GOLDEN TREASURES Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad (may AllahKhalifatul-Masih have mercy on him) III Publications Department - Lajna Ima’illah UK 2017 Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul-Masih III rt Compiled by: Qurratul-Ain Tahir & Maryam Siddiqah Tahir Revised by: Fauzia Mirza Proof Reading by: Farzana Bashir First published in UK in 2017 Published by Lajna Ima’illah United Kingdom Department of Publications Printed at Bishops Printers Photographs: Courtesy of Makhzan-e-Tasaweer Design & Layout by: Fauzia Mirza No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission from the Publishers. Salutations and abbreviations The name of Muhammadsa, the Holy Prophet of Islam, has been followed by the symbol ‘sa’, which is an abbreviation for the salutation Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam (May peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The names of other prophets and messengers are followed by the symbol ‘as’, an abbreviation for ‘Alaihissalam (on whom be peace). The actual salutations have not generally been set out in full, but they should nevertheless be understood as being repeated in full in each case. The symbol ra is used with the name of the companions of the Holy Prophetsa and those of the Promised Messiahas. It stands for Radi Allahu‘anhu/‘anha/‘anhum (may Allah be pleased with him/her/them). The abbreviation ‘rt’ stands for Rahimahullahu Ta‘ala (may Allah have mercy upon his soul) and ‘aba’ stands for Ayyadahullahu Ta‘ala binasrihil ‘Aziz (May Allah the Almighty help him with his powerful support), and is used for the present khalifah of the Community. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful Foreword At a time when social temptations are on the increase, never more is the need for spiritual inspiration. In this booklet, you will be introduced to a true role model. This booklet is about the humble life of Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul-Masih IIIrt, the blessed son of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IIra. A lot of research and resources were used to compile this book. I would like to acknowledge and give heartfelt thanks to the Lajna Ima’illah UK Isha’at team under the leadership of Mrs. Zahida Ahmed our younger members. for undertaking and supervising its completion for the benefit of I pray that those who read this book are truly inspired and if God wills, see a change within their own lives. May we always be guided by Allah the Almighty, Ameen. Nasira Rehman Sadr Lajna Ima’illah UK 2017 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful Messiahas which stated, A magnificent Divine prophecy was received by the Promised “I shall give you a boy who will be your grandson” Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra announced on September 26, 1909, “Allah has given me the glad tidings that I will be blessed with a son who will be a Nasir-e-Din (Helper of Faith). He will be committed to serving Islam”. Mirza Nasir Ahmad Khalifatul-Masih IIIrt. These prophecies were fulfilled in the personage of Hazrat Hafiz Alhamdulillah, with the blessings of Khilafat, this is a great honour for Lajna Ima’illah UK to compile this book covering a few blessed aspects of the pious life of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IIIrt We are very grateful for our beloved Huzoor Aqdasaba for his kind guidance and permission for this project. May Allah the Almighty make us true servants of Islam and continue to shower His blessings on our Jama’at. May He always keep us on the right path, Ameen. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Sadr Lajna Ima’illah UK, Nasira Rehman Sahiba for her continuous support throughout. I am also very grateful to Lajna Ima’illah UK Isha’at team who spent countless hours with me and worked tirelessly to complete this project. May Allah reward them all abundantly, Ameen. Zahida Ahmed Secretary Isha’at (Publications), Lajna Ima’illah UK 2017 HAZRAT MIRZA NASIR AHMAD KHALIFATUL-MASIH IIIRT Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul-Masih IIIrt azrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrt was the third successor Hto the Promised Messiahas. He was the ‘Promised’ grandson of the Promised Messiahas and the eldest son of Hazrat Musleh-e-Mau’ood, Khalifatul-Masih IIra. The word ‘Promised’ means that his birth had been foretold by Allah Almighty. A prophecy related to his birth can even be found in the famous Jewish book ‘Talmud’, in which it is stated that after the death of the Messiah, his spiritual kingdom will pass to his son and then his grandson. (M. M. Asghar, Hayat-e-Nasir, Vol. 1, p. 19) Birth and Childhood The Promised Messiahas and Hazrat Musleh-e-Mau’oodra both received several glad tidings from Allah Almighty regarding the birth of a special son. The Promised Messiah’sas son, Mubarak Ahmad passed away at an early age. After his demise, Allah Almighty told the Promised Messiahas in several revelations that He would Ahmad. In