Dædalus coming up in Dædalus: The Modern American David M. Kennedy, Lawrence Freedman, David Segal & Lawrence Military Korb, Robert L. Goldich, Andrew Bacevich, James Sheehan, Brian Dædalus Linn, Deborah Avant & Renée de Nevers, Thomas Mahnken, Jonathan Shay, Charles J. Dunlap, Eugene Fidell, Martha McSally, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences William J. Perry, Jay M. Winter, and others Spring 2011 Protecting the Internet David Clark, Vinton G. Cerf, Kay Lehman Schlozman, Sidney Verba Spring 2011: Race, Inequality & Culture, volume 2 Inequality & Culture, Spring 2011: Race, as a Public Commons & Henry E. Brady, R. Kelly Garrett & Paul Resnick, L. Jean Camp, Deirdre Mulligan & Fred B. Schneider, John Horrigan, Lee Sproull, Race, Lawrence D. Bobo Somewhere between Jim Crow & Post-Racialism 11 Helen Nissenbaum, Coye Cheshire, and others Inequality Douglas S. Massey The Past & Future of American Civil Rights 37 & Culture, volume 2 William Julius Wilson The Declining Signi½cance of Race: The American Denis Donoghue, Rolena Adorno, Gish Jen, E. L. Doctorow, David Revisited & Revised 55 Narratives Levering Lewis, Jay Parini, Michael Wood, William Chafe, Philip James J. Heckman A Post-Racial Strategy for Improving Skills Fisher, Craig Calhoun, Larry Tribe, Peter Brooks, David A. Hollinger, to Promote Equality 70 and others Richard E. Nisbett The Achievement Gap: Past, Present & Future 90 Michael J. Klarman Has the Supreme Court Been More a Friend or Foe to African Americans? 101 plus The Alternative Energy Future, Public Opinion, Daniel Sabbagh Af½rmative Action in Comparative Perspective 109 The Common Good, Immigration & the Future of America &c. Rogers M. Smith, Desmond S. King & Philip A. Klinkner Barack Obama & American Racial Politics 121 Taeku Lee Post-Racial & Pan-Racial Politics 136 Jennifer L. Hochschild, Vesla M. Weaver & Traci Burch Destabilizing the American Racial Order 151 Jennifer A. Richeson & Maureen A. Craig Intra-minority Intergroup Relations 166 Marcyliena Morgan & Dionne Bennett Hip-Hop & Its Global Imprint 176 Cathy J. Cohen Millennials & the Post-Racial Myth 197 Alford A. Young, Jr. The Black Masculinities of Barack Obama 206 Roger Waldinger Immigration: The New American Dilemma 215 Martha Biondi African American Studies: Then & Now 226 U.S. $13; www.amacad.org Cherishing Knowledge · Shaping the Future Inside front cover: After signing the Civil Rights Act on July 2, 1964, President Johnson shakes hands with civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. Photograph © Bettmann/Corbis. Police of½cers search African American youths in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles on March 15, 1966, following a racial flare-up. Ear- lier, Watts had been siezed by six days of riot- ing in August 1965, also the result of racial ten- sions. Photograph © Bettmann/Corbis. Lawrence D. Bobo, Guest Editor Phyllis S. Bendell, Managing Editor and Director of Publications D Micah J. Buis, Associate Editor Erica Dorpalen, Editorial Assistant Board of advisers Steven Marcus, Editor of the Academy Rosanna Warren, Poetry Adviser Committee on Publications Jerome Kagan, Chair, Jesse H. Choper, Denis Donoghue, Gerald Early, Linda Greenhouse, Jerrold Meinwald; ex of½cio: Leslie Cohen Berlowitz Dædalus is designed by Alvin Eisenman. Correction: In his essay for the Winter 2011 issue of Dædalus (vol. 140, no. 1, pp. 125–130), Clarence E. Walker wrote: “Cohn denied he was gay and actively perse- cuted gays during the Army-McCarthy hearings. Brock, like Cohn, was a closeted gay conservative activist who made a reputation smearing liberal politicians and black women. Brock came out of the closet after he found the conservative move- ment’s homophobia intolerable.” Walker has requested a correction to that text as follows: “Cohn denied he was gay. Brock, like Cohn, was a closeted right-wing gay activist. Brock came out of the closet after he found the conservative move- ment’s homophobia intolerable.” Dædalus Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences Design for the hedge maze is by Johan Vredeman de Vries, from Hortorum viridariorumque elegantes & multiplices formae: ad architectonicae artis normam affabre delineatae (Cologne, 1615). Dædalus was founded in 1955 and established as a quarterly in 1958. The journal’s namesake was renowned in ancient Greece as an inventor, scien- tist, and unriddler of riddles. Its emblem, a maze seen from above, symbol- izes the aspiration of its founders to “lift each of us above his cell in the lab- yrinth of learning in order that he may see the entire structure as if from above, where each separate part loses its comfortable separateness.” The American Academy of