Notes Notes to the Preface I. Enrique Krauze. Mexico - Biogmph1· of' Pm1·er: ;\ Histon· o( Modem Mexico. !810-1996, trans. Hank Heifetz (New York: Harper Collins, 1997). p. xiii. 2. Hannes Heer and Klaus Naumann (eds). Vernicht1111gskrieg: Verhreche11 der IVi!hrmucht 1941-·1944 (Hamhurg: Hamhurgcr Edition. 1995): Jiirg Friedrich. Dus Geset: des Kriege.1: Dils de/l/.1che Heer i11 Ru/i/und - Der Pm:e/i gegrn dus Oherkm11111u11do di!r \Vehmwcht (Munich: Piper. 199.l ). :l. Peter Henisch. Stein's Purwwiu (Sal1.hurg: ResidenL. 1988). p. :l9. 4. Jonathan Petropoulos. "Co-Opting Nazi Germany: Neutrality in Europe during World War l l", Di111rnsio11.1. 11/ I ( 1997). 15-21. 5. He was wrong. of cour'>e. as John Charmley's scholarship systematically dehunked the many Churchill myths: '>Ce his C/wrchif/: 1he 1:·11d of' Gforr (San Diego: Harcourt Brace. 199.l ). 6. Michael Gehler. "Introduction". in Kur/ Grn/1er: Reden 11111! Dok11111rnte 1945-1953 (Vienna: Biihlau. 199:1 ). p. 18. 7. Kenneth W. Thrnnp;,on, Schools of' 'f!wught in l11tenwtio11llf Rcfatio11s: !11toprcters. /.1.111es und Momlirr (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Uni\er;.ity Pre;,;,. 1996). p. 3 and f'i/SSilll. Notes to the Introduction I. "Political Stahility and Economic Reform". Dowling to Department of State. 9 Septeniher 1952, 863.00/9-952. Box 5267. Record Group (RCi) 59: General Records of the Department of State - Decimal Files. National Archive;, (NA). 2. Mel\ yn P. Leffler. A Pre1wndcmncc 11( Po\\'l'/': Nutionuf Securitr. the Trn111u11 ,\dministmtion. und rile Cold \for (Stanford: Stanford UniYcr-,ity Pre;,;,. 1992): John Lewis Gaddis. The Unired Stutes 111u/ the Origins of' the Cold \V(l/: 194! -1947 (New York: Colurnhia Uni\er;,ity Pres;,. 1972 ): and Srmregin of' Conrainmrnt: A Crillcu/ 1\ppmi.lllf of' P11st1rnr ,\111erirn11 .Vlltio11l1i .'il'Curir_1· (New York: Oxford Univer;,ity Pre.-,;,. 1982): Daniel Yergin. Shurtercd Peucc: The Origi11s of the Cold \for wul rhc Niltionul Sernrin Swre (80;,ton: Houghton Mifflin. 1977): Dchorah Welch Larson. Origin.1 oj'Co11t11i11111rnt: A l'.1rclw/ogic{/I Frpli1n11rio11 (Princeton: Princeton University Pre;,-,. 1985 ): Walter LaFcher. ,\111erirn. R111siu. illlil the Cold \Vw: /945-/996, Sth cdn (New York: McC1·aw-Hill. 1997): Lloyd C. Gardner. 1\rchirecr1 ii/ lfl11.1iiln: .'vfm i111d ldcas i11 :\111Nirnn J-iJrcign Polin. 1941 {949 (Chicago: Quadrangle, 1970): Stephen E. /\1nhrnse and Dougla;, Brinkley. Rise to (J/ohilli.1111: A111erirn11 J-i1reig11 Polin· sina 1938. 7th edn (New York: Penguin. 1997): Ii. W. Brands. Tire l>el'if We Knnl': .-\111l'ricu111 I///{/ tire Cilfd \Var I New York: Oxford Uni\cr;,ity Pre;,;,, 1993). J. D. C. Watt. ··Rethinking the Cold War: a Letter to a Briti~h Hi~torian··. Pofiticul Quurlcrlr. ~9 ( 1978). -1.46-)6: Michael Hunt. "fnternationali1ing U.S. Diplomatic ~fotory: a Practical Agenda". f>iJ>lonwtic Historr. 15/l I 1991 ). 1-1.\: Bruce 157 158 Austria in the First Cold Wm; 1945-55 Cumings. ··"Revising Postrevisionism·. or. The Poverty of Theory in Diplomatic History", Dif'lo111utic Histon. 1714 ( 1993). 5.19-69. The Cambridge historian Jonathan Haslam has admonished professors of American diplomacy saying that "it should no longer he possible to obtain an appointment in the field of the history of foreign policy without a foreign language" (see "Russian Archival Revelations and our Understanding of the Cold War". Dif'lomutic Histo1T. 2112 (1997). 