King’s Research Portal Document Version Other version Link to publication record in King's Research Portal Citation for published version (APA): Beaney, M. A. (2013). Chronology of Analytic Philosophy and its Historiography. In M. Beaney (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the History of Analytic Philosophy (pp. 61–140). [3] (Oxford Handbooks). Oxford University Press. Citing this paper Please note that where the full-text provided on King's Research Portal is the Author Accepted Manuscript or Post-Print version this may differ from the final Published version. If citing, it is advised that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination, volume/issue, and date of publication details. And where the final published version is provided on the Research Portal, if citing you are again advised to check the publisher's website for any subsequent corrections. 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Sep. 2021 In Michael Beaney, ed., The Oxford Handbook of the History of Analytic Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 61–140 Chapter 3 Chronology of Analytic Philosophy and its Historiography Michael Beaney This chronology condenses as much information as possible in as succinct a form as possible in 25,000 words about the key thinkers, publications, and events in the history of analytic philosophy and its historiography. Under each year, the entries are ordered as follows: publications [in black]; events [in green]; births and deaths [in blue and red, respectively]. The aim is to show something not only of the ‘internal’ history of analytic philosophy but also of the wider philosophical context in which analytic philosophy developed. So selected publications and events of related philosophical traditions, such as neo-Kantianism, pragmatism, and phenomenology, as well as relevant scientific texts, are also included (indicated in shaded lines). The entries are by no means limited to just this, but 150 philosophers and other thinkers have been selected for particular coverage – with dates of births, deaths, and key events and publications. Of these 150, 100 are either generally recognized as analytic philosophers or closely connected with the analytic tradition, such as certain mathematicians and pragmatists, and the other 50 are generally recognized as not analytic philosophers (indicated in shaded lines). For the record, these 150 are noted in the following table, together with works of reference where further information about their life and work can be found: Thinker Dates Accounts of life and work, biographies, chronologies Ajdukiewicz, 1890–1963 Sinisi & Woleński 1995 Kazimierz Alexander, Samuel 1859–1938 Stout 1940a, 1940b; Slater 2006 Anderson, John 1893–1962 Baker 1986; Weblin 2006 Anscombe, G. E. M. 1919–2001 Müller 2001; Teichman 2001; Diamond 2006; Driver 2009 Armstrong, David 1926– Jackson 2001 Austin, J. L. 1911–60 Fann 1969; Warnock 1969, 1989; Berlin et al. 1973; Searle 2001; Cave 2006a Ayer, A. J. 1910–89 Ayer 1977, 1985, 1992; Foster 1985; Ayer & Honderich 1991; Hahn 1992; Rogers 1999; Sprigge 2001; Hunter 2006a; Macdonald 2010 Bergmann, Gustav 