LASHERS ...1 iAPPROVEDPROPELLER INSTALLATION REFERENCE BOOK ITNIRODUCIl0N Thls hand.book ls complled to provlde a compJ.etehand.y nefcrence for 1060 propellers and thelr approved ahprane-and. cnglne_llsta1latlons appllcable to prlvabe and buslness alrplanes up to 265 horse power. The book ls lntended prlmarily for prtvate owners, pllots, sales ancl repaln agencles as an a1d ln alrcr"aft malntenance and propel sorcctlon of propeller/engrne/arrplane comblnatlon. 99""blons regardlng speclal problems, suggestlons and recormrenda- tlons toward the lmpnovoment of thls boo[-wlII bo welcomed by the publlshor'. Ihe cooperatlon of bhe followlng companlesLsslsled 1n the compllatlon of bhls book: Mccaurey rndustrlar corp., Sensenlch Conp, Universal Alrcraft Indusbrles. IABI,E OF CON'ENIS Page No. Aer ornat1c I Bocch Roboy-trYqqdControllablo 5 Flottorp-Wood Plastlc Flxed Pltch 1 Hartzell-rllood Flxed Pltch 6 Lewls-Wood Flxod Pltch 7 Mc0auley-Metal Flxed Pltch 11 Illc0au1ey-Cons banb Spoed L6 Sensenlch-Mebal Flxod PlLch 20 Sensenlch-'rTood!'lxerl Pltch 21 Sensen 1ch-Conbr ol lable 50 S TAIII,IEN.COF POLlCY La sher t s propellor ldentlf l.caf ion handbook is publlshed 1n Hlaleah, Flor'ld.a, U. S. 4., August 1960 Edltor and Publlsher! C. \tT. Lashor ' 190 E. 45 Sbreet Hlaleab, F1onlda Page I AEROMATIC HUB PROPELLER AIRPLANE HP I{ODEL ASSY. NO. BI,ADE MODEL CODE Aeronoa ?A.C,IIAC, S?AC, SllAC 65 F200 4324-L OO-72D or F Aeronca 15AC I45 F200 4556-1 OO-?58 or. F Aeronca 15AC 14F E|tno 43Rq-1 nrLTr.n Bellanca 14-I5 150 F200 4256-1 oo-74A Bellanca 14-13 150 F200 4275-L oo-748 ot! c Be1lanca 14-15 wlth Hl-Crulse 15r) F'2r)c)H L2nF,H-1 on-?aR ?. Cesgna I2O, 140 85 F200 4312-t oo-758 ot3 F I Cessna L?O, I4O 90 F200 4340-I oo-75E or F Cessna 1?OAwlth Hl-Crulse t45 F2OOH 4556H-1 oo-?48 Commonwealth185 a5 nltnr) 43r)6-'l nn-n/4C E:rcoupe 4I5C, CD ?5 F200 4505-1 OO-73E on F Ercoupe E. G B5 F'2c)r) 43r)SA-1 n()-73n nra F GA-z Good.yean 'l6s145 F200 42BO-1 oo-788L Goodvea:r GA-2B F'2r)r) 437A-'l oo-7ARr. Jarnleson J-1 wlth HlCrulse 115 F2OOH 4586H-1 oo-?48 Meyers MAC-125C l'25 F200 4290-L 0O-?{'E Monocoupe 9OAF-lOO 1.lr) F200 4-2P'3-'t _ orLrtrn P.lper J5-C 85 F200 4569-1 oo-??D or F Plper PA-11 90 F200 4348-L oo-?58 F Plper PA-12, -12S IOO F2OO 4292-l- oo-748 Plper Js-C 104 F200 4550-1 oo-?48 Plper PA-12rPA-14 wlth Hl-Crulse t15 F2OOH 4292A.