217-28. quotation on p. 228). 4. David Reynolds (ed.). The Origins o( the Cold Wur in E11ro11c: International Persf'ectil'<'.I (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994): Gustav Schmidt (ed.). Ost-We.1t-Be;ieh1111gen: Kmzfimztution und !Ntrntc l945-!9fi9. 3 vols (Bochum: Brockmeyer. 199.1): Melvyn P. Leffler and David S. Painter (eds). Origins o( the Cold War: An lntcrnatimllll Historr (London: Routledge. 1994): Thomas Alan Schwartz, America's Gemlllnr: John J. McClor and the Federal Ref'uhlic o( Ger111w1r (Cambridge. MA: Harvard University Press. 1991 ): Wolfram Hanrieder, Gem11111r, Amt'ricu, Europe: Forn· Yeurs o(Gennun Foreign Polin· (New Haven. CT: Yale University Press. 1991 J: Hermann-Josef Rupieper. Der heset;te Verhiimlete: Die umerikmzisclze Deutschlandf'olitik. 1949--1955 (Opladen: Wcstdeutscher Verlag, 1991 ): Saki Dockrill. Brituin "s Polin· fi1r West Gernllln Reumlll1nent 1950-1955 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1991 ): Gordon H. Chang. Friends u/l{/ Eneinies: Tht' Unitt'd Stutn, China, l//l{/ the Sm·it't Union, 1948-1972 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990): Odd Arne Westad, Cold Wur and Remlution: Sm·iet-A111erirnn Rirnlrr und the Origins o( tlzc Chinese Cil·il \V.:zr (New York: Columbia University Press. 1993): Sergei N. Goncharov. John W. Lewis and Xue Litai. Uncertain Partners: Stu/in. Muo, and the Koreun \for (Stanford: Stanford University Press. 199.1 ). 5. Josef Becker and Franz Knipping (eds). Pmrer in Europe:' Greur Briruin. France. lralr mu/ Gernzmn· in a Post1rnr World. 19./5-1950 (New York: Walter de Gruyter. 1986): John Young. Wi11.1ton Clz11rchill's La.11 Ca1111)(1ign: Britain und rhe Cold Wur 1951-1955 <Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996): Peter B. Boyle (ed.). Tlzc Churchill­ Eisenlzm1·er Corre.1pr111dence, 1953-1955 (Chapel Hill: North Carolina University Press. 1990): Eckart Conl'.e. [)ie ga11/li.1risclze Hcm11sfi1rderu11g: Die deursclz­ .fiw1;iisisclze11 Be~ielz1111grn in der ({11/erikwzisclzen Eurof'upolirik 1958-1963 (Munich: R. Oldenhourg. 1995): Francesca Gori and Silvio Pons (eds). Tlze So1·iet Union and Eumpe in tlze Cold iv.:11: 19./3-53 (Basingstoke: Macmillan. 1995 ): Hope Harrison, "Ulbricht and the Concrete "Rose·: New Archival Evidence of the Dynamics of Soviet-East German Relations and the Berlin Ci·io,is. 1958-1961 ". Cold War International History Project Working Paper No. 5, Woodrow Wilson International Center. 1993: Alexandr A. Fursenko and Timothy Naftali. "One Hell o( ({ (;({1111>/e": Klzrn.1hclzn·. C({.\fro. und Krnncdv, 1958-1964 (New York: W. W. Norton. 1997): Kathryn Weathersby. "Soviet Aims in Korea and the Origins of the Korean War. 1945--1950: New Evidence from Ruso,ian Archive,;·, Cold War International History Project Working Paper No. 8. Woodrow Wilson International Center, 1993. 6. John Lewis Gaddis. \v,, Nmr Knm1·: Rer!zinking Cold War Hi.iron· (Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1997). pp. 282. 284f: llya V. Gaiduk. Tlze Sm·ict Union und tlze Victn({/11 War (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee. 1996): see the chapters on Third World rela­ tions in Raymond Garthoff. f),;renre mu/ Confimztmion: A1neric({n-Sm·iet Relations ji-0111 Nixon to Rrngwz (Washington: Brookings, 1985): and The Grl'al Transition: Amaican Sm·iet Relutimzs und t!ze End o( rlze Cold \for (Washington: Brookings. 