HERALD Accidents & Blindness Afraid of Reaching 45? SENSE OF VALUES by John Edgar Hoover, F.B.I. Chief, U.S.A. Commonwealth Co-operation in Health and Medical Services By Don Taylor Editor of "New Commonwealth," London is the main organization in Britain directly concerned with research work which it undertakes itself and makes available in published papers. It also encourages research in hospitals and universities by grants, awards, fellowships and scholarships. It has the .major financial responsibility for the In- VISITED a friend in a hospi- men and women from parts of the stitute of Cancer Research, which is I talnear London not long ago oversea Commonwealth today go strongly supported by the British and within half an hour there to study in Britain and take back Empire Cancer Campaign, and it I met a physician from India, a to their own lands the knowledge undertakes research overseas, main- surgeon from Australia and a nurse gained, to shape it to their people's taining two establishments in Africa from Nigeria. It certainly brought needs. and one in the West Indies. home to me the brotherhood of medicine in the Commonwealth. TRAINING PERSONNEL VALUE OF INDIVIDUAL As in so many other fields there CONTACTS is, of course, a common tradition Medicine provides a fascinating Commonwealth countries play stemming from Britain. Many field of Commonwealth co-opera- an important part in international Commonwealth medical men and tion, because to defeat disease and organizations such as the World women have received at least part raise a healthier people is the first Health Organization, the United of their training in Britain, and in span in bridging the gap between Nations Children's Fund, the Com- their own countries many hospitals advanced and developing peoples. mission for Technical Co-operation and other medical institutions have At high level, co-operation is been founded on the British tradi- through the Colombo Plan, in Africa South of the Sahara, the tion, often by British experts. through conferences, and British- South Pacific Health Service and Commonwealth countries have based organizations such as the the West African Council for Med- ical Research. expanded and enriched that tradi- Medical Research Council, the tion. One need only recall the work Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical In addition, there are many non- official organizations, such as the initiated by Sir Ronald Ross Diseases, the Commonwealth In- against malaria and how it has stitute of Entomology, the Colonial London School of Hygiene and been continued, and the work of Advisory Medical Committee, the Tropical Medicine, the British carrying on the discoveries of Colonial Medical Research Com- Leprosy Relief Association founded David Bruce and C. F. M. Swyn- mittee and the Applied Nutrition in 1924 and which supplies infor- nerton against sleeping sickness. Unit. mation, drugs, training and re- In the public health services The Medical Research Council (Continued on outside back cover) 2 THE. HERAED OF HEALTH, AUCUST 1961 The Oriental Watchman and Herald of 52nd YEAR OF PUBLICATION 111 A Magazine for Home and Happiness EDITOR: T. R. TORKELSON ASSOCIATE EDITOR: J. I. CRAWFORD ASSISTANT EDITOR: GEORGE C. THOMAS CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: I. R. BAZLIEL, EX-MAJ. I.M.S.; ELIZABETH J. HISCOX. M.D.; PHILIPS. NELSON, M.D.. D.N.B.; O. B. HAUSER. M.D. Contents FEATURE ARTICLES Page COMMONWEALTH CO-OPERATION IN HEALTH AND MEDICAL SERVICES DON TAYLOR 2 ACCIDENTS AND BLINDNESS DR. MOHANLAL AND DR. NANAK CHAND GUPTA 6 IT IS THE RIGHT KIND OF FOOD THAT MATTERS DR. ANN DALLY 8 BRUCELLOSIS CHARLES M. CARPENTER, M.D., PH.D. 11 THE ROLE OF SUNLIGHT IN YOUR LIFE DR. S. B. WHITEHEAD 14 DRUGS GALORE VICTOR BENNETT 16 AFRAID OF REACHING 45? HOMER B. RICKABAUGH 18 EATING FOR HEALTH JANOBI MURRAY, B.Sc., R.N.R.N.M. 22 BODY FLUID BALANCE MARY CATHERINE NOBLE, R.N., R.P.T. 24 REGULAR FEATURES OUR COVER A bugle call can mean THE EDITOR SAYS: "Is It Worth It?" 5 several things. It can mark a celebration, an arrival of a MINUTE MEDITATIONS: Look With a Telescope 10 dignitary or a new era, and it can mean a call to arms or a call to duty. HOMEMAKER'S HELPS: Sense of Values 26 