AEMI JOURNAL • VOLUME 6/ 7 • 2008 2009 VOLUME AEMI JOURNAL • AEMIJOURNAL Volume 6/7 • 2008 • 2009 www.aemi.dk Association of European Migration Institutions AEMIJOURNAL Volume 6 • 2008 Special Issue on From Immigration to Integration: Documentation and Research in Europe Editor Hans Storhaug Association of European Migration Institutions www.aemi.dk AEMI Journal Editor: Hans Storhaug Editorial board: Brian Lambkin, Centre for Migration Studies at the Ulster- American Folk Park, Omagh Henning Bender, the Danish Emigrant Archives, Aalborg, Layout and design: Hans Storhaug The Association of European Migration Institutions - AEMI, founded in 1991, is a network of organisations in Europe concerned with the documentation, research and presentation of European migration. AEMI board: Brian Lambkin, Chairman Henning Bender, Secretary Hans Storhaug Olavi Koivukangas Silvia Martini Manuscripts and editorial correspondence regarding AEMI Journal should be sent by e-mail to [email protected]. Statements of facts or opinion in AEMI Journal are solely those of the authors and do not imply endorsement by the editors or publisher. Published in September 2009 © AEMI ISSN 1729-3561 AEMI - Secretariat, Arkivstraede 1, Box 1731, DK - 9100 Aalborg, Denmark Phone: + 45 99314230 Fax: + 45 98102248 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.aemi.dk Printed in Norway by Omega Trykk, Stavanger Contents 5 From the Editor 6 Protocol of the AEMI 2007 meeting in Turku, Finland 14 Chairman´s Report 2006 - 2007 20 Maria Beatriz Rocha-Trindade Integration Policies for Immigrants in Portugal 31 Elli Heikkilä and Maria Pikkarainen Internationalization of Population and Labour Force from the Present to the Future in Finland 46 Krister Björklund From Immigration to Integration: the Case of Japan 66 Maija Hinkle ‘Latvians Abroad’: A Planned Latvian Emigration Museum and Research Center 74 Maria Villares Varela The Study of Ethnic Entrepreneurship from a Perspective of Gender: An Analysis of the Motivations, Barriers and Impact on Immigrant Empowerment 95 Olavi Koivukangas Immigration in Europe: Good or Bad? 108 Benan Oregi and Joseba Arreguri The Basque Diaspora: One Step Forward 118 Hans Storhaug The Council of Europe Cultural Routes´Award to the European Route of Migration Heritage 122 Protocol of the AEMI 2008 meeting in Genoa, Italy 130 Chairman´s Report 2007 - 2008 136 Milan Mesic Intercultural Education for Multicultural Society 148 Marta Severo The International Networks of Migration Institutions: Promoting the Public Understanding of Migration 153 Noemi Ugolini and Chiara Cardogna Permanent Study Centre on Emigration-Museum of the Emigrant: The Memory Archive and the Migrants´Jobs. From the Editor I am happy finally to present another volume of the AEMI Journal. It should have been out for our annual meeting in Genoa, Italy, last year, but due to some sudden health problems, the publication was delayed. That is why this edition, as the last one, is a double volume presenting the most important papers from the 2007 meet- ing in Turku, but also a few from last year´s meeting in Genoa, Italy. It is a fact that I have not been successful in communicating to the host institu- tions of the annual conference, nor to the speakers, the importance of providing me with the papers presented at the meeting. I will therefor use this opportunity to remind you all that our policy still is to publish papers from all our meetings. To be able to do so, I strongly encourage future contributors to e-mail their papers to me directly, in due time, meaning no later than 31 December. My e-mail address is [email protected]. It is also my experience that our Journal has become an important tool not only for documentation and dissemination of international migration research, but also to communicate to our national authorities and over-national organisations like EU, the Council of Europe, UNESCO and International Organisation of Migra- tion (IOM), our mission of bridging research institutions, libraries, universities and museums worldwide dedicated to past, present and future migration. In this respect I believe a closer cooperation between AEMI and the International Network of Mi- gration Institutions, would be very beneficial. The complexity of immigration and integration in various countries in Europe - and Japan - is the main theme of this volume. But the Journal also focuses on digitization of archival material and celebrates the fact that the Council of Europe Cultural Routes finally recognised AEMI and migration heritage as a new European Cultural Route. It makes us also remember that intercultural education was high- lighted during 2008 - the Year of Intercultural Dialogue in Europe. Hans Storhaug, Editor Protocol of the Annual Meeting of the Association of European Migration Institutions 26 - 29 