Summerville Swainsboro Sylvania Sylvester

Summerville Swainsboro Sylvania Sylvester

403 College Blvd. (30458). Rosemore Bcstg Co. Thomson Georgia Radio Helen Rosengart, pres. WTHO(AM) -Feb 22, 1971: 1530 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 Summerville w -CH. Box 286. (30824). (404) 595 -5122. Bethany Bcstg Co. Format: MOR, C &W. Spec prog. Farm 2 1/2 WGTA(AM) -Aug 27, 1950: 950 khz; 5 kw -D. Box hrs Walter J. Brown, pres; Robert I. Chambers, wkly. WGOV -FM -1968: 92.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 230 ft. 200 (30747). (404) 857-2466. Tri -State Bcstg Co. & mgr; Aaron Hart, prog dir; Jerry Braswell, gen coml Stereo. (912) 244 -6816. Prog sep from AM. Net: MBS. Rep: Carpenter. Format: Diversified. William B. Far - mus dir; Clarice Bowles, news dir; Bill Newsome, chief Format: C &W. James Renfroe, prog, mus & news dir. rar, pres & gen mgr; Charles C. Farrar, coml mgr; John- engr. nie Faye Campgell, prog dir; Don Bethune, news dir; WJEM(AM)- August 1955: 1150 khz; 1 kw -D. Box Charles M. Lowry Jr., chief engr. Rates: $5; 4.30; 5; mhz; kw. Ant 368 (31601). (912) 242 -1565. Lowndes County Bcstg 4.30. WTHO -FM -Feb 22, 1971: 101.7 3 300 ft. Dups AM 100%. (acq 1960). Format: C &W. Spec progs: Farm 5 hrs Swainsboro wkly. J. C. Johnson, pres; Vernon Arnold, gen & coml WTWA(AM) -Jan 10, 1948: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 mgr; Red Jones, stn mgr & mus dir; Jerry Sewell, prom WJAT(AM) -Jan 1, 1950: 800 khz; 1 kw -D, DA -D. w -N. Box 591 (30824). (404) 595-1561. Hickory Hill mgr; Allen Murray, news dir; A. M. Anderson, chief engr. Box 289 (30401). (912) 237 -2011. Radio Station Bcstg Co. Net: MBS. Format: C &W. Spec progs: Black Rates: S8; 8; 8; -. WJAT Inc. (acq 1- 1 -77). Rep: TN Spot Sales, Raleigh, 20 hrs wkly. Gene D. Harden, pres & gen mgr; Jeff N.C. Format: Block. Cleatus Brazzell, pres; John J. Harden, coml mgr; Mike Wall, mus, prog & news dir; WVLD(AM) -Sept 3, 1459: 1450 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 Bailes, gen & prom mgr; H. E. Buffington, coml mgr; Gene Harden, chief engr. Rates: $3; 3; 3; 3. w -N. Box 1529 (31601). (912) 242 -4821. Ev -Co. Lawanna Durden, prog dir; Joseph A. Home, mus & Bcstrs Inc. (acq 9- 16 -60). Net: ABC /C, Rep: Busby, news dir; Doris M. Lewis, stn mgr; James W. Slawson, Finch, Lathom & Widman. Format: Top -40. Spec prog: chief engr. Tifton Farm 1 hr wkly. Al H. Evans, pres; Al Evans Jr., gen mgr; Harrison Cooper, stn & sls mgr; Bob Raleigh, WJAT -FM -Dec 18, 1966: 9.8.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 285 ft WABR -FM- December 1973: 90.5 mhz; 10 w. Ant prog dir; Cathy Moye, mus dir; Lewis Lowery, news dir; horiz & 280 ft vert. Dup AM 70%. 150 ft. Box 116, ABAC Station (31794). (912) mgr; Bill Wood, engr. 386 -3211. Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College. Bobby Holliday, prom chief Rates: $7; 6; 7; 4.50. Sylvania Format: Progsv. Spec progs: Classical 3 hrs, jazz 1 hr, country rock 1 hr wkly. Courtney Davis, stn mgr. WSYL(AM) -Dec 1, 1955: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- WLGA(FM) -Co -owned with WVLD(AM). Sept 1977: N. Box 519 (30467). (912) 564 -7461. Sylvania Bcstg WCUP(FM) -Listing follows WWGS(AM). 