Recent Trend of Next-Generation IT-Biomedical Converging Technologies

Recent Trend of Next-Generation IT-Biomedical Converging Technologies

New Physics: Sae Mulli, DOI: 10.3938/NPSM.63.333 Vol. 63, No. 4, April 2013, pp. 333∼350 Recent Trend of Next-generation IT-Biomedical Converging Technologies Chunghi Rhee∗ ReSEAT Program, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Seoul 130-741, Korea (Received 8 November 2012 : revised 14 December 2012 : accepted 4 April 2013) Next-generation IT-biomedical converging technologies are emerging technologies that fuse IT, BT and NT with medicine, differ from the conventional medicine, reflect clients’ needs to improve their quality of life, and can provide better accuracy and convenience for medical diagnosis and therapy. The state of the art of IT-biomedical converging technologies is reviewed. The results of R&D on IT-biomedical converging technologies conducted in major countries, including the United States, the European Union, Japan and Korea, are presented, and the technological level of IT-biomedical converging technologies is evaluated, providing a future outlook for IT-biomedical converging technologies. In this paper, the core technologies of IT-biomedical converging technolo- gies, such as miniature medical robots, intelligent diagnostic chips, lab-on-a-chip, fusion of medical imaging modalities, laser medicine, ubiquitous healthcare and telerobotic surgery, are presented. PACS numbers: 87.90.+y Keywords: IT-biomedical converging technologies, Miniature medical robot, Intelligent diagnostic chip, Lab- on-a-chip, Medical imaging, Laser medicine, Ubiquitous healthcare, Telerobotic surgery :g6 ITT~¾8ýz»ùoÞ¶¥MønÚ8ý 4®oÒÞ]§ T_ur)∗ ôDzDGõÆ<lÕüt& ñн¨"é¶ ReSEAT áÔÐÕªþÏ, "fÖ¦ 130-741 (2012¸ 11Z4 89{ ~ÃÎ6£§, 2012¸ 12Z4 149{ ú& ñ:r ~ÃÎ6£§, 2013¸ 4Z4 49{ >F XS& ñ) [j@/ ITs¸_«Ñ6Öx½Ë+lÕütÉr IT, BT, NT lÕüt`¦ _«Ñ\ 6Öx½Ë+ôÇ lÕütÐ"f 7áxA__«ÑlÕütõ #¼ ,í ñXS$ ¦, _«Ñéßõ u«Ñ_ & ò ìÍø% ¦\¨½¹כ _# ¶ú©_ 9| Ó¾©`¦ 0AKôªÇ ¦Ìo Z>o H \/@[j ¹²DG_כí 1px`¦ Ó¾©r´~ ú eH lÕüts. :r7Hë H\"fH p²DG, Ä»XO, 9{:r, ôDzDG1px ÅÒ $_ >hµÏ1, 6£x6 x¨|c ú eH DhÐîr ITs¸_«Ñ6Öx½Ë+lÕüt_ ½¨>hµÏ11lxÓ¾õ Æ<Õüt& ñÐ ìr$3`¦ :x #ÅÒ ¹²DG_ ITs¸_«Ñכ%i. ÅÒ ¦, {©õ]jü< µÏ1~Ó½Ó¾`¦ ]jr ìr$3ïr`¦ q§¹²DG_ a'º lÕütúכ 6Öx½Ë+lÕüt_ úïr`¦ ìr$3ôÇ õ p²DGs ·ú¸&hܼÐĺ[j # 10As 9, 6£§Ér Ä»XO, 9{:r, ôDzDGíH {¹ôÇ ITs¸_«Ñ6Öx½Ë+lÕüt 1) íè+Aþ _«ÑÐ4© lÕüt, 2) t0px+Aþ éß 9} lÕüt, êÁ:r#Q9כs. ÅÒ (LOC) lÕüt, 3) _«Ñ% ò©lÕüt_ 6Öx½Ë+o 9 x YUs$ _«ÑlÕüt, 4) Ä»q3$'Û¼ ó¡Û¼H#QlÕüt, 5) "é¶ ÃºÕütrÛ¼7% lÕüt1px_ ½¨>hµÏ1 1lxÓ¾`¦ ×ædܼÐlÕüt %i. PACS numbers: 87.90.+y Keywords: ITs¸_«Ñ6Öx½Ë+lÕüt, íè+Aþ _«ÑÐ4©, t0px+Aþ éß 9}, êÁ:r#Q9}, _«Ñ% ò©lÕüt, YUs$ _«Ñl Õüt, Ä»q3$'Û¼ ó¡Û¼H#Q, "é¶ÃºÕütrÛ¼7% ∗E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] 333 334 New Physics: Sae Mulli, Vol. 63, No. 4, April 2013 I. "e Â]Ø ¦§ îo r\ 9{ "f ¶ú©_ 9| Ó¾©`¦ 0AKª ,í ñXS$ ¦ _«Ñéßõ u«Ñ_ & ò ìÍø% ¦\¨½¹כ _ôÇ ¦Ìo 5Åq$ í, ¼#_$ í 1px`¦ Ó¾©rvl 0A # ITs¸_«Ñ 6Öx½Ë+lÕüts>hµÏ1÷&¦ e. ]j#Qn"f _«Ñ"fqÛ¼ \¦ ]j/BN~ÃÎ`¦ ú eH "é¶_«Ñ\¦ 0AK _«Ñll_ nt _Oo 9 x ¸9{o XS@/÷&#Q 9, & ñ6 x | y©éß ¸m'Aa`¦ 0AôÇ ó¡Û¼ 9}, Êë@/6 x Òtq^éßll, Ä» % ¹Ð ôÇ. ¢¸ Fig. 1. NBIC transforming tools: R&D Programs, 2000כúÕütrÛ¼7 1px`¦ 9q3$'Û¼"fqÛ¼, "é¶ ôÇ IT, BT, NT 1px_ 6Öx½Ë+o\¦ :xK 3D í¦5Åq % ò© ½¨ [2]. ³&lÕüt, _«Ñ% ò©lÕüt_ 6Öx½Ë+o, YUs$ _«ÑlÕütõ sß¼ÐÐ4©, s¸9} 1px`¦ éß, u«Ñ\ &h6 x½É+ ú e Technologies for Improving Human Performance)’`¦ µÏ1 ,(%i. 6Öx½Ë+lÕüt`¦ ¸lÕüt (NT), s¸lÕüt (BT F ôDzDG_ íè+Aþ ³ð&³ .%3&÷< ¹כîr lÕüts 9H DhÐ _«ÑÐ4©lÕütÉr p²DG, 9{:r, Ä»XO, sÛ¼Óqs 1px\qK & ñÐlÕüt (IT), tõÆ< (Cognitive Science, CS)_ 6Öx½Ë+ b#Q4R e¦, | y©éß6 x êÁ:r#Q9} lÕütÉr [j> 60Aݶܼ ܼРӽئ÷&H lÕütÐ & ñ_ ¦, & ñÂÒla', @/Æ<, l\O[þt Ð ²DG?/\"f¸ ½¨ Ö¸µÏ1 , ìÍø&hܼРITs¸ _ÃÐ#\¦ :xKlí½¨ÐÂÒ' íß\Oo\sØÔHÖ6x½Ë+ _«Ñ6Öx½Ë+lÕüt_ >hµÏ1úïrÉr réß>¦ ^¦ ú e. lÕüt µÏ1>\S`¦ únÙwþ¡ [1,2]. 2005¸ NSFH ‘Man- .%i aging Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno Innovations’\¦ µÏç1ß ¹²DG_כr7 HëH\"fH p²DG, Ä»XO, 9{:r, ôDzDG1px ÅÒ: [j@/\>hµÏ1, 6£x6 x¨|c ú eH DhÐîr ITs¸_«Ñ6Öx½Ë+ NSF, NASA, EPA (¨8 âÐ ñ'Aõ), DOD (²DG~Ó½ÂÒ), DOE +# 6Öx½Ë Q\¦ ÈÒ-tÂÒ) 1px\"f çß 1,300%3 ²ú¹²DG (\כ#ÅÒ ìr$3`¦ :x ñÐ lÕüt_ ½¨>hµÏ11lxÓ¾õ Æ<Õüt& _ a'º lÕütúïr`¦ q§ìr$3 ¦, {©õ]jü< µÏ1~Ó½ lÕüt>hµÏ1áÔÐo#àÔ\¦ ÆÒÙþ¡. a'º ½¨\H s¸p'G Ó¾`¦ ]jrïôÇ. "f, êÁ:r#Q9}, s¸ íBË:hÛ¼ (Bioinformatics) 1pxs [j@/ ITs¸_«Ñ6Öx½Ë+lÕütÉr IT, BT, NT lÕüt`¦ íÊ<÷&#Q e. _«Ñ\ 6Öx½Ë+ôÇ lÕütÐ"f 7áxA__«ÑlÕütõH Z>o p²DGÉr 1999¸\ ITR (Information Technology Re- -¦, search)õ 2000¸ NNI (National Nanotechnology Initia ò ìÍø% ¦\¨½¹כ _ú©_ 9| Ó¾©`¦ 0AKôªÇ ¦Ìo¶ # _«Ñéßõ u«Ñ_ & ñXS$ í, ¼#_$ í 1px`¦ Ó¾©r´~ ú e tive) 1px 2>h_ ²DG>hµÏ1|ÄÌ (national initiative)`¦ r %i (Fig. 1 ÃÐ # NBICÐ ¨8rvH lìÍø`¦ º ¹²DG_ ITs¸_«Ñ6Öx½Ë+כH lÕüts. ]j2©\"fH ÅÒ ¹ôÇ ITs¸_«Ñ6Öx½Ë+lÕüt ¸). ÕªË>a\"f pushH l>r_ áÔÐÕªþÏs¦ pullÉr fכlÕüt ½¨>hµÏ1 1lxÓ¾õ ÅÒ 1) íè+Aþ _«ÑÐ4© lÕüt, 2) t0px+Aþ éß 9} lÕüt, êÁ:r & ñ_÷&t ·ú§Ér áÔÐÕªþÏ[þts. ITRõ NNIH Fg #30AôÇ #Q9} (LOC) lÕüt, 3) _«Ñ% ò©lÕüt_ 6Öx½Ë+o 9 x YUs$ õÆ<, /BNÆ<_ e¦AàÔ;§\lÕüt&hܼРpush\¦ ]j/BNôÇ _«ÑlÕüt, 4) Ä»q3$'Û¼ ó¡Û¼H#QlÕüt, 5) "é¶ÃºÕütr [2]. 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K½É+ ú eHÖ6x½Ë+lÕüt_ >hµÏ1 9 x ©6 xo\¦ ×ær ¦ e [1,3]. ]j3lõÆ<lÕütl:r>\S (2006 ∼ 2010¸)`¦ únw # NT, BT, IT, ET (\-t¨8 âlÕüt) 1px 4@/ 2) Ä»XO |ÄÌìr 9 x 6Öx½Ë+lÕütìr\ ×æ&hÈÒ ¦ e. éßlçß \ ´z6 xo0pxôÇ lÕütÖ6x½Ë+ +AþI_ lÕüt>hµÏ1 áÔÐÕª EU "é¶\"f ‘tdr |[ O`¦ 0AôÇ 6Öx½Ë+lÕüt µÏ1 þÏ`¦ ÆÒ ¦ e. NT, BT, IT 1px lÕütçß 6Öx½Ë+À:+ |ÄÌ (Converging Technologies for the European Knowl- `¦ :xK «Ñt, & ñÐ, Ð4©, BH$JÞÔ, ó¡Û¼H#Q, ¨8 |íí©ß\O`¦ 9 -t, qݼmÛ¼t"é¶"fqÛ¼ 1px 7@/ $â\ ¹כ #, r ëHo&h edge Society, CTEKS)’`¦ únw tíÊ<ôÇ |ÄÌ`¦ ÆÒ ×æs. CTEKSHÖ6x½Ë+lÕüt ÈÒ ×æt"é¶ H ‘íß\OÓ½¸|ÄÌ’ (‘04)`¦ ÆÒÙþ¡. 4@/ ×æ \¦ :xKõÆ<lÕüt ½¨©9, íß\O Ôât§4q yo© 9 x Ä»XO &hìr (IT, BT, IT, ET) ×æ éßlçß\ ´z6 xo0pxôÇ rü< ²DG_ 6 ¤½¨\¦ Øæ7á¤0px H &h`¦ y©¸ôÇ. lÕüt0AÅÒ_ lÕüt>hµÏ1|ÄÌ “Focus 21” (‘04)\¦ ÆÒÙþ¡ < < < IT, NT, BTü< CS (tõÆ), ëHÆtíÊ # 6Öx . + ñ e + ¹l\O[þtÉr sכ`¦ õ §4 Hitachi, Fuzitsu, NFC, Toshiba 1px ÅÒ¦ ܼ 9, 6Öx½ËlÕüts4R _ ËlÕüt`¦ &½ \@/ôÇ îro&h, r&h ½©]j\¦ y©¸ôÇ. ¸íBjË:hÛ¼, ó¡Û¼H#Q, >hµÏ1 1px\ 9|×æ ÈÒ ¦ EU_ FP6 (Framework Program 6) (2002 ∼ 2006¸)_ e. HitachiH s¸íBjË:hÛ¼, DNA9} \O, Ä» d ñ þÙ½¨ìrÐ NTü< BT\¦ & Ùþ¡¦, ^\Víß 178%3 /éßþÑ9&| ñÐ"fqÛ¼\ ÃÐ# ¦, sß¼Ð#QYUsÛ¼ ĻР×æ NT\ 14%3 Ä»Ð, BT\ 25%3 Ä»Ð\¦ ÈÒ %i í' (Microarray Spotter), o8 (Reader)_ róÍø 9 x Bio G ñ ' % [1]. EUH Û¼àÔs¸p'"f, | y©& ÐaorÛ¼7 ½¨ MEMS ½¨\¦ ú' ¦ e. 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