$2 Wa/hinglon Apple Pi The Journal of Washingtond Apple Pi, Ltd. Volume. 6 Januar4 1984 number 1 Hiahliahtl-- c' C' UF TI-if_1 l_l=l(i LI [) I o 1..../..... ,_~ r~ (~L1 r-('Ir-(l'-J (-'1 I (==- f~ T I CJ (-],5 I~'I~~: LJ (j I~~ f~ rn --~ T 1,,? r-11--';1 I I(- T I r-1 --~ '-" ', I I I I '.._. _-' .-_. '-_ _.I I TCJ L­ I' -~ (- '>'/ 1-:') 1'- "(- r::.. C:' ,::' 1'- "1-:::' 1-=) F'-_ I -_ I...J-- --I T F-_, \ T 1-=) ..... '_ ' ',__ 1._- "'_) '__) _ . " '" '-./ 1 In This Issue.. Officers &St aff, Event Queue, Editorial 3 Introduction to Modula 2 Robert C. Platt 42 Genera 1 Informat ion • • 3 DOS Manuals: A Book Review • Robert C. Platt 43 President's Corner • David Morganstein 4 The Applesoft Split • Richard Untied 44 Program Previews . Cara Cira 5 Keesh? No Way! Ri chard Untied 45 Classifieds, SIGNews • • 5 Strange Filenames • J. T. (Tom) Demay Jr 46 Minutes, Bylaws Amendment, Job Mart • 6 How To Turn a Page. • C. Swift, Prop. 47 Q & A. Bruce F. Field 7 I Am What I Am • • John A. Love III 50 WAP Hotl ine, Call-A.P.P.L.E., Commercial Class. 10 PeachText Word Processor: A Review Carl Eisen 52 EDSIG News • Peter Combes 11 Pushed into CP/M - Part 2 Leon H. Raesly 56 Agil Paint Program and Slide Show Roland Combes 12 Softviews • • • • •• David Morganstein 58 LogoSIG News Nancy C. Strange 14 The Okidata and Magic Window I • Fred Feer 59 Review of the WAP Logo Disks. Nancy C. Strange 18 C.Itoh/Prowriter Character Font Bert Morri s 60 The DisabledSIG Presentation Peter Combes 22 Games People Play •• Leslie Shriner 62 DisabledSIG News , Jay Thal 24 Filecabinet Goes to the Races - Listing 63 MCI Mail and the Apple II Stephen M. Libster 26 Your Federal Income Tax Revisited • Roy Rosfeld 64 Telecomm SIG News • Dave Harvey 27 WAP Tutorial s •• • ••Stephen M. Stern 65 Comm-Term Communications Package •• George V. Kinal 28 Letter to the Editor 66 Modifying a $59 Comm. Card • George V. Kinal 33 Index to Advertisers 66 Anchor Mark 12 Modem: A Review. George V. Kinal 36 Disk Library Order Form •• 67 A Page From the St ack Robert C. Platt 38 WAP Tutorial Registration • • 68 TheARple JoystiCK. The fi rstApp le­ branded jO),ti ck­ to rthe serious ~amesm an or grap hi cs Ilizard,Buil tto, endure man\' j long nights of Chopli fi er,'" Disk II Drives. The new ImageIITiter'· completes Apple 's fu'llline or \ printers ­ dot matrix , therm al t \, E\'enhOlI\' need... more &: dais\' wheel And on \l l~lple ....iiiliiii... storage sp;ice, especial l\, people printers, Il'ith rull eleCU'oni c I,' \\ . who'\'e been struggl ing along Il'ith ; \ compatibili ty, can get the t:'-:::~:xl one dril'e or (pensh the thought) : ~- .. '· 4 most out ofA pple sofuvare, aGL,sette recorder, The Apple Color Plotter ~ '..... .a Plot a course to successful presentations, Apple's new Color Diskette Files. Plotter automat icall yc hanges up hnprol'c \'our (hSKctiquctte to tour hrilliant colors on Illth our smOKed plexifile or eco­ paper or transparencies as nom ical h(x)K ­sil.cd hinders large ;\5 II" xIT' to