Southern California Channel Islands Bibliography, through 1992 Comprises 4035 references to the scientific literature on Southern California's Channel Islands. The Bibliography was compiled by the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and is presented here in a February 1993 version. The Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History presents a California Channel Islands Bibliography on its website. It has more recent references and overlaps considerably with this bibliography. However this bibliography has some references not in their database, so it is maintained in original form. # 1. Abbott PL, Kies RP, Bachmann WR, Natenstedt CJ (San Diego State Univ., Dep. Geol. Sci., San Diego, CA; Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA; Nor. Res. Cent., Norway; Union Oil Co., United- States). A tectonic slice of Eocene strata, northern part of California continental borderland. Larue DK, Steel RJ. in Cenozoic marine sedimentation; Pacific margin, U.S.A.: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Section ; Cenozoic marine sedimentation; Pacific margin, U.S.A.; 1983 May 18; Sacramento, CA,. Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Section; 1983. p. 151-168. 29 refs., illus., 1 table, strat. cols., sect., sketch maps. sedimentation/tectonic controls/sedimentary rocks/clastic rocks/conglomerate/sedimentary petrology/paleogeography/Eocene/Paleogene/Tertiary/Pacific Coast/continental borderland/San Miguel Island/Santa Cruz Island/Santa Rosa Island/San Nicolas Island/rhyolite/volcanic rocks/SRD. # 2. Atwood JL, Elpers MJ, Collins CT. Survival of breeders in Santa Cruz Island and mainland California scrub jay populations. Condor 1990;92(3):783-788 AUTH AFFL: Manomet Bird Obs., Box 936, Manomet, MA 02345. fspub/Aphelocoma coerulescens insularis/communal breeding/Santa Cruz Island/SRD. # 3. Belyea RR. Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Sespe Formation, northern Peninsular Ranges, California [dissertation]. : San Diego State University; 1984. Master's; 206 p., 101 refs., illus., 9 tables. Orange County/Sespe Formation/Vaqueros Formation/Jolla Vieja Formation/stratigraphy/Eocene/Miocene/sedimentation/environment/f luvial environment/Arizona/channels/Cristianitos fault zone/Paleogene/Tertiary/grabens/Gypsum Canyon/Jurassic/lithofacies/lower Miocene/Neogene/Mexico/paleogeography/Peninsular Ranges/provenance/San Joaquin Hills/Santa Ana Mountains/Santa Cruz Island/Santiago Creek/Sonoran Arc/Southern California/transgression/upper Eocene/SRD. # 4. Bereskin SR, Edwards LN. Mid Tertiary stratigraphy, southwestern Santa Cruz Island. in Geology of the Northern Channel Islands. Weaver, D. W. ed. Los Angeles, CA: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists and Soc. Econ. Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Sec.; 1969. p. 68-79. illus., table, faunal lists. Mid-Tertiary formations on southwestern Santa Cruz Island are: (1) Vaqueros Formation -- paleoecologic and stratigraphic evidence indicate an inner shelf to nonmarine environment (Zemorrian to lower Saucesian); Rincon Formation -- a middle to outer shelf bathymetry, shoaling to the east or northwest (Saucesian); San Onofre Breccia -- inner to middle shelf with portions possibly nonmarine, thickens and coarsens to the northeast toward a high (Saucesian to Relizian); Monterey and Blanca Formations -- Beechers Bay Member of the Monterey was deposited at depths increasing with time from middle shelf to bathyal, paleoslope dipped southwest (Relizian to Luisian and possibly Mohnian). fspub/mid-tertiary formations/Santa Cruz Island/SRD. # 5. Liston A, Rieseberg LH, Mistretta O. Ribosomal DNA evidence for hybridization between island endermic species of Lotus. Biochem Syst Ecol. Oxford : Pergamon Press. 1990. 1990;18(4):p.239-244 Foreign Includes references. Article. lotus/lotus scoparius/interspecific hybridization/ribosomal dna/restriction mapping/endangered species/introgression/california//lotus scoparius ssp/traskiae/lotus argophyllus ssp/ornithopus/san clemente island/california/genetic assimilation/AGRICOLA. # 6. Pennings SC. Spatial and temporal variation in recruitment of Aplysia californica Cooper: Patterns, mechanisms and consequences. J. EXP. MAR. BIOL. ECOL 1991;146(2):253-274. Recruitment of the sea hare, Aplysia californica , was examined at 10 rocky reefs off the coast of Santa Catalina Island, CA, for up to 3 yrs or more. A. californica recruit primarily to the red alga Plocamium cartilagineum . Recruitment intensity (number of recruits/kg Plocamium ) differed dramatically but consistently between reefs, and varied between months. Recruitment during Jan- Feb probably consists of larvae spawned locally, in the Channel Islands area, during the summer peak in reproduction. Recruitment during Jun to Sept probably consists of larvae spawned in the Baja, California, Mexico, region which are carried north