Adarachê Maiê Mother of Help Type: Hymn Source: Gaionacho Jhelo, 1995 edition, T-3, p. 204 Lyrics: Traditional Music: Francisco Quadros, Bastora, Bardez, Goa Publisher: Goychi Sevadhormik Somoti (Pastoral Institute), Old Goa, Goa 403 402 Translated by: Alfred Noronha, Pandavaddo, Chorão, Goa 403 102. August 2005 Adarachê Maiê, Mother of Help, Tum gê Maiê mogallê, Oh Loving Mother, pav amkam Tum, samball amkam Tum, help us in our needs and take care of us, sanddum naka gê mornnachea vellar. do not forsake us at the hour of our death. Adlem Voros sorun gelem The Old Year is over Type: Hymn Source: Gaionacho Jhelo, 1995 edition, W-1, p. 261 Lyrics: Alcantara Barros, Velim, Salcete, Goa Music: Alcantara Barros, Velim, Salcete, Goa Publisher: Goychi Sevadhormik Somoti (Pastoral Institute), Old Goa, Goa 403 402 Translated by: Alfred Noronha, Pandavaddo, Chorão, Goa 403 102. August 2005 Adlem Voros sorun gelem, mogall Bapa; The Old Year is over, loving Father; Novem Voros suru zalem, mogall Bapa; the New Year has begun, loving Father; Sasonn amchem lagim pavlem, mogall Bapa; Our eternity is nearer, loving Father; Tujê-oslo Bapui amkam mellnam! we can never get a Father like you! Tum chôdd boro, Tum chôdd udar, mogall Bapa; You are good, and very generous, loving Father; Tuje upkar amcher vhanvtat, mogall Bapa; your favours are pouring on us, loving Father; Tujea mogan amkam pôstai, mogall Bapa; you are sustaining us in Your love, loving Father; Tujê-oslo Bapui amkam mellnam! we cannot get a Father like You! Sukh ani dukh Tujim dennim, mogall Bapa; Happiness and sorrow are Your gifts, loving Father; sogllench Tujem moga-dennem, mogall Bapa; all is Your loving gift, loving Father; Tujea mogak gaion kortanv, mogall Bapa; we sing a song to Your love, loving Father Tujê-oslo Bapui amkam mellnam! we cannot get a Father like You! Tujea gopant amkam dov´rtai, mogall Bapa; You keep us in Your embrace, loving Father; sorgak amkam toiar kortai, mogall Bapa; You are preparing us for heavenly life, loving Father; Tujea sukhak amkam vhortai, mogall Bapa; you are leading us to the happiness which you have prepared for us, loving Father; Tujê-oslo Bapui amkam mellnam! we cannot get a Father like You! Tujê mhoimek voros vôptanv, mogall Bapa; We are offering this year to Your glory, loving Father; Tujea hatant amchem jivit, mogall Bapa; our life is in Your hands, loving Father; Tujê xantin voros kaddtanv, mogall Bapa; we are going through this year, in Your peace, loving Father; Tujê-oslo Bapui amkam mellnam! we will never get a Father like You! Amam-patkiank az denvun aili All sinners have received today Type: Hymn Source: Gaionacho Jhelo 1995 edition, H-1, p. 106 Lyrics: Music: Publisher: Goychi Sevadhormik Somoti (Pastoral Institute), Old Goa, Goa 403 402 Translated by: Alfred Noronha, Pandavaddo, Chorão, Goa 403 102. August 2005 Amam patkiank az denvun aili All sinners have received today, sogllê prithumer khori xanti: true peace, the world over: xanti Devachi Jezun haddli! Jesus brought us the peace of God! Refrain: Akhê prithver az doiall mollban The kindly firmament has today, zomin bhizoili mhonva-pausan, quenched the parched earth, with honey rain, kallzam buzoilim Deva-mogan ! our hearts were comforted with God’s love ! Adleam kallam thaun toiar kel’lo Prepared from the beginning of time, Novea tar’nnacho dis udelo, the new order of life has