Suan CnnNrvoRE CoNSERVATToN The Newsletterand Journalof the IUCN/SSC CarnivoreSpecialist Group IUCN Number30 April2004 AdLttfemote Wolvenne Gu,o gu o. no4h eov lrnro4d Pharc:lefl aot. Theproduction and distribution of thisissue has been sponsored by "MarwellPreservation Trust Ltd", Colden Common, UK "RoyalZoological Society of Antwerp",Antwerp, Belgium "ColumbusZoo", Powell, Ohio, USA and "WildlifeConservation Societv/Central Park Wildlife Centef', NewYork, NY, USA ColumbusZOO Sunn CnnNrvoRE CoNSERVATToN The Newsletterand Joumal of the IUCN/SSC CarnivoreSpecialist Group Editor-in-chief: HarryVan Rompaey, Edegem, Belgium Associateeditor: William Duckworth.Bdstol. UK Editorial board: AngelaGlatston, Rotterdam, Netherlands MichaclRiffel. Heidelberg.Germany Arnd Schreiber,Heidelberg, Germany RolandWirth. Miinchen, Germany 'I his Dumber was also sponsoredbJ: Wp**ffim X E@ 7$O The views expressedin this publicationffe thoie ofthe aulhori,rnd do not ncccssarilyretlect those ofthe IUCN. ror the IUCN/SSC CarnivoreSf'ccialiu Group. The ain ofthis publicatioois to otler rhe nrembehr)fthe ILICN/SSC Crmilorc SG. and thosewho areconcernedwith nrustelids, r iverrids.od tro.yonids. b.icfprpcrs. ncws itens. abstr:cts,and !itles ol recentlilerature. All rerdersare irvited tu serd maierial to: Small CarnivoreConservation c/o Dr. H. Van Rompaey Jan Yerbertlei,15 2650 Edegem- Belgium Harry.VanRompaey@ tijd.com http://iucn.org/themes/ssc/s gs/mvpsg/ Prlntedon rccycledpaper ISSI 1019-5011 Editorial Dcar Specialisl Group membe^ ard Small Carnilofe As r nextsiep,we agrecdiD wc.dingout inactivenembcrs. Conserlalior rcrder!. acceplingsomc Dew proposals. and ltcri vc ly scckingnew members, in ordcr ro achievea good taxonomic .LndgeoSfaphic colcrrgc. As nran! ol you aheady kno\l, in Dec 2003 I ha\,c bccn YoLrf suggcslionswill be welcomed. rfpo'ntod bythe SSCChair, T)a!id tsfackett aschairofourgroup. we also nccd bcttcr links wiih other groups dcaling with My inlerc( iD inallcanivore conscrvrtion.asitiS thecasc multelids. vi!errids, hcryestids.ard procyorids. Lrkingadvanrage ti[ nany ol us.stcnrs notonlyliommy linriteduofk onthe ecology ol each othcr's rdlrncenrenh and achiclcmcDts.and possibly xnd behariour oI a law mongoosespecles. but cspeciallyfiom a scrtingup jorrt proiecls.All this .equirestare more work than I .hild passion.Thc in!iLationto sene aschair was.quite oblionsly, forecast.and probrbl] in the long ruo nrore than I can aftbrd r greathonour for lne. Your hclp i! rherefofecrucial lbr the luro.c o he group. I rhink our gmup neededsonrc rcstruciufing. and I slrrrcd Relevart lasks include: $rlh hrpro!nr: intemal connDunicrrionby neans oi a dcdicared . prodtcingpopularpapersmaterial.prc\srelease!andstatencnrs. nl.tiling Ust.open to all membcr\ rs well as to non-membch. It is bothon k)ng standingissues (e.g. prcdrlnrr. huntin-!and trapping r grear pleisurc to see the llsr gainiDg monrentum. slaning invasivespecics,impoftance of surveys.etc. ) rnd on hot- issues interestingdiscussi{'rs borh dre internal li1c of rhe group and on (e.9.the SARS/civct one) and helpirg distriburingi1 to appropriate llx)rc gcncral rhemesrelated 10 conservation. trnicipating to conlcrcnccsand svnposia rs delcgarcsof rhe I ackno$lcdgc thr! not all group mcnrberscan be relirbly group. and norc gcnerally Linkingwith olhcr grouts. keeping reachedby e nail. rnd we agreedlhnr yrnc ofus will