio-Cio-San (Butterfly). Alexey Dolgov makes a dashing Pinkerton – the character whose thou- ghtless toying with love is the catalyst for this tragic tale. From 21st to 28th February at Teatro dell’Opera. Info www.operaroma.it CLASSICAL MUSIC Wednesday 22nd at Parco della Musica 98 Maurizio Pollini for Chopin and Liszt he world-renown and revered pianist, Maurizio Pollini, is at Santa and amateurs. Thanks to its co- TCecilia with a solo recital in which he returns to, what some might operation with the major argue, he does best: playing Chopin and Liszt. On the programme are Associations and Federations two of Chopin’s nocturnes and Liszt’s Sonata in B minor, plus much operating in the sector, Big Blu more. Born in 1942, Pollini’s career took of when he was awarded the confirms its role as a meeting first prize at the International Chopin point between the market and Competition in Warsaw in 1960. He the various institutions invol- has since become one of the most ved in the regulation and secu- admired and respected pianists of our rity protection of marine activi- time and has appeared all over the ties. The 2012 edition of the world with leading orchestras and event highlights what’s new in conductors and as a recitalist. Pollini traditional sectors such as sai- has made appearances as a conductor, ling and motor boats, services but he is foremost a master of the key- and accessories, engines, Ribs board. He has won deserved recogni- and inflatables, but also has tion for making his phenomenal space for themes like water technical resources a means of explo- sports and eco-friendly pro- ring a vast repertoire, ranging from ducts as well as a Sea Heritage Bach to the avant-garde. Recital on Exhibition. From 18th to 26th Wednesday 22nd at Parco della February at Fiera di Roma. Info Musica. Info tel. 068082058, www.big-blu.it Maurizio Pollini www.santacecilia.it TROVAROMA THE BEST_98-100_1099_MASTRO The Best in Rome_DX-SX 14/02/12 19.58 Pagina 99 ROCK POP Misfits Gavin Degraw he theme of the evening is he American singer-son- T“Horror Carnival Party” and Tgwriter Gavin Degraw, it stars the American rock band who shot to fame in 2003 Misfits, who are recognized as with the award-winning the progenitors of the horror album “Chariot”, has relea- punk subgenre. Founded in sed his fourth album of soul- 1977 by singer and songwriter ful, melodic pop. Degraw Glenn Danzig, the band blends explains that in “Sweeter” punk rock and other musical he has expanded and experi- influences with horror film the- mented with his sound, and mes and imagery. The current this time around has deci- lineup featuring bassist Jerry ded to change it by working Only, guitarist Dez Cadena, and with co-writers Ryan Tedder drummer Eric "Chupacabra" and Andrew Frampton. Con- Arce released a new album cert on Sunday 19th at titled “The Devil’s Rain” last Orion Live Club, Viale Ken- October. Concert on Thursday nedy 52, Ciampino. Tel. 16th at Orion Live Club. Info 0654220870, www.orionlive- www.orionliveclub.com The Misfits club.com XHIBITIONS 10am to 10.30pm. Sunday DAMIEN HIRST E 10am to 8pm. Monday clo- Two separate exhibitions in MASTERPIECES FROM THE sed. Tickets 12,50 euros. Rome celebrate the work of GUGGENHEIM. GREAT Open until 6th May. cutting edge contemporary ar- ART COLLECTION FROM THE LAST CARAVAN tist Damien Hirst. The first (at RENOIR TO WARHOL. “The last caravan” is the title Gagosian Gallery, Via F. Crispi Hosted by Rome’s Palazzo of a photographic and audio- 16), is part of a larger exhibition delle Esposizioni, the Guggen- visual exhibition by the Tur- conceived to take place simul- heim Foundation is showing a kish photographer Arif Asci taneously in each of Gagosian selection of its masterpieces who retraced the ancient com- Gallery’s eleven locations from New York and Venice. mercial route from Xian to across the world. It features Guggenheim curator, Lauren Istanbul with a caravan of Hirst’s spot paintings which Hinkson, has chosen the pain- eight people and ten camels. are considered to be among tings and sculptures on di- Asci describes the 18-month the most distinctive in