Industry focus is on Houston for the NAB It's two out of three as Nixon names Holcomb m BroadcastingThe newsweekly of broadcasting and allied arts Mar18Our 43d Year 1974 j WELCOME TO THE N.A.B.. FROM KPRC RADIO AND KPRC TU: HOUSTON'S FIRST STATIONS. THEN AND NOW. -4 Sult:' " Li', S. DAL FeaturesP Prime I Prime II Prime III ten 90- minute features sixteen 90- minute features sixteen 90- minute features Three of television's highest rated movie packages. First run, off network movies made especially for television direct from ABC -TV's highly successful "Movie of theWeek'and "Movie of theWeekend "series. The Prime Feature packages are a combination of action, drama, comedy, western, suspense and super- natural plots. Stars include: Helen Hayes, Fred Astaire, Burt Reynolds, Edward G. Robinson, Ryan O'Neal, Hal Holbrook, Sammy Davis, Jr., Ernest Borgnine,Van Heflin, Jack Albertson, Patty Duke, Shelley Winters, Jill St. John, Angie Dickenson, and Darren McGavin to name only a few. Capturing large family audiences in over 100 local markets, in all time periods. Primetime 7:30- 9:OOPM (Fri) KCPX-TV-- Salt Lake City No. l Rating & Share ARB: Nov 72 Fringetime 4:30- 6:OOPM (Sun) WSIX -TV- Nashville No.1 Rating & Share ARB: May 73 Daytime (Afternoon) 3:30- 5:OOPM (Sun) WLS-TV- Chicago No.1 Rating & Share ARB: July 72 Late Evening 10:30- Midnight KSD- TV -St. Louis No.1 Rating & Share ARB: Oct '73 Weekend 6:30- 8:OOPM (Sun) WCVB-TV- Boston No.1 Total Women & Young Women ARB: May 72 WORLDVISION ENTERPRISES INC. The Worldti; Leading Distributor for Independent Television Producers 660 Madison Avenue. New York. N.Y. 100211212) 832 -3838 New York. Los Angeles. San Francisco. Chicago. Atlanta, London. Paris. Tokyo, Sydney.Toronto. Caracas. Sao Paulo. Munich. Rome .y.. .., ., .. .._..,........rsa:,...:wsas>cIs .. .,ry..q.,,. -.. h.__ ...: Jd: .. r'-`=f _ H. Ree Nicholas Johnson T. Reid Benjamin L. Hooks °Dean Burch Lee Richard E. Wiley Robed Emmett Lee Charlotte 1969 1974 19681973 1966.1973 1972- CHAIRMAN 1953- 1971- 1973 Henry 'Rose) Herschel Hyde lames 1 Wadsworth Lee Lnevinger 'E. William Robed Taylor Bartley Robed Wells Thomas J.Houser Kenneth A. Co. 1963 1968 1962 1966 19521972 1969-1971 1970.1971 1963.1970 1946 1969 1965 1969 Henry Ring 'John C. Doerler Richard A Mack `George C McConnaughey Frederick W. Ford °Newton N. Minow T. A. M.Craven`- John S Cross Charles 1953.1960 19551958" 1954.1957" 19571964 19611963 1937 194471956 1963 1958.1962 1960.1961 'Albert Wayne Coy Clifford 1. purr Edward Mount Webster Frieda Barkin Hennock George Edward Sterling 'Paul Atlee Walker Eugene H. Merrill Robert Franklin Tones 1947. 1952'" 1941 1948 19471956 19481955" 1948.1954 19341953" 19521953 19471952" 4w: A William H. Wills Lawrence Fly Norman S. Case Ray C. Wakefield 'Ewell K led "Charles R. Denny. Jr 'Paul A. Porter 'lames 19341945" 1941-1947" 19441947°' 1945 1947 1944.1946 19451946" 19391941" Gary 'Frank R. McNinch Irvin Stewart ' Anming S. Prall Hampson I Thompson Thad H. Brown Eugene 0 Sykes Frederick 1934" 1939-1941°' 1934-1940' 1934 1939" 1937-1939' 19341937 19351937" Fed -r- rngIgnications Commissioners July 10, 1934 to March 6, 1974 gor -Served as Chairman O °Deceased STEINMAN TELEVISION STATIONS Clair McCollough, Pres. WGAL -TV Lancaster -Harrisburg- York -Lebanon, Pa. WTEV Providence, R. I. /New Bedford -Fall River, Mass. li Mar18 oB6 No. lróadcasting Senate Appropriations Subcommittee, to read opinion nar- Closed Circuit® rowly (Broadcasting, March 11). Critical preliminary step in reconstruction program will Explosion ahead? Talk of separation of National Associa- be analysis by general counsel's office of opinion, written tiónof Broadcasters into autonomous radio and television by Justice William O. Douglas, which lawyers in and out of organizations is being revived on eve of 52d convention in commission find murky. Acting General Counsel Daniel week. Television -oriented members are view- Houston this Ohlbaum, Executive Director Jack Torbet and bureau chiefs ing darkly what they see as dominance of radio in associa- are to meet on Thursday in effort to develop long- and tion affairs by virtue larger membership. of joint board short-range solutions to problem, in anticipation of meeting Conversely, radio -only members complain that bulk of with commissioners on subject on March 28. Multimillion - NAB's $4- million annual funds are disbursed to fight TV's dollar question posed by opinion is how to isolate value to battles, in cable, children's programing, regula- advertising recipient sole standard on which court would allow fees fairness welter - tion, doctrine and of other subjects they al- to be based. lege to be of little or no concern to them. NAB's radio board has 29 members, while TV board has New incursions. Knowledgeable sources in electronics indus- 15. Argument is advanced by long -time members that re- try predict Motorola will intensify efforts to expand use of