September, 2007 Turku, Finland Members of the Association of European Migration Institutions met for their annual meeting in Turku, Fin- land. Here their are gathered on the top of the roof of the host organization - the Finnish Migration Institute in Turku, Finland. Foto: H. Storhaug Thursday 26.09.07 man, Dr Brian Lambkin, thanked Pro- Conference members assembled at 9.00 fessor Koivukangas and his colleagues a.m. in the conference room of the Insti- for their kind welcome. He reminded tute of Migration in Turku, Finland and members that the Association had pre- were welcomed by the Director of the viously met in Turku in 1993 and that Institute, Professor Olavi Koivukangas. Olavi, who had played a key role in the On behalf of the Association, the Chair- foundation of the Association, had ex- ANNUAL AEMI MEETING TURKU, FINLAND 2007 7 pressed the wish that his Institute might Session 2: 13.15 - 15.00 host a further Annual Meeting before he Documentation: Emigrant Registers retired. Comparing briefly the situation Chair: Dr Director Brian Lambkin, of this year’s meeting on terra firma with Centre for Migration Studies at The that of the previous year on board the Ulster-American Folk Park, Omagh, Adriatic Paradise in the harbor of Trogir, Northern Ireland. Croatia, the Chairman drew attention ‘The Emigrant Register and Its Serv- to the appropriateness of the Finnish ices’, Genealogist Elisabeth Uschanov, Institute’s dockside location, opposite Institute of Migration, Turku, Finland. an old rope works. ‘Finnish overseas emigration through Professor Koivukangas then intro- Denmark’, Director Henning V. Bender, duced the theme of this year’s confer- The Danish Emigration Archives, Den- ence, ‘From Immigration to Integration: mark. Documentation and Research’ and in- Discussion vited the keynote speaker, Minister for Europe and Immigration, Astrid Thors, Afternoon to address the meeting. Ms Thors ex- The General Assembly of AEMI. The tended greetings of the Finnish govern- minutes of the meeting are given below. ment and proceeded to give an overview ‘Emigration in Port Bulletins from of current policy on immigration and 1904 and 1963, Silvia Martini, Interna- the historical background to it. tional Study Centre on Italian Emigra- The programme for the rest of the day tion, CISEI, Genoa, Italy. and for the rest of the meeting was as follows: Reception of the City of Turku at the City Hall. Session 1: 10.30 - 12.00 Documentation: Archives and Libraries Friday 28.9.2007 Chair: Professor Olavi Koivukangas, In- Session 3: 9.30 - 12. 30 stitute of Migration, Finland. Documentation: Emigrant museums. ‘Last Chance to Rescue Our History: Chair: Director Knut Djupedal, The Identifying, Acquiring and Preparing Norwegian Emigrant Museum, Nor- Basque Migration and Exile Archives for way. Public Domain Use’, Assistant Benan ‘Recent Developments of Migra- Oregi and Assistant Joseba Arregui, the tion Museums and Future Directions’, Basque Government for Relations with Coordinator Carine Rouah, Interna- Basque Diaspora, Spain. tional Network of Migration Museums, ‘Information Services of the Institute UNESCO, Paris, France. of Migration’, Information service man- ‘San Marino Memory Archive’, Di- ager Jouni Korkiasaari, Institute of Mi- rector Mrs. Noemi Ugolini and Assist- gration, Turku, Finland . ant Mrs. Chiara Cardogna, Permanent Discussion Study Centre on Emigration - Museum of the Emigrant, San Marino. ‘The Finnish Emigrant Museum’, 8 AEMI JOURNAL 2008–2009 Project Manager Tellervo Lahti, Finnish and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania’, Dr., Di- Emigrant Museum, Seinäjoki, Finland. rector Brian Lambkin, Centre for Mi- ‘BallinStadt – The New Emigration gration Studies at The Ulster-American Museum in Hamburg’, Mrs. Ursula Folk Park, Omagh, Northern Ireland. Wöst, BallinStadt Hamburg Emigration Museum, Germany. Session 5: 16.30 - 18.00 ‘Latvians in the World: A Planned Research: From immigration to integra- Latvian Emigration Museum and Re- tion cont. search Center’, Director Maija Hinkle, ‘How the New EU Member States Oral History Program at the American (CEECs) Cope with Immigration: Les- Latvian Association, USA. sons for Croatia’, Sociologist-Ph.D. ‘The Norwegian Emigrant Museum’, Candidate Snježana Gregurovic, Insti- Director Knut Djupedal, The Norwe- tute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, gian Emigrant Museum, Norway. Zagreb, Croatia. Discussion ‘The Study of Ethnic Entrepreneur- ship from a Perspective of Gender: An Session 4: 14.15 - 16.15 Analysis of the Motivations, Barriers Research: From immigration to integra- and Impact on Immigrant Empower- tion ment’, Ph.D. Student María Villares Chair Professor, Director Maria Beatriz Varela, Faculty of Sociology, University Rocha-Trindade,
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