SINGLE COPIES, 10 CENTS VOL. IV.No. 4. SEVENTY-TWO PAGES PER YEAR, ONE DOLLAR eg#7:6*.aLdICINO 7.ANSt&CHIN NOVELTY NEWS RWCZO)11:3°(91') Published Each Month by Edward Lyman Bill at1 Madison Avenue, New York, April 15, 1908 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STAR. * * * * **** * * * * * * * * ** * * Talking Machines and Records Lead the World in QUALITY, APPEARANCE, WORKMANSHIP In order toprove this fact to every live dealer in the United States,we have a plan whereby you can get one $40.00 Star Machine and Twelve 10 -inch Star Records absolutely free. <, FILL OUT AND MAIL THE ATTACHED COUPON c4' Jo to us before May 1st1908, and we will advise you re- . 'ti ,4z, 0%5o ,.,,,, .,.Oro <,..S''' '. N'cz c.c i g ' 0(`' ,4,1- . :. ... s' . ' gardingour plan. N` Nis`1.%'.c, ' ," co.' ,.'4. V -s.1, .,'. 'b ' c.:4, ''4")s" :: .'o, .o." *". ) '\c ' es \l,`s<s ' , ` ,- 41".,?Cs) e<s ,e , '-, % A Qa... v,eis o.,,,t, e) Hawthorne & Sheble Mfg. Cp C, \ csq, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 3,e4:':e4a Entered as second-class matter May 2, 1005, at the post cake at New York, N. Y., under the act of Congress of March 3,1S78. 2 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. »co OriginalityMeritSuperiority ARE COMBINED IN OUR LINE A few predictions Mr. Dealerwhich time will confirm. Within a reasonable period the trade will have universally adopted I - /. 0 rn"Ir 'MARA' f°417'.IFYINCI got HARK 011'100HORN CARTON CABIN ET FOR ALL TYPES OF LIBRARY CABINET For CYLINDER RECORDS CYLINDER AND DISC MACHINES For DISC RECORDS You know what happened to the Early Bird. The Progressive Dealer who carries our line Will Catch the Customers. A prominent Jobber recently stated to us that all our goods were Practical, Useful and Salable - but, "if I show them to my cus- tomers, what will I do with the goods I have on hand now ?" A word to the wise is sufficient, Mr. Dealer. If your jobber does not carry our line, let us send you the name of a jobber who does The volume and quality of tone and the "Flie TRLTETONE WOOL) DlAPHRAGNI detail of reproduction of cylinder records is furnished complete with Link and Alum - greatly increased. inum Crosshead. whichismechanically Wood, when subjected to the impact of clamped to theDiaphragm, no cement sound waves, is the most resilient of any being used. known substance.Its successful use for 11114ae violin bodies, piano sounding boards, etc It is an admitted tact that the art confirms this fact. ot recording sound is tar in advance The Truetoue Wood Diaphragm is sci- WOOD DIAPHRAGM ot its mechanical reproduction. entifically constructed of ..two layers of Every detail of sound vibration and tone selected Spruce Veneer i the mosCsatisfae- FOR finesse that is capable of being recorded. tory wood used for musical instruments) isreproduced 11) the Truetoue Wood covering two layers of cotton stalk tissue, Diaphragm. the grain of each layer running in opposite E D I S O N directions to obtain uniform % ibrations. Complete directions for properly mount - I liese four plies of material are cemented jug the Diaphragminthe Speaker are t1 furnishedwith each Truetone Wood :end compressedtogetherundergreat Model"CSpeaker Pressure to the thickness of about seven Diaphragm. imethousandths of an inch. Price, SOc. each, complete General Phonograph Supply Co. WARREN STREET, NEW YORK CITY DL,...,(!pi Ft itATI10. AND N 1 (.\!'I'I.ItIlos, - ,. The Talking Machine World Vol. 4.No. 4. New York, April 15, 1908. Price Ten Cents taken the place of an orchestra, but these cases THE "TALKER" AS CAMPAIGN ORATOR MORE FANCY- - -THAN FACT are so small in number, as compared with the Time for Manufacturers and Jobbers to Get in In the Story Regarding the Commercial Talking effect these same machines have had on the am- Touch With the National Committees of the MachineWhich Appearedinthe Sun-bitions of" young people who are musically in- Republican and Democratic Partiestothe Writers FindIt Convenient toLibelThis clined that the balance is strongly in favor of End That Talking Machines MayPromulgate Valuable Business Accessory. the talking machine as an educator.There are TheirPolicies Throughout theCountry- in New York City fifty-three violin schools under How English Politicians Utilizethe Talker We clip the following from the New York Sunthe supervision of one Catholic society.There -Will Prove a Vote Getter. of recent date:"A company that makes a busi-are many other schools of the same character ness of preparing the speeches delivered by publicconducted by other religious denominations.In In last month's World wemade referenceto men for publication finds it convenient to usethese various schools many very talented children the value of the talking machine as a campaignthe commercial talking machine for the produc-are discovered who later become first-class mu- orator, and suggested to dealers and mauufac-tion