UDC: 572. 02C22) Title: Insula: international journal of isl.. Cat. no: 211537 Date: 08 Apr 201 Subscription no: l Note: j'2-Szilô oflsl n April 1999 ISSN 1021-0814 YearS .1 mild year-round cllmate and plenty of sunshine are just two of Tenerife's attractions. This fascinating island is full of hidden corners and Bibfiothèque/Library natural wonders worth UNESCO discovering, especially for PlER GIOVANNI D'AYALA b» e onenoy walkingentbusiasts and nature loyers. From thé coast to thé Teide National Park 75352 PARIS 07 SP - FRANCE Cephalonia: thé Katavotres karstic phenomenon, following a complètenetwork ofpathways and once exploited as a source of energy "ANTONIO D'AYAIA view points, Tenerife guarantees spectacuîar Ile de Paquetàbï PEDRO D'ALCÂNTARAFREIRE Bibliothèque landscapes and a ricb variety of flora and fauna. Thé Mediterranean islands: paving thé way for quality development? 'OGNIEN BABIC Culture, Tourism and Local Community. Thé isle of Man Expérience Library "STEPHEN HARRISON Wbetberyou choose to explore thé mountains, Thé architect of thé Sea bï SERGE COLLET E-mail : library@unesco. org lavaformations or coastalcoves independently Saints, Gales, and Seamen... "PIER GIOVANNI D'AYALA Tel. : +33 (0)1 45 68 03 56/60 or as part of an organised tour, you will 7, Placede Fontenoy 75007 Paris, France .^^ invariably bave thé opportunity to see one of c our numerous speciesofbird, indigenousto thé City of Bar '"VLADAN ZDRAVKOVICH island. Crooked leg's son b'SiLviA PAGGI Tenerifeojfers wonder- fui hôtels with excellent service, in addition to a wide range of cultural SICILIANDOTourism in a baroqueland A forgotten Monastery bï CHRISTINASASSAYANNIS activities throughout Islands as Guttural Landscapes: a model for integrated sustainable management. thé year. Don't take Thé case of Patmosb y EMMANUELLA Doussis AND ANTONIA ZERVAKI ourword for it, corne Technology and Héritage: A newalliance on théthreshold of théXXI century, and discover it for Salamanca Conférence ''CIPRIANO MARIN yourself. Tenerifeand thé Sea Programme Sacred Blood by SOLANGE PETIT-SKINNER ThéFascinating ïsland Tenerife Tourist Development Bureau SiNTESIS. creatividad putllicitaria insula InternationalJournal oflsland Affairs building a consensual development ISSN 1021 - 0814 April 1999 ineyears hâve elapsed since INSULA, our organization, was created in November Year8N°l 1989.One year more and it willbe a full décade.It is timeperhaps to rethink from where started our adventure as it developed trough thé years. by PlER GIOVANNI D'AYAIA EditorialBoard It waspeople like you andme whichfor personal or professionalreasons were attractedby islands and their paradigmatic trajectories; not so much for romande or utopian reasons but Editer: becauseisland problemswere real andto understandthem by working together at their solu- Pier Giovanni d'Ayala tions seemed to us a good. way, a way at our scale and dimension, to glano as in a magnifying muror, at thédeep changes our world wasundergoing. A man whounderstood us offehnghis ScientificAdvisory Committee: support was Federico Mayor D.G. of UNESCO. Hejust told us : « go on ». It was not a com- Prof. SalvinoBusuttil, MALTA mand,but a wishto seeImaginative, slightly crazypeople to start ajourney throughunknown Dr. RonaldG. Parris, BARBADOS seas. Our first captainswere of such a breed ofpeople: Bill BélierInsula's first chairman, an Prof. Nicolas Margaris, GREECE Americanscientist expert in islanddevelopment. AndIvo Margan,our SecretaryGénéral that Prof. Patrick Nunn, FUI beforebeing a politicianfrom former Yugoslavia was an islander himself. Bill andIvo leaded us ProfG. Prakash Reddy, DsTDIA trough thé still unsettled waters of our journey. Prof. Hiroshi Kakazu,JAPAN Lateron l wishto recallProf. Nicos Margaris from Greece, Prof. Yoshimasa Yamashina from Dr. Henrique Pinto da Costa, SAO TOME E Japan,Rubin Umaly from Philippines andmany others to whoml addrcss my sincèrethanks for PRINCIPE their advice and coopération. Prof. LinoBriguglio, Malta Fromthé beginning our strategywas built ona simple idea:let's facilitatethé encounter and thédialogue among thé islanders themselves. Apayingmove indeed,which led to unexpected results: first respect and friendship among equal partners animated by a common will for Production coordinators: progress. Furthermoreto anagreed framework for inter-islandcoopération. Several important CiprianoMann internationalconférences such as Island2000 held in Sicily; théWorid Conférence on Sustain- GiuseppeOrlando able Tourism taking place in thé Canary Islands and thé lsl European Conférenceon Island EleanaFelici Sustainable Development held in Minorca were instrumental in thé above strategy and re- sulted in three main documents recalled in ail international fora: Graphie designer: Luis Mir Paya Thé Lanzarote