dawned, Sasnnik sukhacho dis porzoll’lo ! the eternal light of happiness has shone ! Amchê bhitôr ravta Lives within us Type: Hymn Source: Gaionacho Jhelo, 1995 edition, M-4, p. 153 Lyrics: Vasco do Rego, Panaji, Ilhas, Goa Music: Pascoal Lopes, Calangute, Bardez, Goa. Publisher: Goychi Sevadhormik Somoti (Pastoral Institute), Old Goa, Goa 403 402 Translated by: Alfred Noronha, Pandavaddo, Chorão, Goa 403 102. August 2005 Amchê bhitor ravta Lives within us Deva Povitr Atmo: God´s Holy Spirit, amchea kallzant pettla in our hearts is ablaze Tacho moga-uzo ! the fire of His love ! Povitr Atmo ailo; The Holy Spirit came, Jezun bhasailolem as promised by Jesus, sorginchem boll atam happiness from Heaven bhorten amcher denvlem! descended on us in abundance ! Jezuk diuncheak govai To bear witness to Jesus, prithvê-ximam porian until the end of time, Tache dhirvont sakxi keleant amkam Atmean. the Holy Spirit has made us His ardent witnesses. Amchê bori rav Tum, Somia Stay with us, O Lord Type: Hymn Source: Gaionacho Jhelo 1995 edition, E-1, p. 76 Lyrics: Lino de Sa, Betalbatim, Salcete, Goa Music: Version 1: Maurelio Cotta, Margão, Salcete, Goa Version 2: Bernardo Cota, Santa Cruz, Ilhas, Goa Publisher: Goychi Sevadhormik Somoti (Pastoral Institute), Old Goa, Goa 403 402 Translated by: Alfred Noronha, Pandavaddo, Chorão, Goa 403 102. August 2005 Refrain: Amchê bori rav Tum, Somia, Stay with us, O Lord, anond amkam, Al’leluia! joy for us, Allelluia! Somia, Gonv Tum gonvam modlo, You are the wheat O Lord, among all wheat, sorga-Unddo Bapan dil’lo: you are the Bread from heaven, which the Father has given: osoktank Tum dhottai-dinno, You are the strength of the weak, piddestank Tum vokhta-pelo. You are a solace for the weak. Somia, Put Tum Devagelo, Lord, you are the Son of God, jivitacho sasnnik thevo; you are our eternal rest; ojapanchem Tujem asnnem Your being is miraculous, dukhest kallzant sukha-jinnem. for sorrowing hearts you give joy. Amche don hat ubarun Raising both our hands Type: Hymn Source: Gaionacho Jhelo, 1995 edition, C-1, p. 28 Lyrics: Lino de Sa, Betalbatim, Salcete, Goa Music: Version 1: Lino de Sa, Betalbatim, Salcete, Goa Version 2: Bernardo Cota, Santa Cruz, Ilhas, Goa Publisher: Goychi Sevadhormik Somoti (Pastoral Institute), Old Goa, Goa 403 402 Translated by: Alfred Noronha, Pandavaddo, Chorão, Goa 403 102. August 2005 Refrain: Amche don hat ubarun Raising both our hands, Sorvesporak bhettoum-ia. let us make our offering to our Lord. Amche dolle ubarun Lifting up our eyes, Deva-vavru polleum-ia. let us see the works of our Lord. Amchem kalliz ubarun Lifting up our hearts, Deva-Kallzak mellum-ia. let us align it with God’s heart. Tachea moga sarko zaunk To be a love like His, amcho môgu vopum-ia. let us deepen our love. Dhonia, Tujeach boreponnan O Lord, only with your benevolence, haddtanv unddea-sorea danam: the gift of bread and wine we bring, zat’lim rokddinch atam amkam which will immediately be for us, Jivit-divpi khannam-piv’nnam. life-giving food and drink. Udka-thembo soreant ghalcho Let us add a drop of water to the wine, gurt amchea monisponnacho; a symbol of our human being; misôll tancho amkam zauncho This union should be for us vantto Tujea Devponnacho. a share in Your Divine Being. Amchê lagim Dev uloila God has spoken to us Type: Hymn Source: Gaionacho Jhelo, 1995 edition, B-1, p. 21 Lyrics: Lino de