-L oo-?48 Plper PA-16 1'l5 F 2c)c) 436R- 1 oo-?3R 2 Plper PA-16 wlth Hl-Crulse tr5 F2OOH 4292Nr-L OG?48 2 Plper PA-18, PA-19 90 F200 4548-r 00-?sE Plper PA-20 wlth H1-Crulse r15 F2OOH 4292AH-1 oo-748 Plper PA-2Owlth Hl-Crulse L25 F2OOH 4594H-1 oo-748 'l Pinen PA-2'2 wlth Hl-Cnrrlsc ItR l1'NNt; /4 < O, 1I- nn-r/a91 Srlft GC-1A 85 F200 4279-L oo-72Dor F swlrt Gc-rA 85 F200 4242-L oo-72c $rlft CC-18 t25 F200 4277-l oo-738 or F Swlft OC-18 125 F200 4261- I oo-73D Stlnson 1O8^ lOA-l t5r) F2r)n 4243-1 oo-76R Stlnson IO8, 108-1 150F200 4296-L o0-768 5 Stlnson I08-2, 108-5 165F200 4320-L oo-768 4 Stlnson 108-2.fOg-g wlth Hl-Crulse 165 r'2c)c)I{ 432oH-1: oo-768 A Temco TE-IA wlth H1-Crulse 145 F2OOH 4585H-I oo-748 Tarneo Tn-'l A wl l-.h H{ -CrrrrI oa IAF F9nnT{ a!(oATd- 1 nn- rtrF Aero Deslgn L-5805 90 220 4550 o-82A Bel-Ianca 14-19 wlth lll-Crulse 90 22O-L 4329-t o-?8A Cessna Alrmaster G-145 45 220 4597 o-85 Cassnn A I rmesten C-'l 65 AR D.r.o LTLq n-45 Falr.chlld 24W-41A, -46 165 220 4293 o-85 Fc I rtah I 1 ri ?.LR -A,6 t7s 926 /nqD1 n-aq R Falrchlld 24V{-9r-4O r-41 145 220 4319 0-85 OrummanQ-44, e-444 ]00 220 4500 O-82ArO-82AS Johnson L85 190 220 4236 o-78 lf,onocorrne C'l lnwlno tR5 9.2cI L2.qF N.AAA NOTE: 1. Hl-Crulse control aval}able as optlonal equlpnent on botb ModeIs F2OOend 220. N0!E: 2. Extra ireary blade tlpplng avallable fon seeplene on anBhAblca lnstaLlatlong. Pagc 2 AER,grilAItC-gONTtNUm HUB FROPELLER AIRPI,AI{E HP IIODEL ASSY. I{0. BI,ADE UODELCODE Ryan Navlon - E1-Crulge Optlonal 185 22Or-L 4259 r-a o-85 6 Ryen Navlon - H1-Crulse Optlonal 205 22Or-L 4259ArAI o-85 Ryan nsuper 26Ott 260 2201r 4573H. o-93 Stlnson L-5 19c)220 45c)F| rLRS N01ts:1.. Hl-Crulse control avallable as optlonal equlpment on both Models F2OO and 220. NOEE:2. Extra heavy blade tlpplng avalIable for seaplane or anphlblan 1nstalIat1ons. C0DE:1. Modlflcatlon necessary to englne eowllng 1948 models only. See Aeromatlc drawlng 3523 furnlshed wlth propellers. 2. Requlres Plper Alrcraft part numbers I2855-OO, 12826--00, 12852-0O, B0OO2-09, and 75lI-09. 5. 5?r dlameter bolt clrcle on morrntlng flange. 4. Requlres under cyllnd.er coollng baffles furnlshed by Ae:ro- matlc part No. 4086. 5. Requlres extra alrcrafb parts from Aeronautlcal Dlvlslon of Arkwln Conporatlon, Strothor F1e1d, Itlnfleld, Kansas or through Aeromatlc, Thelr part No. 48734. 