by summer currents. Reproduction is cued by high temperatures in the summer, and occurs over a large range of body sizes. Winter recruits that survive to the summer reproduce at masses of 500 g or more, while summer recruits reproduce the same season at masses of around 0.75 g. Survival of winter recruits is low, but survivors have high fecundity because of their large body size. The asynchronous seasonal reproductive patterns of Channel Island and Baja California populations may be important to the population dynamics of these populations since they are linked by a common larval pool. population dynamics/reproduction/marine molluscs/Aplysia california/Plocamium cartilagineum/seasonality/temporal variation/INE/USA/ California/Santa Catalina Island/IE/Mexico/Baja California/recruitment/ASFA. # 7. BERELSON W M. THE FLUSHING OF TWO DEEP-SEA BASINS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BORDERLAND. LIMNOL OCEANOGR36 (6). 1991. 1150-1166. DEP. GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES, UNIV. SOUTH. CALIF., LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90089-0740. BA. A time series of water temperature, salinity, and nutrient measurements has been made in San Pedro and San Nicolas Basins of the southern California borderland between 1977 and 1988. These basins exhibit temporally coincident changes in temperature and nutrient content defining a period of basin flushing (1982-1984) and a period of stagnation (1984-1987). During the flushing period, cooler, oxygen- and NO3--rich water replaces warmer, oxygen- and NO3--depleted bottom water. Flushing produces a decrease of 0.2.degree.C in the average temperatures of San Pedro Basin bottom water (790-900 m) and an increase in the average oxygen content by 12 .mu.M. These values are 0.1 and 3 for San Nicolas Basin (1,400-1,800 m). The residence time of water in San Pedro Basin during the flushing period is 12 .+-. 6 months and 9 .+-. 2 months in San Nicolas Basin. A box model approach, constrained by the time-series data for the stagnation period, was used to determine values of the effective vertical eddy diffusivities for the 790-m horizon in San Pedro Basin and 1,400-m horizon in San Nicolas Basin (1.3 .+-. 0.4 and 9.9 .+-. 3.4 cm2 s-1 respectively). OXYGEN CONTENT TEMPERATURE SALINITY NUTRIENT LEVEL/Biosis. # 8. Gossett RW, Brown DA, Westcott AM, Ward C, Cross JN, Hershelman GP. Municipal wastewater contamination in the Southern California Bight: Part I--Metal and organic contaminants in sediments and organisms. Marine Environmental Research;1986 VOL. 18, NO. 4 EnvBib/Marine biology/Wastewater, municipal/Sediment/Southern California Bight/Water pollution monitoring/ENVIRONMENTAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. # 9. Duell Jr. Lowell F. W, Usgs. Estimates of evapotranspiration in alkaline scrub and meadow communities of owens valley, california, using the bowen-ratio, eddy-correlation, and penman-combination methods,. Usgs water-supply paper 2370-e, 1990, p1(39) Fed govt report evapotranspiration removes a significant amount of water from the owens valley, which is a water source for los angeles. evapotranspiration estimates were made in seven locations varying in geohydrology and vegetation. estimate methodologies included the bowen-ratio, eddy-correlation, and penman combination methods. air temperature, vapor-density deficit, and net radiation appear to directly effect evapotranspiration, which ranges from 301 mm/year in low-density scrub sites to 1137 mm/year in high-density meadows. (21 graphs, 1 map, 4 photos, 56 references, 8 tables). Ecology, terrestrial/evapotranspiration/monitoring, env-water/ california/ecology, plant/hydrology/plant cover/climatolog/EnviroLine. # 10. Howell DG, Link MH. Eocene conglomerate sedimentology and basin analysis, San Diego and the southern California borderland. J. Sediment. Petrol. 1979;49(2):p.517-539 U. S. Geol. Surv., Menlo Park, Calif., United-States; Los Ang. Harbor Coll., United-States Analytic; Serial B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present). California/sedimentary petrology/sedimentary rocks/clastic rocks/conglomerate/sedimentation/environment/coastal environment/sedimentary structures/environmental analysis/San Diego County/Eocene/Paleogene/Tertiary/United States/Southern California/San Diego/continental borderland/textures/marine transport/rivers/channels/alluvial fans/coastal plains/deltas/lithofacies/shelf environment/submarine environment/cyclic processes/transgression/progradation/basins/fan deltas/GEOREF. # 11. Tibby RE, Terry RD. Physical and chemical characteristics of water over the sourthern California shelf. Oceanographic Survey of the Continental Shelf Area of Southern California. 1959(20):138-168 NPS/Physical oceanography/oceanography/water masses. # 12. Roden GI, Groves G.W. On the statistical prediction
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