DOCUMENT -ED 114 354 T,_ SO 008 748 AUTHOR Roeder, Robert E.; Ed.; And Others II". TITLE ' What Is America? Discussions, Volume INSTITUTION Denver Univ., Col:bi- American Issu!asF-orilm Regional Program. BiceAtenniarAdministration, ' SPONS AGENCY American Revolution Wasfiington, D.C.; National Endowment for the Humanities (NFAH), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 75 4 NOTE 135p.; For "a'related document, see SO/008 613 and 614 , a EDRS PRICE NF- $0.7:6 HC-$6.97 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS. Adult Education; Biblaiographies;Discussion (Teaching Technique).; *Discussilon Programs;°*Educational Usources; Program Development; Resource Guides; 0 Secondary Education; Social Studies; *Social Studies .\ Units; *United States History. IDENTIFIERS American Issues Forum;,*bicentennial . 4, / _ ABSTRACT .1, Volume II contains 20 discussion unitstoi the "final five month's of the Calendar for the AmericanIssues Forum Bicentennial program (see po 008 613 for Vol. I) .Diseussion"topics in this book include Working inimerica;-the Business of-America; America in the World; Growing up inAmerica;-and Life, liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Although avariety of instructional / procedures are suggestedall.of the units are intended to engage students'in structured activities leading them toactive inquiry and participation in class discussions. Designed forsecondary social studies and history classes, the unitsprovide students with a . spedial, activity-oriented on'e-day discussion foreach of the 36 weekly subtopics of the calendaf- Each of theone-day units is a self-contained package which includessuggestioni to the teacher for proCedures, readings, instructions, and questions. A regional . ,. bibliography appends the docutent, 'and cpntainsli-stings of in-print materials. (Author/JR). i *****************************************************-*****************; 0 Documents acquired by ERIC include manyinformal unpublished * materials not available from othersources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the bestcopy, available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are oftenencountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopyreproductions.EPIC makes available *. * via the" ERIC Document ReproductionService (EDRS). EDRS is not * * responsible for the quality of theoriginal documeit.Peproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the bestthat can be made from the original. * *********************************************************************i OF HEALTH U 5 DEPARTMENT EDUCATION WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTEOF EDUCATIONBEEN pEPB0 DCB YEN' Rom AsHEF. XAL.' ON DL,E N,Br ONFOE TAE PFPsIIN,E OROB ONS NT F ,NI, NE' Es' AP RUPEE 1,A,E p Di N'' ',EOX NA "DNA, N,'` SENT r1 A All ED (Al oN 1 _N A publication, of tli'o Americo IssdeS 'Forum .:RoiziOnal,PrOginin,71.1ruverSity of Denver:, 6ENIRAL,EDITOkSi RoberV.E.Itoeder, trniVerSity df-benver"' 'Dr.qatrell lVfoCrack'en, DelivOvirutio $chools:4 Dr. 'Ted Soensii,ittsburghH-T*- xf, '1DoyelniednitdiitliOati;p1,4soithellitio' *jai indink "ri Inant fot the. IlunianitiosAnil copqmptetl.,1*tlie.4 .Ant.,:nicart Itevolution, Iiicoritetudal Administration, .: . , This project' is made possibleso by a grantfrom the National. EndOvvrnent for the Itrtanities, a `federal agency73created 'by Congress tii ,support education, research, and public activities i.n. the humanities. I DEC 0 81975 . , 0 , -"F * a , a. o a eatid&ga Volume II . , . A pul?lication of the American Issues ForumRegional Program, University of Denver . GENERAL EDITORS: , .. o , Dr. Robert E.geder, University of Denver Pu Schools ,, Dr. Jarrell McCracken, Denver Public Dr. Ted Soens; PittsburghPublic Schools , 4 . .... / -.9 * . mei ic a n Issues forum ..,4 . A national bicentennial program . .....,.....rii . , ., . v bk. ,,§:. Delieloped under theauspices of the National Endow- s bent for the Humanities and cosponsored by thecl American Revolution bicentennial Administration. ''76.10* s ` . vsto '... This project is made possible by a grant fromthe National Endowment for ,the , -- , Humanities,afederal - agencycreated by Congress to suppoit educatioh', research, and public activities in the humanities. , . dZ 0 1975 . University of Denver . .. , . Denver, Colorado .. ....._ ... A. 000Q3 00 The editors wish to acknowledge,with`'appreciation, the scholars who haVe made"significant contributions tothe -contents of this Bicentennial publication. The. CONSULTANTS and CONTRIBUTORS to this volume were: Month V, Weeks 1-4! Ms. Janet McDonnel Department of History University of South Dakota Month VI, Weeks 1 -4:o Dr. John Watterson Department of History University of South-Dakota Month VII, Week 1: Dr. Harry Fritz. 