6. Requlnes extra alrcraft parts from Ryan factory, lf not avall- able through Ryan dlstnlbutons. FOREIgN AIRORAFT HUB PROPELLER -AIRPLANE HP MODEL -ASSY. NO. BLADE MODEL Aeronautlca Macchl MB-5OB (Itafy F200 4392-L oo-?38 Aeronautlca Macchl MB-52O (ttafy 220 4370 o-85 trAutocrab tt |':s Auster Jb (Austl.alla ) rrzoF200 4375-T oo-768L ArrsLen lvlank V(Enoland ) n2s El9nn 4277-1 nn-zKre Desford Tralner (Eng1and) I56 F200 45?6-l oo-76BL Fokker" F-25 (Hotland ) I90 22A +289 o-86AL Fokker S-11 (Ho1land.) I90 220 4339 o-85 Karhu 48 (Flnland) I90 220 42';,2 o-82 T.lAronqrrtlarre S-9O (Fnanaa ) AF Eltnn 431 3- 1 oo-6AR Lark I{Z-VII (Denmerk) I25 F200 450?-t o0-74,E Nond 12OO (Fnance ) L25 F200 4518-1 oo-758 Plagglo Mode1P-156 (Itafy; 215 220 4360 O-82I.9 Pllatus P-4 (Swltzer1and) tqo 22.O ,.3n4 n-oR SAAB 9I (Swed.en) 190 220 4294 G82 Jberavla f-Ll(Spaln) 90 F200 4540-1 OO-758 Pegc' gEEcr.l RoBEY coNTtNEflTAL qOWEREDAtRPLAI|ES 66HP TO IOOHP AIRPI,ANE H.P. AIRPLANE H.P. Aeronca ?AC Serles 65 Lusoombc 8D 75 Aeronca ?EC Serles .* n5 Moonav MI RC -M] RC55 Ati cessna Lzo 85-9C Mooncy *;r 85 Cessna 14Or14OA 90 Plper. J5 65 firlver V 85 Plper J4A 65 Culver LCA ** g5 P{narr fFA tt6 Ercoupe 415 C 66i75 Stlnson 10 ?5-8O Ercoupo E-G 85 Supenlor SateIllte 90 Luscombe 8E 65 Sr!.ft. CCIA 85 ,Luscombe8C ?5 Taylorcraft BC 65 Note I: ModeI ROOSPropellen appllcable to all alrplanes- I1stcd,. Flangc shaft nequires flange adapten. * STC Appr"oval ** ACA 55? Approval t Page 1 FLOTTORP FIXED PITCH REC0I'{MENDED AIRPLANE MODEL ENclr\Ig HP PROPELLER J|eronga oOLrrOOUArbDfU, Conblnen bal_ 6 72A,48,?2A50 65IACrO-59,L-3 7LC,11AC Aenonca s-65C,S65CA, STAC Contlnental A6b 74A,46 Aeronca sllAC Contlnenbal A65 65 72A46,72A,48 Aeronca 65LA, 65LB, 65 IL 65 8AL Lvcomlnp fL]45-B 65 Fg't,42 AqT.d.4 Aeronca 65 IF, 65 IFA Franklln 4AC-176-B 65 72K48 r7?.K5O Aenonca 118C Sontlnental CBb B5 721\46 Aeronca ?DC,S?DC r72L48 |?BCM, lontlnental CBs 85 72A44r72L46 llCC rSIIBC , sllcc Aeronca ?cctrIrsTccMr Tuc Contlnenfal CgO 90 72A5O,72L52 Aeronca 15AC Contlnental C14br45 74C,50,74C52 BelIa nda 14-13 Franklln 6A4-150-85 150 74C66r74C68 Cessna 120,140 Contlnental Cgb 85 74A48r?4A50 Cessna 12O,140 Contlnental CgO 90 74"\49,74L6O Cessna I?O Contlnental C14.5145 74C56 Commonwoalth185 Contlnental CBb 85 74A48 Culver Cadat LCA