Complete Local News Of A Population Of THE WEATHER 1 8 ,5 2 4 ^ilteidc Simcs OflUo# at Bliiabeth, N«w Jersey, under the Act of March I,. 1171, VQ.L_.XVI, No- 822 HILLSIDE. N. L, THURSDAY. H11..Y 7.5 1040 -V- PRICE FIVE CENTS RETURNS BY PLANE RALPH NI-GKERSGNiS~- “ FROM ELRS PARLEY (t. O P. Backs FRACTURES FINGER Seek Cost WIDOW DEAD AT 63 tfee Of Pistol AS MONUMENT FALLS Edward A. Ziiahy, exalted ruler of Hillside ledge p , r>' unv.g McLean Stand Services were held this morning Range Offered _ Robert McGhee, of 1260 Nor© State Agrees retained home Sunday by airplane at K). o'clock at the Cblbfiial Home, Broad; street; Friday ~ fractured ~a In Laying from Houston, Texas, where he a t­ East Orange, for Mrs. Edith Amelia Anger on his right hand when a tended sessions of the Grand lodge Against T V A North Nickerson, 83,~df 249 South Local Police monument he was erecting in a convention last week. Joseph o . Arlington "avenue, East Orange, who Newark cemetery fell. Newark po.- Bii© of Tfentoti was elected! as died a t her home early Tuesday fol­ lice investigated the mishap. Mc­ lowing a ’long illness.. Burial will To Supply Aid grand exalted rider, the first resi­ Held Unnecessary Due to Ghee was treated a t St. Michael’s lewDrain dent of New Jersey to winjhe post. be in East Berlin, Conn. planned to Increase De- Hospital, Newark. Lack of Water for Dams Mrs. Nickerson was bom in East partment Efficiency lar August meeting next Thursday Already Existing u .. one, uvea hUrS" 24 ySUl'S UP'-' Directed to Pre- evening. ----- fore moving-to East Orange about With Radio Cars p r in e e three years ago. She was the widow To Inaugurate For 2 Streets ieni- Plan for a Sewer ©f-Be^h-Waldo^4cker8onT member .public Safety Chairman Harry R. In Beechwood Place ganizatlon, Incr; nr-which Tax As­ df th e Board of Education who died Vogel announced* - last night that sessor Robert J. McNair is president, several years ago while still holding members of the police department Police Radio COLLAPSES AT HIS' Approves Applications (o War Veterans iwt ■ .Thursday night backed the office. Slie leaves-t^o sons, Ralph so<jm will begin to make use of a Pave Sweetland Avenue, qbjectioKs HAVE I stand of Representative Donald H. Waldo Nickerson, Jr.,, of Hillside, shooting range in the basement _of BUSINESS, DIES Mekfian^ortithfi: TVA^ airorormi&tiQp the_Mayfair Theflhrp T^nllHlrig, 1 dfift Gleenwood or Ramsey prevented actio n and~:Stanley ..,Iteb h - Nickeraftn, -or Rename Post Issue “in Congress'. The session was Ofange; a bro'ther," Albert A. N^th-^-Broad stFoet,—thrmigh t.be Installation Expected to ""TTSTik'liiiseck, .proprietor of the held in the new municipal building North, and a sister, Miss Gertrude courtesy of the theatre manage- RgConiplete Saturday; Liberty-- Pari^-Bft^-and'-G^l-l-atc 4144 MUIR SEES WATER Township Engineer Henry Kreh, atJ^ew-..-BroyidencaJCawn^$L---The ,-J^to,J3ath of East. Berlin,., and. meut. Liberty avenue for the past five ■ last -night was the Formal Rededidation Held BsoTutibii' on McLean read'as fo£* granddaughter; Ijocal pbllce fOT sbme tm p have Cars Are EQuipped yearsr-died—Sunday-night in Eliza? BILL DEAD ISSUE TowiitolP Cuiimatwe-iso-prepatyagd As Davenport Family been- -handicapped- 4n—haying—or«- betli General Hospital where he had a. ofltline of probable costs “The Union County Republican ganlzed shooting practice due to .the Official—operation—of—-H*lialde-’s: been -temoved^-Saturday—afternoon State^aliipwhlch-generftlly-i Involved ..settling ©e problem of Presents Two Flags Organization, Inc., heartily indorses laSk of any range" ~in“HillsiS6; poii©er-two-way--r-adio- system, -probx, when he collapsed at his establish­ to 90 per cent of the cost of the replacing : sewer in. J3eechwood the stand of Congressman Donald1 Autoist Fined though members of the department ably will commence Saturday, Chief ment. improvement, has been approved by illce carrying Bptt.; sanitary :$$,i; Formal reSeSie&ilqn "of Hliiside H. McLean in opposing the* TYA* have made use of other ranges at Norman L. Sanford_ announced yes­ Services were held- yesterday the State Highway Department for storm, water sewage into Elizabeth, Post .as Major John A. Davenport grant, in that i t . has been pointed various times. terday. Communication will be be­ afternoon at the Michael Akialls. Hillside applications for paving of liicb frequently backs up. and Post 1722, Veterans of Foreign Wars, out- th a t there is not at present The shooting will be done by of-l tween police headquarters and tliree Jr. Funeral Home in Newark. Burial Sweetland . avenue and an extension . cteatei a Bealfe^sraaejiifa ithe took- niaoe ■ Monday -nlgh t-at oare- .enough .water in the Tennessee Total Of $204 fleers in -the- -daytime. during the scout cars. - - - was in Rosehill Cemetery, Linden, of Ramsey avenue, Township Engi­ neigliborhood. H e sewer Was COJl- monies at PodshcAmerlcan Hail, Valley to fill the present dams, and week when the theatre-does not-have ^acUoally--_all -work of installa­ Laseck w.as born • in Lithuania 43 neer Henry Kreh, Jr. reported1 last stracted before Hliiside Itself be- Bloy street, wl© 600 persons a t­ •thathtlie building of another dam William H. Edwards, of 475 Hvu> motion .picture performances going tion has heen completed, the cars years ago, coming to this country night to the Township Committee, irne a tending. there a t present would appear futile. terdon • street, Newark, Tuesday on. Locai police at ope time par­ having been equipped1 first and work about' 30 years ago. He was in Kreh said Senator * Charles E. Kymond J. O'Neill, appearing in A new post flag was1 presented by This' organization heartily approves afternoon found it expensive to ticipated in a police league including done this week in headquarters. busiiiess in Newark before coming, Loizeaux had given him this in­ .btiiaM o£ residents of the street, Mrs; Mary Davenport, widow of -the adequate defense measures, but does operate a car after revocation of several county departments but Routine questionalres to qualify to Hillside. For the past yea: formation. ssid tbaf in cases 'of heavy storms past state commander, for her chil­ not approve, of spending taxpayers’ his license and <to leave the scene of dropped oijt due to the lack of avail­ members b| - the department. on had-been in ill health, inasmuch as the township has as water causes a backing up which dren, Joluj, .,18; Richard, 16, and. money to builcl _ political machines. an-accldent Sunday might. able facilities. ■" various phases of shoft wave radio Surv found- it necessary to And a new invokes the sanitory portion ot it, Robert 12. The blue flag hears the used in the coming . Presi­ Edwards, who gave two addresses, " The move Ja“ one of several de­ communication have been answered ■ Karklus La ck; a brother, outlet for, toe Ramsey avenue ex- endangering health ot children who new name .of the post and the V. dential election.” - • one a t 475 Hunterdon street, New­ signed . to add to, the capabilities of by officers during the week, and rence, Mass., tendon other than the original route might play, around' the street and F. W. emblem. ark, 'find another in New -York City, the members of the department, fingerprinting and photographing of a Weston, of into Irvington, it was Indicated quite otiier persons who might come In Mgfor Dave&p&rt*g b iw w , H ar­ was fined a total of $204 by Re­ along , witli the installation of police all men in the department, all re­ Bcottsville, Mich. possible that the improvement dose contact with it. He urged that old 'Davenport, of Dunelleh, in be­ corder Ellsworth J. Sterner. One radio,, which will bring about, the quired. by the Federal' Communica­ might be for both Sweetland and _ new storm sewer connection be half of five brothers and five sis­ Playground News fine of $100 plus $2 costs was for utmost efficiency in regular police tions Commission, has been carried Glenwood avenue rather than Sweet­ made with Hillside, stating that it ters, presented a large American flag being a second offender in leaving duties and any defence activities out; . Hillside must have its federal land and Ramsey avenues. Sweet-* MSafedthat the sewer in the. to tile post ' Conant Street the scene of an accident, find the which might arise. license to commence operation of Scouts Back land and Glenwood avenues are street caused the health hazard be­ Active p lay lm sTbeeri ctrastically the system recenUy'-pui'chased-lrom practically one street. Ramsey ave­ —Commander Walter ‘Howell, acted second for an equal amount was for nue is considered1 a major factor In cause ol the, heavy storms several ds” ss s ts r of ceremonies. Among extreme: -beat, driving while his license was fe the Link Radio Company of New imes a year. will© was ©e reasqn why all quiet YorS Hillside’s industrial growth-hut offi­ speakers were Mayor Hugo* S. Gen-* voked. From Camp cials indicated that if necessary a I Krek pointad»attUtba.L.t.tl)a.,rpif.s. eeir-Btate—Depaattaant-^Ocmmandev. games. Chinese .pheck/>ra pink up ^B olifift ml d. Edwards-h.ad„,a- Naw Collections Some rearrangement of wor [ton has been considered for several Peter L u tz o f Jersey Pity, Mrs. sticks, jsteto, parchesl and ©e like] York driver’s license, obtained from tears.He said' a connCoticp .into wsre in such demanci. Consequent- made, as in most cases two men will Twenty-six members of would be .preferred while negotia­ Josephine u-rinthal ot jersey “City, his New York address after the re­ tions- for the right of way for Ram­ wading terrace, a, deadrcnd street state auxiliary president; Past State ly ©e program had to.
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