1906–87 Gram & Klemke 1974; Addis 2005; Anellis 2005a Bergson, Henri 1859–1941 Lawlor & Moulard 2011 Berlin, Isaiah 1909–97 Ignatieff 1998; Cherniss 2006; Cherniss & Hardy 2010 Black, Max 1909–88 Schrader 2005 Boltzmann, Ludwig 1844–1906 Blackmore 1995 Bolzano, Bernard 1781–1848 Morscher 2007 Boole, George 1815–64 MacHale 1985; Gasser 2006; Burris 2010 Bradley, F. H. 1846–1924 Ferreira 2006; Candlish & Basile 2009 Braithwaite, R. B. 1900–90 Cave 2006 Brandom, Robert B. 1950– Weiss & Wanderer 2010 Brentano, Franz 1838–1917 Jacquette 2004; Huemer 2010 Broad, C. D. 1887–1971 Broad 1959; Schilpp 1959; Britton 1978; van Cleve 2001; Seager 2006; Gustavsson 2010 Brouwer, L. E. J. 1881–1966 van Atten 2011 2 Burge, Tyler 1946– Hahn & Ramberg 2003 Cantor, Georg 1845–1918 Dauben 1979; Hallett 1984 Carnap, Rudolf 1891–1970 Carnap 1963; Schilpp 1963; Hintikka 1975; Sarkar 2001; Carus 2005, 2007; Friedman & Creath 2007 Case, Thomas 1844–1925 Marion 2006a Cassirer, Ernst 1874–1945 Gawronsky 1949; Schilpp 1949a; T. Cassirer 2003; Friedman 2011 Cavell, Stanley 1926– Eldridge 2003; Brino-Dean 2005; Cavell 2010 Chisholm, Roderick 1916–99 Chisholm 1997; Hahn 1997b; Foyer & Zimmerman 2001; Feldman 2005; Feldman & Feldman 2008 Chomsky, Noam 1928– Barsky 1997; Ludlow 2001; McGilvray 2005; Szabó 2005 Church, Alonzo 1903–95 Manzano 1997; Anderson 2001; Drucker 2005; Enderton forthcoming Collingwood, R. G. 1889–1943 Collingwood 1939; Boucher 2006; Inglis 2009; D’Oro & Connelly 2010; Boucher & Smith 2013 Darwin, Charles 1809–82 Browne 1995, 2000 Davidson, Donald 1917–2003 Davidson 1999; Hahn 1999; Lepore 2001, 2005a; Malpas 2009 Dedekind, Richard 1831–1916 Reck 2008 Deleuze, Gilles 1925–95 Smith & Protevi 2008 Dennett, Daniel 1942– Ross et al. 2000; Viger 2005a Derrida, Jacques 1930–2004 Peeters 2010; Lawlor 2011 Dewey, John 1859–1952 Dewey 1939; Hook 1939; Schilpp 1939; Dykhuizen 1973; Eldridge 2005 Dilthey, Wilhelm 1833–1911 Makkreel 2008 Dreben, Burton 1927–99 Gibson 2005 Duhem, Pierre 1861–1916 Martin 1991 Dummett, Michael 1925–2011 Green 2001; Miller 2001; Weiss 2002; Auxier & Hahn 2007; Dummett 2007 Einstein, Albert 1879–1955 Einstein 1949; Schilpp 1949b; Clark 1971 Engels, Friedrich 1820–95 Carver 1989 Evans, Gareth 1946–80 Mandik 2006 Feigl, Herbert 1902–88 Feyerabend 1966; Aune 1998; Reisch 2005b Feyerabend, Paul 1924–93 Feyerabend 1995; Oberheim 2005; Preston 2009 Fodor, Jerry 1935– Rey 2001; Viger 2005b Foot, Philippa 1920–2010 Lawrence 2001; Hoy 2005; Kirchin 2006 Foucault, Michel 1926–84 Gutting 2008 Frege, Gottlob 1848–1925 Dummett 2001; Kreiser 2001; Thiel & Beaney 2005 Freud, Sigmund 1856–1939 Gay 1988 Gadamer, Hans- 1900–2002 Gadamer 1997; Hahn 1997a; Grondin 2003; Malpas 2009b Georg Geach, Peter T. 1916– Lewis 1991, 2006 Gödel, Kurt 1906–78 Dawson 1997; Anderson 2001; Parsons 2005; Kennedy 2011 Goodman, Nelson 1906–98 Scheffler 2001 Green, T. H. 1836–82 Tyler 2006, 2011 Grice, H. Paul 1913–88 Neale 2001; Stainton 2005; Grandy & Warner 2006; Hogan 2006 Habermas, Jürgen 1929– Wiggershaus 2004; Bohman & Rehg 2011 Hägerström, Axel 1868–1939 Mindus 2009 Hare, R. M. 1919–2002 Sinnott-Armstrong 2001; Pybus 