95.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Sep from AM. Stereo. Box System (acq 8- 4 -72). Net: Georgia. Rep: Tobacco. For- 1327 (31601). (912) 244 -8642. Format: Btfl music. mat: EL /C &W, day; C &W /Top 40, night. Shirley WTIF(AM) -1957: 1340 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Box Harrison Cooper, gen mgr; Joe Williams, sls mgr. Mahaffey, pres, gen & coml mgr; Randall Johnson, 968 (31794). (912) 382 -1340. Tiftarea Radio Inc. (acq Rates: S8.50; 8.50; 10.60; 10.60. prog dir; Kay Griner, prom mgr; Joe Oglesby, mus dir; 2- 28 -75). Net: CBS, Georgia Net. Format: C &W. Spec 1971: 90.9 mhz; 180 w. Ant Elsie Jretheway, news dir; Jim Slawson, chief engr. progs: Farm 5 hrs wkly. Al Cohen, VP & gen mgr; *WVVS(FM) -July 26, Allen Tibbetts, prog dir; Anne King, coml mgr; Ed 68 ft. (CP: 5.3 kw; Ant 68 ft.) Box 142 (31601). (912) Sylvester Roberts, news dir; David Benoist, chief engr. Rates: 247 -3248. Valdosta State College. Format: Progsv. S3.85; 3.85; 3.85; 3.85. Spec progs: Black 2 hrs, classical 4 hrs, jazz 2 hrs, drama 1 hr wkly. S. Walter Martin, pres; Kirk White, WOGA(AM) -Dec 16, 1963: 1540 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 240 (31791). (904) 776 -3421. Worth County Bcstrs WWGS(AM) -1946: 1430 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, DA- gen mgr & prog dir; Barry Hacker, mus dir; Scott (acq 3- 14 -73). Net: Georgia Net. Audio news: APR. N. Drawer A (31794). (912) 382 -1234. Tifton Bcstg Crane, pub affrs; Walt Taylor, dir of engrg; C. H. Rep: Select Relgidus Bcstg. Format: Religious. Spec Corp. Net: NBC Tobacco. Rep: Jones. Format: Con - Fletcher, chief engr. prog: Farm 7 hrs'wkly. William R. Crews, pres; Dr. W. temp, C &W, Block. Spec prog: Black 6 hrs wkly. IN R. Crews, gen mgr; Charles Waller, prog dir; Sam Dud - Ralph N. Edwards, pres & gen mgr; William E. Sides, Vidalia das, chief engr. Rates: $2.50; 2.50; 2.50; 2.50. stn mgr; Bob Glenn Ritter, prog dir; William M. Edge, news dir; Charles Thomas Schwab, chief engr. WTCO(FM)- Listing follows WVOP(AM). Tallapoosa WCUP(FM) -Co -owned with WWGS(AM). 1975: 100.3 mhz; 97 kw. Ant 580 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from WKNG(AM) -Sept 1, 1977: 1060 khz; 2.5 kw -D. Box Beautiful music. Au- 606 (30176). (404) 574-7655. Twin County Bcstg Co. AM. (912) 382 -1100. Format: Audio news: UPI. Rep: Keystone. Format: Progressive bry Smith, coml mgr & prog dir. Country. Olvie E. Sisk, pres; Bozy C. Hutcheson, gen mgr; Rick Staford, coml mgr; Jerry Dilts, prog & mus Toccoa dir; Leon Petterson, news dir; Dick Byrd, chief engr. WVOP(AM) -Dec 2, 1946: 970 khz; 5 kw -D; DA. Box Rates: $4; 4; 4; 4. WLET(AM) -May 1, 1941: 1420 khz; 5 kw -D. 423 900 (30474). (912) 537 -9202. Vidalia Bcstg Co. Net: Prather Bridge Rd. (30577). (404) 886-2191. Kelott ABC /I. Rep: Carpenter. Format: C &W. Edwin L. Thomaston Inc. (acq 4- 1 -70). Format: C &W & Gospel. H. Otto Bouchelle, gen mgr; Hugh Tomlin, prog dir; Ed McDonald Jr., pres & gen mgr; Hiram K. McDonald, VP; Johnson, coml mgr; Sea Stipe, news dir; John Sharpe, WSFT(AM) -May 26, 1947: 1220 khz; 250 w -D; DA- Gene Bollinger, coml mgr; Betty McDonald, prog dir. chief engr. Rates: 56; 6; 6; 6. D. Box 689 (30286). (404) 647 -5421. Upson Bcstg Co. Inc. Format: MOR, Btfl music, Top -40. Spec progs: WLET -FM- November 1947: 106.1 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Black 6 hrs, Farm 2 hrs wkly. William H. Heule, pres, 285 ft. Prog sep from AM. Format: MOR, pop, teen gen mgr, prog & news dir; Claude Thames, cam' mgr; rock. WTCQ Don Standhardt, chief engr. Rates: $2.80; 2.80; WNEG(AM) 21, 1956: 630 khz; 500 w -D. Box 2.80; 2.80. -April 907 (30577). (404) 886 -3131. Stephens County WTGA(AM) -Oct 10, 1962: 1590 khz; 500 w -D. Box Bcstg Co. Inc. Net: Georgia News. Audio news: APR. 550 (30286). (404) 647 -7121. Radio Georgia Inc. Format: MOR. Spec progs: Black 3 hrs, farm 1 hr wkly. (acq 12 -65). Net: ABC /I. Rep: Busby, Finch & Woods. Roy E. Gaines, pres & comi mgr; Allen Cross, stn Format: MOR, Variety. Spec prog: Black 10 hrs wkly. mgr & chief engr; Gaynelle Thomason, prom mgr; WTCO (FM) -Co-owned with WVOP(AM). March 5, David L. Piper, pres, gen & prom mgr & prog mus, news Evelyn Gaines, mus dir; Lamar Ramey, news dir. 1969: 97.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 290 ft. Stereo. Prog sep dir chief engr; Bill Chapman, coml mgr. Rates: $4.50; 4.50; 4.50; -. from AM. Net: ABC /C. Format: Top 40. Eloise Moore, coml mgr; Scott Kerr, prog dir; Gary Michaels, mus dir. Thomasville Valdosta Rates same as AM. WLOR(AM) -1947: 730 khz; 5 kw -D. Box 45 WAFT(FM) -Nov 25, 1971: 101.1 mhz; 60 kw. Ant Warner Robins (31792). (912) 226 -7911. Mills- Bellamy Ent. (acq 340 ft. Stereo. Box 338 (31601). (912) 244 -5180. 13, 1954: 1350 khz; 5 kw -D. 1350 1- 1 -73). Net: ABC /E. Rep: Bernard, Jones (New York). Christian Radio Fellowship Inc. Format: Religious. WAVC(AM) -Oct Radio Loop (31093). (912) 923 -4261. Warner Robins Format: C &W. Spec prog: Gospel 20 hrs, farm 10 hrs Spec prog: Farm 1 hr wkly. T. Jack Tidwell, gen mgr wkly. Norris B. Mills, gen mgr; Emery T. Evans, stn & & chief engr. Rates: $2.50; 2.50; 2.50; 2.50. Bcstg Co. Inc. Format: Relig. Edgar Nobles, pres & prom mgr; Gary Brinson, coml mgr; Carl Barnes, prog gen mgr, prog dir & prom mgr; Fred Gaudry, coml mgr. dir & chief engr; Richard Harris, mus dir; Mark WGAF(AM) -Nov 3, 1951: 910 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. 15, 1966: 1600 khz; 1 kw -D. Pro- Hagenan, news dir. Rates: $2.80; 2.80; 2.80; 2.80. Box 100 (31601). (912) 242 -5520. Radio Valdosta WQCK(AM) -Aug (acq 3- 30 -76). Net: NBC. Format: Contemp. Orson fessional Bldg., Drawer A. B. (31093). (912) 922 -2222. WRBN Inc. Format: Contemp. Mary Jarrard, pres; WPAX(AM) - December 1922: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D, Woodall, pres; Jim Jennings, gen mgr; C.

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