UNITED ARTISTS PRESS BOOK man of the WEST London ArthurO'ConnellLord - Jack SCREENPlAY BY DIRECTED BY Anthony mann AN ASHTON picture - released thru United Artists THEATRE 5 Cols. x 120 Lines - 600 Lines (43 Inches) Mat 503 IMPORTANT NOTICE JULIE LONDON'S RENDITION OF THE SONG, "MAN OF THE WEST", IS not HEARD IN THE MOVIE. exhibitors are required therefore to delete the panels reading "Hear Julie London Sing 'Man of the West'" from all ad mats; snipe over similar panel copy on posters and lobbies; delete all reference to the song from publicity and exploitation copy. These are the key art elements in the campaign available as 8 x 10 glossy stills. Use them to pre- pare lobby displays, special ads, windows, etc. ART STILLS Order stills number from National Screen. MW-ART 1 • 0 • • • MW-ART 2 MW-ART 3 MW-ART 4 MW-ART 5 MW-ART 6 MW-ART 7 MW-ART 8 U1 _• Campaign Catc/,line Sets Surefire Stunt! --------------------------1 I -~ OFFER PRIZES AND CINDERELLA "BOOT"! :I I TICKETS TO THOSE WHO Adapt the popular Cinderella search by look- WIN MOYIE TICKETS! I ing for a boy under 16 years of age who can If the number of this "gun" GET GIVEAWAY GUNS ' 'fits' the holster number on dis­ THAT "FIT" HOLSTER I fill the boots of "the man of the west." Get an play in our lobby ... you will re­ extra large western boot and cut it in cross ceive 2 guest admissions to see Latch on to the terrific penetration of the Gary Cooper descriptive in ads and posters: "the role section; then mount it. Boy places foot into GARYCOOPER that fits him like a gun fits a holster!" All you IN THE ROLE THAT FITS HIM boot. Those who fill the boot win locally pro­ LIKE A GUN FITS A HOLSTER! do is distribute a maximum number of small moted prizes. Similar stunt can be staged in plastic "guns" in 2" x 3" envelopes, as shown MD 01'1111 WIST shoe chain stores, with newspaper ads and COLOR by DE LUXE • CINEMASCOPE at left. Each envelope is numbered consecutively. List winning numbers in lobby, offering free window displays plugging contest. Tie-in line IMPRINT admission or promoted prizes to those whose says: "Boys Under 16! Can You Fill The gun numbers "fit." Boots of The MAN OF THE WEST? Won­ PRICES: derful Prizes ... Nothing to Buy! SEE GARY (Envelopes numbered consecutively, fmprinted) 17965 Guns and envelopes.. .. $17.50 per M COOPER as THE MAN OF THE WEST Order direct from: ... NOW!" Envelope shown actual size. In­ ECONOMY NOVELTY & PRINTING CO. sert plastic guns for giveaway. 244 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. •------------------------- •Get Extra Mileag_e OutolAdline 1/,ese Ways: COLOR-IN DISPLAY GUNS AND HOLSTERS With a cut-out of Cooper in background, including CONTEST ► copy line: "the role that fits him like a gun fits a holster," display as many old and new firearms it Gary Cooper as the man of the west is possible to collect locally. Display as many ornate is a natural for the kids. Offer mer­ holsters, too, as are available locally. Get these from chant-donated prizes for best color­ Armories, gunsmiths, museums, rifle associations and private collectors. Photo of display may also make in jobs turned in by youngsters. Mat a good newspaper feature. Display itself may also is shown here in reduced size; be moved to TV studio for a presentation on local COLOR by DE LUXE actual size is 7¼" x 9". Print local­ CINEMASCOPE program. ly on letter-size sheet. Distribute contest sheets through s to r e s , STREET BALLY ON HORSEBACK schools, lobby, religious schools, A small boy in western garb riding a Shetland pony clubs, etc. Mount and display win­ is followed by a huge cowboy on a large horse. Cow­ ning entries in lobby or department boy carries a sign which reads: "The BIG western excitement is on the BIG CinemaScope movie screen store window. .. .. in real-life color! See GARY COOPER as THE MAN OF THE WEST ... in a role that fits him like MAT 4A ► a gun fits a holster! ••• Now ••• Bijou!" • Follow Tbroug/, Wit/, More Action Bally/,oo! "ROLL YOUR OWN" CONTEST "GOLD" DOLLARS STUNTS NAME "MAN OF YOUR TOWN" Newspapers take kindly to the naming of a "man Gary Cooper carries a hoard of 600 gold of the year," a "Mr. Television" a "man of achieve­ dollars in the picture. Use this fact as a peg ment," etc. Suggest to one of the local newspapers (or organization) that they select the leading citizen on which to hang both of the follo~ing stunts: to be honored as the "Man of the West" (East, South or North, consistent with your area). Tie in