AN ILLUSTRATED KEY TO THE RANUNCULACEAE OF ALBERTA Compiled and writen by Linda Kershaw & Lorna Allen April 2019 © Linda J. Kershaw & Lorna Allen This key was compiled using informaton primarily from Moss (1983), Douglas et. al. (1999) and the Flora North America Associaton (2008). Taxonomy follows VASCAN (Brouillet, 2015). The main references are listed at the end of the key. Please let us know if there are ways in which the key can be improved. The 2015 S-ranks of rare species (S1; S1S2; S2; S2S3; SU, according to ACIMS, 2015) are noted in superscript (S1;S2;SU) afer the species names. For more details go to the ACIMS web site. Similarly, exotc species are followed by a superscript X, XX if noxious and XXX if prohibited noxious (X; XX; XXX) according to the Alberta Weed Control Act (2016). RANUNCULACEAE Buttercup Family → lines of symmerty → Key to Genera 01a Flowers bilaterally symmetric; sepals showy (easily mistaken for petals); petals shorter than the sepals ......................02 01b Flowers radially symmetric; sepals showy 1a 1b or not; petals present or not, shorterr than to longer than the sepals. ................03 02a Upper sepal hooded/helmet-shaped; petals 2 → completely hidden by sepals. ..............Aconitum delphiniifolium 02b Upper sepal spurred; petals 4, at least partly 2a 2b visible ..................... Delphinium 03a Fruits small, 1-seeded achenes or utricles . 04 03b Fruits follicles, capsules, or berries with ≥2 seeds .............................15 04a Sepals spurred (→); leaves all basal, linear 4a or narrowly lance-shaped; annual; fowers inconspicuous and single .......Myosurus 04b Sepals not spurred; leaves basal and on the → stem, or if all basal, then broader; mostly biennial/perennial; fowers conspicuous and/ or in showy clusters ..................05 05a Leaves all borne on the stem in pairs [opposite]; plants ±woody vines, climbing on other plants via twining leaf stalks ...........Clematis 05b Leaves alternate on the stem [rarely opposite] 6a; 9b or all basal; leaf-like, paired or whorled 5a involucral bracts sometimes present; stems herbaceous, not twining and vine-like. .06 7a 7b 06a Plants with ≥1 pairs/rings of leaf-like bracts below fowers; petals absent; showy, petal-like sepals usually present ................07 06b Plants without bracts; stem leaves, if present, alternate (rarely paired in Ranunculus sect. Flammula); fowers various .............11 07a Achene beaks/styles feathery, >20 mm long; sepals 2-4 cm long .............Pulsatilla 07b Achene beaks/styles not feathery, ≤6 mm long; sepals usually <2 cm long .............08 8a 8b 08a Leaves and involucral bracts simple, though sometimes deeply lobed; fowers single (rarely more) .........Anemonastrumn (in part) 08b Basal leaves divided into leafets; bracts and fowers various ......................09 09a Upper involucral bracts divided into leafets (compound). Anemone 09b Upper involucral bracts simple, though sometimes deeply lobed ...............10 9a 3 10a Central leafet of basal leaves 3-6 cm long; achenes hairless, 5-9 mm long; fowers single or in umbels . .Anemonastrum sibiricum S1 ..........[Anemonastrum narcissifora; ................Anemone narcissifora] 10b Central leafet of basal leaves 0.7-1.8 cm long; achenes densely woolly, 2-2.5 mm long; 10a 10b fowers single ........Anemone parvifora 11a Petals absent; sepals small, inconspicuous, less showy than the pistils or stamens; fowers mostly either ♂ or ♀ on separate plants, in elongated, branched clusters (panicles, racemes, corymbs); flaments thread-like or enlarged towards the tip ....... Thalictrum 11b Petals present (rarely absent in Ranunculus pedatifdus); fowers solitary or in fat-topped clusters (cymes); flaments thread-like ....12 12a Sepals usually 3; leaves kidney-shaped in outline, deeply cup into 3 lobes; achenes tipped with a hooked/curved beak; plants of 11a boggy woodlands ..Coptidium lapponicum ..............[Ranunculus lapponicus] 12a 12b Sepals usually 5; achenes and habitat not as above .............................13 13a Leaves heart- to kidney-shaped, edged with coarse, blunt teeth; achenes strongly ribbed, 50-200 in elongated heads ............... ................Halerpestes cymbalaria 13a ..............[Ranunculus cymbalaria] 13b Leaves and achenes not at above .......14 14a Achenes densely woolly, tipped with a straight, persistent, dagger-like beak 3.5-4.5 mm long; 14a plants annual, exotic .................... X 14b ............ Ceratocephala testiculata ..............[Ranunculus testiculatus] 14b Achenes not densely woolly, the beaks various; plants perennial, mostly native ..... ......................... Ranunculus 15a Petals prominent and spurred; sepals petal- like, showy ...................Aquilegia 15b Petals (if present) inconspicuous and fat; sepals often showy, colored and petal-like . 