DEUTSCHEGERMAN STANDARDIZATION NORMUNGSROADMAP ROADMAP KÜNSTLICHEON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENZ INTELLIGENCE PUBLISHED BY Wolfgang Wahlster Christoph Winterhalter DIN. e. V DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE Burggrafenstr. 6 Stresemannallee 15 10787 Berlin 60596 Frankfurt am Main Tel: +49 30 2601-0 Tel: +49 69 6308-0 Email: [email protected] Fax: +49 69 08-9863 Website: www.din.de Email: [email protected] Website: www.dke.de Photo credit: Cover: LightFieldStudios – istockphoto.com Chapter entry pages: kras99 (p. 9, 33), assistant (p. 23), Thitichaya (p. 27), Maxim (p. 35), Shutter2U (p. 61), gunayaliyeva (p. 75), peshkov (p. 91), LuckyStep (p. 111), kaptn (p. 121), ryzhi (p. 129), Alex (p. 135), pickup (p. 143) – stock.adobe.com November 2020 FOREWORD Left: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster Head of the Steering Group, CEA DFKII FOREWORD Right: Christoph Winterhalter Chairman of the Executive Board, DIN Dear Reader, With the Standardization Roadmap Artificial Intelligence, principles and the three AI application fields of particular Germany is now the first country in the world to present a importance for Germany – industrial automation, mobility/ comprehensive analysis of the current state of and need logistics and medicine. for international standards and specifications for this key technology. In this first edition of the German Standardiza- AI is currently spearheading digitalization, because for the tion Roadmap, not only the technical, but also the ethical first time AI makes it possible to automate numerous cogni- and social aspects of standards in AI are taken into account in tive services that could previously only be provided by human detail in a broad, interdisciplinary approach. intelligence. AI systems are realized as pure software or as cyber-physical systems, but they always have to be linked One of the twelve fields of action of the Federal Govern- to other current IT components in order to be applicable ment's AI strategy of 2018 has been implemented with the in practice. We therefore consider AI in the context of other preparation of this Roadmap; this strategy provides for a joint digitalization trends such as cloud, edge, GPU and quantum project with DIN for this purpose under Field of Action 10 computing, the Internet of Things and 5G, Industrie 4.0 and “Setting Standards”. DIN and DKE officially launched work on the platform economy. the Roadmap on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) at a kick-off event on 16 October Since the first wave of digitalization, most data have been 2019 with over 300 participants from industry, science, civil machine-readable, as this resulted in the comprehensive society and politics. replacement of analogue information processing and the almost complete digital capture, storage, transmission and This is an ongoing document that needs to be regularly storage of data. Numerous standards and specifications have updated to reflect the enormously dynamic development of helped to achieve this. But the second wave of digitalization, AI technologies and their rapidly expanding fields of applica- triggered as a driver by a wide range of AI technologies, is tion. Although all previously published standards and speci- leading into the new era of machine-understandable data. fications in the field of AI are documented and the numerous Here digital data is interpreted, classified, enriched with ongoing standardization activities are shown in the Roadmap, meta-data and refined by AI systems in order to be able to many “white spots” on the AI standardization map have been draw new conclusions, develop new types of proposals for identified which need to be filled in the next version. decisions, or achieve a goal set by humans through auton- omous behaviour. However, we are still at the beginning of The Roadmap was drawn up in seven working groups which the necessary standards and specifications for this new era developed important questions and recommendations for of digitalization, which our Roadmap documents for the first action on ethics, quality/conformity assessment/certification time, combining this with recommendations for the next and IT security as horizontal topics, in addition to the basic steps. German Standardization Roadmap on Artificial Intelligence – 1 FOREWORD Human-centred AI was at the forefront of the development of It is now important to implement as many of the recommen- the Roadmap, which calls for all AI systems not only to be ex- dations for action as possible with the support of all federal planatory, robust and resilient, but also to take strict account ministries responsible for the AI strategy – which is currently of European values such as freedom from discrimination and funded by the amount of € 5 billion – and to prepare the the protection of privacy. Overall, standardization makes a ground today for the continuation of our Standardization decisive contribution to technical sovereignty and interopera- Roadmap AI. The Roadmap shows that there is still a con- bility for AI applications, which will be of great relevance to all siderable need for research, e.g. to establish the necessary industries in the future. quality metrics and test profiles for risk-adapted certification of AI components. It will be expedient to use AI technologies for standardization itself in the future, i.e. to apply document analysis, know- We wish all readers an exciting read and ask for your active ledge representation and machine learning to the creation, support in the further development of this Standardization distribution and use of standards in order to move from Roadmap. Let us work together to develop and introduce in- machine-readable standards to machine-interpretable and ternational standards and specifications that support the safe verifiable standards. use of “AI made in Germany” according to European values. This approach offers the potential for a further significant increase in the annual savings of 17 billion euros already achieved today through standards in Germany. Standards accelerate the transfer of results of excellent AI research to the German economy and open up international markets, especially for medium-sized and start-up companies. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster The preparation of this first Standardization Roadmap AI Head of the Steering Group, CEA DFKI would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of our volunteer experts. The steering group consisting of twen- ty high-ranking personalities held six meetings in 2020 and adopted the final recommendations for action by consensus in a closed meeting, together with the heads of the seven working groups. On behalf of the steering group, we would also like to take Christoph Winterhalter this opportunity to thank all 183 authors and 89 other partic- Chairman of the Executive Board, DIN ipants for their great commitment. We would like to give our special praise to Ms. Filiz Elmas as the excellent coordinator of the overall project. 2 – German Standardization Roadmap on Artificial Intelligence GREETING GREETING Peter Altmaier German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Dear Reader, The use of voice assistant systems and image recognition and identified “setting standards” as one of the twelve show us that artificial intelligence is already reality today. central fields of action. This newly released “German Stand- And the list of further fields of application is long: It ranges ardization Roadmap on Artificial Intelligence” is a first step from autonomous driving and intelligent traffic systems to towards implementing the measures comprised in this field medical diagnostics and therapy – all the way to industrial of action. The Roadmap describes the environment in which automation. With our approach of developing and using AI AI standardization operates, identifies existing standards and technologies in a responsible, human-centric manner with specifications relevant to the field of AI, and outlines further a focus on the common good, we strive to make Germany standardization needs. In addition, it formulates concrete a leading AI location and to set the tone at the European recommendations for action which are aimed primarily at level. In order to position ourselves to compete even more standardization actors, but also at stakeholders in quality effectively on the international stage for the best ideas in the infrastructure and policy. future, we have to set the right course today in these areas: → regulatory, in which lawmakers create a regulatory The Standardization Roadmap makes it clear that we are all framework for the development and use of AI technolo- called upon to make “AI – Made in Germany” a model of suc- gies that promotes innovation; cess. It is not the conclusion, but rather just the beginning of → societal, by conducting a dialogue on the opportunities, the implementation of the measures from the field of action risks and ethical issues associated with the use of AI “Setting standards”. Industry, civil society, science and the technologies and public sector are therefore now challenged to work together → technical, by describing uniform requirements with to implement the recommendations of the Standardization standards and specifications that support the implemen- Roadmap and to actively participate in shaping the rules of tation of the legal framework and ethical values. the game for the digital economy and society of the future. I am convinced that artificial
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