hring ~raph s and charts to lire, The Apple Monitor II. Ahrand-new mon itor that make, programs wort hwatchlilg. Text is clearer Il'ith a high con­ Let your tingers tra,t. an tl -rellecti\'etilt screen that 's do the thinking with acalcuJator­ a le:L'i ror the cI'es sr.'le kelllad tor the t~p le li e, Includes curso rcontrol kCI" Great for \, is i Ca l c ~ Ea:>\' to instalL Game Controllers. -\ppk allu the ,-\pple logo are I1'glSte red trademark., of,If\lle(:ompuler Inc , Il)~.\ '~1J'1l' Compuler tnc LAUREL PLAZA Route 198 , Laurel , MD 792 -0600 953·9535 At last: high quali t\', SEVERNA PLAZA we ll-engllleered controllers that Ri tc hie Highway can stand up to all -night ses,ions Severna Pa rk, MD arPin fla il Constructi on Se t ~ 544-5252 f'O r those serious about phtling around, Both locations open 10 a,m, to 8 p ,m, weekdays 10 a,m, to 5 p,m, Saturday Closed Sunday 2102-63 -11133/27 QUALITY DISKWARE FOR APPLE II AND OTHER COMPATIBLE COMPUTERS IIFIEKrA SPORTS POOL - SOFTWARE DIVISION­ 6502 Micro Drive· Dayton. MD 21036 ******* Telephone: (3011854·0058 SPORTS POOL computerizes the neighborhood or office Sports Pool. All the record keeping and form generation is done by the computer, in­ cluding calculation of per­ centages! Put the fun back in wagering on your favorites with SPORTS POOL! PROFIT MOTIVE ~ Bi$J Business ******* Slmulation... PROFIT MOTIVE makes Mon­ noply seem like 'easy street"! Its a realistic big business simulation in which you pro­ ... thats duce and market several Funtoplqy! products. One to ten players Suggested Retail Price may compete in two levels of play. A fun, mind-teasing .-.-.; ..... , ....... challenge! ~$39·95"ea. - 1-'0 P --­ Contact your local dealer! Dealer inquiries invitedI CCopyflllhl '982 Hy rek Ltd All Roghls Reser-.ed AFFIX 13 CENT STAMP HERE Wa/hlngton Applcz Pi 8227 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 201 Bethesda, MD 20814 Apple Pi January 1984 1 .­ {­ -..-­ I- I \/ r­ t;­ •--­ LU" [J Wen e e dan i n d i cat ion 0 f the a t ten dan c eat our special meeting at the Departmental Audi­ torium (between 12th and 14th on Constitution Avenue, Washington DC) on January 28. Many non-WAP members will want to attend this meeting. Our members will be given first p rio r i t yin the eve n t 0 f a f u 1 1 cap a cit y a t ten dan c e • P 1 e a s e h e 1 pus b y m a ; 1 ; n gin t his car d ( 0 r p h 0 n i n g the 0 f f ice ) wit han i n d i cat ion 0 f you r i n ten t ion s • Yes, I w ill b eat ten din g the s p e cia 1 meeting to hear Steve Wozniak and see the McIntosh. There will be persons in my group. Wap Member No. Name 2 January 1984 Washington Apple Pi OfF ICE.R5 5TAfF Presfdent - Davfd Morganstefn (301) 972-4263 Membership - Dana Schwartz (301) 654-8060 Vfce Presfdent - Dana Schwartz (301) 725-6281 Program - Cara Cfra (301) 468-6118 Treasurer - Edward Myerson (703) 759-5479 Publfcfty Chairman- Lee Raesly (301) 460-0754 Secretary - Sarah La vf 11 a (301) 926-6355 Rules &Elections - Bob Platt (202) 223-1588 