St. Thomas Aquinas PARISH STAFF Catholic Church Pastor Fr. Christiano Nunes da Silva [email protected] Iglesia Católica 931-526-2575 Sto. Tomás de Aquino 0 Parochial Vicar Fr. Eric Johansen [email protected] SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 931-526-2575 Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Secretary Beatriz Alvarez [email protected] 931-526-2575 Director of Religious Ed. The Light of the World Valerie Richardson [email protected] 931-526-4411 Youth Ministry Director Jackie Vester [email protected] 931-526-2575 Parish Council and Communications Karen Dalton [email protected] 931-526-2575 I have not come to abolish but to fulfill Finance Committee Ray Holbrook 931-252-1036 MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISAS Monday/Lunes—Saturday/Sábado 8 am Hispanic Ministry Tuesday/Martes 6 pm Latin Mass Beatriz Alvarez Wednesday/Miercoles 7 pm Español Felipe Juan Saturday/Sábado 5 pm English & 7:30 pm Español [email protected] Sunday/Domingo 8 am & 10:45 am English & 1 pm Español Facilities Director SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Bill Kreppner Sacrameto de Reconciliación 931-526-2575 Tuesday/Martes 5:30 am Wednesday/Miercoles 6 pm First Thursday/Primer Jueves 7 pm Saturday/Sábado 9 am and 4 pm 421 N. Washington Ave. • Cookeville, TN 38501 Office Hours: 9 am — 3 pm Tel.:931-526-2575 • Fax: 931-526-5869 • Email: [email protected] February 16, 2020 EVENTS THIS WEEK SUNDAY / DOMINGO 2/16/20 All Day 7:30 AM Rosary / Church Eucharist Adoration Daughter’s of Isabella / All Parish Baby Shower / Parish Hall Friday, 9:00 am February 21th, 2020 NO Rel Ed. Pre K—4th grade / Aquinas Hall 9 AM Faith Filled Followers / Parish Hall #1 Divine Mercy Chaplet 10:15 AM Rosary / Church 3:00 pm 10:45 AM Knights of Columbus Corporate Communion Sunday / Church 2 PM R.I.C.A. en Español / Aquinas Hall Benediction NO EDGE Meeting / Aquinas Hall 6:00 pm NO Life Teen / Parish Hall Blessed be God forever! MONDAY / LUNES 2/17/20 PARISH OFFICE CLOSED What does Adoration mean to you? Please let us know!!! TUESDAY / MARTES 2/18/20 Contact us at [email protected] 9 AM S.T.O.P. / Parish Hall / Youth Room WEDNESDAY / MIERCOLES 2/19/20 Sacramental Workshop 8:30 P.E.D. / Parish Hall 6:30 PM Rel Ed. / 5th—8th grade / Aquinas Hall With Fr. Chris 7 PM R. C. I. A. / Conference Room Friday, February 21st THURSDAY / JUEVES 2/20/20 6 PM Grupo de Oración / Chapel / Aquinas Hall 6:00—8:00 pm 6 PM TTU CATHOLIC / Parish Hall Conference Room 6:30 PM Charismatic Prayer Group Mtg/ Conference Room Topic: FRIDAY / VIERNES 2/21/20 Anointing of the Sick 9 AM—6 PM ALL DAY ADORATION / CHURCH 6:00 Sacramental Workshop / Conference Room 6 PM R.I.C.A. en Español / Parish Hall 6 PM Buen Pastor / Aquinas Hall SATURDAY / SABADO 2/22/20 Daughters of Isabella / All Parish Baby Shower / Parish Hall 6 PM Clases Matrimoniales / Parish Hall BIG BREAKFAST Daughters of Isabella News Sunday, February 23rd (next Sunday) Beginning at 8:00 am Baby Shower: We will be sponsoring a Baby Shower for the entire month of February to sup- Adults $5 Children $3 Families of 4 or more $15 port the efforts of the Cookeville Pregnancy Cen- ter. A box will be available in the lower level of Ladies, let the men do the cooking! the church for your donations of baby items from February 1—29. Have a Blessed Week ! ASH WEDNESDAY February 26th PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, FEB 17th Mass schedule in observance of President’s Day 8 am, 12 pm, 6 pm English STATIONS OF THE CROSS 8 pm Spanish Friday, February 28 @ 6 PM Holy Day of Fast Great graces are attached to those who & meditate on the Passion of Christ. Abstinence Email [email protected] St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church website: saintthomasaquinaschurch.com MASS INTENTIONS LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER Saturday/Sábado 15 February / Mem. Of Bl. Virgin Mary PRAYER LIST — LISTA DE ORACIONES 8 AM + Karl Smith We ask you to pause to offer a prayer for the sick in our 5 PM + Jim, Anna & Jimmy Shock community. 