[FULL COMMITTEE PRINT] 117TH CONGRESS l { REPORT J,st Session HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 117-XX DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2022 ---, 2021.-Committed to the Committee of the \\'hole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following REPORT [To accompany H.R. XXJ The Committee on Appropriations submits the following report in explanation of the accompanying bill making appropriations for the Department of Defense, and for other purposes, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022. BILL TOTALS Appropriations for most military functions of the Department of Defense are provided for in the accompanying bill for fiscal year 2022. This bill does not provide appropriations for military con­ struction, military family housing, civil defense, and military nu­ clear warheads, for which requirements are considered in connec­ tion with other appropriations Acts. The President's fiscal year 2022 budget request for activities funded in the Department of Defense Appropriations Act totals $706,197,170,000 in new discretionary budget obligational author­ ity. 43-365 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT Of NEW BUDGET (OBLIGATIONAL) AUTHORilY FOR 2021 AND BUDGET REQUESTS ANO ANOUIHS RECOMMENDED IN THE BILL FOR 2022 (Amounts in thousands) FY 2021 FY 2022 Bi11 vs. Bil1 vs. Enacted Request Bi1 l Enacted Request RECAPITULATION Title I - Military Personnel. ....... , ................. 157,807,905 167,285,095 166,797,135 +8.989,230 -487, 960 Title II • Operation and Maintenance .... , .. , ....• ,., .. 192,213,468 253,623,852 254,320,053 +62,106,585 +696, 201 Title [JI - Procurement. .. ···········--·••········ 136,532,968 132,546,005 134,2BB,195 -2,244,773 +1, 742,190 Title IV - Research, Development, Test and Evaluation. 107,135,164 111,964,188 110,368,824 +3,233,660 -1,595,364 Title V · Revolving and Management Funds., •• , .• , .. , .•. 1,473,910 1 , 902,000 1,902,000 +428,090 lit1e VI - Other Department of Defense Programs. 36,024,275 37,947,030 39,036,247 +3,011,972 +1,089 ,217 "" Title VII• Related Agencies ..................... 1,147,719 1,148,000 1,076,500 -71,219 -71,500 Tit1e VIII - General Provisions .......... , ...... -4,554,909 250,000 -1,JB0,954 +3, 173,955 -1,630,954 Title 1)( - Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) .......... ". 68,650,000 -68,650,000 Total, Department of Defense .... ,., ..... 696,430,500 706,666,170 706,408.000 +9,977 ,500 -258,170 =======:::.-=--==== ==:::.--:;:=======---- --------------- -------------- -------------- Total, mandatory and discretionary ... 696,475,500 706,711,170 706,453,000 +9,977,500 ·258, 170 -==-=====:::=-·=== ;=:::.-a.:::::========= =============== ====c:=-------- -------------- 3 COMMITTEE BUDGET REVIEW PROCESS During its review of the fiscal year 2022 budget request and exe­ cution of appropriations for fiscal year 2021, the Subcommittee on Defense held 18 hearings and one briefing during the period of February 2021 to May 2021. Hearings were held in open session, except when the security classification of the material to be dis­ cussed presented no alternative but to conduct those hearings in executive or closed session. lNTRODUCTION The Committee recommendation for total discretionary fiscal year 2022 Department of Defense funding is $705,939,000,000, which is an increase of $9,977,500,000 above the fiscal year 2021 enacted level and $258,170,000 below the budget request. This bill carries out the Committee's constitutional responsibility to recommend the appropriations necessary to provide for the com­ mon defense of the Nation. The Committee performed its role in a collegial and bipartisan fashion consistent with long-standing tradi­ tions. Oversight of the management and expenditure of the $705,939,000,000 provided to the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community is a core function of the Defense Sub­ committee. The Subcommittee performed this responsibility with a detailed review of the fiscal year 2022 budget request and held 18 hearings and one briefing. While the budget request was delayed, as is customary in the first year of a new presidential administration, the Subcommittee thoroughly reviewed the budget request and identified programs where reductions are possible without adversely affecting the safe­ ty and effectiveness of military personnel. Examples of such reduc­ tions include savings from favorable contract pricing adjustments, contract or schedule delays resulting in savings, unjustified new programs and cost increases, funds requested ahead of need for the year of budget execution, projected or historical underexecution, and rescissions of unneeded prior year funds. The fiscal year 2022 request for the Department of Defense in­ creases funding for modernization, continuing the effort to reorient the focus of the Department from counterterrmism to great power competition with well-equipped peer or near-peer adversaries. The Committee recommendation provides the resources to n1aintain the technological advantage which currently exists for the United States and provides funding in areas to further these efforts. It is imperative that resources are directed toward capable platforms and weapons that are effective in high-end conflicts. Additionally, the Committee recommendation also reflects the importance placed on the servicemembers and their families who protect American freedoms, providing uniformed and civilian personnel with a 2. 