NOTICE OF A SUBDIVISION AND DEVELOPMENT APPEAL BOARD HEARING DATE: Thursday, August 22, 2013 PLACE: Council Chambers, 1st Floor City Hall - 910 - 4th Avenue South TIME: 4:00 p.m. AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER PRESENTATIONS: 2.1 4:00 p.m. SDAB No. 2013-08 APPEAL OF DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. DEV05247 Appellant: Rena Woss Address: 422 Mayor Magrath Drive South To convert an existing billboard into a digital display and a request for a 1.82m (6’0”) billboard height waiver Land Use District: C-H (Highway Commercial) PERMIT NO. Land Use Bylaw 5700 DEV05247 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Address: 422 MAYOR MAGRATH DR S District: C-H Legal: 1578JK;C;3/4 Applicant: PATTISON OUTDOOR ADVERTISING Phone: 403-770-5733 Address: 274, 1011 9 AVE SE CALGARY AB T2G 0H7 Development Proposed To change exisitng billboard to a digital display billboard. See DEV01935 for previous approval. District C-H HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL Land Use BILLBOARD - DISCRETIONARY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. A 1.82m (6'0") billboard height waiver be granted, allowing the maximum height of the billboard to be 7.92m (26'0"). 2. The billboard shall be developed and located in accordance with the plans submitted June 20, 2013. Any change to these plans requires the approval of the Development Officer. 3. The message shall remain in a fixed position for a minimum of 8 seconds. 4. Transition between messages must be accomplished in 2 seconds or less. 5. The billboard must contain a default design that will freeze the sign panel message in one position if a malfunction occurs. 6. The billboard shall be equipped with a control system that automatically adjusts light emission level to ambient light conditions so not to cause glare or excessive brightness. NOTE: a) An electrical permit is required for all illuminated signs and an inspection may be required. b) An electrical inspection is required for all field-assembled "through wall" neon installations. c) All illuminated signs excepting field-assembled "through wall" neon must be CSA or comparably certified by the manufacturer with the certification sticker clearly visible on the exterior of each sign. Decision Date Development Commencement Jun 27, 2013 Provided this decision is not appealed, development shall commence: Valid Date • on or after the valid date, and Jul 22, 2013 • within one year of the valid date. Development may commence before the valid date only if the applicant has signed the "Voluntary Waiver of Claims" and is in receipt of this signed permit. PERMIT NO. Land Use Bylaw 5700 DEV05247 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Development. Authority ANGELA OLSEN, DEVELOPMENT OFFICER APPEALS The applicant has the right to appeal this decision to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board. An appeal shall contain a statement of the grounds of appeal and shall be delivered either personally or by Registered Mail so as to reach the Secretary of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board not later than fourteen (14) days after the Development Permit or Development Decision letter is deemed to have been received. The deemed received date is seven (7) working days from the date of decision. FOIPP The personal information provided as part of this permit is collected under the Alberta Municipal Government Act and in accordance with section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The information is required and will be used for issuing permits, Land Use By-law 5700 compliance verification and monitoring, and property assessment purposes. The name of the permit holder and the nature of the permit is available to the public upon request and may be revealed in public appeal processes. If you have questions about the collection or use of the personal information provided, please contact the Manager of Planning and Development Services at 910 4 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB, T1J 0P6 or phone at (403) 320-3920, or email [email protected]. Permit No. DEV05247 Development Permit No. DEV05247 422 Mayor Magrath Drive S Pattison Outdoor Advertising Royal Canadian Legion Sandman Hotel Mixed-Use Retail & Office Campbell Clinic Mixed-Use Retail & Office The Coast Lethbridge Hotel Mayor Magrath Dr – Facing South Mayor Magrath Dr – Facing North • All billboard approvals are discretionary • Bylaw Requirements • Commercial/Industrial Zoning • Select roadways • Proximity Restrictions • Permit Conditions • 8 second fixed message • Maximum transition time of 2 seconds between images • Sign must be equipped with ambient light sensors to prevent glare or excessive brightness at all times Images 6-8 second static images Transition Immediate, no animation or flashing Transition Time 5 milliseconds, no blinking effect Monitoring 24-hour live video monitoring Brightness Controlled by ambient light meter Measured at <200 Nits • Copy area of proposed sign is 10’ by 20’ • Same size as existing billboards in Lethbridge • Standard size across Canada A public “Notice To Neighbours” was sent to all property owners and occupants within a 60m radius of 422 