structuring is needed because values have changed marked- land-mobile radio (and of spectrum to go with it), now that ly since existing organization was implemented quarter cen- company has agreed to sell its TV home receiver business tury ago. Since then, in words of one broadcaster who's to Matsushita Electric of Japan (see page 84). Land mobile in radio and TV, expansion has been "totally by accident" is Motorola's biggest profit center; company controls esti- as has been case with most other trade associations. He ad- mated 85% of field. vocates commissioning of consulting firm, such as Booz, Al- Allocation of additional spectrum for land -mobile use is len & Hamilton or McKinsey & Co., to undertake basic re- being vigorously sought by Motorola's skilled Washington evaluation prior to consideration of restructuring. Also sug- operators. Broadcast groups oppose land -mobile quest for gested has been study of other trade groups that work in UHF frequencies that would displace television channels. conjunction with or derive funds from NAB or from sta- FCC action awaits study of how spectrum can be em- tions and networks. It has been estimated that some $10 ployed most efficiently. Footnote: Unannounced price million is spent annually to sustain broadcast -oriented trade Matsushita is to pay for TV set business is said to be groups. around $225 million. Different judgments. NBC News plans no live coverage if Fast start. New FCC Chairman Richard E. Wiley lost little two jailed Symbionese Liberation Army members are per- time last week in attempt to tighten agency's administra- mitted by San Francisco judge to make TV appearance de- tion (see page 30). He called in bureau and office chiefs on manded by captors of Patricia Hearst. ABC News "will Thursday to work out procedures for speeding commis- strongly consider" live coverage. CBS News has not decided. sion's work. Such meetings will be held weekly. He said he All three assume appearance - if allowed by ruling that is doesn't want rulemakings hanging around for years. He due today (March 18) - would be worth news coverage on wants attacks on backlogs: 90-day deadlines on processing regular evening programs. of uncontested renewals, for instance. (Some 900 renewals How of oil. Major oil companies' support of national pro- are now hanging fire, including more than 200 facing peti- graming for public broadcasting is now running into millions. tions to deny.) Leading field is Exxon Corp., which is already funding Chairman, who had busy first week with speeches, meet- Theater in America with $1 million and will soon announce ings, testimony on appropriations, took time for courtesy another $1-million grant to Children's Television Workshop visit to Capitol Hill. On Thursday he called on Senators to aid production of CTW's new and as- yet -untitled health John O. Pastore (D- R.I.), chairman of Communications Sub- series. Mobil Oil is contributing additional $800,000 for committee, and Howard Baker (R- Tenn.), subcommittee's Masterpiece Theater, and is negotiating for futher awards. ranking minority member. Now it's reported that Atlantic Richfield Corp (Arco) is con- sidering requests for grants totaling some $1 million for two Moving on. Elbert Sampson, who was first black to join production centers, WNET-TV New York and WETA -TV executive ranks at National Association of Broadcasters, is Washington, for cultural programing. leaving his NAB job as coordinator, public affairs, to join Kaiser Broadcasting's WKBS -TV Philadelphia as program Raking it in. FCC is expected to proceed cautiously in re- manager. NAB is looking for replacement. acting to Supreme Court decision on commission's fee -col- lection program. Knowledgeable commission officials Collector's item. Computer Television Inc., New York, pay "guess" agency will suspend only annual cable TV fees and TV organization headed by Paul Klein, is reported to be in continue to collect all others - including annual broadcast fmal stages of negotiations to acquire closed- circuit pay TV fees - while it reconstructs fee schedules for various bureaus division of Columbia Pictures Industries, Trans -World Com- on basis of standards laid down in court's opinion. New munications, New York, which has suffered severe financial schedule, slated to go into effect May 1, will probably be losses. Computer Television, in Which Time Inc. has substan scrapped. Annual cable fees are only ones expressly dealt tial interest, is expected to pay considerably less than $4 with in opinion, and commission seems to be taking serious- million, price set for TWC in deal that fell through last fall ly advice of Senator William Proxmire (D-Wis.), chairman of with Prudential Maintenance Co., New York. Broadcasting is published 51 Mondays a year (combined Issue at yearend) by Broadcasting Publications Inc., 1735 DeSalea Street N.W., Washington, D.C.
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