7 percent pay raise. The Committee recommendation includes significant investments to combat climate change, which is an existential threat to national security. The Department estimates that it has spent $8,000,000,000 to remedy the impacts of extreme weather. These events occur with greater frequency, leading to more instances o_f personnel being unable to train or facilities unable to be used at 4 installations that lack resiliency. Not only does climate change hamper readiness, but it also increases instability, as rising sea levels, drought, and other weather events constrain resources and forces the movement of people. With regard to Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) funding, House Report 116-453 stated, "The OCO experiment has been an abject failure and has given the Department a budgetary relief valve that has allowed it to avoid making difficult decisions." The Committee builds upon that statement by not providing any fund­ ing for OCO in fiscal year 2022. Instead of separate base and OCO accounts, all activities will be funded in base accounts, including direct war and enduring requirements. This change will increase transparency and accountability, although it necessitates adding amounts in base and OCO accounts enacted in fiscal year 2021 when comparing to rncommended levels in base accounts in fiscal year 2022. DEFINITION OF PROGRAM, PROJECT, A.'ID ACTIVITY For the purposes of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (Public Law 99-177), as amended by the Bal­ anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Reaffirmation Act of 1987 (Public Law 100-119), and by the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-508 ), the terms "program, project, and activ­ ity" for appropriations contained in this Act shall be defined as the most specific level of budget items identified in the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2022, the related classified annexes and Committee reports, and the P-1 and R-1 budget justification documents as subsequently modified by congressional action. The following exception to the above definition shall apply: the military personnel and the operation and maintenance accounts, for which the term "program, prqject, and activity" is defined as the appropriations accounts contained in the Department of Defense Appropriations Act. At the time the President submits the budget request for fiscal year 2023, the Secretary of Defense is directed to transmit to the congressional defense committees budget justification documents to be known as the M-l and 0-1, which shall identify, at the budget activity, activity group, and sub-activity group level, the amounts requested by the President to be appropriated to the Department of Defense for military personnel and operation and maintenance in any budget request, or amended budget request, for fiscal year 2023. REPROGRA,'IIMING GUIDANCE The Secretary of Defense is directed to continue to follow the re­ programming guidance for acquisition accounts as specified in the report accompanying the House version of the Department of De­ fense Appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2008 (House Report 110- 279 ). The dollar threshold for reprogramming funds shall be $10,000,000 for military personnel; operation and maintenance; procurement; and research, development, test and evaluation. Additionally, the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) is di­ rected to continue to provide the congressional defense committees annual DD Form 1416 reports for titles I and II and quarterly, spreadsheet-based DD Form 1416 reports for Service and defense- 5 wide accounts in titles III and IV of this Act. Reports for titles III and IV shall comply with guidance specified in the explanatory statement accompanying the Department of Defense Appropria­ tions Act, 2006. The Department shall continue to follow the limita­ tion that prior approval reprogrammings are set at either the speci­ fied dollar threshold or 20 percent of the procurement or research, development, test and evaluation line, whichever is less. These thresholds are cumulative from the base for reprogramming
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