POVERTY AFFECTS THE LIVES OF History THE GENESIS OF OLYMPIC MATTERS IN CHINA (1895-1948) China can be traced to 1895.^ Some he purpose of this text is to by Pei Dongguang* trace the formation and months before the first modern Tearly development of the Olympic Games were opened in Chinese Olympic Movement, an Greece in the spring of 1896, the evolution which is documented Ging government received an invita­ by historical incidents that are tion sent to them through the hardly known in the Western French Embassy. This government world. had never heard of the Olympic Games.^ No reaction from China Origins of international sport in was forthcoming. China In fact, long before the Olympic The history of China is long, event­ Movement finally became rooted ful, and illustrious. Evidence exists in China, there already existed that inhabitants formed villages some forms of Western sport, some 6,000 years ago. The devel­ underscored by Western sport most of which were reflective of opment of a writing system of idio- which, in the eyes of progressive military exercises (1840-1911). graphic characters can be traced to Chinese, had incomparable advan­ Such exercises developed rapidly almost 4,000 years past. However, tages over traditional Chinese and widely, for they meshed with the China's geographical separation sports. Chinese martial spirit and the tradi­ from Western cultures and its inten­ Ancient China had no term corre­ tional Chinese ideal of a unified tional isolation from its neighbours sponding to the term "gymnastics" regime known as the "Central have obscured information about employed, for instance, in ancient Kingdom." Though the Central Chinese civilisation, even in recent Greece, and not have organised Kingdom's political authority had times. games resembling the original deteriorated by the end of the XIX FOOTBALL PLAYERS. China was closed to the outside Olympics. However, this is not to century, much of its cultural values world until the Opium Wars com­ say that the ancient Chinese pos­ remained intact, including disposi­ Whal's more surprising: the fact that we now live in a world where almost a c:i:,:)rii;: mencing in 1840.' The treaties sessed nothing resembling sport. tion towards physical exercises of a he population live in absolute poverty? Or the fact that for the first time ever, we i resulting from the Opium Wars pro­ Terms which originated in early military nature. Western sport prac­ vided Westerners with freer access times, such as Wu Young (martial tices which were not perceived to wealth, technology and knowledge to create a poverty free world in less than a yer.:-";! to China than had ever been the valour), Quanyoug (boxing valour), have direct military value and did case before. During this period, Xi (game), JiJi (art of attacl<ing) and not reinforce Chinese feudal values sport in China, like China itself, Yang Sheng (the art of keeping it), were not encouraged. After the Xi Ronaldo and Zidane are supporting educational activities in Kosovo and :: underwent great change. Western give evidence of a thriving physical Hai Revolution of 1911 and the -ÎI ot Use UNDP "Teams to End Poverty" campaign. Improving access to education ; ; oi • sports were introduced into China culture expressed in numerous founding of a national government, China became a semi-capitalist, 3v we ca!5 end poverty. Educational programmes and vocational training will sru-k- from Europe, America and Japan. forms. The most distinguishing Conflict resulted between Western characteristic of these forms was semi-democratic nation. Many : to creai.e and find jobs, improve health care, farming and trade, as well as dev:-;0::';. sport and Chinese traditional sport. that each was closely associated aspects of Western culture began to ipoi [unities for men, women and children. With these conflicts some Chinese with a form of cultural institution, penetrate China. Conception of realised that traditional Chinese cul­ such as military training rituals, sac­ physical education, in fact, knowl­ We're closer to ending world poverty than you might think. Find out now yn-u vr i ture and associated sport forms and rifices, medical treatment and artis­ edge of the Olympic Games, began jmpany or organisation can make a difference by contacting UNDP or by lonn^' p values no longer fitted the needs of tic creation. Chinese traditional to appear in China. Gradually, the country's rapid development. To sports were strongly reinforced by Chinese people began to become J :iv ;t's'" nEndP0verty.org or www.netaid.org. some. Western sport met modern the country's economy, politics, cul­ aware of Western physical educa­ development requirements. Chinese tion practices. UNITED NATIONS ture and body doctrine. 