The one great rule We will serve no of composition is to group or party but ,e,('‘ • oP will hew hard to speak the truth. the truth as we find it and the right as — O'rxas Otairrurr . T hr 6.-'9'1') c\, we see it. 0-`-' An Independent Liberal Weekly Newspaper Vol. 47 TEXAS, NOVEMBER 23, 1955 10c per copy No. 31 IN THE SHADOW ... Eight People Live in Three Rooms With No Glass in the Windows, Two Minutes from the Capitol Grounds ALTS1 IN Austin,' City of. the Muse, City of the Doges, is also a city_of slum and - Slums of Texas—IV blight equalled in Texas only by 'San Antonio, City of the Sun. shacks, privies, and abandoned frame Within- a two-minute walk of the houses. Some of them P r e on the spreading lawns of the Capitol edge of an unauthorized dumping pit full of, tires and garbage. Vincent grounqS, eight people live in three '- SancheZ,-who haS three children— rooms ••with. wood for heat and no two, three, and five years old—com- glass in the windows. plained to the .city when he smelled On up the same street a Mexican'' a dead dog one morning, and it was Mother keeps her four children in two taken away ; but noi:hing has been_done rooms with.. wide cracks between the about the dump. floorboards; a. hole cut in the wall for • Drive out West Twelfth, and where a kitchen window, and slats of rotted • the pavement ends, the blight begins. wood, supported by rocks, for . back- Austin has 40.0 miles of unpaved Staff Photo door steps. roads compared to 200 miles that are EAST AUSTIN SHACKS AND THE STATE CAPITOL Across Montopolis bridge, along the paved.) Here is a run-down section A View of the Capitol From San Marcos and Ninth Streets river ridge, is a hideous melange of of old frame houses, some in fair condition, some in • splinters. The Negro school, like most slum schools, is •an old-frame structure. The most concentrated .'slums are in East. Austin; where the' NegroeS The Senior Senator's Thinking Here in 1954 occurred 220 of the city's 386 cases of tuberculosis, 12 of THE JOHNSON RANCH Not Against Any Candidate, "enthusiaStically" and will do so again the 13 deaths from it, because. of the if he is nominated, but that he is not close quarters the people live in, the Senator Johnson is busy " these He Plans a Middle Policy days with the repair. of a stopped-up backing anyone. It is even possible poor sanitation, and the low educa- plumbing system, the construction that Johnson prefers Stevenson as tional level. hower's popularity to the Democrats. more moderate than Estes: Kefauver of a guest house, and some - There are strips of blight and slum read just-. It is possible that tie junketing scribes or Averell Harriman. in South Austin. too, depending on meats in the minds of newspaper- have had politics • on their minds so what your definition- is,. • whether much of late, they translated John- There have been explanations of men. These tasks woilld work an yottre . 4, city. plani_ er . or. the man who ordinary man full time„, but,..th ma- _son'S policy. plans. into political 'pthns. how the anti-Stevenson coalition ...got - started. William White • of The New lives . there. jorityty leader must also cope with • One gets the impression that John- City planners Make a. nice distinc- son is appalled by the thought of York Times came to the ranch as a political, business, and labor leaders. social guest, declaratively not for a, tion . between "blight" and "slum." who yvant to talk to him about poli- "blocking" anyone (Adlai Stevenson Blight- means "on the way to becom- has been mentioned). It would weaken Story. Presidential politics was scarce- tics and policies. He will be return= ly mentioned, but as Johnson pre-• ing slums." It is. of course, a 'matter his Senate leadership, for one thing. of opinion what, is blight and what is ing to 'Washington Dec. 13 for a For another, • he points to his state- pared to take White, another reporter, foreign policy conference with the and -a Republican guest to the plane, slum—but if this is blight in Austin, ment when Stevenson was his ranch what must slums be like? President. guest that he supported him in 1952 (Continued on Page 3) The Senator is not talking for quo- - ONE OF ,THE CHIEF tation, but reporter after reporter re- custodians Of shun property in Austin turns from an eve 'neath the live oaks is Harrison:Wilson-Pearson, realtOrs. by the Pedernales his mind well Announcin' Time You find,their "for -rent" signs on stocked with certain views and in- paintless shacks with broken windows terpretations, AUSTIN tions to his campaign were -solicited and pouched-out screens. On East For : a goOd while - now national- Announcing time is nearing