India celebrates her inde- pendence again this month. STORY TIME: Jamuna's Geranium 29 May honest citizens find in this anniversary a renewed THE DOCTOR ANSWERS: 31 call to duty and sacrifice for their motherland. SCIENCE ON THE MARCH 33 Photo: Ravinder Kumar Paul Postal Address: Post Office Box 35, Poona 1, India Published monthly by the Oriental Watchman Road, Bangalore 1; for Madras-21-A Williams wrapper or reference number appearing thereon, Publishing House. Subscription Rates: 1 yr. Rs. Road, Tiruchirapalli Cantt.; for Kerala—Kaudiar indicating both new and old addresses. Dupli- 8.75; 2 yes. Rs. 16.95; 3 yrs. Rs. 24.95; 5 yrs. Rs. P. 0., Trivandrum 3; for Andhra—Bunder Road, cate copies cannot be supplied without extra 40.75. Foreign postage (except Ceylon & Box 308, Vijayawada; for Gujarat and Maha- charge if intimation of change of address has not Pakistan) 96 nP. extra per year. Singapore, rashtra-16 Club Road, Bombay 8i for Uttar been given in advance. 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Watchman Book Depot in care of the regional Oriental Watchman Publishing House, 32 Expiry notice: When you see an X on the office under which the representative is working. Mozang Road, Lahore; for Burma—Book & wrapper of your magazine, it means your For West Pakistan and Burma note the name Bible House of Seventh-day Adventists, 68 U subscription has expired. of the account as given below. Wisara Road, Rangoon. ••• Articles in this issue thus marked have been Regional offices: For Mysore—1-A Wheeler Change of Address: Send requests along with reprinted by the courtesy of "Life and Health." THE HERALD OF HEALTH, AUGUST 1961 3 Khajuraho, the city made immortal by the gods in stone—vibrant, delicate and human. Only a short drive from Panna in Madhya Pradesh and the temples of Discover India Khajuraho hold you spellbound Inspried by a silent spiritual beckoning, the by car with stone sculptor has wrought in granite, the limpid grace, of the goddesses and the gods as they dance, listen to the music CALTEX reverberating and as the evening draws close, there is love—the union of Purusa (essence) and Prakriti (substance). Wherever you start to discover India by car, choose Caltex lubricants and petrol to keep you free from car troubles and make your trip a happier and pleasanter one. • CALTEX (INDIA) 1.1MITECI. is IT WOKTH IT t O BUY, or not to buy; to go, saner moments the men must have today are making the rupee the or note to go; to adopt, or often asked the question, "Is it highest consideration. Day after T to reject; to read, or to cast worth the price that I am paying?" day, year after year, they engage away; these and many other de- A boy named Willie wanted, in a relentless competition to get cisions demand our attention each more than anything else in life, to wealth, and their watchword is day of our lives. For most of us, see a giraffe. He was completely "more." It is only when felled by the "paisa" does not permit indis- fascinated by the pictures he had some illness that they are forced to criminate buying; we do not have seen and the stories he had heard. look squarely at the panorama of time nor energy to go just any- One fine day a circus came to life and to ask the question, "is it where; one cannot read all the town, and it was rumoured that really worth it?" books; it all adds up to the great a giraffe would be on display. You Recently I read a report of a truth that one must be careful to can imagine with what zeal Wil- man who ran quickly into a select the worthwhile things of life lie did his errands in order to earn psychiatric counselling clinic and and to discard all that is of no use enough for the admission fee. With asked the astounded attendant, or of doubtful value. Life is too a light heart he set out to fulfil his "Sir, do you know of anything in short to follow the will-o'-the-wisp. life's dream. As Willie hurried the world worth living or dying In the days of the gold-rush in along he noticed a coin almost for?" A good question indeed! North America, thousands of men hidden in the dust. Of course, he And, would that we all could take risked their lives in travel by sea picked it up.
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