牌九的基本玩法(B) 英超投注贴士 重拳出击 Pai Gow Part 2 EPL betting tips Combating poker bullies WGM #62 2018/09 wgm8.com 澳门电竞发展 Macau’s eSports eVolution 您的澳门及亚洲娱乐指南 Your guide to Macau and Asian entertainment 36 46 54 目录 Contents 封面故事 Cover Story 澳门电竞发展 12 Macau’s eSports eVolution 游戏 Play 欢购 Shop 牌九(B):对牌和标准手牌 「盒盒」美美 20 Pai Gow Part B: Pairs and standard hands 54 Festivity in a box 重拳反击 致她 30 Beating down the bully 58 For Her 体育 Sport 澳门指南 英超投注关键 The Macau Guide Keys to EPL betting 36 交通方式 安全之门,代价昂贵 63 How to get here 40 Safe hands, high cost 实用信息 66 Things to know 综合指南 乐享 Enjoy 68 Where to ... 土生特饮 澳门半岛地图 96 Macau Peninsula Map 46 Masterful Macanese blends 氹仔/路氹城/路环地图 菩提禅意 98 Taipa Cotai Coloane Map 50 Sense of serenity 6 WGM #62 2018/09 wgm8.com 者上周在澳大利亚悉尼出席了一场会议,电竞的崛起是会议重点探 编者寄语 笔 讨的议题之一。今时今日,电竞已不再是小男生躲在睡房里自娱的 玩意儿,而是方兴未艾的竞技活动及一桩大生意。 From the editor 比如说,播放全球最受欢迎电竞项目英雄联盟的Twitch TV,最近刚 成为首个总观看人次达十亿的游戏软件影音流平台。2017年度英雄联盟 世界锦标赛的观看人数,更高达6,000万。 有见如此庞大的市场,世界各地的度假村运营商已开始增设专门的电 竞场地,以吸引热衷于使用这些设施的新一代客户。澳门当然亦不例外, 新濠影汇旗下的澳门电竞馆最近刚开幕。 详情请参阅本期的封面故事,而身在澳门的读者们,更应前往澳门电 竞馆一探究竟。电竞将在不久的将来成为主流力量,这一点毋容置疑。 本思齐 主编 was at a conference last week in Sydney, Australia at which the rise Iof eSports was among the key topics of discussion. Once considered the domain of teenage boys hiding in their bedrooms, competitive video gaming is now big business and getting bigger every day. For example, the Twitch TV channel for the world’s most popular eSports title, League of Legends, recently became the first to reach one billion total views. The 2017 League of Legends World Championship was watched by 60 million people worldwide. It’s these sorts of numbers that have many resort operators around the world launching specialized eSports venues on their properties to attract a new generation of guests keen to use the facilities. Macau is no different, with Studio City recently opening its own eSports stadium. Read all about it in our cover story and if you’re near Studio City check it out. Without doubt, the eSports craze is the way of the future. Ben Blaschke Editor-in-Chief 封面故事 On the cover 澳门电竞发展 Macau’s eSports eVolution 插画:邓倩雯 Illustration: Ailsa Tang 8 WGM #62 2018/09 wgm8.com 编辑 发行 EDITORIAL DISTRIBUTION 主编 营运副总裁 Editor-in-Chief VP Operations 本思齐 张舒文 Ben Blaschke Karen Cheong 副编辑 发行部主任 Deputy Editor Distribution Supervisor 金成安 王禧婷 Oscar Guijarro Emily Vong 中文编辑及主译 发行部专员 Chinese Editor Distribution Officers 户媛媛 叶少扬 and Chief Translator Anson Ip 郑国平 Sophie Hu Peng Cheang 足球编辑 麦敏华 Mak Man Wah 陆逸 许浩伟 Football Editor Hoi Hou Wai Leanne Lu 社交媒体经理 行政 CORPORATE 张焰 Social Media and Content 首席执行官 Production Manager CEO 撰稿人 卓弈 Yvonne Cheong Andrew W Scott 宋文娣 Joseff Musa 财务总监 Contributors CFO 范翎斯 Wendi Song Marcel Fenez 首席设计师 Joseff Musa Sandra Norte 首席事务长 Chief of Staff 王艺霖 Lead Designer Helene Wong 平面设计师 Sandra Norte 邓倩雯 信息技术总监 IT Director 刘冠侪 Graphic Designer Michael Lau 摄影师 Ailsa Tang Eduardo Martins 会计及合规总监 Accounting and Compliance 关伟强 吕云 Photographers Director Eduardo Martins Anita Loi 负责人及行政管理人 Danomad Kuan 郑诗韵 Director and Administrator 营业及市场 SALES & Cynthia Cheang 行政助理 香港营业总监 吴雪怡 MARKETING Administration Assistant 黄湘湘 Hong Kong Sales Director Suie Ng 高级派送专员 Angel Wong 营业及业务发展总监 伍志强 Executive Transportation 何敬斌 冯智明 Director Sales and Business Officers Development André Ng 销售及业务发展总監 Jadeson Ho Fong Chi Meng 曾曉露 Director of Sales and Business 客戶關係經理 Development 邱嘉汶 Pam Chang Client