Arts & Sciences, like its journal, brings togeth- er distinguished individuals from every ½eld of human endeavor. It was chartered in 1780 as a forum “to cultivate every art and science which may tend to advance the interest, honour, dignity, and happiness of a free, inde- pendent, and virtuous people.” Now in its third century, the Academy, with its nearly ½ve thousand elected members, continues to provide intellectual leadership to meet the critical challenges facing our world. Dædalus Spring 2011 Subscription rates: Electronic only for non- Issued as Volume 140, Number 2 member individuals–$43; institutions–$113. Canadians add 5% gst. Print and electronic © 2011 by the American Academy for nonmember individuals–$48; institu- of Arts & Sciences tions–$126. Canadians add 5% gst. Outside Controversial Blackness: The Historical the United States and Canada add $23 for Development & Future Trajectory of postage and handling. Prices subject to change African American Studies without notice. © 2011 by Martha Biondi Institutional subscriptions are on a volume- Editorial of½ces: Dædalus, Norton’s Woods, year basis. All other subscriptions begin with 136 Irving Street, Cambridge ma 02138. the next available issue. Phone: 617 491 2600. Fax: 617 576 5088. Email: [email protected]. Single issues: $13 for individuals; $33 for insti- tutions. Outside the United States and Canada Library of Congress Catalog No. 12-30299 add $6 per issue for postage and handling. isbn 978-0-262-75111-7 Prices subject to change without notice. Dædalus publishes by invitation only and as- Claims for missing issues will be honored free sumes no responsibility for unsolicited manu- of charge if made within three months of the scripts. The views expressed are those of the publication date of the issue. Claims may be author of each article, and not necessarily of submitted to [email protected]. Mem- the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. bers of the American Academy please direct all questions and claims to [email protected]. Dædalus (issn 0011-5266; e-issn 1548-6192) is published quarterly (winter, spring, summer, Advertising and mailing-list inquiries may be fall) by The mit Press, Cambridge ma 02142, addressed to Marketing Department, mit for the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. Press Journals, 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge An electronic full-text version of Dædalus is ma 02142. Phone: 617 253 2866. Fax: 617 253 available from The mit Press. Subscription 1709. Email: [email protected]. and address changes should be addressed to Permission to photocopy articles for internal mit Press Journals, 55 Hayward Street, or personal use is granted by the copyright Cambridge ma 02142. Phone: 617 253 2889; owner for users registered with the Copyright u.s./Canada 800 207 8354. Fax: 617 577 1545. 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The typeface is Cycles, designed by Sumner Stone at the Stone Type Foundry of Guinda ca. Each size of Cycles has been sep arately designed in the tradition of metal types. In this issue Somewhere between Jim Crow & Post-Racialism: Reflections on the Racial Divide in America Today by Lawrence D. Bobo . 11 In 1965, when Dædalus published two issues on “The Negro American,” civil rights in the United States had experienced a series of triumphs and setbacks. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 extended basic citizenship rights to African Ameri- cans, and there was hope for further positive change. Yet 1965 also saw violent confronta- tions in Selma, Alabama, and the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles that were fueled by racial tensions. Against this backdrop of progress and retreat, the contributors to the Dæda- lus volumes of the mid-1960s considered how socioeconomic factors affected the prosperi- ty, well-being, and social standing of African Americans. Guest editor Lawrence D. Bobo suggests that today we inhabit a similarly unsettled place: situated somewhere between the overt discrimination of Jim Crow and the aspiration of full racial equality. In his intro- duction, Bobo paints a broad picture of the racial terrain in America today before turning the volume over to the contributors, who take up particular questions ranging from educa- tion and family support, to racial identity and politics, to employment and immigration. The Past & Future of American Civil Rights by Douglas S. Massey. 37 Although American society will not become race-blind anytime soon, the meaning of race is changing, and processes of racial formation now are quite different than those prevailing just two generations ago.
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