“Keep the Cat Free” 16/11/12 Issue 1531 felixonline.co.uk £18,574 and counting... RAG have been going hard this year. See a quick report on their latest activities. Page 3 Inside...>> Sciences are sliced SCIENCE Climate change, and a solution? >> 6 FOOD How to make the Nida Mahmud News Editor been increasingly feared by the sci- decrease in government spending partment for Transport slashed perfect soup 26 ence community, especially over on science. Th e government spend spending on science and R&D from >> the last few years of austerity. Th ese constitutes approximately half the £82m to £54m, representing a de- Overall government spending on fears are now becoming a reality, public support for Research & De- crease of over one-third. Th e Minis- Science, Engineering and Technol- as shown by the fi gures released by velopment (R&D) and innovation. try of Defence is the department that ogy (SET) has fallen in real terms by the government; even though the Th e total spending on science activi- spends the most on R&D, and they BUSINESS £733m. coalition government had previous- ties during 2010-11 fell by 6.4% when cut its budget by £239m, which is ap- Th e drop from 2009-10 to 2010-11 ly promised to protect the science infl ation is taken into account. proximately 13%. BIS is responsible (which is the most recent fi gures re- budget amid the massive spending Th e shadow science and innova- for the core science budget, yet the leased) is the fi rst fall since betwen cuts. Th e Department for Business, tion minister, Chi Onwurah has re- individual departments make deci- the 2005-6 and 2006-7. Th e years Innovation and Skills’s (BIS) core quested the government to publish sions on wider spending for R&D between 2006-7 and 2009-10 have all science budget for universities and long term fi gures. Th ese in turn will and innovation. seen an increase in overall spending research councils is not aligned with enable scientists to plan better for Professor Stephen Curry, a struc- on Science, Engineering and Tech- infl ation. Th is results in a real-term resources. Onwurah said: “It’s worse tural biologist from Imperial College nology. reduction in spending, particularly than we thought. We know the pres- London has commented that these Th e change means that spending due to infl ation in these technology sure is on departments to cut [and] are “tough times for UK science if is now, in real terms, which means sectors tending to be higher than this is something they can do rela- we are to protect our world-leading that infl ation has been taken into ac- the average. Recent fi gures show tively silently. Th ere is more to fear reputation, we need to reverse this How to be a top rate count, the lowest it has been since that in the fi rst year of the coalition from further cuts coming.” Further trend as soon as we are able.” 27 2001-2002. government, through individual de- fi gures published by the BIS show In 2010, the government demand- entrepreneur >> Public spending science cuts have partments there has been a 7.6% large cuts during 2009-11. Th e de- ed a fl ash cash settlement for >> 4 2 FRIDAY 16 NOVEMBER EDITOR’S PICKS 11 16 32 ARTS >> FILM >> COMMENT >> Moving artwork Good films that suck Right to be wrong Some really emotional pho- © Boris Mikhailov Following on from last Comment is always pretty tography at the Barbican is re- week’s feature on truly awful lively, and, this week, Pi- viewed in Arts this week. If only fi lms that are still loveable, etro Aronica explains why I was allowed out of my cage in the more contentious ‘great’ he thinks you should be al- Beit to go and see this. fi lms that are a bit crap. lowed to be incorrect. CLASSIFIEDS Medical Summarizer Wanted Looking for 4th, 5th or 6th year medical student with medical understanding. ScienceSci and relaxing 15 hours a week. Crompton Medical Centre London W2 1ND For further details please contact Mr. Faisal Ahmed on 07776126204 Tim Arbabzadah Job Description - Summarizing all medical letters and discharge summaries from Secondary Care (Hospitals) into the medical records for each patient at Editor-in-Chief the practice, clinical software used is EMIS LV. Part-Time PA/Tech Person Freshly cut Chilling out ers reading this: try to stay calm over Christmas. Relax with your family and Good with Apple computers and technology take, at very least, Christmas Day and Someone who wants to come in ground level start-up with new tech This week, the front page contains a This week has been odd for me. It’s New Year’s Day off. It is all too easy to