Dfrectors - Bernfe Benson (202) 546-0076 School Coordinators: - Peter Combes (301) 871-1455 Virgfnia - Barbara Larson (703) 451-9373 - Bruce Ffeld (301) 340-7038 - Nancy Strange (703) 691-1619 - Nancy Ph f11 pp (301) 924-2354 Mont. Co. MD - Margie Stearns (301) 657-2353 - Gordon Stubbs (703) 750-0224 Pro Geo. Co. MD - Conrad Fleck (301) 699-8200 - Rfch Wasserstrom (703) 893-9147 Specfal Publctns. - Betsy Harriman (202) 363-5963 Edftor - Bernie Urban (301) 229-3458 SYSOP - Tom Warri ck (301) 656-4389 Associate Edftors - Betsy Harrfman (202) 363-5963 Tutorfals - Leon Raes ly (301) 460-0754 - Genevie Urban (301) 229-3458 - steve Stern (301) 881-2543 Journal Staff: Vol unteer Coord. - Borfs Levine (301) 229-5730 Store Dfstrbtn. - Ray Hobbs (301) 490-7484 SIG Coordfnator - Bob Platt (202) 223-1588 Columnfsts: SIG Cha i rmen: Applesoft - James T DeMay Jr. (301) 779-4632 Appleseeds - Davfd Stern (301) 881-2543 DfsabledSIG - Jay Thal (202) 244-3649 Apple III - Bfll Hershey (301) 588-1992 EDSIG - Peter Combes (301) 871-1455 ASMSIG - Ray Hobbs (301) 490-7484 Q &A - Bruce Ffeld (301) 340-7038 CESIG - John Kapkel (301) 694-5968 Telecomm - Dave Harvey (703) 527-2704 - Roy Rosfeld (301) 340-7962 VfsfCalc - Walt Francfs (202) 966-5742 CP/M - Charles Franklfn (301) 997-9138 Group Purchases - Rfch Wasserstrom *(301) 654-8060 DISABLEDSIG - Curt Robbins ABBS WAP428 or *(Call Kevin at offfce on M,W,Th,F) write 8805 Barnsley Court, Laurel, MD 20708 Head Disk Lib. - John Malcolm (301) 384-1070 (or phone) - John Molfneaux (301) 341-7391 Lfbrary Staff: - Dave Wefkert, Bob Hfcks, Ed Lang, EDSIG - Peter Combes (301) 871-1455 - Jim &Nancy Lfttle, Terry Prudden, FORTH SIG - Kevin Nealon (703) 280-1136 - Bruce Reddfng, Gordon Stubbs Home Control SIG - Russ Eberhart (301) 596-4995 New Disks - Bob Platt (202) 223-1588 LAWSIG - Charles Field (202) 265-4040 Pascal Lib. - Mfke Hartman (301) 445-1583 LISASIG - Gordon Stubbs (703) 750-0224 CP/M Lib. - Kft Lefthiser (703) 569-8037 LOGOSIG - Nancy Strange (703) 691-1619 Head Reading Lfb. - Walt Francis (202) 966-5742 NEWSIG - Bernfe Benson (202) 546-0076 Apple Tea Coord. - Paula Benson (202) 546-0076 Pasca 1 (PIG) - Harry Bfshopl (703) 931-4937 Arrangements - Jfm Taylor (301) 926-7869 - Jfm Harvison (703) 593-2993 Demonstratfons - Sfgne Larson (703) 524-4541 SIGAMES - Jfm Eatherly General Counsel - Jfm Burger (Shaw, Pittman, Potts STOCKSIG - Robert Wood (703) 893-9591 &Trowbrfdge) day (202) 822-1093 Telecomm. SIS - George Kfnal (202) 863-6489 Washington Apple Pf, Ltd. 8227 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 201 Bethesda, MD 20814 Office (301) 654-8060 ABBS (301) 986-8085 C Copyright Washfngton Apple Pi, Ltd., 1983 E. \jE.nT E.DITORIAL Washington Apple Pf meets on the 4th Saturday (usual­ Happy holfdays and best wishes for the new year! ~ ly) of each month at the Unfformed Servfces Unfversity of the Health Scfences (USUHS), Bufldfng B, 4301 Jones Brfdge Road, Bethesda, MD.
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