Mayor Magrath Drive S • Two property owners submitted letters in response to the notice M aa yy oo rr M aa gg rr aa tt hh D rr S 5 Ave S Summary of Concerns from Addressed by: Owners Visible from residences •New custom structure 3m to the North from existing sign •Designed to angle screens away from residences (120 degree light cone) •Eliminate any concerns of light trespass to all residential dwellings Brightness •Ambient light sensors automatically adjust brightness Blinking Effect •Instant copy transitions •No flashing, blinking, or movement in between ads Distracting •Fully static copy, no animation •5 milliseconds transition time Light emitted by sign will not impact any residential dwellings 125m radius cone (120 degree angle) from sign faces In accordance with lighting standards by IESNA: “For all intents and purposes, at a distance of 80 Meters or more, the change in illumination would be essentially immeasurable and imperceptible.” Distance from sign Luminance 60m 1.11 Lux 80m 0.59 Lux 100m 0.33 Lux 125m 0.25 Lux Arbitron Digital Billboard Report: Cleveland Case Study 18-34 year old respondents Norms from 36 Opinion Polls (abridged) An Assesment of the Highway Beautification Act’s Consistency with American Public Opinion By Charles R. Taylor, Ph.D Professor – Villanova University Lighting Impacts of LED signs on City Streetscapes By Zhenghong Lu, Ph.D Professor - University of Toronto “Digital billboards can be seen to offer a major opportunity to reduce sky glow if they are replacing conventional billboards that employ a bottom mounted lighting system.” Digital Billboard Recommendations and Comparisons to Conventional Billboards by Ian Lewin Ph.D. A STUDY OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DIGITAL BILLBOARDS AND TRAFFIC SAFETY IN CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OHIO Completed by Tantala Associates Consulting Engineers “Accidents occur with or without billboards (digital or conventional). The accident statistics on sections of Interstate routes near billboards are comparable to the accident statistics on similar that have no billboards” A STUDY OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DIGITAL BILLBOARDS AND TRAFFIC SAFETY IN CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OHIO Completed by Tantala Associates Consulting Engineers “The overall conclusion is that the digital billboards in Albuquerque have no statistically significant relationship with the occurrence of accidents. This conclusion is based on the City of Albuquerque’s own data and an objective statistical analysis; the data shows no increase in accident rates.” • The sign copy will be the same size as the existing billboard at this location • Images will be completely static with no animation, scrolling, flashing, blinking • Messages are not consecutive/continuous • Light emitted by the sign will not affect neighboring properties • Changes were made to satisfy the surrounding concerned property owners • Traffic studies show Digital billboards have no negative effects on traffic safety, driver distraction or the environment • Sign is not visible from kilometers away • Lighting levels will be monitored and controlled at all times • Opinion studies show that people feel digital signs are visually appealing, and display current, relevant information August 20, 2013 Pattison Outdoor Advertising 1011 9th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T26 0H7 To Whom It May Concern, I am employed by YESCO Electronics, and in that capacity, have a good deal of knowledge of the lighting and other characteristics of YESCO boards in general. I also have had extensive involvement with the Calgary market. It is my understanding that the sign in question has been requested and if approved will be supplied by our company. I plan on attending the meeting in Lethbridge for the appeal hearing but I would also like to give you some additional information in this letter regarding the lighting and perceptual levels of a sign in this location, which is facing away from the residential area to the West some 80+ Meters from the sign face. Lighting Sciences, in accordance with lighting standards published by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA), has established a guideline for digital billboard brightness. In their guidelines, they suggest regulating display brightness by using a Lux meter and measuring the display's illuminance at a distance determined by the following equation: Distance (Meters) = the square root of the product of the sign size (sq Meters) and 100 For example, a 19 square Meter display would be calculated as follows: Measuring Distance = v(19 x 100) = 43.6 At this distance, the display should not exceed 3.23 Lux over ambient light. If the display is properly adjusted to this standard, it will be in harmony with the IESNA guidelines. It is also true that the further away from the display and the greater the viewing angle from center, the lower the lighting impact will be. For Example, when measured from a distance of 60 meters and at the worst case 35 degree angle, the lighting impact of this display will have decrease by 67.5% to 1.05 Lux.
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