JUNE 1986 e1\TS VOL. I ISSUE IV ~ ~chool RevielV r ~~" . .. ------- ---------- - - - - --- ~ --.. - SEE IT LIVE! (~OI11 e JOill t! rrhe Flln! ()f j ellowship hri.,lian lhleles Meets 011 Activity B Day (lll(l First Monday of Every Month ·,.1hoSE Nho hODor 'E I It III honor",· jrU!{ FOOD J SaJUel 2:30 FELL01fStHIP See Coacll Brady.... f 01' lnOlte illf Ol~ln {tti l) 11 TAIILE IIF ~ltNTE~TS LITEI~ATIJI~E " AI~T School Review ..••.••• • 19 FEATllltES College Prep ••.•..••...• 14 Boat Regatta •. "' .....•.. 62 I 1 edt h e Pi ge on s .•••• · .60 Advice - "Sheila" answ~rs our readers letters. By "Sheila." Did You Know? - Amazing facts of interest. By Laura Pearce. Growing Pains - Deciding on what to do with your 1 ife? Read this article on choosing a career. By Adrienne Moninger. Humor & Satire - By Paul Arnold. Serial - By Kayleigh. To tal Bod •••••.••••••••••• •• S Letters t6 the Editor ...•••• S Re views •...••.•••••...•.••• · s· Sports ..•......••........•• 10 Classes and Clubs •.••....•• 1! Weekend •••••••••••••••••••• 12 Maz e ..••••.••••••••.•• · • 1 6 Word search •.•.••••... · 17 cartc1on •...••.•••••.••. 18 Sandra Edwards ••••.••••. 5 Helen Dolbec ••.•••••••.• 5 Mary Warren .•.•.••••••.• 6 ~' Jill Langely ••...•...••• 6 An i ssa Aubery •.•••••••.. 6 Ellen Bird ••••.•.•..••.. ? Tate Vol ino .••••...••••• 7 I: Cover$ b~ Pa.! Arnold --------------------------------~~ As ~a~ the Impressions I the B.S. News and School Revie~ is produced and arranged as a service to Bayshore High School by the Magazine class. Along ~ith publ ishing the students l and teachers' best literary and art ~ork, this year we are endeavoring through regular departments, columns, and feature stories to inform the stUdent population on an interesting variety o~ subjects. .. The B.S. News and School Revie~ staff is continually growing. We ~ould like to recognize the following people for making this issue a success: Advisor-Pat Willingham Editor-Cindee Spahr Assistant Editor-Adrienne Honinger Business Manager-Christina ~yer Bookkeeper-Any Byerly Advertising-Sherry Stewart Features-Tricia Rosenthal ColumnsiAndrea Harino Departments-Laura Pearce Art-Paul Arnold Su~issions~elissa Gilson School Reveiw-Terrie Shrigley Opening/Closing-Sheila Landry Headlines-Lisa Ruffino Layouts-Editors and Staff Feature Uri ter-Don DeMott and a special Thank-you to Tbe School Board Print Shop, Hr. Markwood, Hr. Goo~in, Mrs. nEED POSTEAS, Turner, the Hedia Center staff and typing by BAnnERS, Sions, the B.S. Ne~s and School Revi~ Sta4f. DEClIJAf1T10nS, ETC. CDL~ F!'KN"\~4/ j ~'86 :·a)"c:nc:f'-? '~€ol'l; ~.r:·~ :'~hoc:~ ;€,II i ~/oJ j S ;;:Jt; I :h~c ~Dur time: t~ar;~ b, th~ journai i~w~rnaga:Jn~ c!ass. r(!cm 102. Newsstand rate f1.[;O. Si~n~c articles and 'ad~ertI5ements do no~ nece~sarl;Y conT"CT repr~~ent the Viewpoints or pol icies of ~he mAS. TUFtnEA ~d I tore; or pu~J I shers. a. s. ~~I'J: anG Schae: ~ cannot assume re~.pc;ns; bi i j ty fer DR An unsoi icited writing or artwork. B.S. News and 3chcoi ;~vj~w is puoJi~het in conJunctiDn w,t~ ART CLUB ~ne 5.::hooi Board Print She:J. "ateriai in ~hls pubJ Icatien may not be reproduced in any form memBER without consent of the editors. PA[]F~lES By: AnIY BY~r 1y something. I worry if I think they are lost. I hach literature and spend a lot of Full n~~: Sandta EdWards money on materials and versions Full nam~: Hel~n Nichols Dol~ec Nick name: Sandy of storips my classps will Nick name: Ha Bear Birth place: I was born in enjoy as much as possible. Birth place: Welch, W. Virginia. I was there I expect a lot ftom my fot the first six months and my classes and I hope 1 am giving Michigan f~ily moved to Ohio. We stayed them a lot in return. 