MORAVIAN GEOGRAPHICAL REPORTS VOLUME 13 NUMBER ISSN 1210 - 8812 2 2005 Fig. 2: Categorization of industrial areas in the Ostrava region (Klusáček, Šotnar, 2004) Legend: 1 – Boundaries of the area under study; 2 – Boundaries of the municipal cadastral area; 3 – First–class road; 4 – Second–class road; 5 – Third–class road; 6 – Other roads; 7 – Railway; 8 – Watercourse; 9 – Water surface; 10 – Housing area; 11 – Service facilities; 12 – Other intravillan areas 13 – Other areas outside the intravillan Types of manufacturing sites and industrial areas: 14 – Production of coke and fuels (including extraction of raw materials); 15 – Engineering (including manufacture of vehicles); 16 – Metal working; 17 – Chemistry and rubber industries; 18 – Power engineering; 19 – Eletrotechnical industry; 20 – Timber processing and paper mills; 21 – Textiles and leather products; 22 – Food industry; 23 – Glass, ceramics and construction materials production; 24 – Other (not mentioned elsewhere); 25 – Industrial zones; 26 – Business premises; 27 – Agricultural areas; 28 – Transportation areas Illustration to P. Klusáček´s Paper Mine ČSM Karviná Corp. and area recultivation in the space of Karviná Louky. Landscape recultivation in the area of Karviná Doly (Space of the Church of St. Peter from Lakantgara). Photo O. Mikulík Photo O. Mikulík Nová Huť Corp. Garden colonies can be seen even in the immediate vicinity of coal mines. Photo O. Mikulík Photo O. Mikulík Vol. 3, 2/2005 MORAVIAN GEOGRAPHICAL REPORTS MORAVIAN GEOGRAPHICAL REPORTS EDITORIAL BOARD Articles Bryn GREER-WOOTTEN, York University, Toronto Fritz W. HOENSCH, Leipzig Andrzej T. JANKOWSKI, Silesian University, Sosnowiec Petr KLUSÁČEK Ivan KUPČÍK, University of Munich DOWNSIZING OF BITUMINOUS COAL MINING Henrik LIGMAJER, Göteborg AND THE RESTRUCTURING OF STEEL WORKS Petr MARTINEC, Institute of Geonics, Ostrava AND HEAVY MACHINE ENGINEERING IN THE OSTRAVA REGION .................................................... 3 Oldřich MIKULÍK, Institute of Geonics, Brno (Útlum těžby černého uhlí, restrukturalizace ocelářských výrob Jozef MLÁDEK, Comenius University, Bratislava a těžkého strojírenství na Ostravsku) Jan MUNZAR, Institute of Geonics, Brno Metka ŠPES, University of Ljubljana Milan TRIZNA, Comenius University, Bratislava Petr MARTINEC, Božena SCHEJBALOVÁ, Karel HORTVÍK, Pavel TRNKA, Mendel University, Brno Jiří MANÍČEK Antonín VAISHAR, Institute of Geonics, Brno THE EFFECTS OF COAL MINING ON THE LANDSCAPES Miroslav VYSOUDIL, Palacký University, Olomouc OF THE OSTRAVA REGION ................................................. 13 Arnošt WAHLA, University of Ostrava (Krajina Ostravska a její ovlivnění těžbou uhlí) Jana ZAPLETALOVÁ (editor-in chief), Institute of Geonics, Brno Stanislav ONDRÁČEK DOWNSIZING OF DEEP COAL MINING EDITORIAL STAFF IN THE OSTRAVA-KARVINÁ COALFIELD, Bohumil FRANTÁL, technical editor THE DRAINING OF MINE AND WASTE WATERS, Alžběta KLÍMOVÁ, executive editor AND WATER QUALITY IN WATERCOURSES ................... 27 Zdeněk NOVOTNÝ, technical arrangement (Útlum hlubinného hornictví v Ostravsko-karvinském revíru, Martina Z. SVOBODOVÁ, linguistic editor vypouštění důlních a odpadních vod a jakost vody ve vodních tocích) Two numbers per year PRICE Jan LACINA, Tomáš KOUTECKÝ BIOGEOGRAPHICAL AND GEOBIOCOENOLOGICAL 9 EUR (excluding VAT) ASPECTS OF DEEP COAL MINING per copy plus the postage AND ITS IMPACTS ON NATURE AND LANDSCAPE 18 EUR (excluding VAT) IN THE OSTRAVA REGION .................................................. 34 per volume (two numbers per year) (Biogeografické a geobiocenologické aspekty vlivů hlubinného hornictví na přírodu a krajinu Ostravska) PUBLISHER Czech Academy of Sciences Barbara VOJVODÍKOVÁ Institute of Geonics, Branch Brno COLLIERY BROWNFIELDS AND THE MASTER Drobného 28, CZ-602 00 Brno PLAN OF OSTRAVA ............................................................... 49 IČO: 68145535 (Colliery brownfields a územní plán města Ostravy) MAILING ADDRESS MGR, Institute of Geonics, ASCR István FODOR Drobného 28, 602 00 Brno DOWNSIZING OF MINING IN PÉCS .................................. 57 Czech Republic (Útlum těžební činnosti v Pécsi) (fax) 420 545 422 710 (e-mail) [email protected] (home page) http://www.geonika.cz Reports Brno, November 2005 Antonín VAISHAR GEOGRAPHY IN EUROPE OF REGIONS PRINT (THE 6TH Moravian Geographical CONFERENCE CONGEO ‘05) .......................................................................... 