7:30 PM + Por la Salud de Betty Boyce Le Pedimos que haga una pausa para ofrecer una oración porlos enfermos de nuestra comunidad. Sunday/Domingo 16 February /Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8 AM + George Kreis All the Unborn Billy George Jeremy Paulin Children of God Samie Pellegrine 10:45 AM Barbara Perron William George, Sr. Vera Baco Mark Gillian Don Pierwola 1:00 PM For all the Members of the Parish Yvonne Blake Kathy Grooms Kim Pierwola Monday/Lunes 17 February / Seven Founders of Servite Order Nayieli Bravo Maryanne Gruetzmacher Pat Rottmund Gene Brown Joanette Haugk Sandy Sawyer 8 AM + Holy Souls in Purgatory Kevin Brown Barbara Hackette Peg Schopieray Tuesday/Martes 18 February Bryan Buck Steven High Amy Walker Self 8 AM + For the Holy Souls in Purgatory Merry Charron Gladys Hilgert Shelby Shores Marilyn Christ Susan Jasper Claire Shores 6 PM / Latin Mass / + Jacques Telhomme Brenda Corbett David Kondas Jerry & Bev Stovall Wednesday/Miercoles 19 February Jennifer Dainty Patty Korczyk Carol Sykes Randy Davis Ronald Sykes 8 AM + Holy Souls in Purgatory William Kip Kreppner Kelly DeBord Kara Ladd Tom Tarrant 7 PM + Betty Boyce LaVern Evans Colleen Lentini Hal Taylor Thursday/Jueves 20 February Jim Evans Tinslee Lewis Rose Teeters Edel Fernandez Kathi Lock Yoko Terretta 8 AM + Jennifer Glee Brannum Gentry Scott Fibick Jami Luong Tammyn Tucker Friday/Viernes 21 February / St. Peter Damian Efrain Francisco Andrea Marozas Mike Uker 8 AM + Holy Souls in Purgatory Tami Frazier Gail Milton Don Weinrauch Larry Gate Bill Pangburn Patti Wells Saturday/Sábado 22 February / Chair of St. Peter, Apostle Jeremy Germeni Carol Pangstingel Mary Whitaker 8 AM + David Kondas Pamela Wiseman 5 PM + For All the Members of the Parish Please call the office to add or delete a person from the prayer 7:30 PM + Por la Salud de Betty Boyce list. Thank you. Sunday/Domingo 23 February / 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8 AM + Holy Souls in Purgatory WEEKLY READINGS / FEBRUARY 16—FEBRUARY 22, 2020 10:45 AM + Barbara Perron SUNDAY 1:00 PM + Por la Salud de Betty Boyce SIR 15:15-20 PS 119:1-2, 4-5, 17-18, 33-34 1 COR 2:6-10 MT 5:17 -39 MONDAY COMMUNION JAMES 1:1-11 PS 119:67-68, 71-72, 75-76 MARK 8:11-13 TUESDAY If you have difficulty walking to the front of the church to receive communion, please notify any of the ministers and/ JAMES 1:12-18 PSALM 94:12-15, 18-19 MARK 8:14-21 or the acolytes and the Eucharistic Minister will bring the WEDNESDAY communion to you! JAMES 1:19-27 PSALM 15:2-5 MARK 8:22-26 THURSDAY For the faithful departed JAMES 2:1-9 PSALM 34:2-7 MARK 8:27-33 Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them, Oh Lord, FRIDAY Karl Smith, Wannie Day, Michelle Castaneda JAMES 2:14-24, 26 PSALM 112:1-6 MARK 8:34—9:1 And Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them. SATURDAY May They Rest In Peace….AMEN. 1 PETER 5:1-4 PSALM 23:1-6 MATTHEW 16:13-19 May the Souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God, Rest in Peace. Amen GOD BLESS AMERICA Our Pope, Our President MASS INFORMATION FOR TRAVELERS Our Bishop, Our Congress Search for mass times and locations Our Priests, Our Local Government Leaders at catholicmasstime.org when traveling. This site had more Our Laity, Our Military than 3.5 million visits in the last year and assists in finding a We are One Nation Under God ! church or mass times. Email [email protected] St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church website: saintthomasaquinaschurch.com M I N I S T R I E S ** UPCOMING EVENTS Altar Guild Stewardship Laura Cardenas………………………..………[email protected] Weekend of Feb 8—9, 2020 Bereavement Maryann Tarrant ……….…..………...………………..931.268.3418 Budget Needs per Week $ 9,635 Charismatic Prayer Group **Budget Gifts this Week $ 11,095 Difference from Goal $ 1,460 +15% Bill Pangburn ……………..………..….…………..……..931.520.7112 Daughters of Isabella Bills paid for Week of 2/10 $ 22,494 Barbara Kaiser ….. …..……[email protected] TTU Catholic $ 9,000 Extraordinary Ministers Payroll $ 8,374 Cindy Black ………………………………..…...………….931.526.2575 Utilities $ 3,778 Haiti Ministry 2019 Budget Year to Date Budget $ 308,320 Knights of Columbus **Gifts $ 310,962 Grand Knight / Chris Koerber ……………...……....931.805.1838 $ 2,642 1% Email: [email protected] ** Additional Donations for Repair & Renovation of Aquinas Hall Faithful Navigator / Pete Marino ……….…………919.451.2576 received since 1/1/20= $ 27,300 Lay Salvatorians Bill Halderson …………………...…...…….......…..…..931.372.1375 Save the Date Lectors/Commentators Daughters of Isabella Annual Rummage Sale Ron Sykes ……...………………………….………………..931.252.1323 Music Ministry Drop off items on Saturday, February 29th and Sunday, 5 PM Mass…….Charles & Patricia Hafner……...931.239.7895 March 1st after all Masses; Monday, March 2nd thru 8 AM Mass ………..…………………………..……….…...931.526.2575 Friday, March 6th from 8 AM until Noon. 10:45 Mass…………..Dr. Brian O’Connor…...…...931.537.6786 Rummage Sale opened to the public Friday, March 6, 12:30 Mass …………...…………Francisco… ……....931.526.2575 2 - 7 PM and Saturday, March 7, 8 AM—Noon. R.C.I.A. Jim Dainty ……..……..………………………...…….…….931.260.9535 Bring your items to the Parish Hall. Volunteers wel- R.I.C.A. comed. NO Mattresses, TV’s, Computers, Knives or Filipe Juan ………………………….…..……………....…..931.372.1883 Sharp Tools. St. Thomas Outreach Program / STOP Please text Sarah E.
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