1994 ). Typical case studies would he the US relationship with the Congo and the Soviet relationship with Afghanistan. Notes 159 7. Geir Lundestad. The A111erirn11 "E111piff" (Oslo-Oxford: Norwegian and Oxford University Press. 1990): Odd /\rne Westad. "Secrets of the Second World: The Russian Archives and the Reinterpretation of Cold War History". and Robert C. Tucker. "The Cold War in Stalin's Time: What the New Sources Reveal". f)iplonwtic Hi.iron. 21/2 ( 1997). 259-82: Gaddis. We Now K11m1-. p. 289: Giinter Bischof, "Austria - A Colony in the U.S. Postwar ·Empire'-)"· in John G. Blair and Reinhold Wagnlcitncr (eds), t:mpire (Tiibingen: G. Narr, 1997). pp. 12-1-34. 8. Thomas J. McCormick, A111erica 's HalrCenturr: United States hJreign Polin· in the Cold Hlitr (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 1989): Robert A. Pollard, Econo111ic Sernritr und the Origi11s o( the Cold Ww: 1945-1950 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1985): Wilfried Loth. Die Teilung dff Welt 1941-1955 (Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag. 1980). 9. Alan S. Milward. lhe Rffo11.1tructio11 o( Western Europe, 1945-51 (Berkeley: California University Press. 1985): Charles Maier and Giinter Bischof (eds). The Murshall Plw1 in Gennunr: West Gffnwn De1·elop111rnt 11·i1hi11 the Fm111e1rnrk o( the E11ropea11 Recm·eJT Pmgram (New York: Berg, 1991): Comite pour l"Histoire Economique et Financiere de la France (ed.). Le Plu11 Marshall et le Rch'l'<'111rnt f:co11mnil/lle de /'Europe (Paris. 1993). I 0. Reinhold Wagnleitner. Coco-Colonbt1io11 and the Cold War: The Cultural Mission o( the U11ited States in Austria uficr the Second World Hlitr, trans. Diana M. Wolf (Chapel Hill. NC: North Carolina University Press. 1994): and the review essay by David Reynolds, "America's Europe. Europe's America: Image. Influence. and Interaction, 1933-1958". Diplonwtic Histon·, 20/4 ( 1996). 651-61. 11. Michael J. Hogan. The Marslwll Plw1: Atnerirn. Britain, ({/I{/ the Reco11structio11 o( Western Europe. 1947-1952 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1987): Chester J. Pach, Jr. Arming the Free World: The Origins of the Unit('{/ Stutes Militurr Assistunce Progru111, 19'-15-1950 (Chapel Hill: North Carolina University Press. 1991 ). I 2. John Lamberton Harper. American Visions !If Europe: tiw1kli11 f). Roosn•e/t, Geo1ge F Ket11111n. mu/ Dea11 CJ. Acheson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1996 ): Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas. The Wise Mrn: Six fi·iends and the World T!tn· Mode (New York: Simon & Schuster. 1986). U. Thomas A. Schwartz, "The United States and Germany after 1945: Alliances, Transnational Relations. and the Legacy of the Cold War", Diplomatic Hi.1ton-. 19/4 ( 1995). 549-68. 14. Irwin M. Wall. The United States i111d the Making of Pwt11·ur fiw1ee 1945-1954 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1991 J: James E. Miller, The United States U/l(I ftulr: The Politics und Dip/!lnwcr o( Stahilhlli!lll (Chapel Hill: North Carolina University Press. 1986). 15. "Even the apparently powerless have that much power" (Gaddis. We N!111· Knm1·. p. 285). 16. Fraser J. Harbutt. The Iron Curtain: Churc!till, Amerirn, mu/ rite Origins of the Cold War (New York: Oxford University Press. 1986): Randall B. Woods and Howard Jones. IJmming of t!tc Cold Wur: The United States' Quest.f!Jr Order (Athens.
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