AUGUST, 1920 25 CENTS Drawn by Cornelia Barns In this Issue: The "Wars of "West Virginia - By Robert Minor The fOllowiJJg advertisenlent w"Ub check for one hundred and ., fltty - s lx dollars was declined by tbe N e w York Time s : Robt. AmerlCa s For the first time we dare to adver tise this book! For the first time we can meet the w or ld' s eye and say, Come on with your orders-no matter how many, G. Mightiest we M'e r eady! Ingersoll THINKER "The Brass Check" A Study of American Journalism I By UPTON SINCLAIR i Read the record of this book to date: Published irl February ; first edition, 23,000 paper-bound copies, sold in two weeks. Second edition, 21,000 papbr-bound, sold before it could be put to press. Third edition 18,00011 just r eady, nearly all sold; fourth edition, 12,000, print,,1 ing; paper for fifth edition, 110,000, just shipped fronil the mill. The third and fourth editions are printed on' Ing ~ rsoll 18 not only America's mlg bt­ lest Intell<>ct but among tbe inlellec­ "number one news"; the fifth will be printed on a car­ tuals of all tbe w orld from Greece a nd load of lightweight brown wrapping paper-all we could R ome d own thru tbe centuries to the get in a hurry! pr ~se nt da y Inger s oll's 'Vorks Stand Like a Glllllt The first cloth edition, 16,500 copies, all sold; a car-' among tbe greatest writers of tlle load of paper for the second edition, 40,000 copies, has world. His w orks will live t orever. just reached our printer-and so we dare to advertise! POSTPAID A TREASURE HOUSE OF KNOWL­ Seventy thousand copies of a book sold in foul' 'Some of the Subjects EDGE nionthi;-and published by the author with no advertis­ "T be Libe,·ty of Ma n, If you IY allt knowled ge r ead Ing er­ ing, and only a few scattered reviews ! What this W oman and Cbild soll. If you want to' cultlvatc memor y means is that the American people want to know the T be La ug' h of u Child r ead Inger soll. If you wa nt WUl P ower At the 'romb of Na­ r ead Ingersoll. l[ you wan t to rit! truth about their newspapers, They have found the v() leon yourself of u ll certaiuf ies and per plexi­ truth in "The Brass Check," and they are calling for Pl'eface to Gbosts ties r ead Ingersoll. If you want to de­ it by telegraph, Put these books on your counter, and l'l'efa ce to " 'b a t Mu st ' !) lu P va tieuce a nti poise, kindness a nd We D o To Be Suwd genLieness. lo\'e a nti t endernes s, r call you will see, as one doctor wrote us-"they melt away Preface to Somc Mis­ t ue t boug bts of tbis g rea t a nd wontler­ like snow." takes of Mosl's ful man. T o r efu se to read Ingersoll is A message from Debs: "In my last packet of mail :-. peec b Nominnting like r efus ing to enter a house of treas­ U1 aine ure. from Atlanta I had the following instruction: 'Please lnu lullupolis Sv ~ pc h Read what " 'alt 'Vltitman said of write Upton Sinclair and thank him for the autographea T Ile Child ren of t be Inge rsoll : copy of 'The Brass Check' just received, and tell him it Stage "Colone l Ingersoli Is a wonderful is monumental, and if he had not written another line, I T be Helig ious Belief of man, bis s peech for b a lf a u h our was AIJl'ubam Lincoln . II revela tion. 'Royal Bob,' as Garfield this supremely courageous and sorely-needed contribu­ "Tl'ihute to Ebon C. called him, was never in better featber tion to the world's emancipating literatu'e would of it­ Ingersoll a nd how deep llC goes a nd b ow big b self secure his fame and place mankind under an ever­ "T rib ut e to llpnry b e soars."- \\'alt Wbitma n. " . fl rd Reecber Like S bakespcare, it is very d ou btful lasting obligation to him. I am reading the book with "Trib ute to R 0 s c 0 e whet ber there will ever live anotber man profound interest and appreciation and hope its eye­ Conkling to possess bis brilliancy of language opening and thought-inspiring message may be spread "Tribute to Wult ""It­ and profundlt.v of tllOug bt. man H e stands at thc very bead or Amer­ over all the earth.' This with his love and best wishes, "At a Cbild's Grave ica n tbinkers and certainly tbe greatest is the message I am happy to transmit to you from "Life · writer of tbe entire world at tbe time 'Gene."