The one great rule TV e will serve MP of composition is to group or party but will hew hard to speak the truth. the truth as we find it and the right as -Thoreau arxas Obstrurr we see it. An Independent Liberal Weekly Newspaper Vol. 47 TEXAS, MARCH 7, 1956 10c per copy No. 46 sponses received through March 12 will be published March 14. 'ADM!, RALPH D.A.C. LEADERS The tabulations : AUSTIN Poll of Loyalist Group Shows Hart, White Nos. FOR PRESIDENT Loyalist Democratic leaders i n 2, 3 :Texas prefer Adlai Stevenson for First Second Third In Governor's Race; Kefauver Second to Stevenson Choice Choice Choice president and Ralph Yarborough for No. Pct. No. Pct. No. Pct. governor, their replies to an Observer ough with no second and third • place Stevenson .... 56 .78 9 '.13 4 .06 third place vote ; and W. (40 Cooper Kefauver 7 .10 24 .33 15 .21 poll indicate. choices, commented : "There is •only of Dallas was written in with a strong Harriman 2 .03 20 .28 23 .32 As of Monday afternoon, 72 of 141 one candidate." Another remarked: recommendation, but without a spe- Others* 5 .07 4 .06 4 .06 "Yarborough first, second, or third- cific vote. members of the Democratic Advisory TOTALS ... 70 .97* 57 .79* 46 . .64 Council had responded to the Observ- no other." In the presidential voting, Senator er's postcard query. Principal surprise in the results is Symington received three s first-place FOR GOVERNOR The Observer .asked for first, sec- the strengthening of Hart's standing votes and one each for second and First Second Third ond, and third preferences in both among liberal-loyalist leaders. The last third. Sens. Lyndon Johnson (D.- Choice Choice Choice Belden Poll on gubernatorial candi- No. Pct. No. Pct. No. Pct. races. Tex.) and William Fulbright (D.- Yarborough .. 41 .57 14 .19 6 .08 In the governor's race, Yarborough dates showed Hart and White about Ark.) each received one first-place Hart 17 .24 18 .25 13 .18 even. vote. Gov. George Leader of Pennsyl- White 6 .08 21 .29 18 .25 received 41 first-place votes compared Daniel 4 .06 3 .04 6 .08 Some council members wrote in vania received a second-place vote and Senterfitt • • • • 0 . to 17 for James P. Hart, six for John 2 .03 names in spaces provided under the two for third place. Sen. Henry Jack- Shivers 0 ... 0 ... 1 .01 White, and four for Senator Price Others Daniel. heading, "others." son and Gov. Mennen Williams of 2 .03 1 .01 2 .03 Figured at In the gubernatorial voting, Judge Michigan got a second-place vote 70 .97* 57 .79* 48 .67 three points for each James Sewell of Corsicana and for- first place vote, two points for second, each, and Gov. Leroy Collins of Flor- mer Congressman Ed Gossett got one ida was the third choice in one case. * Percent is percentage. of 72, the number and one for third, Yarborough had of cards returned at the time of the tabu- 157 points. first place vote each ; Gerald C. Mann The Observer tabulated the 72 re- to 100 for Hart, 78 for of Dallas got a second-place vote; lation. Disparities in percentage totals re-. White, and 24 for Daniel. plies as of Monday afternoon, which suit from dropping tenths of percentages Waco D.A. Tom IVIoore and Austin was about a week after they were from the table. Notes on "Others" will be Reuben • Senterfitt received two PR man John McCully each got a mailed out. A final tabulation of re- third-place votes, and Gov. Shivers re- foimd in the story. • ceived one third-place vote.. The loyalist leaders gave Stevenson 56 first-place votes, Sen. Estes Kelan- The ver (D.-Tenn.) seven, and Gov. Aver Governor's Issue for May ell Harriman of New York two. Sen. (Text of Shivers Speech, page 5), Interposition Is Debated; heard it discussed either in the past." Stuart Symington (D.-Mo.). received (Talk on Interpossition, page 3), "I never heard the word interposi- three write-in first-place votes. Meaning Still in Doubt tion used in a legal sense in my life, On the three-two-one scoring basis, AUSTIN for governor, backed tip interposition until recently in the newspapers," said Stevenson had 190 points, Kefauvel' A debate rages in Texas now over Associate Justice W. St. John Gar- 84, and Harriman 69.. - interposition, a - states' rights flag "because of the lack of courage by its wood. "I have often heard of the doc- Yarborough told the- Observer this raised by Governor Shivers for his Washington representatives." Senter- trine of nullification, and my present week that he thinks Stevenson is the followers in' the May political con- fitt has asked .S_ei.2ator_Pr.::e Daniel to impression is that it is the equivalent "strongest candidate" for the Demo- veritions' . :but . called "futile" and defend segregation in Congress. of what is meant by interposition." cratic presidential nomination. "His Associate Justices Meade F. Griffin, intellectual qualities are not surpassed "dangerousZ. by Austin lawyer Hart, former associate justice of Clyde-E. Smith, ,Ruel C. Walker, Rob- by any other man of either party," he James P. Hart. the Supreme Court and University of "Ft :Texas Chancellor, said he considers ert W. Calvert, and Frank P. Culver, said. He added that other Democratic The most specific. definition of the Jr., agreed they had not been aware candidates are well qualified. Eisen the doctrine "a futile effort to nullify Word comes from Atty. Gen. John the decision of the Supreme Court of of the doctrine as a serious legal prop- hower "practically had to be drafted" osition before its recent prominence. by. the G.O.P. "because of their pau- Ben Shepperd, Who says it .is not "a the United States" and "dangerous be- .city of material," he said. rebellious or disrespectful procedure" cause it tends to create national dis- The Texas Supreme Court has held - - but is siniply "a method. of protecting unity in these critical times when all that the Texas courts must comply Hart said : "I personally am for with the supreme law- of the land as Stevenson." White was not available the dignity and honor of the individ- Americans in all states should stand and work together with good will and interpreted by the U. S. Supreme for comment. sO• ual states against rulings which de- The D.A.C. is identified with oppo- prive them of rights, duties, and func- mutual respect." Court. sition to Gov. Allan Shivers, • and its tions properly theirs." Hart repeated his stand that the in-1 members will likely be in competition In a letter to Rep. J. Edgar Wilson tegration decision - "the unanimous N DALLAS Reps. Doug with the members of the Shivers-dom- of Amarillo, Shepperd said this an- decision of the court of last resort"- Bergman, Ben Atwell, and Horace inated State 'Democratic Executive other way : should be observed. Houston and Sen. George Parkhouse Committee for control of the May "Interposition is not defiance, but a The Express interviewed seven Su- announced support for interposition. conventions to determine the delega- . simple challenge whereby a state may preme Court justices. Chief Justice All of them said it should be broad-, tion Texas will send to the Democratic properly limit the onrush of a govern- Hickman said: ened to include all states' rights. Berg- national convention at Chicago. The ment centralized in Washington." "I never heard of the doctrine until man said the issue is "the inalienable poor showing of Daniel, Senterfitt, However, Shepperd suggested it recent days. I never read about it or (Continued on. page 5) and Shivers was therefore to be ex- may contain an element of defiance in pected in this poll. a letter to-legislators raising the issue One card was returned with all of a special session. Contribution to Yarboiough three of them scratched and the com- "The Constitution, and not the ment: "Please don't insult a Democrat courts or Congress, is the supreme AUSTIN man's support in 1952 and 1954 but with Republicans like-these!" law of the land," he wrote. "A State, Elmer Patman, Superior Oil's man- didn't get it, Patman later explaining One respondent, voting for Yarbor- or a group of States, may defy a rul- agement counsel and lobbyist, gave he supported Gov. Shivers both times. ing on one question and remain wholly Ralph Yarborough $500 in the fall and The Houston Post reported . Secretary obedient on other questions, the while $500 around New Year's last ,year to of State Torn Reavley said "report- remaining in the Union." help him travel around the state and ers can't see" the 1952 *records, al- Shivers, urging interposition be decide whether to run for governor though they are still in existence, be- The Rundown placed on the Democratic Party pri- again, Yarborough said last week. cause they might be used as "a sucker AUSTIN mary ballot by the state convention, Patman provided the $2,500 which list." Tuesday they were made avail- said A is not exclusively for segrega- Nebraska lobbyist John Neff offered able on a reversal of policy, but the Gubernatorial sweepstakes early tion or the natural gas bill. "It will be Sen. Case (R.-S. bak.), with the re- Observer's examination did not reveal this week: a general protection of local authOrity sulting investigation to ,lobbying in. any listed Patman-to-Shivers' contri- Gov. Allan Shivers is out of the from federal interference-and that is Washington.
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