Relationship Manager Caroline Iau 广告垂询 ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES 国语、粤语或英语 Mandarin, Cantonese or English [email protected] +853 6667 8511 WGM 从属于 is a subsidiary of 由环球博彩杂志有限公司出版 Published by (在澳门注册成立) World Gaming Magazine Limited 澳门注册新闻公司号EP124 (Incorporated in Macau) Macau registered press company number 澳门骑士马路63至69号 EP124 678文创园8楼C-D座 Estrada dos Cavaleiros, No. 63-69 8 Andar C-D, Edif. 678 Cultural Creative Park Macau 澳门政府新闻局 登记编号549 Macau Government Information Bureau 定价38澳门元 registration number 549 Price MOP$38 Printed by 由百乐门印刷有限公司印制 Paramount Printing Company Limited 香港新界将军澳将军澳工业邨 3 Chun Kwong Street Tseung Kwan O www.omedia.mo 骏光街三号 Hong Kong 10 WGM #62 2018/09 wgm8.com 封面故事 COVER STORY 澳门 Macau’s 电竞 eSports 发展 文 金成安 eVolution By Oscar Guijarro 12 WGM #62 2018/09 wgm8.com 新濠影汇旗下的澳门电竞馆于七月隆重开幕,预示电竞将对澳门博彩业产生 重大影响。 The launch of Macau eStadium at Studio City in July shows that eSports are set to make a big impact on Macau’s gaming scene. WGM #62 2018/09 wgm8.com 13 封面故事 COVER STORY 于新濠影汇的澳门电竞馆,是澳门首个高规格电 he official launch of Macau’s first eSports venue, 竞交流及比赛场地,其开幕象征电竞将在澳门长 Macau eStadium at Studio City, is confirmation that 位 期发展。 T eSports are here to stay. 刚于七月底开幕的澳门电竞馆,旨于吸引喜欢在数码 The venue, which opened in late July, is aiming to get 世界中而非传统赌场环境下玩乐的新世代。澳门电竞馆为 in touch with a generation that loves to game but in a digital 玩家提供一个设备齐全的场所,让玩家尽情享受世界级电 environment as opposed to the traditional casino floor 竞体验。 setting. Macau eStadium provides players with a dedicated 新濠影汇曾于去年九月及今年四月先后举办2017年度 venue boasting all the facilities they need to enjoy world- 女子电竞嘉年华及2018年度英雄联盟春季总决赛,因而累 class eSports action. 积了不少电竞方面的经验。英雄联盟乃多人在线战斗竞技 Studio City already has some experience in the eSports 场游戏,更是全球最受欢迎的电竞项目之一。比赛时,对 sphere, having hosted the Girl Gamer 2017 eSports Festival 垒的两支队伍结合策略和行动,以摧毁对方的大本营为取 in September 2017 and the 2018 League of Legends 胜目标。 Master Series Spring Final in April. League of Legends is 据新濠博亚娱乐新濠影汇项目总裁Geoff Andres透 a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) and one of the 露,2018年度英雄联盟春季总决赛吸引了逾3,000 名现场 most popular eSports game in the world, pitting two teams 观众参加,鉴于如此热烈的反应和支持,公司决定与九龙 against one another with the goal of destroying their rival’s 电竞馆合作创建澳门电竞馆。 base using a combination of action and strategy. 九龙电竞馆是2018年度英雄联盟秋季总决赛的主办机 According to Geoff Andres, Property President of 构,并将负责澳门电竞馆的日常营运。 Studio City Macau at Melco Resorts & Entertainment, the Geoff Andres指出说:「一百年前,人们聚在一起看 success of the League of Legends event – which attracted an 的是足球比赛;今时今日,数以十万计观众关注的是电竞 on-site audience of more than 3,000 visitors – convinced 尖子之间的赛事。」 the company to create Macau eStadium in partnership with 「电竞让观众欣赏顶尖高手在激烈的竞争环境下相互 Kowloon EStadium. 对垒,这趣味十足。电竞的发展,令人拭目以待。」 Kowloon EStadium was the organizer of the 2018 澳门电竞馆的建筑面积达10,000平方尺,可容纳274 League of Legends Master Series Spring Final and will 人,并设有巨大屏幕让观众观看赛事。澳门电竞馆是澳 operate the new eSports stadium on a day-to-day basis. 门首个电竞场地,日后将举办本地、区域乃至国际电竞项 Andres said that “a hundred years ago people were 目。 gathering around to see a soccer match and now we have hundreds of thousands watching people who are experts in their field performing at a very high level. “That is what eSports is – observing people who are experts in their field performing at a very high level in a competitive environment and it’s fun, so it will be great to see how this evolves.” Macau eStadium has capacity for an audience of up to 274 people with a floor space of 10,000 square feet and a huge screen allowing spectators to witness tournaments and competitions. The venue is the first of its kind in Macau and promises to deliver competitions in the local, regional and international videogame scene. 