acr as links our SG inlirmrcd aboui their rcriliries rnd opprtunities fbr Io those. otien ertrcmch valuable.who.rrc nn)redifficuh ro re.rch. nrDrgnU the web site: (hei: is little pinr in having a sire.ifir At thesame dme. lhanks t()IUCN fof web hosring,andto my rs nol ut 1odatet now lhat the sitc is set ut. it i! *rsy to upddc ('wn iirm for other comptrtingresources.I wrore a wcb sirefor the it wirh new inlbrmation lroup. As a licld /oologist. I do nol ha!e the skills neccssarlrli)r . managingour membershipdatabasc. cnsuring rhecoffectness ot t.ct{ n8 fancy layouls. hut I hope you ll iind ir useful.Arnong nrfonnatior :rnd linkmg it with the central IUCN dllrbrse othef things. our Action Plansard ielcrrl trl'ers of interen arc ' last but not lcasL.we need financial supporr, both fof basic treelyaviihblc liomthe web site.I considcrlh is asa success,rn rhar activities (including dre Ne!sletter. probabl) rhc 1in!le nrost ir sre{ily improvesour visibility to the outsidc world. regulart,r- importrnt achievenent ol thc rrcut) and lbr proiecrs.In ou. .rllrrcling visitors:severaloflhcnr subscibe ro rhen iling lis!and/ prescnt litu,rtion. even sm.]ll donrtions sould greatl) hclp tn send 'ne interestingmggertions and propos.rls. rccping the group ali!e. I am readyto endorseand supporrgood easand projccrs. and I ask tor ro do yorrbcsl r.risingintefest Fullhermore,alicr dueconsultation and discussion through Ihe mailhg lisL,wc agreedh cha ging Lhcname ofthe group: rhc .hange urs rcccndy acceptedb] rhc SSC. rhii choice hris ils Looking lbrwardto furihercollaborale\irh )ou. I wish vou nr commgs. corocllv pioted oLrt by !)me nrembers.bur I a fruitil period.both in y(Nrprofassionalactivities rnd cspecixlly h.liere Small Car ilorc will be far easier to understandand lts 'ncnrbersofrhe Small C,rmilorc SpecixlistCiroup. r.mcnrber.and as such will hch making the group better known The Cretan Stone Marten Martes foinn bunites BoTis K.RYSTUFEK In thcIUCN Conscrvat()nActi()n Plan forthe Conservati{nr rnd $,ith indilidualaninral! labelled as: ncrr Crncr (= Hania), oiMullelids ard Viveffids. Schreibere/ dl. (1989)listed the Stone Canea.Malara neaf Canea.and Kath,uo. Miller (1912) feports M]r'rcn ittdtes bntu hunirer (Batc. I9(16)ln)m thc Islandol Crclc localilies for the lame serics as Kontopab nc.tr Krnia. Kanc!. as being possiblythfeateDed on one handand ven little known on Katharo. and Kontopalo. while elaborating natefial collected the other. This quesdonwas lurther discussedin a issueof S,,a// during the Balkan researchexpedilior in 1942. ZinnDermann Cdmioft Cons?natiot by Schreiber(1999). D ring ny rccent (19521had at his disposala s.tnplc lion Nlda highland\ and also lisir ro (lete (Ap.il 26'" to Mxy 2'!.2003). I collected lunher repo(ed -weisse Berge (= Levka Ori) N another place of infonnation on the CretanMarten whi.h. tr)getherwith a comti o.curence. Niethammer& Niedrannncr(1967) repon skins lx o,, or publrhed di.r ind e\Jrnrnflronot U.eu,r\pe(,,ne F. pholographedio I 966 al the m.Tketin Sitia. Newer recordsare bv allo$s a mofe syntheticreview of the Stone Nlar|en population Carsadorakis(1991) for Saniri:r National P,uk and by SchLeiber liring h isohrion on Lhclargcst Acgcan ishnd. ( 1999)for easternCrere. Distribution So Iar. the SroneManen hasbee| recordedlion at least2l localities which iue widely scatteredacrcss thc island. Sincc thc Inft)mntirrr