16 15a 16a Flowers 12-50, in elongated clusters (racemes); petals and sepals similar, whitish, 2-4.5 mm long, soon shed; pistils 1; fruit a shiny red or white berry ......Actaea rubra 16b Flowers single or 2-10 in fat-topped, leafy clusters (cymes); sepals showy and petal-like; petals absent or inconspicuous; pistils 2; fruit a a capsule, splitting along 1 side (follicle) .17 16a 4 17a Leaves simple, notched (usually deeply) at the base, with smooth, scalloped or toothed; edges; petals absent; sepals showy and petal- like ...........................Caltha 17b Leaves divided into leafets or cut to the base; 17a petals present but usually inconspicuous. .18 18a Leaves 1-2 times divided in 3s, evergreen, leathery, all basal; bright yellow rhizomes ... ........................Coptis trifolia 18b Leaves deeply divided into 5-7 palmate segments, not leathery or evergreen; stem and basal leaves present; no rhizomes ..... .....................Trollius albiforus 18b 18a ANEMONASTRUM Anemone 01a Flowers yellow; styles/beaks 4-6 mm long, curved back/down and hooked at the tip; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - plants delicate, 5-15(30) cm tall, from slender creeping rhizomes, with 1 basal leaf. ............Anemonastrum richardsonii ............... [Anemone richardsonii] 01b Flowers white or bluish; styles not as above; plants more robust, (10)20-60(80) tall, with persistent, thickened bases and (1)3-5(10) basal leaves ........................02 02a Basal leaves divided into leafets; achenes 1a 2a hairless, (5)6-9 mm long, broadly winged, with a 0.8-1.5 mm beak; involucral bracts in 1 ring, (1-)1.5-5(-5.5) cm long, smallest lobes 3-10 mm wide; rare arctic species ............. ............Anemonastrum sibiricum S1 ..........[Anemonastrum narcissifora; ................Anemone narcissifora] 02b Basal leaves simple, though often deeply lobed; achenes with fne hairs (often sparse), 3-6 mm long, wingless, with a 2-6 mm beak; 2b involucral bracts in (1-)2 rings, 3-10 cm long, smallest lobes (8-)10-15(-20) mm wide; throughout AB, common ................. ............ Anemonastrum canadense ................ [Anemone canadensis] 5 ANEMONE Anemone 01a Stem leaves/involucral bracts stalked. .02 1a 1b 01b Stem leaves/ involucral bracts stalkless ...04 02a Plants 10-20 cm tall, often forming colonies from spreading rootstocks (rhizomes); achenes with coarse, stiff hairs; main leafets usually once lobed (not repeatedly divided);wcAB, 2a rare ...........Anemone quinquefolia S2 02b Plants 20-80 cm tall, single or clumped, without spreading rootstocks (rhizomes); achenes woolly; main leafets divided 2-3 times ....03 3a 03a Flower stalks with 2 whorls of leaf-like bracts, the frst/main whorl with 3(-5) bracts; heads of achenes mostly round to slightly elongated; achene beaks 1-1.5 mm long ............. ...Anemone virginiana [Anemone riparia] 03b Flower stalks without bracts, the stem with a whorl of 3-7(9) leaf-like bracts; heads of achenes cylindrical; achene beak 0.5-1 mm 4a long ................Anemone cylindrica 3b 04a Leaves divided into 3 wedge-shaped, lobed leafets, 1-3[4] cm wide . Anemone parvifora 04b Leaves ≥2X divided into linear to lance-egg- shaped segments, mostly >3 cm wide ....05 5a 05a Plants 10-20(30) cm tall; fowers single, white, often blue tinged; stem leaves/bracts in 1 ring; 5b stamens usually >80 . Anemone drummondii ..................[Anemone lithophila] 05b Plants (10)20-50(70) cm tall; fowers 1-several, cream to yellowish or pink, often tinged red or purple; stem leaves/bracts in 1-2 rings; stamens usually <80 ... Anemone multifda 6 AQUILEGIA Columbine 01a Flowers blue or purple, often with whitish petals .............................02 01b Flowers yellow or red .................03 02a Plants mostly 5-20 cm tall, with basal leaves only; fowers usually solitary, with straight, 8-15 2b 2a mm long spurs; rare alpine species; Waterton area. Aquilegia jonesii S1 02b Plants 20-80 cm tall, with basal and stem leaves; fowers several, with hooked, 3-10 mm long spurs; widespread . Aquilegia brevistyla 03a Flowers yellow (sometimes pink tinged); petals with cream-colored, 7-10 mm long blades and yellow, incurved, 10-18 mm spurs; throughout the AB cordillera ..... Aquilegia favescens 03b Flowers red; petals with yellow, 0-6 mm blades and red, straight, 13-21 mm spurs; n 3b cordillera ............. Aquilegia formosa 3a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CALTHA Marshmarigold 01a Stems erect, with 0-1 leaves; sepals oblong, 1a white or bluish; wet alpine meadows in the northern cordillera ......Caltha leptosepala 01b Stems erect to sprawling or foating, with several leaves; sepals egg-shaped and widest towards the tip, white, pinkish or yellow;
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