Géta-govindaÇré ÇRÉ JAYADEVA GOSVÄMÉ Publication Team Editor: Vicitré däsé Assistant editors: Änandiné däsé, Gaura-priya däsé Fidelity check: Vraja Sundaré däsé, Jänaké däsé (India) Consultants on siddhänta: Çrépäda B. V. Tértha Mahäräja, Çré Acyuta Läl Bhaööa (vraja-rasika Gauòéya Vaiñëava paëòita) Translation consultant: Rädhikä däsé (Uzbekistan, B. A., M. A. Sanskrit grammar) Proofreading: Sävitré däsé (Holland), Vaijayanti-mälä däsé Layout and graphic design: Haladhara däsa, Maheçvara däsa, Jähnava däsé, Täruni däsé (Brazil), Jänaké däsé (Belgium) Cover painting: Çyämaräëé däsé Cover design: Madhu däsé (Delhi) Translator of the First Edition: Prema-prayojana däsa Our sincere thanks to Barbara Stoler Miller, (Ph.D.) whose incisive poetic rendition of Géta-govinda inspired us in our editing of the text. WWW.MYGVP.COM The printing of Çré Géta-govinda is financed by an endowment fund established by Dina-bandhu däsa (Germany) and Jagannätha däsa (Eugene) Géta-govindaÇré ÇRÉ JAYADEVA GOSVÄMÉ Revised Edition ÇRÉ ÇRÉMAD BHAKTIVEDÄNTA NÄRÄYAËA GOSVÄMÉ MAHÄRÄJA ÇRÉ GÉTA-GOVINDA First Edition ~ 2005 (1,000 copies) Second Edition ~ 2017 (1,000 copies) Printed at Spectrum Printing Press Pvt. Ltd.(New Delhi, India) © 2005 Gaudiya Vedanta Publications. Some Rights Reserved. Except where otherwise noted, only the text (not the design, photos, art, etc.) of this book is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0 international License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at www.purebhakti.com/pluslicense or write to [email protected] ISBN 978-1-63316-163-4 Library of Congress Control Number 2017952708 Front cover painting and line drawings within the book © Çyämaräëé däsé. Used with permission. Back cover painting by Vicitri däsé. Used with permission. Photograph of Çré Çrémad Bhaktivedänta Svämé Mahäräja in the guru-paramparä © The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc. Used with permission. www.krishna.com. Cataloging in Publication Data--DK Courtesy: D.K. Agencies (P) Ltd. <[email protected]> Jayadeva, active 12th century, author. Çré Géta-Govinda / Çré Jayadeva Gosvämé ; translated from the Hindi edition of Çré Çrémad Bhaktivedänta Näräyaëa Gosvämé Mahäräja. -- Revised edition. pages cm Includes verses in Sanskrit (roman); with translation and commentary in English. Includes index. ISBN 9781633161634 1. Krishna (Hindu deity)--Poetry. 2. Radha (Hindu deity)-- Poetry. 3. Love poetry, Sanskrit. 4. Love poetry, Sanskrit-- Translations into English. I. Jayadeva, active 12th century. Gétagovinda. II. Jayadeva, active 12th century. Gétagovinda. English. III. Bhaktivedänta Näräyaëa, 1921-2010, translator. IV. Title. V. Title: Géta-Govinda. LCC PK3794.J3G58 2017 | DDC 891.21 23 Dedication - SAMÄRPAËA - Just as one may worship the Ganges with the water of the Ganges, similarly, this book has been offered unto the lotus hands of my revered and causelessly merciful Gurupädapadma, nitya-lélä-praviñöa oà viñëupäda ÇRÉ ÇRÉMAD BHAKTI PRAJÏÄNA KEÇAVA GOSVÄMÉ MAHÄRÄJA, by whose inspiration it has been published. Contents Preface ................................................................................ i Introduction ................................................................... iii The Substance of Çré Géta-govinda ................................... xi A Review of the Literary Principles of Çré Géta-govinda ....xiii The Method for Entering into Çré Géta-govinda .............. xiv The Life History of the Poet Çré Jayadeva ..................... xviii Commentaries on Çré Géta-govinda ................................. xx Foreword .............................................................. xxiii On Çré Géta-govinda ...................................................xxiii On Eroticism — Sacred & Profane ............................. xxv Act One DÄMODARA DELIGHTED ............................................................ 1 Song 1 – pralaya-payodhi-jale ....................................... 14 Song 2 – çrita-kamalä-kuca-maëòala ............................ 28 Song 3 – viharati harir iha sarasa-vasante..................... 44 Song 4 – harir iha mugdha-vadhü-nikare ...................... 55 Act Two CAREFREE KEÇAVA ................................................................. 69 Song 5 – räse harim iha vihita-viläsaà .......................... 71 Song 6 – sakhi he keçi-mathanam udäraà ..................... 78 Act Three MADHUSÜDANA MESMERIZED .................................................. 93 Song 7 – hari! hari! hatädaratayä.................................. 96 Act Four AFFECTIONATE MADHUSÜDANA .............................................. 111 Song 8 – sä virahe tava dénä ......................................... 112 Song 9 – rädhikä virahe tava keçava ............................ 