1 want Birth dat~: July 6, 1947 there until 1 was ten and moved them to enjoy coming to class Age: 38 to Delray Beach, Fla. (located (if they can enjoy coming to Q. How would you describe between Ft. Lauderdale and any class) because we are in yourself as a teen? West Palm Beach). this together. I expect my A. I wa~ quiet- not very Birth date: September 10 (J students to behave which they involved in social activities, have forgotten the year). almost always do. It makes my but active in girls' athhtics Age: 21 and holding. hair stand on end to think they and music. O. How would YOU describe would misbthave- they learn Q. How would YOU describe yourself as a teen? A. I was control in 9th grade (1 hope) yourself as a teacher? a quiet, good student, always and Illy job is bach i ng mannets A. I l' i ke to get tCI knCt.1J in loue and going steady (or and material. Some kids are students as individuals. I'm what euer it is called today). natural1 y pol i te but others more interested in people than 1 was never in the dea~s need to be helped. I try to be subject matter. Q. office. Back in those days we fait and de~ign my materials so What are soole of your had to wear dresses to school. the students know they are fauorite hobbies/pastimes? If the dress did not hang below ultimately responsible for A. I enjoy °Honeybears,' the knee we were sent to the their grades. I'm constantaly photography, SWimming and wahr-ski ing. deans office. There they either teworking ITI}' materials: year took the hem out of the sKirt after year to get more response Q. Are you married? or if the hem was not deep from my classes. 1 get A. Yes enough, paper napkins were fustrated because all the Q. HOJI 10n9 have YCIU befn stapled to the bottom of the materials that are aual1able we teaching at Bayshore? skirt. Which ever methOd was can't afford-I guess yoU might A. For 12 years Q. What college did you used, it was worn like that for say I alrl vety concerned about the rest of the day. Also, doing thp. best possible with attend? although we were allowed to limited resources. A. I went to Hi ch i gan State leave school for lunch and the U. What are your hobbies and j Uniuersity and the University school had a 5moking island, past lrrles? of South Florida. D. What was your degree in? ne i ther mysel f nor any of my A. I enjoy horseback r·idin~h friends smoked or drank. J teno;s, racquetball, joggi ng, A. I haue a Bache lor of SClence- Biology. A Haster of don't remrmber even thinking_ nautilus, aerobic~-Exhaustion Time sure has changed things. and watching my evening soap Arts· Q. How would YOU describe operas. yourself as a teacher? U. Are you married? A. I ~ concerned, A. No, 1 am di vorced- I was conscientious, easy going but married for 9 Years. strict (if those two can be Q. What colleQe did you attend? combined). I try to always A. UniverSity of remember what it was like as a Florida(Batch~lor's) and stUdent in high school and to Georgia State(Masters). think how I can help my Q. What wa~· your degree in? students to learn and A. English and speech understand. I hate the idea of O. What classes del YC1U bach? my kids not understanding A. World literature Full n~e: Mary Ann Roea Warren FIj 11 narne : Jill Lan <;I@l y Ft: 11 rlam~: fir: i SScl AlJbe~'"v NicV. name: Mary Birth plac~: San Juan, Puetto E:urlie H Birth p'ar.e: Cebu City, Cebu, Rico Nick name: Nissy Ph" i pp i nes Bitth dat~: August 22, 1970 Bir·th plae~: Br-adenton, Birth date: March 3, 1968 Age: 15 Florida Age: 17 fl. Hc~ woul d YCIU d€'scr i bl? Birth date: September 29~ 1970 o. HcCIJ \,IJOU \ d you de sc r i be yourself? Age: 15 yourself? A. I air, outgoing, dependable. Q. HCl.eJ woul d yOU d~l!cr i b~ 1f') Q A. I ~ someone that when given and a SPIRITED kind of gal. YOI)rse a task, can complete it. I im Q. What ate SOOle qual i tl es YCIU A. I alT. ~Ji tty, hon~st. in trustworthy, helpful. and hard workin9, willin9 to work and I look for a friend? lead. A. I looK for a pe-rSClrl whel i c:­ coelrpert iv£'. Q. What are some qual ities you nonest, and wi'llng to I istp.n Q. What are s-oo,€' qual j t I e~· YCIU looK in a friend? to me and keep what 1 say looK for in a friend? A. Someone easy to talk to, confidential. A. 1 1clc'k for a pers.on who is doesn't act fake, and i good Q. What ate sane qualiti(t~ YCIU honest and trustworthy. 1 i shnet. look for in a boy friend? Q. Wha~ are s.c4fle qua1itie~. YOU G. What are some qualities YOU A. I 1 ike a gu)' who i~. look for in a boy friend? look for in a boyfriend? trustworthy, sensative, and a A. 1 like a gUY who is carinQ, A. I 1 ike s.omeone who i~. eas.y to gUY with a s~nse of humor. funny, has good looks, a~d talk to, a good listener, and who Q. What arf ~ome of your 'E·M1~one ~·ou can trus.t. 1ikes being together. hobbies and pastimes? Q.
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