Classification: OFFICIAL PORep2735 (REDACTED) Classification: OFFICIAL PART A – YOUR DETAILS Are you: An Individual An Organisation Other (please specify) Whitbread PLC Personal Details* Agent’s Details (if applicable) **Title Mr **First Name Euan **Last Name Brown Job Title Consultant (if on behalf of an organisation) Organisation Whitbread Group PLC Walsingham Planning (if applicable) **Address Telephone Number **Email Address *if an agent is appointed, you may wish to complete only the title and name boxes and, if applicable, the organisation box but please complete the full contact details for the agent. **Name and either email or address required if you wish to be added to the consultation database (see below). Consultation Database (Mailing List) The Councils have a Consultation Database (mailing list) used to keep individuals and organisations informed about Planning Policy Documents across both Council areas. Documents include: the Local Plan, Supplementary Planning Documents and Neighbourhood Plans, (please note some plans may not be applicable to your area). Chiltern District Council and South Bucks District Council are the Data Controllers for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998. Individuals and organisations on the Planning Policy Consultation Database will only be contacted by the Councils in relation to the preparation and production of planning policy documents. The Councils will not publish the names of those individuals on the database but may publish names of statutory bodies and organisations at certain stages of the Local Plan process. Please indicate if you want to be added to the joint consultation database (tick box below). Please note: you do not need to tick this box if you received a letter or email notification from the Councils prior to the start of the consultation, as you are already registered. Classification: OFFICIAL Page 1 of 353 2 Classification: OFFICIAL PORep2735 (REDACTED) Classification: OFFICIAL PART B – RESPONSE Green Belt Options – Please Provide your Comments The Councils have concluded that land within the Green Belt will need to be released in order to contribute to meeting development needs to 2036. This is despite maximising opportunities on ‘brownfield land’ or sites within the built areas and on previously developed land in the Green Belt. The Councils have identified 15 preferred options for development in the Green Belt after taking account of views expressed in a consultation earlier this year and testing a full range of options. All of these preferred options if suitable for development will be needed to contribute to our development needs. They are ‘preferred’ options at this stage as work is on-going to test their suitability. Further testing following this consultation will establish what infrastructure (e.g. highway improvements, schools, medical facilities etc.) will be needed to support the options moving forward taking into account current pressures and circumstances. We are consulting on these 15 preferred options to: a) Seek views to help determine their suitability for development; b) Help understand views on what type of development should be sought if suitable and what type of requirements (other than infrastructure) should be secured as part of development; c) Enable comments on the draft technical work supporting the selection of the preferred options; and d) Provide the opportunity for alternative options to be put forward. Evidence and background documents are available here: www.chiltern.gov.uk/planning/localplan2014- 2036/evidence and www.southbucks.gov.uk/planning/localplan2014-2036/evidence. When commenting please clearly indicate which preferred option(s) you are commenting on. Please do not provide any personal information you do not want to be made publically available as these comments may be published at a later date. Please see consultation response submitted as an email attachment Classification: OFFICIAL Page 2 of 353 3 Classification: OFFICIAL PORep2735 (REDACTED) www.simpsoneng.com SITE APPRAISAL FOR PROPOSED ALLOCATION FOR DEVELOPMENT LAND NORTH OF DENHAM ROUNDABOUT DENHAM PREPARED FOR: JOB NO: 14457 DATE: 9 December 2016 Revision: A Page 3 of 353 Classification: OFFICIAL PORep2735 (REDACTED) DOCUMENT HISTORY Revision Description Date - First issue. 06.12.16 A Development description revised. 09.12.16 CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 3 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 5 2. FLOOD RISK ................................................................................................................. 6 3. GROUND CONDITIONS ................................................................................................ 7 4. FOUL WATER DRAINAGE ............................................................................................ 8 5. SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE ..................................................................................... 9 6. UTILITIES .................................................................................................................... 11 7. CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................... 14 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: SFRA FLOOD MAPS APPENDIX B: PHASE 1 DESK STUDY APPENDIX C: BGS INFILTRATION SUDS REPORT JOB NO: 14457 ISSUE NO: A ISSUE DATE: 09.12.2016 Page 2 of 18 AUTHOR: G. Crowther OFFICE: HENLEY CHECKED BY: G. Crowther Page 4 of 353 Classification: OFFICIAL PORep2735 (REDACTED) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction This report has been prepared by Simpson Associates on behalf of Whitbread Group PLC in connection with a proposed allocation for development on land north of Denham Roundabout, which is a key site identified in the Chiltern and South Bucks document “Green Belt Preferred Options Consultation: October – December 2016”. This report provides a desk based review of the following key matters: - Flood Risk - Ground Conditions - Foul Water Drainage - Surface Water Drainage - Utilities Flood Risk The site has been identified to be in Flood Zone 1, which is an area not considered to be at risk of tidal or fluvial flooding and deemed suitable for all forms of development in terms of flood risk by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)” available on South Buckinghamshire District Council’s website identifies the south-eastern corner of the site to be a critical drainage area where surface water could accumulate following a rainfall event. The area is the sites natural low point and flooding would be linked to the accumulation of overland runoff from the wider site. It is recommended that this area is considered for use as a strategic Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) facility such as a balancing pond or wetland that could be designed to minimise the rate of discharge, volume and environmental impact of surface water runoff. Ground Conditions A Phase 1 Desk Study has reviewed the sites setting / history / environmental setting and assessed the implications of any potential environmental risks / liabilities / constraints to future development on the site. The Desk Study showed there to be no significant risks associated with land quality or contamination that would prevent development from taking place and concluded that the site is suitable for the type of development assumed. Foul Water Drainage It has been established that a 375mm foul sewer crosses the eastern edge of site. Any development proposed on the site should take into consideration the presence of the 375mm sewer ensuring proposed buildings are set back at least 3.0m from the centreline of the sewer. Alternatively the sewer could be diverted to suit the site layout under a Section 185 Agreement with Thames Water. Development could be provided with a foul water drainage connection to the existing sewer inside the site without causing any detrimental impact to the existing sewer system as any necessary improvements could be requisitioned under Section 98 of the Water Industry Act 1991. JOB NO: 14457 ISSUE NO: A ISSUE DATE: 09.12.2016 Page 3 of 18 AUTHOR: G. Crowther OFFICE: HENLEY CHECKED BY: G. Crowther Page 5 of 353 Classification: OFFICIAL PORep2735 (REDACTED) Surface Water Drainage It has been established that development could be provided with a surface water drainage connection to the land drainage ditches located along the sites western, southern and eastern boundaries. The ditches would require clearance as part of any development taking place as they have been identified to be heavily overgrown and partially blocked. It would be necessary to to minimise the rate of discharge / volume / environmental impact of surface water runoff from development using Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS). Permeable paving and swales are considered to be the most appropriate SUDS for individual development parcels on the site. These SUDS could be used to attenuate and convey runoff to a balancing pond / wetland strategically located in the south-east corner of the site. Utilities It has been established that the site is surrounded by existing electricity / gas / water / telecommunication service infrastructure. Given the presence of this nearby infrastructure it is not anticipated that there would be any substantial difficulty with providing the site with service connections. Conclusions No substantial issues have been identified
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