www.ukrweekly.com THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Second Section—English supplement of SVOBODA, Ukrainian daily, founded 1898. Dedicated to the needs and interests of young Americans of Ukrainian d··e·nt. No. 26. JERSEY CITY, N. J., FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1941 VOL. DC OUR 194І CROP UKRAINE EXPECTED TO TWIXT THE DEVIL· OF COLLEGE DECLARE INDEPENDENCE In a dispatch from Washington. William Philip Simms. Scripps- GRADUATES Howard Foreign Editor, declared —AND THE DEEP RED SEA, is the well known last Wednesday that authoritative saying, paraphrased here a bit, that well describes the №kk І \·|\її І мігшім Km Інки ги. (»f sources in the nation's capital ex­ plight of Ukraine in the present Nazi-Soviet maelstrom. 650 South 18th Street. Newark. N. J.. pect Ukraine to declare its in­ graduated this month from tht· dependence when the Nazis enter On the one hand Ukraine finds herself threatened S< hool of Commerce of New York Kiev. by one whom many regard as the very devil himself— University with a Bachelor of Scicnc«· "The 45.000.000 Ukrainians have Adolf Hitler, whose invasion of her territories is likely to Де¾·Г Є< In Hum npss I·¦d n«·ation. She already been nationalistic," Mr. be followed by an occupation that will drain her natural graduated magna cum laude. Simms wrote. "Terror alone has At school Kvelyn was a member of kept them within the Soviet Union. resources even more ruthlessly than did the brief German the PhI Chi Omega, honorary psy­ The G.P.U. swarmed in that region, occupation following the Brest-Litovsk treaty twenty- chology society of the School of and individuals who resisted re­ three years ago, which ended only when the embattled Commerce, and a member of the Beta gulations were physically elimin­ Gamma Sigma, national honorary ated. Ukrainians rose and cast off the shackles of German fraternity of the school. "Entire groups, like the Asso­ domination. She is also a member of the Uk­ ciation for the Liberation of Uk­ rainian National Association, branch On the other hand Ukraine is struggling for her life raine, were tried en bloc, sentenced 112; a former secretary of the I'k­ and removed. in the red sea of Russian communism and bloody despot­ rainian Youth's l>eague of North "The famines of the early '30s America; and member of the Uk­ in the entire Ukraine were due al­ ism, which inundated her upon the collapse of the Uk­ rainian Youth Chorus of New York rainian National Republic twenty-two years ago and most entirely to Moscow's drastic and New Jersey. efforts at farm collectivization. which at times appears on the verge of engulfing her Taras H. Kybaehok of 756 North Millions died of starvation or its completely. 22nd Street. Philadelphia. Pa., gradu­ effects—something which would ated from Temple University School never have happened, the peasants Such is the plight of Ukraine today. But that is not of Medicine with an If. 1). degree. He said, but for Moscow." the worst of it. For today Ukraine is the battle-ground also received a first lieutenant's com­ mission in the Medical Corps Reserve Concluding, Mr. Simms points of a titanic conflict, and once again her land is being attached to the 304th Regiment. He out that, ravaged, her cities ruined, and her people slain, to a will Interne at tbe Delaware Hospital "As a liberator Hitler is hardly in Wilmington, atarting July ]. Back anybody's idea of Sir Galahad. greater degree than ever before, for more terrible engines in 1037 he received his B. A. degree Nazidom may not be an improve­ of war are now being used. Once again the Four Horse­ from T<emple University. Last No­ ment over the Soviet. But it is men of the Apocalypse are riding roughshod over the vember he married Mary Kiah, who human nature to welcome relief— steppes of Ukraine, as they did untold times down is now working for a B.A. in music. even if the pain merely switches Taras first decided upon the study over." through the centuries, with this one difference however, of medicine while attending Central that today they have become mechanized and thereby High School. At Temple University, CIVIC CKNTKR SPONSORS all the more destructive. his spare time was occupied by re­ LECTURE ON LANGUAGES porting for the Temple News, in­ An interesting lecture on the And to make matters worse, Ukraine appears not to tramural basketball and a position problems involved in learning both as assistant in the Ні<||<·й> Depart­ have a friend in the world of nations. Occasionally the English and Ukrainian, was given ment. He ia a constituent of the Phi Nazis juggle the principle of national self-determination Rho Sigma Fraternity and distin last Tuesday evening under tbe auspices of the Ukrainian Civic before the eyes of the gullible, but the