contem- the best splay according to a diachro- long, 12.000 km journey porary art. The second exhibi- nic and sequential criterion, across Kyrgysztan, Turkmeni- tion (at Fondazione Pastificio dividing the works into diffe- stan and Iran as a tribute to Cerere, Via degli Ausoni 7) is 99 rent sections: “Abstract Ex- the courage of caravaners of entitled “Postcard from… Da- pressionism”, “Pop Art”, Mini- times gone by: “those silent mien Hirst” and features “Nu- malism. Post-Minimalism, historians with no name who cleohistone” a poster by Hirst Conceptual Art”, “Photojour- wrote the history of humanity installed in the Fondazione’s nalism”. Palazzo delle Esposi- for over 2000 years”. From courtyard. For info www.gago- zioni, Via Nazionale 194. Boo- 15th February to 11th March king and info tel. at the Museo dei Fori Imperia- 0639967500. From 10am to li nei Mercati di Traiano. Info 8pm. Friday and Saturday tel. 060608. JAZZ Thursday 16th at Parco della Musica Fresu-Towner: the art of interplay alph Towner and Paolo Fresu play music from “Chiaroscuro”, Rtheir acclaimed release on the ECM label. This concert is a rare opportunity to hear a duo combining guitar and trumpet alone, a lyrical collaboration made special in the hands of two master musicians. Towner is an iconic guitarist, hugely admired by fellow guitarists and known for his legendary group Oregon, Ralph Towner and Paolo Fresu which has been in existence for 40 years. Sardinian born Fresu is one of Italy’s leading trumpet/flugelhorn players, receiving numerous prestigious awards and often noted for his Miles Davis-like sound. Concert on Thursday 16th at Parco della Musica, tel. 0680241281, www.auditorium.com TROVAROMA THE BEST_98-100_1099_MASTRO The Best in Rome_DX-SX 14/02/12 19.58 Pagina 100 ROCK St. Vincent The Chap ising indie star Annie Clark, ritish underground elec- Rknown otherwise as St. Vin- Btro-rock band The Chap cent, is receiving critical and was formed in London in public praise for her third 2002. Considered one of the album titled “Strange Mercy”. most exciting live bands in An artist of multiple talents, circulation, The Chap recor- she has proved to be an ded their fourth album, impressive musician capable of “Well Done Europe”, descri- charismatic performances. In bed as a sleek, electronically “Strange Mercy” she engages inclined set of songs that the darkness (rather than just was released in mid-2010. acknowledging it) and this The confidently named col- adds flesh-and-blood humanity lection “We Are the Best” to an artist whose excellent arrived late in 2011. Concert output has sometimes been on Friday 17th at the Coffee tainted by cool distance. Con- Pot, Via della Lega Lombar- cert on Wednesday 22nd at the da 52, tel. 3339631319, Lanificio, Via di Pietralata 159a, www.facebook.com/coffee- tel. 0641780081. St. Vincent potrom sian.com and www.pastificio- which made a major contribution Until April 2012 at the Borghese cerere.it. Until March 10th. to the world of art. Until 4th Gallery, Piazzale Scipione Bor- GUERCINO 1591-1666. March at Galleria Nazionale ghese 5. Booking is necessary MASTERPIECES FROM d'Arte Moderna, Viale delle Bel- tel. 0632810, www.ticketeria.it CENTO AND FROM ROME le Arti 131, tel. 0632298221. HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON On display a selection of pre- 8.30am to 7.30pm. Mondays Forty-four black and white pho- cious works highlighting the closed. tographs, each of them ac- milestones of the life and ca- I BORGHESE E L’ANTICO companied by a comment by reer of Francesco Barbieri, T anks to an exceptional colla- a famous poet, intellectual or known as “Guercino”, born in borative effort of the Louvre, writer that knew him, make up the city of Cento and one of the Borghese Gallery presents the exhibit that has also pro- the most significant protago- the exhibition “I Borghese e duced a volume that well re- nists of 17th century Italian l’Antico” which gathers 60 ma- presents Cartier-Bresson’s art. Until 29th April at Palazzo sterpieces currently belonging belief that Show More Show Barberini.
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