62 Ing. Jan Kunčík, Úvoz 82, 602 00 Brno (Geografie v Evropě regionů – © INSTITUTE OF GEONICS 2005 6. Moravská geografická konference CONGEO´05) ISSN 20-882 MORAVIAN GEOGRAPHICAL REPORTS 2/2005, Vol. 3 A Foreword by Editorial Board The period after 1990 can be characterized by changing economies and by the restructuring of industrial operations in the entire “eastern block” with the changes concerning particularly the areas with dominating heavy industries and coal mining. These industrial branches formed a specific demographic structure with an untypical development of seats while markedly reshaping the face of landscape and environment conditions. Industrial agglomerations have been paid attention by research teams of various professional orientation already for several decades. There are studies in which the geographers make among other things long-term assessments of the impact of economic activities on the landscape and environment. It is not only the Czech Republic that has to struggle with the problems of restructuring in Central Europe but also Poland (e.g. the Katowice region), the former German Democratic Republic (e.g. the Halle-Leipzig-Dresden region), Hungary (e.g. the coal mining area near Pécs), Slovakia, etc. In the Czech Republic, the region of Ostrava (Fig. 1) was one of areas in which industrialization (heavy industries, deep bituminous coal mining) severely changed the face of the landscape and deteriorated the environment. In 2004, a research project was accomplished within the ASCR Programme of targeted research and development “downsizing deep coal mining and its impacts on processes in lithosphere and environment”, and the ASCR Programme of Research Development in the key scientific areas “Impact of climatic and anthropogenic factors on live and inanimate environments” focused exactly on the Ostrava region. Results from research studies in the Ostrava region were summarized in final and partial reports and a set of maps was prepared that was published in the periodical Documenta Geonica 2004. This number of Moravian Geographical Reports is devoted to selected new pieces of knowledge from the research programmes on the transformation of the Ostrava landscape and environment after 1990. The studied territory was defined so that the belt of minefields would encircle the space which forms a certain transition zone between the area affected by the mining activities and the wider hinterland of the Ostrava agglomeration in which the adverse influence of economic activities on the landscape and environment is gradually fading. In order to compare the impacts of restructuring industries on the landscape and environment, the Editorial Board invited colleagues from other post-socialist countries to send results from similar studies. This number includes a contribution from Hungary concerning the situation in Pécs which is affected by coal mining activities in the nearby Mecsek Mts. Area under study 2 Vol. 3, 2/2005 MORAVIAN GEOGRAPHICAL REPORTS DOWNSIZING OF BITUMINOUS COAL MINING AND THE RESTRUCTURING OF STEEL WORKS AND HEAVY MACHINE ENGINEERING IN THE OSTRAVA REGION Petr KLUSÁČEK Abstract Relations between the downsizing of bituminous coal mining and the restructuring of steel works and heavy machine engineering in the Ostrava region in the period after 1989, are at issue in this paper. The complexity of the transitional processes is documented by the development of three major corporations in the region of interest: OKD, Corp. (Ostrava-Karviná Coal Mines), Vítkovice, Corp., and Mittal Steel Ostrava, Corp. (formerly Nová huť, Corp.). Attention is also paid to the impacts of transitional change, primarily with respect to the increased unemployment rate and the improvement in environmental conditions. The study is based not only on secondary sources but also on extensive detailed fieldwork data, obtained from the project of targeted research: “Downsizing deep coal mining and its impacts on processes in lithosphere and environment”. Shrnutí Útlum těžby černého uhlí, restrukturalizace ocelářských výrob a těžkého strojírenství na Ostravsku Příspěvek se zabývá problematikou útlumu těžby černého uhlí a restrukturalizací ocelářských výrob a těžkého strojírenství na Ostravsku v období po roce 1989, přičemž složitost celého procesu je dokumentována na transformačním vývoji tří největších společností zájmového území: Ostravsko-Karvinských dolů, a.s., Vítkovic, a.s. a Mittal Steel Ostrava a.s. (dříve Nová Huť, Corp.). Velká pozornost je současně zaměřena i na dopady transformačních změn, především na zvýšení míry nezaměstnanosti a na zlepšení stavu životního prostředí. Předkládaný článek se opírá nejen o studium literatury, ale i o detailní údaje z terénního výzkumu, který byl realizován v rámci práce na projektu „Vliv útlumu hlubinného hornictví na děje v litosféře a životní prostředí“. Keywords: Ostrava region, restructuring, steelmaking and heavy machine engineering, downsizing of coal mining, unemployment, labour productivity, environmental protection 1. Introduction – especially to regions with a high concentration of one- The
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