Contlnental A?b 75 69A54 Culver CadebLFA Fnanklln 4AC-199-E80-90 70i$52 -?oKAs4 Encoupe 4L5C Cont lnenta 1 465 65 72A50 Ercoupe 415C,415D Contlnental CYS 75 ?4A51\ Ercoupe E Contlnental Cgs 85 ?4A50 fnter sta te SIA Contlnental A6b 65 72A+8,72A50 Inter state S 1A65F Franklln 4AC-176-B 65 72K50 Lus cornbe 8A Sontinental A6b 74A4B r74A5O Luscombe Bil Seaplane Ar\ Oontlnental A6b 7 4A46 , Lusconbe 83 Lyeomlng O-I45-B 65 69L44,69L46 Luseonbe BCrBD Sonblnenbal A?b 75 69A50 Luscomhe BE lonblnen bal CBb B5 72A48,72A5O Lus eo;rbe Blt' lontinen ba1 CgO 9c) 72AF'2 Ivloonoy IJ]I[JL Lycomlng 0-14b-Bz 65 63L60 Mooney Mlrlc lontlnental A6b 65 65A64,65A66 Plper JSC6SrPAIl lontinental A6b 65 72A48 Plper J5C65S lontinental A65 65 74A46 P{ nan J 4A rPAl? lonblnental A6b 65 72A48,72A1Q Piper J3 C6SrDuster lontlnental A65 65 72A44,72A46 Plper J3L65,J4F' ,yconlng 0-14b-B 65 69L42,69L44 P { nar Pr l5 ,ycomlnn O- l_45-B 65 69L44 - 69L46 Plper ,T2K48 J3F65 Franklln 4AC-I7O-B165 Plper J5C?S Dusber Contlnental A?b 75 69A46 Plpor J5C85 Drsten Contlnental CBb 85 72A42,72A44 Plper J4E, J5A Sontlnentel AYb 75 72A46 Plper PAll rPAlRrPAlg SonttnenteL CgO 90 72A5Or7?,A62 Plpen JSCrAElrffiI Lycomlng O-Zgs 100 74B4gr74B5O Plper PA12 Lycoralng O-255-C 100 74848174850 Plpen PA12 Lyeonlng O-zgb-Cl 108 7485Or748,52 Plper "ycomtng O-255-Cl 108 738,52.73854 Plper Ffl6;Ftls Jycomlng O-25F-C1 108 74B4€-'|74B50 Prgr 6 FLOTTORP- CONTINUED RBCOMUEtrDED AIRPI,ASE --EP PBOPELI,ER O-2gO-D L25 Ponterfleld ontlnental 465' 65 72Aa[8;{8{50 PorterfleLd O-1{5-B 65 Pontcrfleld, FP65 4AC-176-8 65 48r72K50 Porterf lel-d 75C Contlnental ' l?6 75 Stlnson L0a 4AC-L99-8 90 ?fIKL,s rt2KA49 Stlngon 108 644-1 51-851 150 68EC55,76g.C57 Stlnson 1@ r 108- L 644-150-BS 150 6CC55, ?6CC57 Stlncon t@ r 1o8-1 644-t_50-85 150 6CC51r?6CC5g Stlnson 108-2, L0g-5 Fnanklln 6A4-L65-85 165 6CC55r76CC56 Stlnson 108-2r 1@-5 Franklln 644-165-85 I65 ?6CC51r76CC55 Taylororaft 5,8C1265, t 2DrBCIzDl, 99 rbzrDoo- 65 Contlnental 465 65 72A4g r72h50 TayLorcnaft 65rBCS1265, lzDrBCSlzDL Contlnental 465 65 Taylorcraft 5r8F1265, hanklln 4AC-1?6-B 65 48,7A(50 !ayloncnaft ,BL1265, Dyconlng O-145-B 65 Tayloncnaft Contlnental cg5 85 IIOTE:1.A11mod€Ls equlpped rlth stalnress steer tlpplng, avatlablo ln Plastlo Armor coatlng or naturaL varnlsh fln1sh.
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