by presenting this citizen with a "Man of the 1. Together with the Retail Merchants Association West Award" on behalf of Gary Cooper, who announce that 600 "gold dollars" are hidden around represents the finest qualities of pioneer America. Stills MW-L6, MW-L6B, MW-L6E the theatre and in the stores of participating mer­ Cooper shows how to roll-your-own cigarettes! Let chants. Tie-in line sends them searching for the GARY COOPER DAY the local outdoors men try it for speed and quality gold hoard of the Man of the West. "Dollars" are No name in the motion picture world is more re­ --either in front of your theatre or as a spot on spected than that of Gary Cooper. He is a favorite local TV show. Offer prizes. Use these stills for actually imitation coins redeemable at the boxoffice · of fans of all ages. Suggest that local shopping center tie-in publicity. Order stills by number from or merchants. Limit search to certain hours on or merchants association honor your showing with a National Screen. one day. Gary Cooper Day promotion. Highlights include Gary Cooper Sales, western merchandise and stunts STORE ADS, WINDOWS outlined on these pages. 2. A Man of The West on horseback gives away "Man of the West" is a Man of Action . a Man gold cardboard "dollars," each carrying an 1868 of Good Taste . .. a Man Who Enjoys (Product)! KIDS' COSTUME MATINEE Use any of these slogans or many variations of it date. A few are dated 1870. Back of coin asks fans Announce a "young Man of the West" matinee for any number of merchant newspaper ads or to match the dollars against Gary Cooper's coins offering gifts and prizes to the youngsters who come window displays. Use scenes from the picture for on display in lobby. Those who receive the 1870 with the most unusual, most imaginative western tie-in display. Be sure no Gary Cooper endorse­ outfits. Photograph the five winners for a good ment is made or implied. coins receive $1.00 in cash. human interest picture and story. PAGE 2 © 1958 United Artists C.orporatic n PUBLICITY Gary Cooper, As 'Man of the West'! Julie London Says Movie Stripping In Role Perfectly Suited For Him (General Advance) Is No Cinch In the action-packed western (Special Feature) drama which is slated to open Getting undressed is something ..... .. at the . Theatre most of us can-and do-do in through United Artists release, the dark by rote, our minds occu­ Gary Cooper is starred in a role pied with other m,tters as we that fits him like a gun fits a disrobe almost automatically. holster. It is the title role in But, as luscious Julie London "Man of the West," in which he demonstrated when she "took it is starred with Julie London, Lee off"-and at gunpoint, yet-for J. Cobb, Arthur O'Connell and a scene with Gary Cooper in Jack Lord. The Walter M. Mir­ "Man of the West," which opens isch production was filmed. in . at the . Theatre, color by Deluxe in CinemaScope. in sight of no less than 46 Anthony Mann directed and technicians, it isn't that simple Reginald Rose wrote the screen­ in the movies. play. The strip, something never be­ "Man of the West," based upon fore filmed in a western movie, Will C. Brown's novel, is a sus­ comes about quite dramatically penseful story of powerful per· when the train on which she, -,·onalities-good and bad-where­ Cooper-a reformed outlaw - in Gary Cooper, as Link Jones, and Arthur O'Connell, a card­ a reformed bandit -and killer sharp, are traveling across Ari­ raised in the ways of western zona, is held up and the three violence by his uncle ( Lee J. fall into the clutches of a robber Cobb) , is tossed by circumstanc­ gang headed by Lee J . Cobb. es hack into the clutches of Held captive in the gang's Still MW-35 Mat 1B Cobb's gang several years after cabin hideout, Miss London cap­ Gary Cooper fights his way he left them to go straight. tures the lecherous eye of Jack out of an ambush in the dra­ Julie London famous singer, Lord, a particularly non-gallant matic outdoor adventure film, is back to straight drama in her highwayman. Lord gets a strangle "Man of the West," •• United "Man of the West Role." Al­ hold on Cooper, presses a sharp Artists release, The picture, though she sings the title song of knife against his throat just hard filmed in CinemaScope and the film, her role of a frontier ern>ugh to draw some blood, and color, opens . .. at chanteuse which Rose's script Still MW-17 Mat 2E commands Miss London to re­ the .
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