another revelation, his name was revealed as Yahya. The Promisedgrant him Messiaha Nafilaas -explained meaning thata grandson, the name in Yahya place suggestsof Mubarak that the child would be given a long life unlike Mubarak Ahmad. (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Tadhkirah, English translation, 2nd Edition, Islam International Publications, 2009, p. 809) 11 Two months before the birth of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IIIrt, Hazrat Musleh-e-Mau’oodra received the glad tidings from Allah Almighty that Allah was going to bless him with a special son, who would be ‘Nasir-e-Deen’ (helper of faith) and would be dedicated to the service of Islam. (Al-Fazl, Qadian, 18 April 1910) Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrt, the eldest son of Hazrat Musleh-e- Mau’oodra was born in Qadian on Wednesday, 16 November 1909 to Hazrat Mahmooda Begum Sahiba, who then came to be known as Umme Nasirra. The news of Huzoor’srt birth was published in the newspaper, Al- Hakm of Qadian on 18 November 1909 as follows: ‘Allah the Exalted with his special blessings and favour bestowed upon the respected Sahibzada Mirza Mahmood Ahmad a son between the night of 15 November and the morning of 16 November. May Allah the Exalted make this blessed newborn fully inherit the miracles and character of his holy and noble ancestors and a sign of the fulfilment of the following revelations: 16 September 1907 at the time of evening: We give you glad tidings of a gentle son.’ 12 Hazrat Amman Jaan’sra moral training of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IIIrt Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrt was extremely fortunate because his upbringing was under the care of his most pious and revered grandmother, Hazrat Amman Jaan, Nusrat Jahan Begum Sahibara. Hazrat Nawab Mubarika Begum Sahiba, the daughter of Hazrat Amman Jaanra relates that Hazrat Amman Jaanra would sometimes lovingly address Nasir Ahmad as ‘Yahya’, saying he is also ‘My Mubarak’, as a replacement to Mubarak. (M. M. Asghar, Hazrat Khalifatul- Masih III, published by Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, Pakistan, p. 2) Often, people who saw Huzoorrt at Hazrat Amman Jaan’sra house for rt was indeed one of her sons. Hazrat Sayyedah Maryam Siddiqa Sahiba (daughter ofthe Dr. first Mir time, Muhammad assumed thatIsmail Hazratra) relates Mirza that Nasir she Ahmad spent most of her childhood away from Qadian due to her father’s work. Her family used to visit Qadian once a year on Jalsa Salana and would stay with Hazrat Amman Jaanra. She remembers that on one occasion, she saw Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrt at Hazrat Amman Jaan’sra house and mistook him for her son. It was only when she grew older did she realise that he was her grandson who was being raised in her loving care. (M. M. Asghar, Hayat-e-Nasir, vol. 1, p. 26-27) One of Huzoor’srt sisters, Sahibzadi Nasirah Begum Sahiba relates: ‘Hazrat Amman Jaanra dearly loved our brother Sahibzada Mirza Nasir Ahmad, and she always took extreme care to see to all his needs personally. She closely monitored his feeding and rest times, and never ignored any matters related to his tarbiyyat (moral training).’ (M. M. Asghar, Hayat-e-Nasir, vol. 1, p. 27) 13 Hazrat Amman Jaanra would pay special attention to all the matters related to his spiritual, moral, mental and physical development. She instilled in his heart strong love for Allah, the Holy Prophetsa, Khilafat and a passion for the Holy Qur’an from a very early age. She also established all the best qualities of compassion, love, humility, rt formed a special bond with Allah Almighty and began to enjoy Allah’s special favourssacrifice when and simplicity he was still in him.a child. Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad One of Huzoor’srt cousins, Sahibzada Mirza Muzaffar Ahmad Sahib, who spent a lot of his childhood days with Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrt relates the following incidents regarding Huzoor’srt moral training by Hazrat Amman Jaanra: ‘Bhaijan [meaning Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad] always sought permission from Hazrat Amman Jaanra before leaving the house. When Hazrat Amman Jaanra would grant him leave, she would lovingly say: (M. M. Asghar, Hayat-e-Nasir, vol. 1, p. 27) “Go! May Allah be your Guardian [Hafiz] and Helper [Nasir].”’ Hazrat Amman Jaanra raised many orphans in her household. She On one occasion during his childhood, Huzoorrt refused to eat his mealwould with often the lay orphans.a table cloth Hazrat on the Amman floor and Jaan servera simply them refused all dinner. to rt the importance of equality and humility. Huzoorrt has related: serve him any food that day. This significant lesson taught Huzoor ra taught me, “All people are Allah Almighty’s people, the teachings of religion have taught us to ‘Hazratprotect the Amman human Jaanrights and dignity of all men.
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