14 WGM #62 2018/09 wgm8.com WGM #62 2018/09 wgm8.com 15 封面故事 COVER STORY 16 WGM #62 2018/09 wgm8.com 方兴未艾 On the rise 澳门的其他博彩营运商,最近也开始对电竞表示感兴 Other gaming operators in Macau have also shown an 趣,包括澳门博彩控股;隶属澳门博彩控股的新葡京曾于 interest in eSports in recent times, including SJM whose 去年十二月赞助刀塔2 澳门MDL新葡京杯赛事。刀塔2 是 Grand Lisboa Hotel sponsored the MDL Macau Dota2 多人在线战斗竞技场游戏,亦是全球最受欢迎的电竞项目 International Elite Invitational last December. Dota2 is 之一。于去年十二月举行的赛事,吸引了来自中国、美 another MOBA and one of the most popular eSports titles 国、俄罗斯、乌克兰、菲律宾和秘鲁等九个国家的队伍参 on the planel. The December event attracted nine teams 加,争夺高达30万美元的奖金。 from China, the USA, Russia, Ukraine, Philippines and 美高梅中国等博彩营运商,亦开始密切注视电竞的发 Peru to battle for a share of the US$300,000 prize pool. 展趋势。去年,联席主席及执行董事何超琼曾表示,科技 Others, such as MGM China, are keeping a close eye on 将在未来澳门电竞发展中发挥重要作用。 developments with Co-Chairperson and Executive Director 出席2017年度澳门休闲科技展时,她说:「我们当然 Pansy Ho stating last year that technology would play an 意识到人们对电竞的兴奋之情。」 important role in the sport’s Macau future. 「电竞是崭新的领域,本身亦在经历演变。随着新科 “Of course, we know that everyone now is very 技的出现及专用场地的落成,我估计在未来段时间里,将 excited about eSports,” she said at MGS Entertainment 会出现翻天覆地的突破性改变。」 Show in 2017. 话虽如此,何超琼还是希望澳门能发展成亚洲电竞中 “It is the new game on the block. But even eSports 心。 is going through an evolution and I anticipate there will 她解释说:「现阶段,与其急不及待地举办一两项赛 be many new generational developments in a very short 事,我宁可集中精力做好基础设施并加强自身能力,以便 space of time with new technologies and more specialized 在时机成熟时把握机会,进而发展成亚洲电竞中心。」 architecture.” 美狮美高梅刚于年初开幕,旗下的美高梅剧院大有可 Nevertheless, Ho is keen for Macau to become Asia’s 能在不久的将来举办电竞赛事。美高梅剧院可容纳2,000 eSports hub. 人,场内设有十多种不同配置,并配有举行900平方米4K “At the moment, the best thing to do is, rather than 超高清LED屏幕,其规模之巨大,相当于三个网球场。 jumping into making one or two events, I would rather 何超琼说:「这将自然地成为电竞项目的首选场所。」 spend more effort on enhancing our infrastructure to enhance our capabilities so that when the time is right we will be positioned to step forward as the preferred base for eSports in Asia,” she said. Don’t be surprised to see MGM Theater at MGM COTAI – which opened earlier this year – host its own eSports events in the near future. The venue, with capacity for 2,000 people, can be arranged in more than 10 different configurations and features a giant 900 square meter 4K (ultra HD) LED screen equivalent to the size of three tennis courts. “This can automatically become the venue of choice when it comes to eSports,” Ho said. WGM #62 2018/09 wgm8.com 17 封面故事 COVER STORY 校园与电玩 Videogames at school 政府当局已经艺术到电竞对年轻一代的影响。去年, The impact of eSports on younger generations has 澳门教育暨青年局局长梁励指出,社会需要提高对电竞的 been recognized by local authorities. The Director of the 认识。事实上,某些澳门博彩营运商已经视电竞为吸引新 Education Bureau of Macau, Leong Lai, said last year that 客户的手段。对其他人而言,电竞则是参与并观看赛事的 society needed to improve its understanding of eSports, 娱乐消遣。 which is seen by some Macau operators as a means of 梁励补充说,电竞可能有助于提高参与者的反应力和 attracting a new audience.
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