for in the paper. -- Tenth,. for instance, one hOtise for rent - newspapermen have been reporting the men who want..to be governor • : It is understood that certain ob- by. them has no 'glass in the windows that the majority leader is planning of Texas. jections have made to the mailing arid no steps at the .back -porch. To a Southern, Or Southern-Western, or James P. Hart,: asked when he out of this ._.enter from the - reat- you have to hoist "moderate," or "centerist" coalition would make up his mind about Senator Price Daniel has said he yourself up by a board that's loose against a liberal candidate at the na- Making the race, said : "I'll, Make will wait until after Jan. 1 to make onto a rotten floor that gives tinder tional Democratic convention. This some announcement by the_first of up his mind about • the g-overndr's your Weight. has irked him considerably, • especially the year, possibly sooner." Friends 'race. Ben Ramsey, Lieutenant Gov- . All along this toad and 'elsewhere since he spent a lot of time with Don of .Hart say lie will make-the race. ernor and•now national Democratic throughout the city one finds low- :Whitehead of the -AP recently only to committeeman, told the Observer .income properties rented by Harrison,. Ralph Yarborough, back in 4.1.is- have Whitehead repeat 'the coalition wryly that his4iew job • doesn't dis- Wilson-Pearson; They do not own the 'tin from a rigorous, week-long busi ness. .qualify him for the governorship. houses, of course, and other agencies • stumping tour of the south plains, Johnson wants the Democrats to be Gov. Allan Shivers has said he may handle similar properties. -• told'. the Observer that he had "no .rtin again. ForeSt . Pearson. explains- . that the "moderate" in 1956, to latch onto the decision and no -announcement to In Childress,.YarboroUgh'S conn- firm's responsibility' for these houses "peace • and _prosperity" eMphaSis of. make." Friends say he does not re- •ty-campaign manager in . 1954 and varies with the owner. Some delegate the Csenhower Administration in-the gard the timing Of announcements hope of transferring some of Eisen- -Shivers's co-campaign manager all authority and .others permit no im- as very important.- • .. there announced they are .support- provements' at all without. their per- - Another candidate for loyalist in,?- petitions asking Daniel to run.. mission; even in emergencies (like support, John White, Commissioner -one report in Austin. was that rusted-out hot water heaters). Some- The Whitney Speech of Agriculture, • was examining a Senator Rogers Kelley of Edifiburg .' times the realtor has to consult a mort- reporter's --sweater last week. "Nice said to Ramsey : "I can't see both gage,. company as well before an im- WHITNEY sweater;" he 'said. "Might you, an you and Price . (Daniel) in the provement can be made. As this edition went to press, nounce for governor soon ?" the re- race." Ramsey, is said to have -re Perhaps this explains - why one ten- Senator Johnson told a. throng at pOrter asked. White smiled. "Nice plied "I .can't see Price . in the ant with six children in three rooms Whitney that he will support a con- sweater," he said. race." said she asked •a man at Harrison- stitutional amendment abolishing the' Senator Jimmy Phillips practical- Senator Ottis Lock will not run .-' Wilson-Pearson to put glass in the poll tax in the. next Congress. He will ly,' announced last week by c_ o-. against Shivers or Daniel ; 'Ramsey windows and,..she said, he• told her if alsO urge a tax revision for -low- operating with publication of .a would not run against Shivers and she didn't like it the'way it was -they income groups and a medical research special - , edition of the Angleton - probably Would not oppose Daniel ; would get another tenant. and hospital construction program.' Times 'urging him to run. The is- nor. is - .it likely. that Daniel would ',Upgrading a property, Pearson He said the Democratic Party, "the sue, "put out by a, -committee" • of. - run.-against Shivers or Ramsey, says, 'is "very difficult." party with a heart," will win in 1956; Angleton men and women, carries Atty: Gen. John Ben Shepperd "The man who owns that property that it should include instead of ex- ten_pictures• of Phillips in its eight has been a gubernatorial prospect, perhaps is quite sensitive 'about it al- dude people; and that it should lie pages. but he has ,not hinted ,at his _1956 readA" • Pearson said. "He doesn't "the least partisan and the most path- Phillips's _platform, the issue H„ Thornton, chairman of ask you to criticize or run down what otic" party.
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