Ukrainians know -uish··<l himself as a member of the Medical School Basketball Team. Center girls organization by £mil the Germane too well to be in the least impressed by Revyuk, editor of "Svoboda," be­ Themes < hsbrak, senior honor stu­ that. As for the good old Allies, fighting so valiantly dent, of 807 Leon Avenue. Perth Am­ fore several score young people at boy. N. J., waa graduated recently the International Institute in New to preserve freedom and democracy on this earth, ap­ York City. parently they don't give a hoot for the forty-five million from the University of Newark with a Bachelor of .Arts degree in the So­ Mr. Revyuk treated the prob­ Ukrainian nation, for they have never given the slightest cial Sciences. He specialized iu labor lems from the viewpoint of a Uk­ sign of recognation of the right of the Ukrainian people economics. In his senior year he rainian-American who tries to was engaged in individual reeearch master the Ukrainian language. He to the freedom and democracy over which we are told on the "Problem of Minimum Wages pointed out some of the difficulties this war is being fought. in New Jersey." involved in the task, such as the basic differences in enunciation or Despite all this, however, the Ukrainians do not As an undergraduate Tom was business manager of the Observer, inflection between the two lan­ despair. They have been in far worse straits in the past school paper, b<aseball and basket­ guages. Such difficulties, he de­ and each time have emerged from them stronger and ball manager, secretary of the Uni­ clared, should not deter the young person from learning the two lan­ more determined to win their freedom than ever. Neither versity Athletic Club, fraternity edit­ or of the school paper, and member guages as much as possible, for the devil nor the deep red sea nor anything else can of various societies and fraternities. there is much beauty and power prevent them from eventually achieving that which is He ia also a member of the Ameri­ of expression in both. can Academy of Political and Social rightfully theirs—national freedom. And we shall live to Science. ton Diocese. see that day. While attending school, Tom wan Before ·entering the university. Tom also very active fn local Ukrainian made the All-State High School Sym­ so<·la| life in Perth Amboy. He ia phony Orchestra. He is a violinist president of the Ukrainian B·y an an<i trumpet player, iie was delegate PRIZES FOR BEST ARTICLES AND NEWS Church «'hoir, member of Branch 155 to the Ukrainian-American Congress REPORTS of tbe Ukrainian National Associa­ at Washington last >ear. tion, and a member of various so­ Tom is subject to army service cieties. within a few weeks. He expects, Although only 22, reports the New­ however, Hti off|<er's reserve com­ As announced two weeks ago. the Ukrainian Weekly ark Star-Ka<¢le, Tom was appointed mission as ensign in the Unit ··d will award each month, beginning with July, a series of by Bishop Griffin as vice-president of Stat<ºs Navy. prizes for the best articles and news reports baaed on the Holy Name Societies In the Tren- <To їм· і ·.iitmu· <І і Ukrainian-American life and activities submitted for publication on these pages. HONORING OUR GRADUATES Here are the prizes: First Prize, $3.00; Second Prize, Elsewhere on this page we begin publishing a list $2.00; Third Prize, $1.00. of those young Americans of Ukrainian descent who have Concerts, meetings, lectures, exhibitions, sport events, graduated this year from college, university, professional individual or group achievements in various fields, efforts school, or any other similar institution of learning. designed to inform the American press and public about The following information is requested of our read­ the Ukrainian people and their aspirations, the role our ers: (1) Name of graduate; (2) Home address; (3) Name people are playing in the defense program and our young of college or graduate school; (4) Degree received; (5) men in the nation's armed forces—are but few examples Honors and honorary societies; (6) Student activities; of the many activities our older and younger people en­ (7) Remarks; (8) Member of the U.N.A.?; (9) Name gage in which could serve as excellent subject matter for and address of person forwarding this information to us. news reports, comments and interpretative articles for The graduates themselves are especially requested the Ukrainian Weekly. to send us this information. But do so immediately. In judging all such contributions, particular attention Those who have graduated from high school with will be paid to their accuracy, compactness, clearness, special honors are likewise invited to send information general interest and style.
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