-Mabel Dunlap Curry. H;olv to R eform Ma n­ of his dea th. As an ora tor be is ranked kiud superior t o tbe migllty ones of ancient From Kate Richards O'Hare's prison letters: "Frank, H ow Can We R ef orm Greece and R ome. It i s common umon g I am sending you Upton Sinclair's Brass Check_ I the World tbe intellectua ls of tbe world that be H ow Can W e . Lessen know you will want to read it and I feared you might was g r eater than Demostbenes. Cicero It Crime or P ericles. Well migbt America be miss it in your constant turmoil of overwork. is the H omes for All proud of bel' migbty Ingersoll. H e n ot biggest thing he has done since "The Jungle." If I Tbe Labor Question only wrote the most beautiful language. could put a copy of it in every common, ordmary work­ Educate tbe Cblldren but bis Eng lisb glit ter ed like diamon ds ing man's and woman's hands in the United States I Tbe F oundation s of aud pearls. Faitb This Volume Is the only authorized would be quite ,villing to serve every day of my five The Old T c~ tam e n t edition of these famous lectures-tbere­ years_ I think I will write Hem-y Ford to place a copy Tbe New T estament fore as tbis offer Dlay never appear of it in every hotel room as Maxim did his 'Eel pless .Teb ovah a.gain w e urge you to or(ler AT ONCE. The Trinity Tbe cost of this book is on Iy $2.01) . America'-no, it was 'Defenceless America.' But what­ Th" Th e 0 log i c al tbe price y ou pa y f or only one evening's Cbrlst ever the name of the book the war profiteers saw to it en tertainment, llnd in t bis book you that a copy went on each hotel dresser along with the What I s R eligIon will get mor e roal enjoym pnt, more r eal 'rhe P owe r Tha t pleasure. more nctua l benefit tba n if Holy Bible. If only a copy of 'The Brass Check' could 'VorkR for Rigbt­ you s pent $1.000.00. Anyone of t be se­ go into every r.otel room what an earthquake would oc­ eous ness lections in this hook Is wort b m Ore cur soon! But of course it won't. And the book will be Art a nd Morality tba n tbe price of tbe entire volume. Tbe J e ws Contains 400 Pages beautifully bound, buried miles deep in silence by the press. Read .. Th e s e Selection. printed on fine paper in large. clear this copy at any rate and pass it on to our friends with h ave been t ra n slated type. my request that they do the same." into almost pver y la n­ If you order this volume at g uage of t he " 'orld a nd onCe .. cOl'y of the affl,Ja.vlt -14 8 pages. Ring le copy, pa per, GOc. postpaid; tbree copies, are r(';ld in the g rent­ . FREE exoollted by JIll'S. Uobt. (;, In­ $1.50; ten copies. $4.50. Sing le co py. clotb, $1.20, postpaid; est sch ools a nd colleges ge-rsoll regarding ('nl. Jngersoll's deuth tbree copies, $3.00 ; tcn copies. $f.l. OO . of E ul'oPP a nd A m p r l~ a will be sent with each book. Learn the as masterpleccs of lit­ actual truth-Silence tbe sla.nders of er a ture. tWs famous man. Address UPTON SINCLAIR, TRUTH PUB. CO., Dept. A 1404 Broadway, N. Y. PASADENA, CAL. The follow~gadvertisement with check for one hundred and fifty-six dollars was declined by the New York Times: Amenca·, s For the first time we dare to advertise this book! For the first time we can meet the world's eye and say, Come on with your orders-no matter how many, G. Mightiest we are ready! Ingersoll THINKER "The Brass Check" A Study of American Journalism By UPTON SINCLAIR Read the record of this book to date: Published iri February; first edition, 23,000 paper-bound copies, sold in two weeks. Second edition, 21,000 pap(:;r-bound, sold before it could be put to press.
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