Cubierta 16/10/02 13:33 Página 1 Libro IPv6 16/10/02 13:31 Página 1 IPv6 Research and Development in Europe Libro IPv6 16/10/02 13:31 Página 2 IPv6 Cluster Index of contents Page Content 4 Participants 6 Country Codes & Project Types 7 IPv6 Research and Development in Europe 17 IPv6 Cluster Projects Project Project Name Website 18 6HOP Protocols for Heterogeneous Multi-Hop Wireless IPv6 Networks 20 6INIT IPv6 INternet IniTiative http://www.6init.org 22 6LINK IPv6 Projects Linkage Cluster http://www.6link.org 24 6NET Large-scale International IPv6 Pilot Network http://www.sixnet.org 26 6POWER IPv6, QoS & Power Line Integration http://www.6power.org 28 6QM IPv6 QoS Measurement http://www.6qm.org 30 6WINIT IPv6 Wireless Internet IniTiative http://www.6winit.org 32 Euro6IX European IPv6 Internet Exchanges Backbone http://www.euro6ix.net 34 Eurov6 The European IPv6 Showcase http://www.eurov6.org 36 GCAP Global Communication Architecture & http://www.laas.fr/gcap Protocols for new QoS services over IPv6 networks 38 IPv6 TF-SC IPv6 Task Force Steering Committee http://www.ipv6tf-sc.org 40 LONG Laboratories over Next Generation Networks http://www.ist-long.com 42 OverDRiVE Spectrum Efficient Uni- and Multicast http://www.ist-overdrive.org Services Over Dynamic Multi-Radio Networks in Vehicular Environments 44 SATIP6 Satellite Broadband Multimedia Systems http://satip6.tilab.com for IPv6 Access 46 @HOM Network @ppliances and services http://www.at-hom.org for the Home environment 48 ANDROID Active Networks Distributed Open http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/research/android Infrastructure Development 50 CRUMPET Creation of User Friendly Mobile Services http://www.ist-crumpet.org Personalised for Tourism 52 DRiVE Dynamic Radio for IP-Services http://www.ist-drive.org in Vehicular Environments IPv6 Cluster 54 FUTURE HOME Future Home http://future-home.vtt.mediapoli.com/fh/public IPv6 Research and Development in Europe 56 GÉANT The pan-European Gigabit research network http://www.geant.net 58 HARMONICS Hybrid Access Reconfigurable http://www.ist-harmonics.net Multi-wavelength Optical Networks Edited by the IPv6 Cluster with the support of 6LINK. for IP-based Communication Services 60 INTERMON Advanced architecture for INTER-domain http://www.ist-intermon.org This booklet was first published in November 2002 during the IST2002 conference in quality of service Copenhagen, Denmark. 62 MESCAL Management of End-to-end Quality http://www.ist-mescal.org Editorial team: of Service Across the Internet at Large 64 MIND Mobile IP based Network Developments http://www.ist-mind.org Jordi Palet - Responsible for All-IPv6-World WG and IST2002/IPv6 Activities 66 Moby Dick Mobility and Differentiated Services http://ist-mobydick.org Matthew Ford - IPv6 Cluster Chair in a Future IP Network Pascal Drabik - EC Scientific Officer 68 NGNi Next Generation Networks Initiative http://www.ngni.org Jose-Joaquim Fernandes - EC Scientific Officer 70 NGN-LAB Next Generation Networks Laboratories http://www.ngn-lab.org 72 SEEREN South Eastern European Research http://www.seeren.org This booklet was made possible thanks to the cooperation and contributions of the IPv6 and Education Networking Cluster projects, and from the participants of the All-IPv6-World Working Group. 