charter on sustainable tourism, thé Minorca Commitments and thé Island Publishedby INSULA, thé International Scientific Council forIs- Agenda addressing European Islands but, opening thé door to collaboration among ail is- land Development, with thésupport ofUNESCO. lands, planet wide. Articlespublished in this journal do not necessarily reflect thé opin- OurVice chairman Mr JoanHuguet i Rotgerproposed consequently to théCaribbean Minis- ions of INSULA or of UNESCO. ters meeting at UNESCO last October to start a pragmatic coopération among théEuropean and théCaribbean Islands in priority areas such as new technologies, health and éducation. Matedal appearingin this journal cannotbe reproduced without thé Sailing ship in a gale. 1899. priorpermission ofthé Editor. Madonna dei Martiri Sanctuary, Barletta (Southern Italy). Hère is, dear INSULA's friends, where we are, confronted with a new set ofchallenging tasks including thé increasingly important activity brought forward, as recorded in our Journal, with insula, théhtemational Journal ofIsland Affairs is distrib- thé European Union and its islands. uted free to NSULA's individual andinstitutional members. For sub- scriptions andinformation, please write to: INSULA represents now an important Organization internationally recognized, proceeding on a well tracedprogrcss path. insula Sucha propicesituation calls however for à consistentimprovement in tackingadvantage of thégreet wealth ofprofessional competencies represented by ourmembership, both in institu- c/oUNESCO tional and personal terms. l, meMiolUs How to strengthen thus our collaboration? Ail your ideas are welcome. Without your direct 75732Paris, FRANCE support no sustainable progress can be achieved nor we can dare to pursue successfully our Tél. : +33145. 68.40.56,Fax: +33 145. 68. 58.04 joumey towardsthé next millennium. A symbol for INSULA,your Organization. E-mail: insula@insula. org Happy new yearfolk, islanders andisland friends, Produced by: TENYDEA S.L. Canary Islands let's together take thé future in our hands. International Journal of Island Affairs Sffhv<t £<<hS-s ^,n .li.i -a d , a. .': . :J. _^ _d ® à a ^ ï(, K.^âs Fà^îfcc* KiiK^i! ^(-<fê* Pa^-Efâ Cor^o tolâ'-f Ecfîieo w ito ^|_v.^, hs- ''; ir .. ij,; lynO ^âsUM^^sr.h jttSBiR'RWchsttRK by ANTONIO D'AVALA fh'^îtoef ^;nd; http: //www.insula.org he mountainous island of Cephalonia is well known under ew information technology breaks its attractiveand characteristic geological profile, dueto thémorphol- fll»i down thé barriers of général and specialised ogy of its rocks: mainly limestone, dolomite and conglomerate of >, .aki oni information that used to accentuate thé isola- Mesozoic and Cenozoic period. ^M^rTHMd Renewable Energies . QMfmWwm tion of islands. Thé cost of new information Thé water cycle has carved and shaped, through time, thé subsoil ^A^stoana technology already makes it accessible to Sustainable Development of this island, giving a remarkable and exclusive hydrogeological ^^iy small communities and isolated users. reticular System of deep caves and channels crossed by an under- ". Teleinsula Diverse and complex island problems need ground eastward water flow. ff^B>ma S^IWslw an efficient transfer of information in order to Thé Sait Route Thereare many caves and subten-anean lakes alongthé east side of team about thé solutions of other islands and théIsland, one of thèse, maybe thé most important, is thécave-lake Damubantta^ \ -|^ Sustainable Tourism MafPai^sgsî to share new, integrated approaches in ait thé Melissani, near Sami. It is in this lake, with turquoise and emerald Uoni Kipowsaag . ï^ST" '^ ila'<,alTa différentfietds of island interest. Technology and Héritage water, thélake Karavomilos andthé bay of Sami that thé sea water, Manteaiir Conscious of thèse new possibilities, suc- swallowed in Katavotres (west coast) reappears. Nowadays, in thé KOUNOPETB*»pWsQjdos' ceeded in thé endeavour to create a Web Telematic Health Ser ices pretty lake ofKaravomilos (fig. l), this water, mnning costantly to thé site in thé service of islands, aiming to bring sea, sets to move a water mill. AgiaPetaffaM" for Islands tate um S»»"' information on thé stratégie sectors retated to But, whathappen at Katavotres to généralethis rise at thé other %6s "asda island development, on expériences of com- Island News sideof thé island? Moreover, how and when was explained thé whole mon interest and on technical and scientific phenomenon? Thé orld of thé Island instruments suitable for our realities. Fig. l http://www.teleinsula.org Cephalonia îîS^SSS'^fL'^".! j j -s , a. A _j. '.< _ai ^ gulfof Teleinsi^la Argostoli / Sami Thé Teleinsula project Web server brings an exten- bay \ 1 (Katavotres) 3 Melissa Karavomilos ." ?. sive
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