company and dealing with tracking device sector. story about science spending cuts. It’s been a really weirdly chilled out one for get really hyped up about work and go Researcher and highly organised to work with the proprietor and all a bit economics heavy, but the gist some reason. Here I am, nearly about crazy. Especially because this will be is that, in real terms, science spending to hit the print deadline. It’s made me a step up from the last exam you did. teams in London and Silicone Valley, California was cut by a lot in the 2010-2011 year. refl ect a bit. I’ve thought about how Don’t get complacent but don’t cause General Offi ce duties At a science university it is not ex- sometimes I spend too much time yourself too much stress. Preferably CRB checked actly a contentious point to say that obsessing about everything and wor- One thing that I simply can not chill Start off at 2 days per week science, and research and develop- rying about stuff. Sometimes, it’s nice out about, though, is whoever walks Total 8 to 10 hours per week at £10 per hour ment in general, is very important. It to just chill the fuck out and “keep around the Library and SAC (Student will be pretty interesting to see what calm” as the all too often used slogan Activities Centre) and rips off every Please send CV to [email protected] the next move on this is. Will the goes. single one of the keyboard supports. spending plummet further? It’s taken I think this at a time when I know It’s really annoying as they make typ- Prezie Ambassador: See Tech for information (page 17) quite a hit from what fi gures show, that Christmas is looming (Oxford ing slightly easier, and when my lab re- and, given that in real terms it is the Street already have their lights up). port is due in in about 12 hours, I need lowest it has been for a while, it is That means one thing for Imperial stu- all the comforts that can possibly be cause for some concern. dents: January exams. To all the fresh- afforded to me. Seriously, not cool. Science is really vital to everything. I learnt from my project in my last LOLCATZ OF TEH WEEK: Finding these is a perk of the job year that research isn’t cheap. Okay, admittedly I had to use platinum and gold for mine, but the point still stands as everything in science is costly. Getting a beaker made me shudder and wonder how something so simple could be so much. This was just one minor project by one person. Imagine how much one research group will rack up (not just on test tube racks) in one year of research? I hope next year science spending increases. Felix, Beit Quad, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BB. Email: [email protected]. Tel: 020 7594 8072. Fax: 020 7594 8065. THIS BROUGHT Printed by Iliffe Print Cambridge, Winship Road, Cambridge. Registered newspaper ISSN 1040-0711. Copyright © Felix 2012. WEEK WASTO YOUBY Editor-in-Chief Tim Arbabzadah Deputy Editor Saskia Verhagen Assistant Editor Matt Colvin News Editor Aemun Reza, Nida Mahmud Features Editors Caroline Wood, Stephen Smith Business Editor Deepka Rana Science Editors Philip Kent, Laurence Pope, Philippa Skett Politics Editors Padraic Calpin, Marie-Laure Hicks Food Editors Carol Ann Cheah, Sophia Goldberg, Yiango Mavrocostanti Comment Editors George Barnett, Navid Nabijou, James Simpson Fashion Editors Alex Ramadan, Saskia Verhagen, Alice Yang Arts Editors Eva Rosenthal, Meredith Thomas Books Editor Maciej Matuszewski Music Editors Mark England, Ross Gray, Simon Hunter Television Editor Lucia Podhorska Film Editors Katy Bettany, John Park, Lucy Wiles Games Editor Ross Webster Technology Editor Jason Parmar Coffee Break Boss Matt Colvin Travel Editors Veronika McQuade, Simon Carnochan Sports Editors Oli Benton, Sorcha Cotter, Margot Pikovsky Online Editors Philip Kent, Jonathan Kim Puzzles Commanders Louisa Byrne, Sotirios Karamitsos Copy Chief Annina Sartor Copy Editors Al Norman, Christopher Witham, Laurence de Lussy Kubisa, Julia Gherman, Illustrators Hamish Muir, Outi Supponen FRIDAY 16 NOVEMBER 3 News Editor: Aemun Reza, Nida Mahmud NEWS [email protected] RAG raises over £18,000 Kanchana Niruttan Reporter Action shot. That news- Just hope they didn’t paper better be Felix stand on the left on the Imperial RAG raised £11,276.14 at its escalator annual Poppy appeal on Th ursday 8 November, putting it over a fi fth of the way to reaching its target of £50,000 this year. Th is brings their total for the year to £17574.18, according to the counter on RAG’s website.
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