1rn tp DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME sport, in time, became heavily The beginning of Olympic history in By the end of the 19th century, the UNDP, Palais des Nations, CH-1211, Geneva 10, Switzerland Everyone will be richer ivit! 45 Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library History History YMCA (Young Men's Christian between China and the times.In 1912 William meeting ever held in China, Association) Inad become an Philippines was estab­ Tutherly, Frank. L. Cron, and thus, from a Chinese effective agent in promoting lished. Resulting from and Elwood S. Brown point of view, is considered Western sports and physical the Spanish-American announced that they would the most significant event education in many Asian coun­ War at the end of expand upon previous ath­ in the entire series of FEGs. tries, including the construc­ the XIX century, the letics at the Carnival and This event had the strong tion and installation of sporting Philippine Islands were hold a formal international support of Chinese official­ grounds and facilities, organi­ reduced to little more athletic meet in conjunc­ dom. On the organising sation of sporting competi­ than being an American tion with the next carnival committee (headed by J.H. tions, and providing of sporting colony by 1901. in February of 1913. Crocker of the YMCA) were specialists. In 1924 a group American culture pene­ Arising from their organisa­ such illustrious Chinese as of Chinese men were sent trated the Philippines, tional efforts was the first Wu Ting-fang (onetime to Springfield College in one aspect of which edition of the FEGs in Chinese Minister to the Massachusetts (United States) was sport. Proposed by February 1913. The estab­ United states) and T'ang to study physical education. Elwood S. Brown, sent lishment of the FEGs Shao-yi (Premier of the Included in the group were to the Philippines by the organising committee in Republic of China).'® The Hoh Gun Sun, Ma John, and Chicago YMCA as sport 1912 was approved by the attitude of the Chinese Tung Shou Yi,^ who all played secretary in 1910, the IOC and supported by its leaders toward the FEGs is significant roles in the develop­ Philippines Amateur President, Pierre de illustrated by the reply of ment of the Western sports in Athletic Federation Coubertin. The IOC sent a several government minis­ China. (PAAF) was formed and representative to help ters to the question posed The first YMCA was founded in Brown himself presided direct the first FEGs.'® The by YMCA officials: "Can we Shanghai in 1876,^ others were over the Federation.'^ FEAA was not only the ear­ count on your support for established throughout China, In September 1911, liest regional sports organi­ such a movement?" "It Is many of them under the direc­ Brown visited China to sation, but also the first not a question for us to tion of sports-minded secre­ put forward a proposal regional association to gain decide. You are doing so taries and physical directors to establish a Far East official recognition from the much for the young men of "Polo player", (painted terracotta from the Tang era, Gulmet Museum). "Chess piece", (Chinese Ceramic, Gulmet Museum). from the United States. Olympic Committee IOC. This occurred in China that it is our duty to Chinese youngsters became (FEOC) and to stage Far 1920." As requested by help you. We want our men acquainted with the Western sports. track and field meeting; a national East Olympic Games (FEGs) in Asia. the IOC, the Far Eastern of China's colleges and universi­ to have strong bodies, and your Sport activity spread to many of the tennis tournament; a national soc­ Brown's proposal was approved by Championship Games were known ties.^^ China's best performances work will do more to make this pos­ church-affiliated schools though the cer tournament; and a national bas­ both Chinese and Japanese offi­ originally as the Far Eastern Olympic were in the decathlon (first and sec­ sible than any plan that we could government schools at first lagged ketball tournament.'This meet was cials.''' As a result, the Far East Games. The word "Olympic" was ond places), 120 yard high hurdles think of or carry out. " behind in this respect, a gradual considered a success, featuring a Athletic Association (FEAA) was subsequently changed to (first and second), running broad Financial support from government change occurred between 1910 and daily average attendance of some established with the Chinese Wu "Championship" before the 1915 jump (first), and running high jump officials was not lacking either. For 1920 as the YMCA began to initiate 40,000.® It was sponsored by the Ting-fang as President, Elwood S. Games.'® (first).'® instance. President Yuan Shih-kai sports programs in government YMCAs and a group of university Brown as Secretary, and J. H. The first FEGs proved to be a great A newspaper commented on the donated 2000 silver dollars for the schools. athletic associations which con­ Crocker, Physical Director of the success. Over 150,000 people paid meeting: "The greatest athletic 2nd edition, plus an additional 500 From the growth of the YMCA sisted of 25 members representing YMCA system in China, as their way into the carnival ground in meeting ever heid In the Orient was to bring a baseball team of overseas movement in China evolved the first the cities of Shanghai, Naijing, Treasurer.
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