Special Holiday Edition • All New Children's Features • Recipes • How-to Passover Guide s”xc chabad Vol. 30 Issue 3 timesPesach 5768 /April 2008 Holiday Highlights Special Children’s Section LEADING LADIES: Women&Kabbalah s”xc CHABAD HOUSE- message from the Rabbi LUBAVITCH HEADQUARTERS Serving Rutgers University and Central and South New Jersey www.chabadnj.org Dear Friends, 170 College Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08901 As the Holiday of Passover approaches, we are pleased to pres- (732) 296-1800 ent you with this informative Passover Guide. www.chabadnj.org Rabbi Yosef Carlebach, Passover is celebrated as the Festival of Redemption and Rabbi Baruch Goodman, Freedom. It is a time when we commemorate the exodus of our Rabbi Shraga Crombie forefathers from ancient Egypt and on the birth of our nation. It -REGIONAL OFFICES- is also the time when we focus on exodus from slavery and bondage, which symbolizes our ability to break free of our per- CHABAD OF EAST BRUNSWICK sonal restrictions and limitations. Thus when we celebrate 121 Applegate Lane Passover it is also a unique opportunity to move forward with East Brunswick, NJ 08816 our goals and aspirations in order to reach new heights and accomplishments. It is a (732) 579-8273 time when we reflect on strengthening ourselves and our spirituality and also on www.chaicentral.org strengthening our community and society. At the Chabad House - Lubavitch we are Rabbi Aryeh Goodman constantly working on increasing and strengthening our community by providing CHABAD OF GREATER MONMOUTH COUNTY innovative Holiday Programs, Social programs, Judaism Classes and study groups, Congregation Sons of Israel and Holiday & Shabbat Services. 4 Violet Drive Ocean, NJ 07712 One year, the day before Pesach, the Rabbi of Berdichov asked that six silken scarves (732) 922-0523 and six loaves of bread be brought to him at once. People searched the whole town Rabbi Yosef Carlebach and returned with six scarves, but not one loaf of bread. CHABAD OF THE SHORE The Rabbi held the scarves in his hand and said; “Master of the Universe, the Czar 620 Ocean Avenue West End, NJ 07740 forbids the importing of these scarves. He has soldiers and policemen to help (732) 229-2424 enforce this law. But, here are the scarves, somehow smuggled across the border. www.chabadshore.com “Master of the Universe, three thousand years ago You commanded Your children Rabbi Laibel Schapiro not to bring bread into the house on Pesach. You have no soldiers or policemen, yet there is no bread to be found in all of Berditchov. Truly, Your children ARE special.” CHABAD OF MANALAPAN-MARLBORO Jews are a special people, no use denying it. The Rabbi of Berditchov knew this bet- 26 Wickatunk Road ter than most. Manalapan, NJ 07726 (732) 972-3687 Rabbi Baruch Chazanov Is it not remarkable, how Pesach brings out the best in us: we all become more observant of the laws, we become more concerned with family and parents. We CHABAD OF MONROE TOWNSHIP spend so much on Yom Tov foods, Matzah, Pesach dishes... and, as if that were not 4 Kelly Court enough, we invite the stranger and the poor person to join us at the Seder. Monroe Township, NJ 08831 You are special, and this is a special time of the year. My friend, we need your spe- (609) 655-7727 cial help. Please send us your special Pesach contribution today. www.chabadhousemonroe.com Rabbi Yudi Spritzer Please enjoy this holiday guide and join us by helping sponsor a program, which will CHABAD OF NORTH AND SOUTH BRUNSWICK bring the light and love of Torah to a young man or woman on the college campus. 4100 Route 27 South Brunswick, NJ 08540 With blessings for a happy and kosher Passover, (732) 522-5505 www.southbrunswickchabad.com Rabbi Yosef Carlebach Rabbi Mendy Carlebach CHABAD AT MIDDLESEX COUNTY COLLEGE CANDLE LIGHTING TIMES (732) 846-3864 Rabbi Baruch Goodman for New Jersey DATE TIME BLESSING BLESSINGS 1 BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-----NOI Donate Now Fri. April 18 Shabbos Hagadol before 7:22 p.m. 1 E-LO-----HEINU ME-LECH HO- Sat. April 19 1st Night of Passover after 8:24 p.m. 2 & 3 OLOM ASHER KI-DE-SHA-NU BE-MITZ-VO-SOV VI-TZI-VO- and Maximize (First Seder) NU LE-HAD-LIK NER SHEL Sun. April 20 2nd Night of Passover after 8:25 p.m. 2 & 3 SHABBOS KODESH. Your Tax Deduction (Second Seder) 2 BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-----NOI E-LO-----HEINU ME-LECH HO- Fri. April 25 7th Night of Passover before 7:25 p.m. 4 OLOM ASHER KI-DE-SHA-NU Your Old Car is Our New Car - Help Sat. April 26 8th Night of Passover after 8:32 p.m. 2 BE-MITZ-VO-SOV VI-TZI-VO- NU LE-HAD-LIK NER SHEL Us Help Others Sun. April 27 Passover ends 8:33 