2006 Hart, H. L. A. 1907–92 Shapiro 2001; Lacey 2004; Brooks 2006 Hegel, G. W. F. 1770–1831 Pinkard 2000; Redding 2010 Heidegger, Martin 1889–1976 Guignon 1993; Wheeler 2011 Helmholtz, 1821–94 Königsberger 1902-3; Patton 2010 Hermann von Hempel, Carl G. 1905–97 Kitcher 2001; Reisch 2005c 3 Herbart, Johann 1776–1841 Asmus 1968/1970 Hertz, Heinrich 1857–94 Fölsing 1997; Baird et al. 1998; Lützen 2005 Hilbert, David 1862–1943 Reid 1970 Hintikka, Jaakko 1929– Niiniluoto 2005; Hintikka 2006; Auxier & Hahn 2006 Hung, Tscha 1909–92 Cohen 1992; Dainian 1992 Husserl, Edmund 1859–1938 Smith & Smith 1995; Smith 2007; Beyer 2011 James, William 1842–1910 Myers 1986; Suckiel 2005; Goodman 2009 Joachim, Harold H. 1868–1938 Mander 2006b Kant, Immanuel 1724–1804 Kuehn 2001 Kim, Jaegwon 1934– Greco 2005 Kneale, William 1906–90 Smiley 1995, 2006 Kotarbiński, 1886–1981 Woleński 1990 Tadeusz Kripke, Saul 1940– Sosa 2001; Green 2005 Kuhn, Thomas S. 1922–96 Grandy 2001; Fuller 2005 Lakatos, Imre 1922–74 Wright 2006 Leśniewski, 1886–1939 Simons 2011 Stanisław Lewis, C. I. 1883–1964 Lewis 1968; Schilpp 1968; Murphey 2005; Colella 2005; Hunter 2007 Lewis, David 1941–2001 Stalnaker 2001; Hawthorne 2005; Weatherson 2009 Lotze, Hermann 1817–81 Sullivan 2010 Łukasiewicz, Jan 1878–1956 Woleński 1989 Mach, Ernst 1838–1916 Blackmore 1972; Wolters 2000; Pojman 2009 Mackie, John L. 1917–81 McDowell 1990; Sherratt 2006 Malcolm, Norman 1911–90 Ginet 2001; Blair 2005 Marcus, Ruth 1921–2012 Cresswell 2001, Garrett 2005; Marcus 2010 Barcan Marx, Karl 1818–83 Berlin 1939; McLellan 1973; Wolff 2010 McDowell, John 1942– Thornton 2006 McTaggart, J. M. E. 1866–1925 Armour 2006 Meinong, Alexius 1853–1920 Marek 2008 Merleau-Ponty, 1908–61 Flynn 2004 Maurice Mill, John Stuart 1806–73 Skorupski 1989; Capaldi 2004; Wilson 2007 Moore, G. E. 1873–1958 Moore 1942; Schilpp 1942; Baldwin 1990, 2004; Sosa 2001 Nagel, Ernest 1901–85 Suppes 1994; Anellis 2005b Neurath, Otto 1882–1945 Nemmeth & Stadler 1996; Cat 2010 Nietzsche, Friedrich 1844–1900 Wicks 2011b Peano, Giuseppe 1858–1932 Kennedy 1980 Peirce, Charles S. 1839–1914 Hookway 1985; Brent 1998; Misak 2004; de Waal 2005; Burch 2010 Perry, Ralph Barton 1876–1957 Papas 2005 Plantinga, Alvin 1932– Plantinga 1985; Tomberlin & van Inwagen 1985; Sennett 2005 Poincaré, Henri 1854–1912 Gray 2012 Popper, Karl 1902–94 Popper 1974, 1976; Schilpp 1974; Hacohen 2000; Newton-Smith 2001 Price, Henry H. 1899–1984 Hunter 2006b Prichard, Harold A. 1871–1947 Stratton-Lake 2006a; Dancy 2010 Prior, Arthur N. 1914–69 Copeland 2006, 2007 Putnam, Hilary 1926– Heil 2001; Pihlström 2005; Auxier & Hahn 2013 Quine, W. V. 1908–2000 Quine 1985, 1986; Schilpp & Hahn 1986/1998; Føllesdal 2001; Hylton 2001b, 2007a, 2010; Lepore 2005b Ramsey, Frank P. 1903–30 Sahlin 1990; Armendt 2001; Cave 2006c 4 Rawls, John 1921–2002 Daniels 2001; Boettcher 2005; Pogge 2007 Reichenbach, Hans 1891–1953 Traiger 2005; Hoffmann 2007 Rickert, Heinrich 1863–1936 Faust 1927; Ollig 1998 Rorty, Richard 1931–2007 Williams 2001; Rumana 2005; Ramberg 2007; Gross 2008; Auxier & Hahn 2010; Rorty 2010 Ross, W.
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