74 TORRENT Technology for a Realistic End User Access http://www.elec.qmul.ac.uk/torrent If you have any questions or comments or you would like to receive another copy of this Network Test-bed 76 WirelessCabin Development and Demonstrator http://www.wirelesscabin.com book, please visit http://www.ist-ipv6.org. On-line PDF version also available. of Wireless Access for Multimedia Copyright 2002 EC IST IPv6 Cluster. Services in Aircraft Cabins 78 xMOTION eMobile Test-bed for Interoperabilily http://www.ist-xmotion.org Reproduction in whole or in part is only authorized with explicit reference to this source. of Networks in eLogistics 2 IPv6 Research and Development in Europe IPv6 Research and Development in Europe 3 Libro IPv6 16/10/02 13:31 Página 4 Participants & Projects Participant Projects Participant Projects Participant Projects Participant Projects 6WIND 6POWER,6WINIT, ANDROID, ESYS WirelessCabin Microsoft xMOTION Tesion TORRENT Euro6IX, GCAP, NGNi ETH Zürich Moby Dick Motorola @HOM, Moby Dick, Thales MESCAL ACOnet 6NET, GÉANT ETRI 6WINIT OverDRiVE Thomson 6INIT AGH Univ. Tech. Moby Dick EURECOM Moby Dick Motorola TCI @HOM Thomson M. FUTURE HOME Agora 6POWER, MIND Eurocontrol Euro6IX NEC INTERMON, Moby Dick, TID Euro6IX, INTERMON, LONG Airbus WirelessCabin FCCN GÉANT NGN-LAB TILAB @HOM, Euro6IX, Airtel Euro6IX Flextel TORRENT Netcelo ANDROID INTERMON, SATIP6 Algonet S.A. MESCAL Fokus 6NET, 6QM, CRUMPET, Nokia DRiVE, FUTURE HOME T-Mobile xMOTION AMREJ SEEREN FUTURE HOME, GCAP, Nokia Corporation MIND T-Nova 6INIT, 6LINK, 6WINIT, AQL 6HOP, SATIP6 INTERMON NORDUnet 6NET, GÉANT Euro6IX, HARMONICS, ARNES GÉANT Fraunhofer G. Moby Dick Nortel CRUMPET, LONG INTERMON, IPv6 TF-SC, ASPI GCAP, SATIP6 Fresenius xMOTION novaGnet Euro6IX MIND, Moby Dick, BBC DRiVE FT 6QM, @HOM, Euro6IX, NTT 6WINIT xMOTION BELNET GÉANT MESCAL, MIND, NTT DoCoMo MIND Tomorrow Focus FUTURE HOME BEN xMOTION OverDRiVE, SATIP6, NTT-Com 6NET TriaGnoSys WirelessCabin Bertelsmann DRiVE FTW Moby Dick NTUA ANDROID TZI 6WINIT BIBA xMOTION FUnet 6NET OHB Teledata xMOTION U. Cantabria 6HOP BIHARNET SEEREN GARR 6NET Opensugar @HOM U. Karslruhe GCAP Bosch DRiVE Genuity TORRENT OTEC TORRENT U. Limerick HARMONICS BT 6INIT, 6LINK, 6WINIT, GRNET 6NET, GÉANT, SEEREN Oulu Poly 6NET U. of Bradford WirelessCabin ANDROID, Euro6IX, HEAnet GÉANT Oy Media 6INIT U. of Stuttgart Moby Dick IPv6 TF-SC, MIND HEL 6QM Pace 6POWER U. Oulu 6HOP, 6NET, IPv6 TF-SC CEFRIEL FUTURE HOME HHI DRiVE Philips 6HOP, IPv6 TF-SC U. Soton 6INIT, 6LINK, 6NET, Celtius xMOTION HIT 6QM PSNC GÉANT 6WINIT, Euro6IX, CESNET GÉANT HUNGARNET GÉANT, SEEREN PTIN CRUMPET, Euro6IX, IPv6 TF-SC CiaoLab FUTURE HOME IABG 6WINIT HARMONICS, LONG, U. Twente xMOTION CINI-ITME INTERMON IB 6INIT Moby Dick, TORRENT UC3M 6LINK, GCAP, LONG, Cisco 6NET, NGN-LAB IBM 6NET QMUL CRUMPET, TORRENT Moby Dick Consulintel 6LINK, 6POWER, 6QM, ICTDA SEEREN RAI OverDRiVE UCL 6LINK, 6NET, 6WINIT, Euro6IX, Eurov6, IKOM xMOTION RENATER 6NET, GÉANT ANDROID, MESCAL IPv6 TF-SC IMCS LU GÉANT ResCom NGN-LAB UEV LONG Corning HARMONICS IMEC HARMONICS RESTENA GÉANT Uhe CRUMPET CRM 6LINK Infineon technologies MIND RoEduNet GÉANT, SEEREN UKERNA 6NET, GÉANT CTI 6NET INFN GÉANT Rosenbauer xMOTION UKT 6WINIT CTU GCAP INFP 6INIT RUS 6WINIT ULANC 6NET, GCAP CWC Moby Dick INIMA SEEREN RWTH DriVE, OverDRiVE ULB 6NET, Eurov6, NGN-LAB CYNET GÉANT Inmarsat WirelessCabin SANET GÉANT ULP 6NET Daimler Chrysler DriVE, OverDRiVE INRIA 6NET Siemens INTERMON, IPv6 