p.m. YOM-TOV. Remember Yizkor April 27th Donate Your Car to Chabad House For A 3 BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-----NOI E-LO-----HEINU ME-LECH HO- Full Sale Value Tax Deduction OLOM SHE-HEH-CHE-YOH- CHOMETZ DEADLINES NU VI-KIYE-MO-NU VE-HI-GE- Call 732-296-180Oor 888-627-6908 or YO-NU LEZ-MAN HA-ZEH. visit www.chabadnj.org Search for Chametz Thurs., April 17 after dark 4 BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-----NOI E-LO-----HEINU ME-LECH HO- Burn Chametz Fri., April 18 before 11:39 a.m. OLOM ASHER KI-DE-SHA-NU BE-MITZ-VO-SOV VI-TZI-VO- SERVING NEW JERSEY FOR OVER 29 YEARS Finish eating Chametz Sat., April 19 before 10:37 a.m. NU LE-HAD-LIK NER SHEL We also accept real estate donations. Our Nullify Chametz Sat., April 19 before 11:39 a.m. SHABBOS V’SHEL YOM TOV. Experience Gets You The Maximum Tax Deduction! exclaiming: “My daughter! their Your prophecy has come true!” singing was But three months later, when accompanied by tambourines. A message from little Moses had to be hidden in Where did these tambourines the river among the reeds, her come from? The Midrash states The Rebbe father tapped her on the head, that the Jewish women had great Following the Song by Moses demanding; “My daughter! Where vision and foresight, creating and and the Children of Israel after is your prophecy?!” designing tambourines as they pre- Crossing the Red Sea, the Torah This is why Miriam stood pared for the Exodus. relates: among the reeds “from afar to “The Jewish women of that “Miriam the Prophetess, the sis- know.” Watching and looking for- generation were confident of ter of Aaron, took the tambourine ward to the realization of G-d’s Divine miracles, so they took in her hand, and the women fol- promise, she remained firm in the along their tambourines from lowed her with tambourines and veracity of her prophecy...” Egypt.” Even during the darkest cymbals. Miriam said to them: (Midrash) Exile, the righteous women knew Sing to G-d, the Exalted...” [Exodus Miriam’s pronouncement of the that the Divine promise would be 15:20] forthcoming Redemption at first fulfilled, and they would eventual- Why does the Torah refer to excited the Jews suffering in ly be redeemed. Miriam as a prophetess? Egyptian bondage. But this great Moreover, those faithful women The Talmud explains the histor- excitement was followed by great translated the hope in their hearts ical background, going back to the disappointment. Moses was hidden into action. Rather than vague time when Miriam was the sister in the river to avoid being caught wishful thinking, their belief in the of Aaron before Moses was born. by Pharaoh’s soldiers who hunted Redemption was real and tangible. Miriam had then boldly declared down the Jewish baby boys. Miriam knew with certainty, with prophetic vision, “My mother Was it all over now? Miriam’s that regardless of how unrealistic will give birth to a son who will prophecy apparently went down the prospects for Redemption may redeem Israel...” the drain, and the Redemption was have looked at the time, the But why is Miriam mentioned now impossible. All hope seemed Exodus was actually “right around by her special “prophetess” title? lost as Moses, the intended the corner.” Miriam and the And why does the Torah find it redeemer of Israel was doomed. women were fully ready and pre- necessary to single out Miriam’s pared for this great and auspicious song from the rest of Israel? MIRIAM’S VISION moment. To better appreciate Miriam’s But Miriam refused to change Having strengthened and major contribution to the Exodus her stance. She knew that she did- encouraged Israel’s faith during and the Redemption, let us review n’t fabricate this prediction. These the hard depressing times, these the details of Miriam’s personal were Divine and holy words, and women deserved to herald the background. she faithfully clung to her prophe- redemption, leaving Egypt with a The word ‘Miriam’ is derived cy: “My mother will give birth to a song in their heart and tam- from the Hebrew word meaning son who will save Israel.” bourines in their hands. ‘bitter,’ relating to the bitter times Imagine Miriam’s predicament Miriam’s song was indeed dif- when she was born and raised. in those trying times. The young ferent and it therefore stands out Pressured by Pharoah’s decree girl was surely the target of angry in a class by itself! Miriam’s song to kill all firstborn boys, Jewish questions and doubts, teased and was not inspired after the fact, as families began to break apart, and taunted, “where is your prophecy was the singing by the rest of Miriam’s own parents Amram and now?” Israel.
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