120 Act Five PUËÒARÉKÄKÑA PINING AWAY ................................................ 133 Song 10 – sakhi! sédati tava virahe vanamälé ............... 134 Song 11 – dhéra-samére yamunä-tére ............................ 139 Act Six CAPRICIOUS KÅÑËA .............................................................. 155 Song 12 – nätha hare! sédati rädhä väsa-gåhe .............. 155 Act Seven THE SUPREME TRANSCENDENTAL HERO ................................... 165 Song 13 – yämi he! kam iha çaraëaà .......................... 167 Song 14 – käpi madhuripuëä ....................................... 174 Song 15 – ramate yamunä-pulina-vane ........................ 180 Song 16 – sakhi! yä ramitä vanamälinä ....................... 190 Act Eight THE UNLUCKY LORD OF FORTUNE ......................................... 203 Song 17 – hari! hari! yähi mädhava yähi keçava ......... 204 Act Nine THE INNOCENT LORD OF LIBERATION ..................................... 217 Song 18 – mädhave mä kuru mänini mänam aye ......... 218 Act Ten CLEVER KÅÑËA, THE FOUR-ARMED FLATTERER ........................ 227 Song 19 – priye! cäruçéle! ............................................ 228 Act Eleven GOVINDA GLADDENED ......................................................... 245 Song 20 – mugdhe! madhu-mathanam anugatam ........ 246 Song 21 – praviça rädhe! mädhava-samépam iha......... 257 Song 22 – harim eka-rasaà ciram abhilañita-viläsaà ... 263 Act Twelve PÉTÄMBARA PERFECTLY PLEASED ........................................... 275 Song 23 – kñaëam adhunä näräyaëam anugatam ........ 276 Song 24 – nijagäda sä yadunandane ............................ 288 Verse Index .................................................................. 303 Çré Çrémad Bhaktivedänta Näräyaëa Gosvämé Mahäräja Çré Çrémad Çré Çrémad Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura Prabhupäda Bhakti Prajïäna Keçava Gosvämé Mahäräja Çré Çrémad Çré Çrémad Bhaktivedänta Svämé Mahäräja Bhaktivedänta Vämana Gosvämé Mahäräja Çré Jayadeva and Padmävati Puñpa Samädhi at Rädhä-Dämodara, Våndävana Çré Jayadeva discovering the verse completed by Çré Kåñëa Himself Preface It is indeed a happy event that Gauòéya Vedänta Publications is printing a revised translation of Çré Jayadeva Gosvämé’s Géta-govinda, published in Hindi in 2003 by our Gurudeva, nitya-lélä praviñöa oà viñëupäda Çré Çrémad Bhaktivedänta Näräyaëa Gosvämé Mahäräja. Çré Géta-govinda is the zenith of all literatures; the poet himself confidently tells his audience this fact at the beginning as well as at the end of his divine masterpiece. This great classic is an immaculate presentation of sacred amorous love, manifested in this world by a genuine Vrajaväsé, a resident of the topmost spiritual realm. It was by the desire of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu that this intimate vision of madhura- rasa was revealed in this world, providing a means for Him to relish the moods of Çré Rädhä. It furthermore affords a view of the unimaginable, confidential reality of Goloka Vraja for the conditioned souls of Kali-yuga. This Géta-govinda and other Gosvämé literatures, with their pristine descriptions of the erotic mellow, are indeed the very medicine to alleviate our håd-roga, the disease of lust contaminating our hearts. Çré Jayadeva himself confirms this in the eighth verse of many of the añöapadés of this epic masterpiece, assuring us that his words are just the remedy to counteract the foulness of Kali. The present edition is the fruit of over ten year’s devoted service. Those of us who worked on the current volume have strived to present the delicate subject matter tactfully. We hope that persons who feel that Géta-govinda is beyond their level of qualification, will find this edition approachable. The beauty of the poetry and the inconceivable genius of Jayadeva Gosvämé ii Çré Géta-govinda are perfectly capable to captivate and melt the heart. All of us who helped with this production are grateful to have been given this opportunity. It has been a thrilling experience, and we relished many hours of joy as we repeatedly chewed the words of Çré Jayadeva Gosvämé’s sweet, astonishing poem. We pray that today’s publication will be happily received in the society of devotees, as well as in academic and cultured circles around the globe. Please excuse any mistakes that may have eluded us. If our work is acceptable to our guru-värga, then we give all credit to our beloved Gurudeva, Çré Çrémad Bhaktivedänta Näräyaëa Gosvämé Mahäräja, who fearlessly took the responsibility to keep Çré Géta-govinda in circulation and thus preserve our precious Gauòéya heritage for posterity. Praying for the blessings of Çréla Gurudeva and Çré Jayadeva, The very fallen
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