TF-SC, UMM 6WINIT DANTE 6LINK, 6NET, GÉANT, SEEREN Intracom 6HOP, 6INIT, HARMONICS, MIND, NGNi, WirelessCabin, UMU 6POWER, Euro6IX DFN 6NET, GÉANT TORRENT xMOTION Uni Bern INTERMON Dimension D. NGN-LAB Invenia 6NET SINTEF SATIP6 UNI Bonn DriVE, OverDRiVE DLR WirelessCabin IUCC GÉANT Sonera CRUMPET Uni Do INTERMON DS2 6POWER KID Systeme WirelessCabin Sony 6NET, @HOM, MIND UNINETT 6NET DTT-BUTE INTERMON King's College London MIND SR-ANC INTERMON UniS DriVE, MESCAL, OverDRiVE DTU 6NET KPN Rch. HARMONICS Steria DRiVE UoM GÉANT E&A Abogados Euro6IX KTU GÉANT SURFnet 6NET, GÉANT UoR SATIP6 EENET GÉANT LAAS/CNRS GCAP, SATIP6 SWITCH 6NET, GÉANT UPC LONG EML CRUMPET Land Bremen xMOTION TED 6INIT, 6WINIT, Euro6IX, UPM 6LINK, ANDROID, Euro6IX, Emorphia CRUMPET LIP6 GCAP GCAP, NGNi LONG, MIND Endesa 6POWER LM Ericsson IPv6 TF-SC Telekom Austria GCAP UST TORRENT ENSICA GCAP Lucent HARMONICS Telematic Solutions xMOTION VCON DRiVE Ericsson 6WINIT, DRiVE, Eurov6, MARNET SEEREN Telenor TORRENT Versaware TORRENT OverDRiVE, WirelessCabin Martel GmbH NGNi Telia 6INIT Vodafone DRiVE Ericsson D OverDRiVE Mason HARMONICS TELIN 6NET VTT 6WINIT, FUTURE HOME Ericsson I OverDRiVE MCLab 6POWER, NGN-LAB, Telscom 6INIT, 6LINK, Euro6IX, VUB NGN-LAB Ericsson M. DRiVE TORRENT Eurov6, NGNi, NGN-LAB WIT INTERMON, TORRENT Ericsson Radio Sys. MIND MCYT GÉANT Teracom DRiVE WRAP FUTURE HOME Ericsson-Pol 6WINIT MediaSec ANDROID TERENA 6LINK, 6NET, SEEREN WWU 6NET 4 IPv6 Research and Development in Europe IPv6 Research and Development in Europe 5 Libro IPv6 16/10/02 13:31 Página 6 IPv6 Cluster IPv6 Cluster Country Codes Country Code Country A Austria AL Albania B Belgium BA Bosnia and Herzegovina BG Bulgaria CH Switzerland CY Cyprus CZ Czech Republic D Germany DK Denmark E Spain EE Estonia EL Greece F France FIN Finland YU Yugoslavia MD Macedonia HU Hungary I Italy IL Israel IRL Ireland JP Japan KR South Korea LT Latvia LU Luxemburg MT Malta NL Netherlands NO Norway IPv6 Research P Portugal PL Poland RO Romania S Sweden SG Singapore and Development SI Slovenia SK Slovakia UK United Kingdom US United States of America in Europe Project Types AM Accompanying Measures RTD Research and Technology Development TN Thematic Network TU Take-Up 6 IPv6 Research and Development in Europe IPv6 Research and Development in Europe 7 Libro IPv6 16/10/02 13:31 Página 8 IPv6 Cluster IPv6 Cluster Some interesting features to mention are the removal of the checksum field from the IPv6 header (checksumming is now performed by upper layers), and the removal of frag- mentation-related fields (fragmentation is performed end-to-end). In fact, most IPv6 “options” (now called “extension headers”, with no limit to their size or number), are also processed end-to-end, obviating the need for routers to perform tasks other than simple packet forwarding. Taken together, these features provide the means for restoring the end-to-end Internet paradigm, facilitating peer-to-peer applications, end-to-end security, and avoiding network address translators. 3. IPv6 in the 5th Framework Programme The European Commission Information Society Technologies Programme is funding a number of projects with a very important focus on IPv6 research and development acti- vities. These projects represent a huge investment on behalf of the EC (over 90M) and the project partners.
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