'Department of History University of Montana 'Week"2: ly.Louis D. Hayes ibepartment of, Political Science University of Montana .Week 3: Dr: Forest L. Grieves 'Department of Political Science University of, Montana Wedk 4: Dr. Peter Koehn Department of PoliticalScieAce University of Montana Month VTI9, Weeks 1-4:°Mr. David Solheim Department of English o North Dakota State University Month IX,. 'Weeks 1-4: American Studies Committee University of Denver * * * * * .* .* * * * * * The materialswhich make up the contents of this,book They° be, in whole or part, ,freely reproduced,bur with the provision that no profit shall accrue toany person or organizationreproducing such material, and that charges, if any, shall cover only the actual ,costo'f:reproduction and distribution. The book has purposelybeenoleft unbound so copying willbe facilitated using any of several .> processes. It is suggested thatthe left edge of the pages. maybe three-hole punched so the, contents maybe inserted - in standard notebooks. o 00094 CONTENTS Inlroduction Tc:Ahe.Teacher, Special Note kmerican Issues Forum Calendar in Brief Discussions: (The weekly.units are arranged chronologically,according to the Calendar. Each page is numbered to indicatewhat unit it be19ngs t6,7'e.g. Month V / Week 1 / Page 1.) Fifth Month: "Working in America" Section V January.11 through February 7, 1976 Sixth Month: "The Business (A,America... Section VI February 8 through March 6, 1976 Seventh Month: "America In the World Section VII Mhrch 7 through April 3, 1976 Eighth Month: "Growing Up in America Section VIII April 4 through May 1, 1976 . - Ninth Month: "Life, Liberty, and the ' Section 'IX Pursuit of Happiness" May 2 through May 29, 1976 (Months One through, Four will be found in Volume I) a Immediately following the Discussions: Appendix I: Regional Bibliography THE4OMPLETION AND RETURN OF THE EVALUATION FORM ON PAGE V WILL BE GWATLY APPRECIATED. 00005 IN RODUCTION The AmericanIssues FOrum is a natio al Bicentennial program sponsored bythe National Endowment for the ktmanities (NEH) and co- sponsoredby the American Revolution Bice tennialAdministration (ARBA). It seeks to engage Americans of all ages and walksof life in seriousconsideration of our nation's institutions, values, and traditions. To make this possible, NEH has developed andpublished a Calendar setting forth and elaborating upon the issues connectedwith nine monthly topics and 36 weekly subtopics. During the 36 weeks of the schoolyear, beginning September, 1975,and running through May, 1976, much attention willbe given to the topics and questions described in the Calendar in thee, press and the broadcast media. Several publication projects have also been arrangedfor by the NEH to support the efforts of citizens to engage inthis consideration of our nation's heritage and future. The full text of the Calendar was included as an appendix of Volume I of What Is America2/Discussions. It is alsoincluded in the copies of thig second volume which are being sent tothose who did not receive Volume I. a What Is America?/Discussions has been preparedby the Regional American Issues ForumProgram, whichhas beencreated by NEH to support the Forum in the Great Plains and Rocky Mountain states,and which has its headquarters at the University of Denver. This isthe second volume of two which are designed toprovide high schOods with a special, activity-oriented, one-day discussionunit for each of the 36 weekly topics of the Forum'sCalendar.) Scholars at several of the region's universities are collaborating inthe production of What Is America?/Discussions. Theyhave suggested to the \editors what substantive 'points might bestbetreated in the units and what documents andother readings maybe selected to demonstrate to students how Americans have attempted and nowattempt to deal with the problemsand issues raisedby the Calendar. The finalresponsibility for editing the units has rested upon theGeneral Editors, Dr. Robert Jarrell E. Roeder, Departmentof History, University of Denver; Dr. McCracken, Denver Public Schools; and Dr.Ted Soens, Pittsburgh Public Schools. This secondvolumecontains tine 20 units for the final five and months of the Calendar. The units are designed with the needs opportunities of senior high school socialstudies anl history classes primarily' in mind. Theymay, however, be used inother senior high school classes and, in some instances, injunior high schools. 00006, Each of thee one-dayunits is a .self-contained package.'It containssuggestions to the teacher of procedures for its use; and readings, instructions, and questions to be dUplicated by&he,.teacher for -studentuse. This volume is left unbound in order to facilitate that duplication.Although a variety of instructional, proceduresNere ,suggested, all' of the units are intended to engage !itilpients in . structured activities leading them to active i,nquiryand
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