Sa, Betalbatim, Salcete, Goa Music: Luis Cotta, Santa Cruz, Ilhas, Goa Publisher: Goychi Sevadhormik Somoti (Pastoral Institute), Old Goa, Goa 403 402 Translated by: Alfred Noronha, Pandavaddo, Chorão, Goa 403 102. August 2005 Refrain: Amchê lagim Dev uloila, God has spoken to us, amcho zobab aikunk ravla; He is waiting to hear our reply. sorv porzamnô, tumi uttha, Wake (rise) up all you nations, Sorvesporak vhoddlean sanga: proclaim the Lord with a loud voice: Deva amchea, Tum kitlo boro ! Lord our God, You are so good! Tujem Utor kurpe-zhoro. Your word is a fountain of grace. Tujê khuxek kalliz vôlltanv, Our hearts are leaning towards You, Tujeam kaideank dhean-mon laitanv. we direct our mind and soul to your commandments. Deva amchea, Tum jinnê-Rosto! Our God, You are the straight path! Tujem Utor ujea-divo, Your word is a source of light, Tujeach panvlant panvlam martanv, we walk in your foodsteps, kallkant sanddlear Tukach sôdtanv. we will reach out to You, even if we are left in the dark. Amchê modem denvun Tum ie Come down amongst us Type: Hymn Source: Gaionacho Jhelo 1995 edition, G-1, p. 97 Lyrics: Music: Publisher: Goychi Sevadhormik Somoti (Pastoral Institute), Old Goa, Goa 403 402 Translated by: Alfred Noronha, Pandavaddo, Chorão, Goa 403 102. August 2005 Refrain: Im’manuel Im’manuel Em’manuel, Em’manuel Amchê modem denvum Tum ie. Come down and dwell amongst us. Sasnna-zannvai gheun Tum ie Bring us your eternal wisdom, sogllem zagear ghalunk Tum ie. come and put everything in its proper place. Videsantlim amkam soddoi, Free us from bondage, patka-podvi sasnnak haroi. forever get rid of our sin of pride. Ghaiall soimbak okhod labhoi, …… dukhest zal’leank buzvonn pavoi. bring comfort to those in pain. Sorga-marôg dakhoi amkam, Show us the way to heaven, hich vatt tankunk boll di amkam. give us the strength to follow only that road. Amchê modim ailo porto Came back among us Type: Hymn Source: Gaionancho Jhelo 1995 edition, K-1, p. 139 Lyrics: Lino de Sa, Betalbatim, Salcete, Goa Music: Version 1: Lino de Sa, Betalbatim, Salcete, Goa Version 2: Abrão de Souza, Siolim, Bardez, Goa Version 3: João Francisco Goes, Chinchinim, Salcete, Goa Version 4: Agnelo de Souza, Pilar, Ilhas, Goa Publisher: Goychi Sevadhormik Somoti (Pastoral Institute), Old Goa, Goa 403 402 Translated by: Alfred Noronha, Pandavaddo, Chorão, Goa 403 102. August 2005 Refrain: Jezu Somi jivont zalo Our Lord Jesus rose again, amchê modim ailo porto ! and came back among us! Zalo monis, roddlo dukham He became man, He cried tears, dhortorechim soddlim sukham: lef tabounded all comfort: mornnacher zoitu zoddun, By conquering death, kallkacho fonddu foddun, by breaking away fromthe dark grave, Jezu ailo porzollit ! Jesus came forth glorious! Amche ghave gele pekun, Our wounds were healed, sogllim dukham gelim sukun: all our tears were wiped dry: patkachê ratikodde In the darkness of sin, khile zale kurpê-kolle, nails became buds of grace, ful’le kolle pormollit ! and the buds bloomed full of fragrance! Amchea bhavan Our Brother Type: Hymn Source: Gaionacho Jhelo, 1995 edition, V-1, 251 Lyrics: Vasco do Rego, Panaji, Ilhas, Goa Music: Alcantara Barros, Velim, Salcete, Goa Publisher: Goychi Sevadhormik Somoti (Pastoral Institute), Old Goa, Goa 403 402 Translated by: Alfred Noronha, Pandavaddo, Chorão, Goa 403 102.
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