of "copy" for the printer, and, as a result,sicians.Most every military school, high school turers the wisdom of looking up the leaders ofsome choice typographical errors have appearedand college throughout the country to -day has political parties in their respective localities andin print.Here are several illustrations that aan orchestra. presenting the claims of the talking machine as amanofthecompanyhascollected:'Mark means of stimulating interest in their policies. Hanna, that well-known vote -catcher,' came out PATHE AND GAUMONT HONORED. It is needless to say that records made by emi-of the cylinder 'Mark Hanna, that well-known nent,speakers will reach parts of the countrygoat -catcher.'Another speaker who told how Nominated for the Cross of the Legion of Honor where campaign speakers are never heard. They'thePresident'sactionhadbeenvalidated' by the French Government. carry the ideas and policies of eminent person-doubtless would have been astonished to read alities into the home, and a permanent educa-that 'the President's action was salivated.' That Emile Path6, head of the great talking machine tional campaign is thus inaugurated which mustsentence so dear to all students of Latin was and cinematograph house of Pathe Freres, and M. be prolific of results. turnedout:'AllgallisdividedintothreeGaumont, who is well known as an inventor and There is no reason on earth why the nationalparts.'And there was no indication as to wheremanufacturer of moving picture machines, have committees of both the Republican and Demo-he distributed them." been nominated for that honor so dear to every cratic parties should not utilize the talking ma- This makes excellent reading, but as a matterFrenchman's heart, the Cross of the Legion of chine the same as the great parties in Englandof fact printers who use "copy" from the com- Honor.This recognition by the French Govern- are doing.Over there in the last national cam-mercial talking machine experience far fewerment of our Parisian confreres is an honor to paign, and in fact in the leading questions beforemistakes than those encountered from bad copythe industry throughout the world, and we cor- the people to -day, the talking machine is veryor illegible written matter. The commercial ma-dially felicitate Messrs. Pathe and Gaumont on effectively employed to promulgate the ideas ofchine virtually makes a photograph of the voice,the honor to be bestowed upon them. great political leaders. and it is not right to blame the machine for the Recently we received from T. Edens Osborne,faults of the dictator.There is a knack in talk- "COLONEL" STRONG IN PRISON. the progressive talking machine jobber of Bel-ing into a commercial machine, and those who fast, Ireland, several newspapers containing some Convicted of Swindling Several Persons by the bave mastered this "art," as we may call it, of Sale of Interest in a Fictitious Company. lengthy articles on the latest novelties shown atexpressing themselves clearly and intelligently, his emporium. We noted reference to a series of will always get a faithful response.There will Joseph M. Strong,fifty-two years old, 442 Man- political gramophone records which contain por-be no trouble hattan avenue, who says he is a salesman, but tions of speeches delivered by the foremost poli-the commercial machine by noted stenographers who, the police assert, is one of the most noto- ticians upon questions of public interest, whichin the leading law courts as well as in the Con-rious confidence men in the country, was con- have'already engaged, or will in tlie near futuregress of the United States is a positive proof ofvicted in General Sessions last week of grand engage, the attention of the House of Commons.its merits.In no other place is accuracy so nec-larceny.Judge Crain sentenced him to serve not Not so long ago it was the ambition of a life- essary. less than three years and three months and not time to hear the speech of some great public This Sun story reminds us of a man with an Indeed, there more than four years and six months in State man as it was actually delivered. over -plus of brains and a limited knowledge ofprison. are many instances where people have traveledthe English language, who, in order to be in touch The complainant against him was Otto Jacob- immense distances to hear a speech delivered by with progress, purchased a commercial talkingson, of Great Barrington, Mass.It was shown in Gladstone, John Bright or Dan O'Connell, so thatmachine.After dictating three or four lettersthe trial that Strong was the originator of a de- by actual impressions, formed on the spot, they and having examined them, after being copied byvice known as the Anglo-American Record Ex- might enter more fully into the spirit of the ar-the typist, he flew into a rage and claimed thatchange Library and Bulletin Co.
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