conccrnir! thc distribuii(rr of carnivores in mrjority ofrcco s arc r)rd casualLics,one shouldnot elpecr lhe creecew:rs very scantyunril the mid-1980swhen Prof. J. Marsakis scattertofeflect the acrualdistfibution of the !pecie\. being rather "A initi.rtedthe project Surveyof the Faunaof Greece . Anyhow, an altefactof the network of fasl rcad! (( i .tlsoSchreib€r. I 999). thc distribulion ol Inuslclids on Grcck ishnds rcmrins largclr Because ol lhis and considering the conclusion by Schreiber undocnmented(Catladorak is l,/ dl.. I 999). The Atlas of Buropean (1999) that the Sirme Mrnen irhrbits rn cxlcnsive \arict) ol Mammalsthus nrappedthe Stone Marten. as well as some olhel habitattyF!. it is safeto concludethrt thc spc.i.s is widcstrcrd crrnivores under the fresunrption as heing widespreadon Crete in Crclc. (Mirchcll Joncserdl.,1999). Similarly Sfikas(2002) statcs rhat thc ipecie!is ...pr.rendl/or,.,rrr.lr/dd.althoughheprovftesno Historical distribution clidcncc in mpport ol lhi\. Archaeologicalevidence.which isaburddntirCf eIe.strongly Actual knowledgeon the distributionalsratus ol rhe Stone suggestsrharrhe Srone Manen hadnot reachedthe islaodbeforc the Martenor Creteis summarisedh Fig. L Althoughlhe specieswas EarlyNeolirhic.Nanlely. the earliest irdispuiable finds ?relionr the listedlor the islard alreadyby Raulin ( lE69) and later by Barelt Eady Neolithic II (Jannan.lil96). While maftenremains havc rlso Hamilton(1899).nocxlct k)calilywrsknown bythcendof thc 19r' hccn collectcd in four calcs $,hich producedPleistuccne launn centNy.During her four anda halfmonth!isi! !o theisland in the (GeraniIT.Mavft,nouri I.tnd VII. andLito). GcfuniIlalsoproduced crrlier parrof I 9(),1,Miss Dororhy Bare ( Bate. I 905) collcctedlive in the upper layers Neolithic archaeologicalnuierial and sone skin!. nos storcdin TheNaturalHistoryMuseuln I-ondon (BMNH) Holocenenranrnrals (S"'. Rattu:t.OndoLtsu\).ln Liko c!vc. the ^' a,o .,, o13 o12 P.r+ .15 IiNl:L\.ulii.5|'h.)1,|lt.sk,n.v.n."v|,f..hl.|1.|(:|.n.l\is.|. R(tll||I.|,1s'lKdn.|l=I|d,f):Ka|t4,dl.acr|K.4il|=H1l|o):2|f.Is.8.|3.|= |l|lt||'1^\hfun!li'5b|h|!(lG?f"n.lll:|^| 1l|t1i':]|Ni1.hiehl,|A:]1D.Jn4:l2.\!i|^|'[|lnt:|r7|n\:|1nl!rMnl::]5sb!1:]6K!n,..,o: H.rt rsos: n.dt 1'nkopron.: I itttl\ ir.ohilrt tl. Mi,r,tt ttprt ): D a\tu fritllha t= .\hitt hitulhnt: Ih? Vhx)r,j tlq9a): 1 B: Zin,trnrunn t1952) 2. 10; Tht a00 \k,fff. J 8. l/ 1f ma(en comesliom theupper layeA, which alsoprodu.cd Holocene .rlpinebelts well o\'er 1.500m abo\c scltlclcl. S{ikrs (2002) lists species(alri./Orpra, Rat,/Jr StccDsma& Reele. 1996). ir lbr thc mountainous/one that stretchesbetween 800.rnd.a. 1.800m above sealevel. Crete is ao ancientisland. which hasnol bccnconnc.td n) the maioland sioce the Earl) Plioccnc.5 \'r,"-rBP (DennitTakis. Threats 1990).and musr hrlc allaincd its prcscnrfom at the end of the l'ljocene (Sondaar.r al.. lt)96). lls PleistoccncfrnDa is The red dala book ol threatcncd ve(cbrrlcs of Cfeece nrpovefi!hed.unbalarced and aboundsuirh cndcmics.Anc.srors (Karandutos,I 99 I ) docsnot nrcludc thc Crctan St{)ne\'lat1en. As of the Plerstocenespecics thus most likcllr reachedCrete bl the entioncd rhorc. Catladomkis (1991) foLmd the speciesro be \$cct'\take muie vhen it was alrcadt an islind. Therc i\ Do conmon in dreSinlana N arbnal park.and Slik.rs ( 2002 ) statesthat "..
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