SPECIAL PREVIEW: DAYSTAR’S FAST CLONE, TEKTRONIX’S NEW COLOR PRINTER MAY 95MAY Software The Internet / 17-Inch Monitors Image-Processing / Power Mac Upgrades / $3.95 MAY 1995 MAY SPECIAL REPORT INTERNET BUYER’S GUIDE The BEST The EASIEST The CHEAPEST Internet Route to Way to Send Provider for Fast Internet E-Mail Your Needs Access Anywhere CONTENTS MAY 1995 / VOLUME 11 NUMBER 5 REVIEWS & QUICK CLICKS Macromedia FreeHand 5.0 The latest GroupWise 4.1 Novell sets a new standard version takes a quantum leap in in groupware, with a program that functionality, thanks to a new plug-in integrates e-mail, group scheduling, architecture that supports both FreeHand calendars, and to-do lists. / 54 and Illustrator plug-ins. / 35 Citizen PN60 This pint-sized 23 / Exclusive Now Contact and Up-to-Date Now printer could be a first look at Software bundles versions of its PowerBook-toting road DayStar’s new clone tower. two top programs and integrates warrior’s dream. / 55 them more tightly. / 41 ElectricImage NEW ON THE MENU Nakamichi MBR-7 Double-speed Animation System Mac Clones Speed tests, photos, and CD-ROM changer reads all the popular Broadcast-quality effects more. / Power Macs Connectix’s Speed CD formats while giving you access to and fast rendering are this 42 56 Doubler. / PCI Get ready to hop on the as many as seven CD-ROMs. / pricey program’s specialties. / ZMac Utility of the Month bus. / Mad Tektronix Phaser 540 This 600-dpi color CAL and Expresso Scheduling with style. QuickTime VR New developer ppatter! / laser printer doesn’t just produce excellent / 59 kit. / Plus Macintosh price index. / 22 output — it zips. / 48 SoundWorks by Henry Kloss Top- COLUMNS notch self-powered speaker system that you can hook up to your Mac Letters Readers rave about digital media, — at a bargain price. / 59 super fixes, and service and support for clones and pose their questions to Dr. Lode Runner Climb, dig, fall, or Power Mac. / 11 run through an obstacle course to get the treasure in this revamped Maggie Canon Potholes on the info golden oldie from the Apple II highway. / 17 era. / 61 Andy Ihnatko 19 Give Newt a chance. / Rebel Assault Challenge the Dark 48 / Finally — a color laser printer that’s fast and John C. Dvorak Apple’s demise: the easy to set up. Force in an action-packed complete list. / 182 interactive Star Wars adventure. / 61 Read-It! 5.0 Product Index / 153 With version 5.0, speed and accuracy are dramatically improved. / 49 Practica Musica 3.1 Become a master of Advertiser Index / 156 music theory with Ars Nova’s pitch-perfect PowerCADD 1.0 Featuring an impressive training software. / 63 Marketplace / 160 set of production-drafting tools and awesome speed, this 2-D-CAD package is Arrange 2.0 This database-powered PIM SPECIAL PREVIEW: DAYSTAR’S FAST CLONE, TEKTRONIX’S NEW COLOR PRINTER On the cover / top-of-the-line. / 50 can tackle complex schedules. / 64 / $3.95 Which Internet MAY 1995 MAY SPECIAL REPORT connection’s best? Apple PhotoFlash 2.0 A combination of Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon Remember INTERNET Cover photo / image-enhancement and cataloging Putt-Putt? Now you Lon Clark capabilities makes this a compelling tool can help him come BUYER’S Screen images / for managing graphics. / 51 home. / 65 GUIDE James O’Brien MarcoPolo 3.0 Paper management gets What’s the Secret? The BEST The EASIEST The CHEAPEST easier with this powerful document- Science for kids who Internet Route to Way to Send Provider for Fast Internet E-Mail Your Needs Access Anywhere search-and-retrieval program. / 52 ask lots of questions. / 65 DESKTOP PUBLISHING / 92 Photo CD Several third-party apps offer various ways to manipulate Photo CD COVER STORY images. One of them may be right for you. / 94 Graphics How-To Create screens for Making the Internet interactive CD-ROMs with Photoshop 3.0’s Layers Connection palette. / 98 Expert Tips Understanding Now may be the very best time to link up and applying GCR or UCR to to the Internet. We’ll show you how. get a perfect black. / 101 NO DOUBT ABOUT IT, THE INTERNET IS THE PLACE TO BE — but where is it, and how do you get there? We’ll tell you how to be part NETWORKING / 102 of the action: how to find a provider, make the connection, send and receive e-mail, subscribe to mailing lists and newsgroups, and Networking Telecommunications navigate the World Wide Web. Y DAM NGST 66 B A C. E / Bringing ISDN to your Mac. / 105 Mac to PC How corporations will cope with FEATURES clones. / 107 The Sharper, Cheaper Image 110 ZD WHY SETTLE FOR A HANDS ON / LABS small screen when you Power Macintosh can get a large one without breaking Upgrade Worksheet your budget? MacUser Labs put Should you upgrade your old 28 17-inch resolution-switching Mac to a Power Mac or buy a new color monitors through a series of one? This handy worksheet will tell. sophisticated tests to measure focus, / 110 sharpness, distortion, brightness, and Mobile Mac Answers to those frequently uniformity. BY JIM SHATZ-AKIN / 74 asked PowerBook questions. / 115 Net Traveler Ten rules of netiquette for The Image Makers flame-free Internet travel. / 117 IS IT TIME TO SWITCH? Help Folder Bob and Chris answer all your Adobe Photoshop, for years questions. Plus hot tips on your favorite the premiere image- programs. / 118 processing software package, meets up with four noteworthy challengers to the throne. And the winner is .... BY DAVID BIEDNY / 84 How to Reach Us Subscription problems? Call 800-627-2247. THE EDITORS of MacUser want to hear from MacUser, P.O. Box 56986, Boulder, CO 80322- you. Send questions, tips, complaints, or com- 6986. Second-class postage paid at New York, pliments to MacUser, 950 Tower Lane, 18th NY 10016, and at other mailing offices. Floor, Foster City, CA 94404. Send electronic mail to [email protected] (Internet) or ZiffNet/Mac: MacUser On-Line 72511,422 (CIS). MacUser’s general number is ZIFFNET/MAC IS A commercial on-line ser- 415-378-5600. 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